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Tutorial 9.4b - Split-plot and complex repeated measures ANOVA (Bayesian)

11 Mar 2015

If you are completely ontop of the conceptual issues pertaining to Nested ANOVA, and just need to use this tutorial in order to learn about Nested ANOVA in R, you are invited to skip down to the section on Nested ANOVA in R.


Split-plot designs (plots refer to agricultural field plots for which these designs were originally devised) extend unreplicated factorial (randomized complete block and simple repeated measures) designs by incorporating an additional factor whose levels are applied to entire blocks. Similarly, complex repeated measures designs are repeated measures designs in which there are different types of subjects. Split-plot and complex repeated measures designs are depicted diagrammatically in the following figure.

plot of chunk designSplitPlot
plot of chunk splitPlotDiagram1repeatedMeasures2

Consider the example of a randomized complete block presented at the start of Tutorial 9.3a. Blocks of four treatments (representing leaf packs subject to different aquatic taxa) were secured in numerous locations throughout a potentially heterogeneous stream. If some of those blocks had been placed in riffles, some in runs and some in pool habitats of the stream, the design becomes a split-plot design incorporating a between block factor (stream region: runs, riffles or pools) and a within block factor (leaf pack exposure type: microbial, macro invertebrate or vertebrate).

Furthermore, the design would enable us to investigate whether the roles that different organism scales play on the breakdown of leaf material in stream are consistent across each of the major regions of a stream (interaction between region and exposure type). Alternatively (or in addition), shading could be artificially applied to half of the blocks, thereby introducing a between block effect (whether the block is shaded or not).

Extending the repeated measures examples from Tutorial 9.3a, there might have been different populations (such as different species or histories) of rats or sharks. Any single subject (such as an individual shark or rat) can only be of one of the populations types and thus this additional factor represents a between subject effect.

Linear models

The linear models for three and four factor partly nested designs are:

One between ($\alpha$), one within ($\gamma$) block effect

$y_{ijkl}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_{j}+\gamma_k+\alpha\gamma_{ij}+\beta\gamma_{jk} + \varepsilon_{ijkl}\hspace{20em}\\$

Two between ($\alpha$, $\gamma$), one within ($\delta$) block effect

\begin{align*} y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\gamma_j+\alpha\gamma_{ij}+\beta_{k}+\delta_l+\alpha\delta_{il}+\gamma\delta_{jl} + \alpha\gamma\delta_{ijl}+\varepsilon_{ijklm}\hspace{5em} &\mathsf{(Model 2 - Additive)}\\ y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\gamma_j+\alpha\gamma_{ij}+\beta_{k}+\delta_l+\alpha\delta_{il}+\gamma\delta_{jl} +\alpha\gamma\delta_{ijl} + \\ &\beta\delta_{kl}+\beta\alpha\delta_{kil}+\beta\gamma\delta_{kjl}+\beta\alpha\gamma\delta_{kijl}+\varepsilon_{ijklm}\hspace{5em} &\mathsf{(Model 1 - Non-additive)} \end{align*}

One between ($\alpha$), two within ($\gamma$, $\delta$) block effects

\begin{align*} y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_{j}+\gamma_{k}+\delta_l+\gamma\delta_{kl}+\alpha\gamma_{ik}+\alpha\delta_{il}+\alpha\gamma\delta_{ikl}+\varepsilon_{ijk} \hspace{5em}&\mathsf{(Model 2- Additive)}\\ y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_{j}+\gamma_{k}+\beta\gamma_{jk}+\delta_l+\beta\delta_{jl}+\gamma\delta_{kl}+\beta\gamma\delta_{jkl}+\alpha\gamma_{ik}+\\ &\alpha\delta_{il}+\alpha\gamma\delta_{ikl}+\varepsilon_{ijk} &\mathsf{(Model 1 - Non-additive)} \end{align*} where $\mu$ is the overall mean, $\beta$ is the effect of the Blocking Factor B and $\varepsilon$ is the random unexplained or residual component.


As partly nested designs share elements in common with each of nested, factorial and unreplicated factorial designs, they also share similar assumptions and implications to these other designs. Readers should also consult the sections on assumptions in Tutorial 7.6a, Tutorial 9.2a and Tutorial 9.3a Specifically, hypothesis tests assume that:

  • the appropriate residuals are normally distributed. Boxplots using the appropriate scale of replication (reflecting the appropriate residuals/F-ratio denominator (see Tables above) be used to explore normality. Scale transformations are often useful.
  • the appropriate residuals are equally varied. Boxplots and plots of means against variance (using the appropriate scale of replication) should be used to explore the spread of values. Residual plots should reveal no patterns. Scale transformations are often useful.
  • the appropriate residuals are independent of one another. Critically, experimental units within blocks/subjects should be adequately spaced temporally and spatially to restrict contamination or carryover effects. Non-independence resulting from the hierarchical design should be accounted for.
  • that the variance/covariance matrix displays sphericity (strickly, the variance-covariance matrix must display a very specific pattern of sphericity in which both variances and covariances are equal (compound symmetry), however an F-ratio will still reliably follow an F distribution provided basic sphericity holds). This assumption is likely to be met only if the treatment levels within each block can be randomly ordered. This assumption can be managed by either adjusting the sensitivity of the affected F-ratios or employing linear mixed effects modelling to the design.
  • there are no block by within block interactions. Such interactions render non-significant within block effects difficult to interpret unless we assume that there are no block by within block interactions, non-significant within block effects could be due to either an absence of a treatment effect, or as a result of opposing effects within different blocks. As these block by within block interactions are unreplicated, they can neither be formally tested nor is it possible to perform main effects tests to diagnose non-significant within block effects.

Split-plot and complex repeated analysis in R

Split-plot design

Scenario and Data

Imagine we has designed an experiment in which we intend to measure a response ($y$) to one of treatments (three levels; 'a1', 'a2' and 'a3'). Unfortunately, the system that we intend to sample is spatially heterogeneous and thus will add a great deal of noise to the data that will make it difficult to detect a signal (impact of treatment).

Thus in an attempt to constrain this variability you decide to apply a design (RCB) in which each of the treatments within each of 35 blocks dispersed randomly throughout the landscape. As this section is mainly about the generation of artificial data (and not specifically about what to do with the data), understanding the actual details are optional and can be safely skipped. Consequently, I have folded (toggled) this section away.

Random data incorporating the following properties
  • the number of between block treatments (A) = 3
  • the number of blocks = 35
  • the number of within block treatments (C) = 3
  • the mean of the treatments = 40, 70 and 80 respectively
  • the variability (standard deviation) between blocks of the same treatment = 12
  • the variability (standard deviation) between treatments withing blocks = 5
nA <- 3
nC <- 3
nBlock <- 36
sigma <- 5
sigma.block <- 12
n <- nBlock*nC
Block <- gl(nBlock, k=1)
C <- gl(nC,k=1)

## Specify the cell means
## Convert these to effects
X <- model.matrix(~A*C,data=expand.grid(A=gl(3,k=1),C=gl(3,k=1)))
AC <- as.vector(AC.means)
AC.effects <- solve(X,AC)

A <- gl(nA,nBlock,n)
dt <- expand.grid(C=C,Block=Block)
dt <- data.frame(dt,A)

Xmat <- cbind(model.matrix(~-1+Block, data=dt),model.matrix(~A*C, data=dt))
block.effects <-  rnorm(n = nBlock, mean =0 , sd = sigma.block)
all.effects <- c(block.effects, AC.effects)
lin.pred <- Xmat %*% all.effects

## the quadrat observations (within sites) are drawn from
## normal distributions with means according to the site means
## and standard deviations of 5
y <- rnorm(n,lin.pred,sigma)
data.splt <- data.frame(y=y, A=A,dt)
head(data.splt)  #print out the first six rows of the data set
      y A C Block A.1
1 30.51 1 1     1   1
2 62.19 1 2     1   1
3 77.98 1 3     1   1
4 46.02 1 1     2   1
5 71.38 1 2     2   1
6 80.94 1 3     2   1
    1     2     3 
67.73 52.26 37.79 
    1     2     3 
37.57 55.33 64.87 
replications(y~A*C+Error(Block), data.splt)
  A   C A:C 
 36  36  12 
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y=y, x=C, linetype=A, group=A)) + geom_line(stat='summary', fun.y=mean)
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.1
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y=y, x=C,color=A)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Block)
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.1

Exploratory data analysis

Normality and Homogeneity of variance
# check between plot effects
boxplot(y~A, ddply(data.splt,~A+Block, summarise,y=mean(y)))
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.2
ggplot(ddply(data.splt,~A+Block, summarise,y=mean(y)), aes(y=y, x=A)) + geom_boxplot()
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.2
# check within plot effects
boxplot(y~A*C, data.splt)
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.2
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y=y, x=C, fill=A)) + geom_boxplot()
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.2


  • there is no evidence that the response variable is consistently non-normal across all populations - each boxplot is approximately symmetrical
  • there is no evidence that variance (as estimated by the height of the boxplots) differs between the five populations. . More importantly, there is no evidence of a relationship between mean and variance - the height of boxplots does not increase with increasing position along the y-axis. Hence it there is no evidence of non-homogeneity
Obvious violations could be addressed either by:
  • transform the scale of the response variables (to address normality etc). Note transformations should be applied to the entire response variable (not just those populations that are skewed).

Block by within-Block interaction
with(data.splt, interaction.plot(C,Block,y))
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.3
#OR with ggplot
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y=y, x=C, group=Block,color=Block)) + geom_line() +
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.3
residualPlots(lm(y~Block+A*C, data.splt))
plot of chunk tut9.4bS1.4
           Test stat Pr(>|t|)
Block             NA       NA
A                 NA       NA
C                 NA       NA
Tukey test     1.539    0.124
# the Tukey's non-additivity test by itself can be obtained via an internal function
# within the car package
car:::tukeyNonaddTest(lm(y~Block+A*C, data.splt))
  Test Pvalue 
1.5394 0.1237 


  • there is no visual or inferential evidence of any major interactions between Block and the within-Block effect (C). Any trends appear to be reasonably consistent between Blocks.

Worked Examples

Split-plot ANOVA (Mixed effects) references
  • McCarthy (2007) - Chpt ?
  • Kery (2010) - Chpt ?
  • Gelman & Hill (2007) - Chpt ?
  • Logan (2010) - Chpt 13
  • Quinn & Keough (2002) - Chpt 10



In an attempt to understand the effects on marine animals of short-term exposure to toxic substances, such as might occur following a spill, or a major increase in storm water flows, a it was decided to examine the toxicant in question, Copper, as part of a field experiment in Honk Kong. The experiment consisted of small sources of Cu (small, hemispherical plaster blocks, impregnated with copper), which released the metal into sea water over 4 or 5 days. The organism whose response to Cu was being measured was a small, polychaete worm, Hydroides, that attaches to hard surfaces in the sea, and is one of the first species to colonize any surface that is submerged. The biological questions focused on whether the timing of exposure to Cu affects the overall abundance of these worms. The time period of interest was the first or second week after a surface being available.

The experimental setup consisted of sheets of black perspex (settlement plates), which provided good surfaces for these worms. Each plate had a plaster block bolted to its centre, and the dissolving block would create a gradient of [Cu] across the plate. Over the two weeks of the experiment, a given plate would have pl ain plaster blocks (Control) or a block containing copper in the first week, followed by a plain block, or a plain block in the first week, followed by a dose of copper in the second week. After two weeks in the water, plates were removed and counted back in the laboratory. Without a clear idea of how sensitive these worms are to copper, an effect of the treatments might show up as an overall difference in the density of worms across a plate, or it could show up as a gradient in abundance across the plate, with a different gradient in different treatments. Therefore, on each plate, the density of worms (#/cm2) was recorded at each of four distances from the center of the plate.

Download Copper data set
Format of copper.csv data file

COPPERCategorical listing of the copper treatment (control = no copper applied, week 2 = copper treatment applied in second week and week 1= copper treatment applied in first week) applied to whole plates. Factor A (between plot factor).
PLATESubstrate provided for polychaete worm colonization on which copper treatment applied. These are the plots (Factor B). Numbers in this column represent numerical labels given to each plate.
DISTCategorical listing for the four concentric distances from the center of the plate (source of copper treatment) with 1 being the closest and 4 the furthest. Factor C (within plot factor)
WORMSDensity (#/cm2) of worms measured. Response variable.

Open the Copper data set
Show code
copper <- read.table('../downloads/data/copper.csv', header=T, sep=',', strip.white=T)
1 control   200    4 11.50
2 control   200    3 13.00
3 control   200    2 13.50
4 control   200    1 12.00
5 control    39    4 17.75
6 control    39    3 13.75

The Plates are the "random" groups. Within each Plate, all levels of the Distance factor occur (this is a within group factor). Each Plate can only be of one of the three levels of the Copper treatment. This is therefore a within group (nested) factor. Traditionally, this mixture of nested and randomized block design would be called a partly nested or split-plot design.

In Bayesian (multilevel modeling) terms, this is a multi-level model with one hierarchical level the Plates means and another representing the Copper treatment means (based on the Plate means).

Exploratory data analysis has indicated that the response variable could be normalized via a forth-root transformation.

  1. Fit a model for Randomized Complete Block
    • Effects parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      number of lesionsi = βSite j(i) + εi where ε ∼ N(0,σ2)
      treating Distance as a factor
      View full code
      ## write the model to a text file (I suggest you alter the path to somewhere more relevant
      ## to your system!)
      #sort the data set so that the copper treatments are in a more logical order
      copper.sort <- copper[order(copper$COPPER),]
      copper.sort$COPPER <- factor(copper.sort$COPPER, levels = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"))
      copper.sort$PLATE <- factor(copper.sort$PLATE, levels=unique(copper.sort$PLATE))
      cu <- with(copper.sort,COPPER[match(unique(PLATE),PLATE)])
      cu <- factor(cu, levels=c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"))
      copper.list <- with(copper.sort,
      params <- c("g0","gamma.copper",
      adaptSteps = 1000
      burnInSteps = 2000
      nChains = 3
      numSavedSteps = 5000
      thinSteps = 10
      nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
      copper.r2jags.a <- jags(data=copper.list,
                                       inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
      Compiling model graph
         Resolving undeclared variables
         Allocating nodes
         Graph Size: 458
      Initializing model
      Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.9bQ2.1a.txt", fit using jags,
       3 chains, each with 16667 iterations (first 2000 discarded), n.thin = 10
       n.sims = 4401 iterations saved
                            mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
      Copper.means[1]        10.861   0.700   9.484  10.400  10.865  11.324  12.218 1.001  4400
      Copper.means[2]         6.950   0.681   5.577   6.503   6.955   7.412   8.274 1.002  1300
      Copper.means[3]         0.505   0.679  -0.814   0.044   0.499   0.932   1.879 1.003   950
      CopperDist.means[1,1]  10.861   0.700   9.484  10.400  10.865  11.324  12.218 1.001  4400
      CopperDist.means[2,1]   6.950   0.681   5.577   6.503   6.955   7.412   8.274 1.002  1300
      CopperDist.means[3,1]   0.505   0.679  -0.814   0.044   0.499   0.932   1.879 1.003   950
      CopperDist.means[1,2]  11.998   0.679  10.629  11.525  12.022  12.460  13.254 1.001  4400
      CopperDist.means[2,2]   8.400   0.675   7.079   7.957   8.391   8.837   9.736 1.001  4400
      CopperDist.means[3,2]   1.570   0.695   0.242   1.113   1.558   2.028   2.985 1.001  4400
      CopperDist.means[1,3]  12.437   0.622  11.171  12.034  12.459  12.840  13.643 1.001  4400
      CopperDist.means[2,3]   8.592   0.685   7.232   8.145   8.597   9.050   9.912 1.001  4400
      CopperDist.means[3,3]   3.956   0.679   2.612   3.498   3.955   4.392   5.307 1.001  3300
      CopperDist.means[1,4]  13.502   0.713  12.117  13.032  13.493  13.969  14.918 1.001  4000
      CopperDist.means[2,4]  10.075   0.670   8.766   9.634  10.077  10.515  11.419 1.001  4200
      CopperDist.means[3,4]   7.549   0.721   6.113   7.080   7.564   8.032   8.936 1.001  4400
      Dist.means[1]           6.111   0.361   5.428   5.865   6.106   6.350   6.857 1.001  4400
      Dist.means[2]           7.248   0.786   5.667   6.739   7.271   7.770   8.792 1.001  4400
      Dist.means[3]           7.687   0.747   6.211   7.201   7.680   8.168   9.159 1.001  4400
      Dist.means[4]           8.752   0.820   7.178   8.192   8.748   9.289  10.409 1.001  4400
      beta.CopperDist[1,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.CopperDist[2,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.CopperDist[3,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.CopperDist[1,2]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.CopperDist[2,2]    0.313   1.222  -2.093  -0.487   0.307   1.132   2.704 1.001  4400
      beta.CopperDist[3,2]   -0.073   1.172  -2.417  -0.855  -0.068   0.711   2.250 1.002  1400
      beta.CopperDist[1,3]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.CopperDist[2,3]    0.067   1.182  -2.269  -0.740   0.064   0.869   2.391 1.001  4200
      beta.CopperDist[3,3]    1.875   1.175  -0.530   1.109   1.912   2.653   4.163 1.002  1300
      beta.CopperDist[1,4]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.CopperDist[2,4]    0.485   1.194  -1.873  -0.302   0.475   1.284   2.828 1.001  3300
      beta.CopperDist[3,4]    4.403   1.306   1.780   3.541   4.419   5.300   6.858 1.001  3100
      beta.dist[1]            0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.dist[2]            1.137   0.873  -0.629   0.579   1.150   1.721   2.812 1.001  4400
      beta.dist[3]            1.576   0.836  -0.098   1.032   1.576   2.129   3.218 1.001  4400
      beta.dist[4]            2.641   0.909   0.860   2.023   2.637   3.257   4.413 1.001  4400
      beta.plate[1]          10.979   0.751   9.531  10.484  10.985  11.458  12.436 1.001  4400
      beta.plate[2]          11.649   0.870  10.011  11.049  11.613  12.242  13.386 1.001  4400
      beta.plate[3]          10.456   0.783   8.946   9.933  10.452  10.977  12.008 1.002  2000
      beta.plate[4]          10.526   0.766   9.003  10.008  10.519  11.048  12.031 1.001  4400
      beta.plate[5]          10.744   0.742   9.311  10.241  10.761  11.219  12.194 1.001  4400
      beta.plate[6]           6.855   0.712   5.401   6.394   6.861   7.343   8.209 1.001  4000
      beta.plate[7]           6.493   0.758   4.909   6.007   6.521   6.997   7.914 1.004   650
      beta.plate[8]           7.240   0.740   5.772   6.726   7.234   7.735   8.730 1.001  3600
      beta.plate[9]           7.099   0.727   5.673   6.597   7.095   7.596   8.495 1.004   920
      beta.plate[10]          7.113   0.727   5.692   6.614   7.102   7.597   8.608 1.003  1200
      beta.plate[11]          0.420   0.731  -1.008  -0.063   0.424   0.906   1.850 1.003   730
      beta.plate[12]          0.366   0.732  -1.089  -0.107   0.360   0.840   1.846 1.002  2200
      beta.plate[13]          0.374   0.729  -1.010  -0.129   0.367   0.875   1.777 1.002  1500
      beta.plate[14]          0.710   0.734  -0.714   0.204   0.702   1.195   2.181 1.002  1700
      beta.plate[15]          0.642   0.721  -0.763   0.152   0.640   1.104   2.070 1.003   770
      g0                     10.861   0.700   9.484  10.400  10.865  11.324  12.218 1.001  4400
      gamma.copper[1]         0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      gamma.copper[2]        -3.912   0.974  -5.788  -4.560  -3.899  -3.290  -1.996 1.001  2800
      gamma.copper[3]       -10.356   0.962 -12.228 -11.004 -10.365  -9.711  -8.461 1.002  1500
      sd.Copper               5.252   0.478   4.326   4.931   5.255   5.575   6.184 1.002  1400
      sd.CopperDist           1.484   0.344   0.806   1.248   1.488   1.714   2.171 1.002  1500
      sd.Dist                 1.195   0.361   0.493   0.947   1.192   1.436   1.911 1.001  4400
      sd.Plate                0.530   0.275   0.037   0.328   0.544   0.724   1.048 1.017   410
      sd.Resid                4.304   0.000   4.304   4.304   4.304   4.304   4.304 1.000     1
      sigma.copper           29.938  25.719   2.990   8.769  20.985  45.325  91.652 1.002  1300
      sigma.copperdist        2.623   1.488   0.940   1.690   2.265   3.103   6.467 1.002  2000
      sigma.dist              3.399   5.563   0.142   0.855   1.644   3.502  18.960 1.002  1800
      sigma.plate             0.581   0.331   0.038   0.340   0.561   0.790   1.296 1.016   400
      sigma.res               1.403   0.168   1.122   1.284   1.391   1.504   1.769 1.001  4400
      deviance              208.941   8.827 193.172 202.427 208.707 214.673 226.700 1.001  4400
      For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
      DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
      pD = 39.0 and DIC = 247.9
      DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      number of lesionsi = βSite j(i) + εi where ε ∼ N(0,σ2)
      treating Distance as a factor
      View full code
      model {
         for (i in 1:n) {
            mu[i] <- inprod(beta[],X[i,]) + inprod(gamma[],Z[i,])
            y.err[i] <- y[i] - mu[1]
         #Priors and derivatives
         for (i in 1:nZ) {
            gamma[i] ~ dnorm(0,tau.plate)
         for (i in 1:nX) {
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-06)
         tau.res <- pow(sigma.res,-2)
         sigma.res <- z/sqrt(chSq)
         z ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
         chSq ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
         tau.plate <- pow(sigma.plate,-2)
         sigma.plate <- z.plate/sqrt(chSq.plate)
         z.plate ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
         chSq.plate ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
      ## write the model to a text file (I suggest you alter the path to somewhere more relevant
      ## to your system!)
      #sort the data set so that the copper treatments are in a more logical order
      copper$DIST <- factor(copper$DIST)
      copper$PLATE <- factor(copper$PLATE)
      copper.sort <- arrange(copper,COPPER,PLATE,DIST)
      Xmat <- model.matrix(~COPPER*DIST, data=copper.sort)
      Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+PLATE, data=copper.sort)
      copper.list <- list(y=copper.sort$WORMS,
                     X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                                 Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
      params <- c("beta","gamma",
      burnInSteps = 3000
      nChains = 3
      numSavedSteps = 3000
      thinSteps = 100
      nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
      copper.r2jags.b <- jags(data=copper.list,
                                       inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
      Compiling model graph
         Resolving undeclared variables
         Allocating nodes
         Graph Size: 1971
      Initializing model
      Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ2.1b.txt", fit using jags,
       3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
       n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
                  mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
      beta[1]      10.846   0.692   9.516  10.383  10.838  11.308  12.181 1.001  2900
      beta[2]      -3.601   0.985  -5.536  -4.261  -3.594  -2.942  -1.706 1.001  2900
      beta[3]     -10.585   0.986 -12.566 -11.223 -10.576  -9.937  -8.681 1.001  2900
      beta[4]       1.157   0.894  -0.638   0.559   1.140   1.770   2.866 1.001  2100
      beta[5]       1.564   0.907  -0.215   0.958   1.568   2.165   3.374 1.001  2900
      beta[6]       2.718   0.886   1.001   2.156   2.705   3.308   4.513 1.001  2900
      beta[7]      -0.051   1.279  -2.460  -0.953  -0.053   0.802   2.504 1.001  2200
      beta[8]       0.038   1.270  -2.333  -0.816   0.042   0.860   2.573 1.001  2900
      beta[9]      -0.310   1.276  -2.806  -1.189  -0.295   0.534   2.177 1.001  2900
      beta[10]      2.189   1.255  -0.281   1.353   2.210   3.025   4.629 1.001  2900
      beta[11]      0.029   1.256  -2.408  -0.799   0.026   0.874   2.522 1.000  2900
      beta[12]      4.870   1.248   2.432   4.031   4.879   5.668   7.329 1.001  2900
      gamma[1]      0.148   0.492  -0.782  -0.119   0.083   0.406   1.257 1.001  2900
      gamma[2]     -0.128   0.484  -1.186  -0.396  -0.081   0.140   0.814 1.001  2900
      gamma[3]      0.293   0.525  -0.653  -0.031   0.210   0.581   1.490 1.001  2900
      gamma[4]     -0.409   0.546  -1.637  -0.721  -0.312  -0.017   0.462 1.001  2900
      gamma[5]     -0.357   0.525  -1.576  -0.664  -0.264   0.001   0.502 1.000  2900
      gamma[6]      0.757   0.661  -0.176   0.224   0.682   1.152   2.271 1.002  1700
      gamma[7]     -0.140   0.474  -1.165  -0.412  -0.074   0.117   0.770 1.001  2900
      gamma[8]     -0.454   0.547  -1.682  -0.808  -0.374  -0.047   0.435 1.001  2900
      gamma[9]      0.123   0.492  -0.824  -0.150   0.067   0.393   1.173 1.001  2900
      gamma[10]    -0.102   0.500  -1.166  -0.369  -0.058   0.173   0.866 1.001  2900
      gamma[11]    -0.130   0.466  -1.138  -0.391  -0.069   0.129   0.772 1.001  2200
      gamma[12]     0.212   0.497  -0.689  -0.079   0.140   0.499   1.314 1.001  2900
      gamma[13]     0.146   0.504  -0.843  -0.126   0.087   0.413   1.248 1.001  2100
      gamma[14]     0.121   0.477  -0.806  -0.148   0.078   0.370   1.169 1.001  2400
      gamma[15]    -0.089   0.472  -1.141  -0.340  -0.053   0.173   0.846 1.001  2900
      sigma.plate   0.581   0.327   0.043   0.351   0.564   0.776   1.288 1.010  1700
      sigma.res     1.401   0.168   1.116   1.281   1.391   1.505   1.769 1.002  1600
      deviance    208.982   8.615 193.148 202.766 208.815 214.662 226.352 1.003   870
      For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
      DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
      pD = 37.0 and DIC = 246.0
      DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
      copper.mcmc.b <- as.mcmc(copper.r2jags.b$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)
      We can perform generate the finite-population standard deviation posteriors within R
      View full code
      copper.sort <- arrange(copper,COPPER,PLATE,DIST)
      nms <- colnames(copper.mcmc.b)
      pred <- grep('beta|gamma',nms)
      coefs <- copper.mcmc.b[,pred]
      newdata <- copper.sort  #unique(subset(copper, select=c('COPPER','DIST','PLATE')))
      Amat <- cbind(model.matrix(~COPPER*DIST, newdata),model.matrix(~-1+PLATE, newdata))
      pred <- coefs %*% t(Amat)
      y.err <- t(copper.sort$WORMS - t(pred))
      a<-apply(y.err, 1,sd)
      resid.sd <- data.frame(Source='Resid',Median=median(a), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a), p=0.68))
      ## Fixed effects
      nms <- colnames(copper.mcmc.b)
      copper.mcmc.b.beta <- copper.mcmc.b[,grep('beta',nms)]
      assign <- attr(Xmat, 'assign')
      nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~COPPER*DIST, copper.sort)),'term.labels')
      fixed.sd <- NULL
      for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
         w <- which(i==assign)
         fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, apply(copper.mcmc.b.beta[,w],1,sd))
      fixed.sd <-adply(fixed.sd,2,function(x) {
         data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
      fixed.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, fixed.sd)
      # Variances
      nms <- colnames(copper.mcmc.b)
      copper.mcmc.b.gamma <- copper.mcmc.b[,grep('gamma',nms)]
      assign <- attr(Zmat, 'assign')
      nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~-1+PLATE, copper.sort)),'term.labels')
      random.sd <- NULL
      for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
         w <- which(i==assign)
         random.sd<-cbind(random.sd, apply(copper.mcmc.b.gamma[,w],1,sd))
      random.sd <-adply(random.sd,2,function(x) {
         data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
      random.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, random.sd)
      (copper.sd <- rbind(subset(fixed.sd, select=-X1), subset(random.sd, select=-X1), resid.sd))
                Source Median     lower  upper lower.1 upper.1
      1         COPPER 4.9456 3.555e+00 6.2986  4.2362  5.5965
      2           DIST 0.9359 1.692e-01 1.6999  0.5042  1.2939
      3    COPPER:DIST 2.2144 1.300e+00 3.0873  1.7050  2.6000
      4          PLATE 0.5280 7.412e-05 0.9636  0.2703  0.8234
      var1       Resid 1.3666 1.183e+00 1.5514  1.2620  1.4506
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (STAN)
      View full code
         int n;
         int nZ;
         int nX;
         vector [n] y;
         matrix [n,nX] X;
         matrix [n,nZ] Z;
         vector [nX] a0;
         matrix [nX,nX] A0;
        vector [nX] beta;
        real<lower=0> sigma;
        vector [nZ] gamma;
        real<lower=0> sigma_Z;
      transformed parameters {
         vector [n] mu;
         mu <- X*beta + Z*gamma; 
          // Priors
          beta ~ multi_normal(a0,A0);
          gamma ~ normal( 0 , sigma_Z );
          sigma_Z ~ cauchy(0,25);
          sigma ~ cauchy(0,25);
          y ~ normal( mu , sigma );
      generated quantities {
          vector [n] y_err;
          real<lower=0> sd_Resid;
          y_err <- y - mu;
          sd_Resid <- sd(y_err);
      #sort the data set so that the copper treatments are in a more logical order
      copper$DIST <- factor(copper$DIST)
      copper$PLATE <- factor(copper$PLATE)
      copper.sort <- arrange(copper,COPPER,PLATE,DIST)
      Xmat <- model.matrix(~COPPER*DIST, data=copper.sort)
      Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+PLATE, data=copper.sort)
      copper.list <- list(y=copper.sort$WORMS,
                     X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                                 Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
                                 a0=rep(0,ncol(Xmat)), A0=diag(100000,ncol(Xmat))
      params <- c("beta","gamma",
      burnInSteps = 3000
      nChains = 3
      numSavedSteps = 3000
      thinSteps = 100
      nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
      copper.rstan.a <- stan(data=copper.list,
      SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 1).
      Iteration:     1 / 100000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration:  3001 / 100000 [  3%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 13000 / 100000 [ 13%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 23000 / 100000 [ 23%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 33000 / 100000 [ 33%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 43000 / 100000 [ 43%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 53000 / 100000 [ 53%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 63000 / 100000 [ 63%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 73000 / 100000 [ 73%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 83000 / 100000 [ 83%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 93000 / 100000 [ 93%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 100000 / 100000 [100%]  (Sampling)
      #  Elapsed Time: 1.83 seconds (Warm-up)
      #                63.65 seconds (Sampling)
      #                65.48 seconds (Total)
      SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 2).
      Iteration:     1 / 100000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration:  3001 / 100000 [  3%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 13000 / 100000 [ 13%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 23000 / 100000 [ 23%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 33000 / 100000 [ 33%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 43000 / 100000 [ 43%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 53000 / 100000 [ 53%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 63000 / 100000 [ 63%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 73000 / 100000 [ 73%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 83000 / 100000 [ 83%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 93000 / 100000 [ 93%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 100000 / 100000 [100%]  (Sampling)
      #  Elapsed Time: 1.77 seconds (Warm-up)
      #                63.54 seconds (Sampling)
      #                65.31 seconds (Total)
      SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 3).
      Iteration:     1 / 100000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration:  3001 / 100000 [  3%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 13000 / 100000 [ 13%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 23000 / 100000 [ 23%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 33000 / 100000 [ 33%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 43000 / 100000 [ 43%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 53000 / 100000 [ 53%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 63000 / 100000 [ 63%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 73000 / 100000 [ 73%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 83000 / 100000 [ 83%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 93000 / 100000 [ 93%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 100000 / 100000 [100%]  (Sampling)
      #  Elapsed Time: 1.86 seconds (Warm-up)
      #                60.9 seconds (Sampling)
      #                62.76 seconds (Total)
      Inference for Stan model: rstanString.
      3 chains, each with iter=1e+05; warmup=3000; thin=100; 
      post-warmup draws per chain=970, total post-warmup draws=2910.
                  mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
      beta[1]    10.85    0.01 0.70   9.49  10.36  10.85  11.32  12.18  2856    1
      beta[2]    -3.60    0.02 0.97  -5.49  -4.25  -3.61  -2.95  -1.71  2910    1
      beta[3]   -10.59    0.02 0.98 -12.51 -11.27 -10.60  -9.95  -8.61  2768    1
      beta[4]     1.14    0.02 0.88  -0.62   0.57   1.15   1.74   2.83  2795    1
      beta[5]     1.55    0.02 0.89  -0.27   0.97   1.55   2.16   3.30  2891    1
      beta[6]     2.68    0.02 0.90   0.93   2.09   2.66   3.29   4.43  2910    1
      beta[7]    -0.01    0.02 1.23  -2.40  -0.82  -0.03   0.78   2.48  2767    1
      beta[8]     0.06    0.02 1.27  -2.48  -0.76   0.08   0.88   2.56  2808    1
      beta[9]    -0.28    0.02 1.25  -2.75  -1.10  -0.29   0.53   2.18  2910    1
      beta[10]    2.19    0.02 1.25  -0.27   1.34   2.19   3.01   4.69  2910    1
      beta[11]    0.08    0.02 1.26  -2.37  -0.75   0.07   0.92   2.59  2698    1
      beta[12]    4.91    0.02 1.26   2.37   4.06   4.94   5.76   7.36  2910    1
      gamma[1]    0.16    0.01 0.50  -0.82  -0.13   0.10   0.43   1.26  2910    1
      gamma[2]   -0.14    0.01 0.48  -1.16  -0.41  -0.11   0.13   0.83  2723    1
      gamma[3]    0.27    0.01 0.52  -0.69  -0.04   0.21   0.55   1.47  2684    1
      gamma[4]   -0.43    0.01 0.57  -1.72  -0.76  -0.33  -0.03   0.50  2910    1
      gamma[5]   -0.36    0.01 0.52  -1.55  -0.67  -0.28  -0.01   0.57  2910    1
      gamma[6]    0.80    0.01 0.67  -0.20   0.24   0.73   1.24   2.23  2910    1
      gamma[7]   -0.15    0.01 0.50  -1.24  -0.43  -0.11   0.13   0.78  2910    1
      gamma[8]   -0.50    0.01 0.57  -1.79  -0.86  -0.39  -0.08   0.38  2885    1
      gamma[9]    0.15    0.01 0.49  -0.79  -0.13   0.09   0.42   1.23  2620    1
      gamma[10]  -0.10    0.01 0.49  -1.17  -0.36  -0.06   0.18   0.84  2729    1
      gamma[11]  -0.10    0.01 0.49  -1.14  -0.38  -0.07   0.15   0.89  2574    1
      gamma[12]   0.23    0.01 0.51  -0.71  -0.07   0.16   0.50   1.35  2910    1
      gamma[13]   0.14    0.01 0.49  -0.85  -0.15   0.09   0.40   1.24  2910    1
      gamma[14]   0.12    0.01 0.49  -0.84  -0.17   0.07   0.38   1.24  2854    1
      gamma[15]  -0.08    0.01 0.49  -1.17  -0.34  -0.05   0.20   0.90  2910    1
      sigma       1.40    0.00 0.16   1.13   1.29   1.39   1.50   1.75  2910    1
      sigma_Z     0.60    0.01 0.33   0.08   0.35   0.58   0.80   1.34  2690    1
      lp__      -46.06    0.16 8.36 -60.39 -51.52 -47.16 -41.89 -24.81  2694    1
      Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Mar 10 11:00:50 2015.
      For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
      convergence, Rhat=1).
      copper.mcmc.c <- rstan:::as.mcmc.list.stanfit(copper.rstan.a)
      copper.mcmc.df.c <- as.data.frame(extract(copper.rstan.a))
  2. Before fully exploring the parameters, it is prudent to examine the convergence and mixing diagnostics. Chose either any of the parameterizations (they should yield much the same) - although it is sometimes useful to explore the different performances of effects vs matrix and JAGS vs STAN.
    • Effects parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      Full effects parameterization JAGS code
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
      plot of chunk Q2-3a
              beta.CopperDist[1,1] beta.CopperDist[1,2] beta.CopperDist[1,3] beta.CopperDist[1,4]
      Lag 0                    NaN                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN
      Lag 10                   NaN                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN
      Lag 50                   NaN                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN
      Lag 100                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN
      Lag 500                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN
              beta.CopperDist[2,1] beta.CopperDist[2,2] beta.CopperDist[2,3] beta.CopperDist[2,4]
      Lag 0                    NaN              1.00000             1.000000             1.000000
      Lag 10                   NaN              0.24469             0.222054             0.216291
      Lag 50                   NaN              0.05921             0.026555             0.045072
      Lag 100                  NaN             -0.01081            -0.015542            -0.002378
      Lag 500                  NaN             -0.00350             0.008972            -0.006634
              beta.CopperDist[3,1] beta.CopperDist[3,2] beta.CopperDist[3,3] beta.CopperDist[3,4]
      Lag 0                    NaN             1.000000              1.00000              1.00000
      Lag 10                   NaN             0.199025              0.23088              0.25306
      Lag 50                   NaN             0.022958              0.02120              0.05067
      Lag 100                  NaN             0.002325             -0.01310              0.02437
      Lag 500                  NaN            -0.005242              0.01034              0.01639
              beta.dist[1] beta.dist[2] beta.dist[3] beta.dist[4] beta.plate[1] beta.plate[10]
      Lag 0            NaN     1.000000     1.000000      1.00000      1.000000        1.00000
      Lag 10           NaN     0.255021     0.251556      0.25802      0.287195        0.24511
      Lag 50           NaN     0.044918     0.018411      0.05042      0.038350        0.03342
      Lag 100          NaN     0.008341     0.009182      0.01449      0.004314        0.00491
      Lag 500          NaN     0.004807     0.014703      0.00654      0.035690       -0.01577
              beta.plate[11] beta.plate[12] beta.plate[13] beta.plate[14] beta.plate[15] beta.plate[2]
      Lag 0          1.00000       1.000000       1.000000       1.000000       1.000000      1.000000
      Lag 10         0.25928       0.272842       0.264036       0.242892       0.258362      0.336103
      Lag 50         0.06804       0.048872       0.047263       0.035472       0.025496      0.094944
      Lag 100        0.02166      -0.007681       0.009033       0.016035       0.004158      0.006325
      Lag 500       -0.02016      -0.006645      -0.008072      -0.003751      -0.034610     -0.002989
              beta.plate[3] beta.plate[4] beta.plate[5] beta.plate[6] beta.plate[7] beta.plate[8]
      Lag 0         1.00000       1.00000      1.000000       1.00000       1.00000       1.00000
      Lag 10        0.34339       0.33588      0.313348       0.23865       0.23797       0.27105
      Lag 50        0.07035       0.07668      0.069223       0.02876       0.04548       0.04627
      Lag 100       0.01688       0.01193      0.016767      -0.03244      -0.01375       0.01656
      Lag 500       0.02176       0.02292     -0.007219       0.01029      -0.01057      -0.01247
              beta.plate[9] CopperDist.means[1,1] CopperDist.means[1,2] CopperDist.means[1,3]
      Lag 0       1.0000000               1.00000              1.000000              1.000000
      Lag 10      0.2226726               0.36190              0.054758              0.006662
      Lag 50      0.0375715               0.06615              0.009547             -0.025679
      Lag 100    -0.0016491               0.01054              0.001145              0.023196
      Lag 500    -0.0008145               0.02561              0.019253              0.021300
              CopperDist.means[1,4] CopperDist.means[2,1] CopperDist.means[2,2] CopperDist.means[2,3]
      Lag 0                 1.00000              1.000000               1.00000              1.000000
      Lag 10                0.05168              0.261546               0.01592             -0.026233
      Lag 50                0.01046              0.053092               0.01705             -0.008165
      Lag 100               0.01829              0.005019              -0.03090             -0.017731
      Lag 500               0.01233             -0.008514              -0.01730             -0.011690
              CopperDist.means[2,4] CopperDist.means[3,1] CopperDist.means[3,2] CopperDist.means[3,3]
      Lag 0               1.0000000               1.00000              1.000000              1.000000
      Lag 10             -0.0165542               0.30018              0.008994              0.001836
      Lag 50             -0.0192582               0.06384              0.009835              0.003129
      Lag 100             0.0002611               0.01065             -0.029655             -0.002372
      Lag 500            -0.0075805              -0.01479             -0.005899             -0.014576
              CopperDist.means[3,4] Copper.means[1] Copper.means[2] Copper.means[3] deviance
      Lag 0                1.000000         1.00000        1.000000         1.00000  1.00000
      Lag 10               0.006198         0.36190        0.261546         0.30018  0.20985
      Lag 50               0.007538         0.06615        0.053092         0.06384  0.05707
      Lag 100             -0.020224         0.01054        0.005019         0.01065  0.02854
      Lag 500              0.013913         0.02561       -0.008514        -0.01479  0.03227
              Dist.means[1] Dist.means[2] Dist.means[3] Dist.means[4]      g0 gamma.copper[1]
      Lag 0        1.000000      1.000000     1.0000000     1.0000000 1.00000             NaN
      Lag 10       0.333067      0.218816     0.2107202     0.2127891 0.36190             NaN
      Lag 50       0.049868      0.044068     0.0125067     0.0357464 0.06615             NaN
      Lag 100      0.014842     -0.001023    -0.0003989     0.0197903 0.01054             NaN
      Lag 500     -0.005594     -0.003517     0.0058489     0.0007837 0.02561             NaN
              gamma.copper[2] gamma.copper[3] sd.Copper sd.CopperDist sd.Dist sd.Plate sd.Resid
      Lag 0          1.000000        1.000000  1.000000      1.000000 1.00000  1.00000   1.0000
      Lag 10         0.337415        0.344864  0.338827      0.230669 0.22697  0.52631   0.1796
      Lag 50         0.083646        0.051246  0.048962      0.041647 0.02992  0.14443   0.1798
      Lag 100        0.008024       -0.003719 -0.003448      0.008505 0.01112  0.03803   0.1878
      Lag 500       -0.003768       -0.003025 -0.001491      0.021038 0.01211  0.03867   0.1702
              sigma.copper sigma.copperdist sigma.dist sigma.plate sigma.res
      Lag 0       1.000000        1.0000000   1.000000     1.00000  1.000000
      Lag 10      0.124627        0.1642414   0.672842     0.49582  0.076779
      Lag 50      0.037826       -0.0005846   0.195812     0.12442  0.030415
      Lag 100    -0.005765        0.0167087   0.040776     0.02555  0.002363
      Lag 500     0.018852        0.0147139  -0.009728     0.03517  0.014518
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      Matrix parameterization JAGS code
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
      plot of chunk Q2-3b
                  beta[1]  beta[10]  beta[11]  beta[12]    beta[2]   beta[3]   beta[4]   beta[5]
      Lag 0     1.0000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 100   0.0001407 -0.036177 -0.023323 -0.021760 -0.0162229 -0.005007  0.009196  0.011262
      Lag 500  -0.0059944  0.008549 -0.048529 -0.001494 -0.0063997 -0.002699 -0.024990 -0.010342
      Lag 1000  0.0337110 -0.005433 -0.003782 -0.005551  0.0001471  0.031625  0.019803  0.022166
      Lag 5000  0.0049328  0.008552  0.020436  0.007391 -0.0170351  0.023017 -0.002698 -0.001328
                 beta[6]   beta[7]   beta[8]   beta[9]  deviance  gamma[1]  gamma[10] gamma[11] gamma[12]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000  1.000000   1.00000
      Lag 100  -0.025094  0.008480  0.006466 -0.003224  0.038513  0.018925  0.0056235  0.026267  -0.02103
      Lag 500  -0.020629 -0.017689 -0.011594 -0.007384 -0.009974 -0.011192 -0.0170085  0.004762  -0.03566
      Lag 1000  0.006279  0.012829  0.006970  0.011652 -0.042482  0.020043  0.0014589  0.012485   0.02791
      Lag 5000  0.017429 -0.001059  0.034788 -0.013313 -0.014041 -0.007018 -0.0008621 -0.008544  -0.04511
               gamma[13] gamma[14] gamma[15]  gamma[2] gamma[3] gamma[4] gamma[5]  gamma[6]  gamma[7]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000   1.00000  1.000000  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 100   0.013589  0.034522   0.02127  0.014172  0.01249  0.03639  0.02257  0.084937 -0.008609
      Lag 500  -0.004070 -0.006861  -0.02694  0.025126  0.03462  0.03974  0.00122 -0.006529 -0.013682
      Lag 1000 -0.006163 -0.006785   0.01743  0.025884  0.01833 -0.02431  0.01137 -0.020079 -0.020895
      Lag 5000  0.008686 -0.008047  -0.02145 -0.006345 -0.01477  0.02336  0.01776 -0.018813  0.001560
                gamma[8]  gamma[9] sigma.plate sigma.res
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000    1.000000   1.00000
      Lag 100   0.005905 -0.014622    0.104277   0.04746
      Lag 500  -0.031612  0.003044    0.006673  -0.02409
      Lag 1000 -0.023723 -0.017751   -0.010621  -0.01146
      Lag 5000  0.029605  0.025012    0.044462  -0.00495
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (STAN)
      Matrix parameterization STAN code
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
      plot of chunk Q2-3c
                 beta[1]   beta[2]   beta[3]   beta[4]   beta[5]   beta[6]    beta[7]  beta[8]    beta[9]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000  1.00000  1.0000000
      Lag 100   0.009967 -0.004816  0.026420  0.021262  0.004017 -0.011575  0.0258546  0.01863 -0.0191944
      Lag 500  -0.026817 -0.015666  0.008346 -0.011776 -0.025410 -0.044671  0.0181025 -0.01384 -0.0240211
      Lag 1000 -0.016257 -0.007606 -0.003394 -0.005554 -0.002241 -0.011314 -0.0001529 -0.01658  0.0003652
      Lag 5000  0.024858  0.015632  0.014281 -0.006247  0.025912 -0.007806 -0.0110499 -0.01254  0.0420761
                 beta[10]  beta[11]  beta[12]   gamma[1]  gamma[2] gamma[3]  gamma[4]   gamma[5]
      Lag 0     1.0000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000  1.0000000
      Lag 100  -0.0092496  0.009893  0.001023 -0.0286308  0.034164  0.01774 -0.017220 -0.0007568
      Lag 500  -0.0003694 -0.036469 -0.046402 -0.0079941 -0.009406 -0.00739  0.015283 -0.0326711
      Lag 1000 -0.0167486  0.005390 -0.027099  0.0032897  0.023751 -0.03079 -0.011388 -0.0104777
      Lag 5000  0.0118440 -0.002303  0.006366  0.0008928 -0.029389 -0.05205 -0.006255  0.0056763
                gamma[6]   gamma[7]  gamma[8] gamma[9] gamma[10] gamma[11] gamma[12] gamma[13] gamma[14]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.0000000  1.000000 1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000   1.00000
      Lag 100  -0.003538 -0.0002712  0.004690 0.055281  0.008450  0.041792 -0.007299 -0.023793   0.01093
      Lag 500  -0.014107  0.0109865  0.005891 0.011806 -0.005971 -0.006931  0.013032  0.006489   0.02300
      Lag 1000 -0.011771 -0.0057208 -0.001124 0.018194 -0.014500 -0.006475  0.023547  0.007998   0.01502
      Lag 5000 -0.010106  0.0258887 -0.015260 0.004726 -0.040014 -0.007669  0.002687 -0.022278   0.01922
               gamma[15]      sigma   sigma_Z      lp__
      Lag 0      1.00000  1.000e+00  1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 100   -0.03304 -1.168e-02  0.008867  0.041334
      Lag 500    0.01004  2.075e-02 -0.002091 -0.020622
      Lag 1000   0.01796 -5.713e-05 -0.001457 -0.005787
      Lag 5000   0.01208  1.884e-02 -0.011151 -0.021067
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
  3. Explore the parameter estimates
    Full effects parameterization JAGS code
    Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.9bQ2.1a.txt", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 16667 iterations (first 2000 discarded), n.thin = 10
     n.sims = 4401 iterations saved
                          mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    Copper.means[1]        10.861   0.700   9.484  10.400  10.865  11.324  12.218 1.001  4400
    Copper.means[2]         6.950   0.681   5.577   6.503   6.955   7.412   8.274 1.002  1300
    Copper.means[3]         0.505   0.679  -0.814   0.044   0.499   0.932   1.879 1.003   950
    CopperDist.means[1,1]  10.861   0.700   9.484  10.400  10.865  11.324  12.218 1.001  4400
    CopperDist.means[2,1]   6.950   0.681   5.577   6.503   6.955   7.412   8.274 1.002  1300
    CopperDist.means[3,1]   0.505   0.679  -0.814   0.044   0.499   0.932   1.879 1.003   950
    CopperDist.means[1,2]  11.998   0.679  10.629  11.525  12.022  12.460  13.254 1.001  4400
    CopperDist.means[2,2]   8.400   0.675   7.079   7.957   8.391   8.837   9.736 1.001  4400
    CopperDist.means[3,2]   1.570   0.695   0.242   1.113   1.558   2.028   2.985 1.001  4400
    CopperDist.means[1,3]  12.437   0.622  11.171  12.034  12.459  12.840  13.643 1.001  4400
    CopperDist.means[2,3]   8.592   0.685   7.232   8.145   8.597   9.050   9.912 1.001  4400
    CopperDist.means[3,3]   3.956   0.679   2.612   3.498   3.955   4.392   5.307 1.001  3300
    CopperDist.means[1,4]  13.502   0.713  12.117  13.032  13.493  13.969  14.918 1.001  4000
    CopperDist.means[2,4]  10.075   0.670   8.766   9.634  10.077  10.515  11.419 1.001  4200
    CopperDist.means[3,4]   7.549   0.721   6.113   7.080   7.564   8.032   8.936 1.001  4400
    Dist.means[1]           6.111   0.361   5.428   5.865   6.106   6.350   6.857 1.001  4400
    Dist.means[2]           7.248   0.786   5.667   6.739   7.271   7.770   8.792 1.001  4400
    Dist.means[3]           7.687   0.747   6.211   7.201   7.680   8.168   9.159 1.001  4400
    Dist.means[4]           8.752   0.820   7.178   8.192   8.748   9.289  10.409 1.001  4400
    beta.CopperDist[1,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.CopperDist[2,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.CopperDist[3,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.CopperDist[1,2]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.CopperDist[2,2]    0.313   1.222  -2.093  -0.487   0.307   1.132   2.704 1.001  4400
    beta.CopperDist[3,2]   -0.073   1.172  -2.417  -0.855  -0.068   0.711   2.250 1.002  1400
    beta.CopperDist[1,3]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.CopperDist[2,3]    0.067   1.182  -2.269  -0.740   0.064   0.869   2.391 1.001  4200
    beta.CopperDist[3,3]    1.875   1.175  -0.530   1.109   1.912   2.653   4.163 1.002  1300
    beta.CopperDist[1,4]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.CopperDist[2,4]    0.485   1.194  -1.873  -0.302   0.475   1.284   2.828 1.001  3300
    beta.CopperDist[3,4]    4.403   1.306   1.780   3.541   4.419   5.300   6.858 1.001  3100
    beta.dist[1]            0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.dist[2]            1.137   0.873  -0.629   0.579   1.150   1.721   2.812 1.001  4400
    beta.dist[3]            1.576   0.836  -0.098   1.032   1.576   2.129   3.218 1.001  4400
    beta.dist[4]            2.641   0.909   0.860   2.023   2.637   3.257   4.413 1.001  4400
    beta.plate[1]          10.979   0.751   9.531  10.484  10.985  11.458  12.436 1.001  4400
    beta.plate[2]          11.649   0.870  10.011  11.049  11.613  12.242  13.386 1.001  4400
    beta.plate[3]          10.456   0.783   8.946   9.933  10.452  10.977  12.008 1.002  2000
    beta.plate[4]          10.526   0.766   9.003  10.008  10.519  11.048  12.031 1.001  4400
    beta.plate[5]          10.744   0.742   9.311  10.241  10.761  11.219  12.194 1.001  4400
    beta.plate[6]           6.855   0.712   5.401   6.394   6.861   7.343   8.209 1.001  4000
    beta.plate[7]           6.493   0.758   4.909   6.007   6.521   6.997   7.914 1.004   650
    beta.plate[8]           7.240   0.740   5.772   6.726   7.234   7.735   8.730 1.001  3600
    beta.plate[9]           7.099   0.727   5.673   6.597   7.095   7.596   8.495 1.004   920
    beta.plate[10]          7.113   0.727   5.692   6.614   7.102   7.597   8.608 1.003  1200
    beta.plate[11]          0.420   0.731  -1.008  -0.063   0.424   0.906   1.850 1.003   730
    beta.plate[12]          0.366   0.732  -1.089  -0.107   0.360   0.840   1.846 1.002  2200
    beta.plate[13]          0.374   0.729  -1.010  -0.129   0.367   0.875   1.777 1.002  1500
    beta.plate[14]          0.710   0.734  -0.714   0.204   0.702   1.195   2.181 1.002  1700
    beta.plate[15]          0.642   0.721  -0.763   0.152   0.640   1.104   2.070 1.003   770
    g0                     10.861   0.700   9.484  10.400  10.865  11.324  12.218 1.001  4400
    gamma.copper[1]         0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    gamma.copper[2]        -3.912   0.974  -5.788  -4.560  -3.899  -3.290  -1.996 1.001  2800
    gamma.copper[3]       -10.356   0.962 -12.228 -11.004 -10.365  -9.711  -8.461 1.002  1500
    sd.Copper               5.252   0.478   4.326   4.931   5.255   5.575   6.184 1.002  1400
    sd.CopperDist           1.484   0.344   0.806   1.248   1.488   1.714   2.171 1.002  1500
    sd.Dist                 1.195   0.361   0.493   0.947   1.192   1.436   1.911 1.001  4400
    sd.Plate                0.530   0.275   0.037   0.328   0.544   0.724   1.048 1.017   410
    sd.Resid                4.304   0.000   4.304   4.304   4.304   4.304   4.304 1.000     1
    sigma.copper           29.938  25.719   2.990   8.769  20.985  45.325  91.652 1.002  1300
    sigma.copperdist        2.623   1.488   0.940   1.690   2.265   3.103   6.467 1.002  2000
    sigma.dist              3.399   5.563   0.142   0.855   1.644   3.502  18.960 1.002  1800
    sigma.plate             0.581   0.331   0.038   0.340   0.561   0.790   1.296 1.016   400
    sigma.res               1.403   0.168   1.122   1.284   1.391   1.504   1.769 1.001  4400
    deviance              208.941   8.827 193.172 202.427 208.707 214.673 226.700 1.001  4400
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 39.0 and DIC = 247.9
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    Matrix parameterization JAGS code
    Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ2.1b.txt", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
     n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
                mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    beta[1]      10.846   0.692   9.516  10.383  10.838  11.308  12.181 1.001  2900
    beta[2]      -3.601   0.985  -5.536  -4.261  -3.594  -2.942  -1.706 1.001  2900
    beta[3]     -10.585   0.986 -12.566 -11.223 -10.576  -9.937  -8.681 1.001  2900
    beta[4]       1.157   0.894  -0.638   0.559   1.140   1.770   2.866 1.001  2100
    beta[5]       1.564   0.907  -0.215   0.958   1.568   2.165   3.374 1.001  2900
    beta[6]       2.718   0.886   1.001   2.156   2.705   3.308   4.513 1.001  2900
    beta[7]      -0.051   1.279  -2.460  -0.953  -0.053   0.802   2.504 1.001  2200
    beta[8]       0.038   1.270  -2.333  -0.816   0.042   0.860   2.573 1.001  2900
    beta[9]      -0.310   1.276  -2.806  -1.189  -0.295   0.534   2.177 1.001  2900
    beta[10]      2.189   1.255  -0.281   1.353   2.210   3.025   4.629 1.001  2900
    beta[11]      0.029   1.256  -2.408  -0.799   0.026   0.874   2.522 1.000  2900
    beta[12]      4.870   1.248   2.432   4.031   4.879   5.668   7.329 1.001  2900
    gamma[1]      0.148   0.492  -0.782  -0.119   0.083   0.406   1.257 1.001  2900
    gamma[2]     -0.128   0.484  -1.186  -0.396  -0.081   0.140   0.814 1.001  2900
    gamma[3]      0.293   0.525  -0.653  -0.031   0.210   0.581   1.490 1.001  2900
    gamma[4]     -0.409   0.546  -1.637  -0.721  -0.312  -0.017   0.462 1.001  2900
    gamma[5]     -0.357   0.525  -1.576  -0.664  -0.264   0.001   0.502 1.000  2900
    gamma[6]      0.757   0.661  -0.176   0.224   0.682   1.152   2.271 1.002  1700
    gamma[7]     -0.140   0.474  -1.165  -0.412  -0.074   0.117   0.770 1.001  2900
    gamma[8]     -0.454   0.547  -1.682  -0.808  -0.374  -0.047   0.435 1.001  2900
    gamma[9]      0.123   0.492  -0.824  -0.150   0.067   0.393   1.173 1.001  2900
    gamma[10]    -0.102   0.500  -1.166  -0.369  -0.058   0.173   0.866 1.001  2900
    gamma[11]    -0.130   0.466  -1.138  -0.391  -0.069   0.129   0.772 1.001  2200
    gamma[12]     0.212   0.497  -0.689  -0.079   0.140   0.499   1.314 1.001  2900
    gamma[13]     0.146   0.504  -0.843  -0.126   0.087   0.413   1.248 1.001  2100
    gamma[14]     0.121   0.477  -0.806  -0.148   0.078   0.370   1.169 1.001  2400
    gamma[15]    -0.089   0.472  -1.141  -0.340  -0.053   0.173   0.846 1.001  2900
    sigma.plate   0.581   0.327   0.043   0.351   0.564   0.776   1.288 1.010  1700
    sigma.res     1.401   0.168   1.116   1.281   1.391   1.505   1.769 1.002  1600
    deviance    208.982   8.615 193.148 202.766 208.815 214.662 226.352 1.003   870
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 37.0 and DIC = 246.0
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    Matrix parameterization STAN code
    Inference for Stan model: rstanString.
    3 chains, each with iter=1e+05; warmup=3000; thin=100; 
    post-warmup draws per chain=970, total post-warmup draws=2910.
                mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
    beta[1]    10.85    0.01 0.70   9.49  10.36  10.85  11.32  12.18  2856    1
    beta[2]    -3.60    0.02 0.97  -5.49  -4.25  -3.61  -2.95  -1.71  2910    1
    beta[3]   -10.59    0.02 0.98 -12.51 -11.27 -10.60  -9.95  -8.61  2768    1
    beta[4]     1.14    0.02 0.88  -0.62   0.57   1.15   1.74   2.83  2795    1
    beta[5]     1.55    0.02 0.89  -0.27   0.97   1.55   2.16   3.30  2891    1
    beta[6]     2.68    0.02 0.90   0.93   2.09   2.66   3.29   4.43  2910    1
    beta[7]    -0.01    0.02 1.23  -2.40  -0.82  -0.03   0.78   2.48  2767    1
    beta[8]     0.06    0.02 1.27  -2.48  -0.76   0.08   0.88   2.56  2808    1
    beta[9]    -0.28    0.02 1.25  -2.75  -1.10  -0.29   0.53   2.18  2910    1
    beta[10]    2.19    0.02 1.25  -0.27   1.34   2.19   3.01   4.69  2910    1
    beta[11]    0.08    0.02 1.26  -2.37  -0.75   0.07   0.92   2.59  2698    1
    beta[12]    4.91    0.02 1.26   2.37   4.06   4.94   5.76   7.36  2910    1
    gamma[1]    0.16    0.01 0.50  -0.82  -0.13   0.10   0.43   1.26  2910    1
    gamma[2]   -0.14    0.01 0.48  -1.16  -0.41  -0.11   0.13   0.83  2723    1
    gamma[3]    0.27    0.01 0.52  -0.69  -0.04   0.21   0.55   1.47  2684    1
    gamma[4]   -0.43    0.01 0.57  -1.72  -0.76  -0.33  -0.03   0.50  2910    1
    gamma[5]   -0.36    0.01 0.52  -1.55  -0.67  -0.28  -0.01   0.57  2910    1
    gamma[6]    0.80    0.01 0.67  -0.20   0.24   0.73   1.24   2.23  2910    1
    gamma[7]   -0.15    0.01 0.50  -1.24  -0.43  -0.11   0.13   0.78  2910    1
    gamma[8]   -0.50    0.01 0.57  -1.79  -0.86  -0.39  -0.08   0.38  2885    1
    gamma[9]    0.15    0.01 0.49  -0.79  -0.13   0.09   0.42   1.23  2620    1
    gamma[10]  -0.10    0.01 0.49  -1.17  -0.36  -0.06   0.18   0.84  2729    1
    gamma[11]  -0.10    0.01 0.49  -1.14  -0.38  -0.07   0.15   0.89  2574    1
    gamma[12]   0.23    0.01 0.51  -0.71  -0.07   0.16   0.50   1.35  2910    1
    gamma[13]   0.14    0.01 0.49  -0.85  -0.15   0.09   0.40   1.24  2910    1
    gamma[14]   0.12    0.01 0.49  -0.84  -0.17   0.07   0.38   1.24  2854    1
    gamma[15]  -0.08    0.01 0.49  -1.17  -0.34  -0.05   0.20   0.90  2910    1
    sigma       1.40    0.00 0.16   1.13   1.29   1.39   1.50   1.75  2910    1
    sigma_Z     0.60    0.01 0.33   0.08   0.35   0.58   0.80   1.34  2690    1
    lp__      -46.06    0.16 8.36 -60.39 -51.52 -47.16 -41.89 -24.81  2694    1
    Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Mar 10 11:00:50 2015.
    For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
    convergence, Rhat=1).
  4. Figure time
    Matrix parameterization JAGS code
    nms <- colnames(copper.mcmc.b)
    pred <- grep('beta',nms)
    coefs <- copper.mcmc.b[,pred]
    newdata <- expand.grid(COPPER=levels(copper$COPPER), DIST=levels(copper$DIST))
    Xmat <- model.matrix(~COPPER*DIST, newdata)
    pred <- coefs %*% t(Xmat)
    newdata <- cbind(newdata, adply(pred, 2, function(x) {
       data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
        COPPER DIST X1  Median   lower  upper lower.1 upper.1
    1  control    1  1 10.8380  9.5248 12.186 10.2017 11.5612
    2   Week 1    1  2  7.2451  5.8848  8.574  6.6030  7.9287
    3   Week 2    1  3  0.2601 -1.0866  1.668 -0.3530  0.9995
    4  control    2  4 11.9839 10.6367 13.262 11.2598 12.6376
    5   Week 1    2  5  8.3606  6.9853  9.650  7.6200  9.0231
    6   Week 2    2  6  1.4546  0.1709  2.884  0.8285  2.1123
    7  control    3  7 12.4044 11.0236 13.735 11.6569 13.0335
    8   Week 1    3  8  8.5025  7.2147  9.969  7.7567  9.1611
    9   Week 2    3  9  4.0181  2.6460  5.388  3.2516  4.6498
    10 control    4 10 13.5746 12.1840 14.933 12.9667 14.2964
    11  Week 1    4 11  9.9770  8.7576 11.452  9.2903 10.6905
    12  Week 2    4 12  7.8511  6.4945  9.192  7.1457  8.5044
    p1 <-ggplot(newdata, aes(y=Median, x=as.integer(DIST), fill=COPPER)) +
      geom_line(aes(linetype=COPPER)) +
      geom_linerange(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), show_guide=FALSE)+
      geom_linerange(aes(ymin=lower.1, ymax=upper.1), size=2,show_guide=FALSE)+
      geom_point(size=3, shape=21)+
      scale_x_continuous('Distance from plate center')+
      scale_fill_manual('Treatment', breaks=c('control','Week 1', 'Week 2'), values=c('black','white','grey'),
                        labels=c('Control','Week 1','Week 2'))+
      scale_linetype_manual('Treatment', breaks=c('control','Week 1', 'Week 2'), values=c('solid','dashed','dotted'),
                        labels=c('Control','Week 1','Week 2'))+
      theme_classic() +
      theme(legend.justification=c(1,0), legend.position=c(1,0),
            axis.title.y=element_text(vjust=2, size=rel(1.2)),
            axis.title.x=element_text(vjust=-1, size=rel(1.2)),
    copper.sd$Source <- factor(copper.sd$Source, levels=c("Resid","COPPER:DIST","DIST","PLATE","COPPER"),
        labels=c("Residuals", "Copper:Dist", "Dist","Plates","Copper"))
    copper.sd$Perc <- 100*copper.sd$Median/sum(copper.sd$Median)
    p2<-ggplot(copper.sd,aes(y=Source, x=Median))+
      scale_x_continuous("Finite population \nvariance components (sd)")+
      geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=lower.1, xmax=upper.1), height=0, size=1)+
      geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=lower, xmax=upper), height=0, size=1.5)+
    grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)
    plot of chunk Q1-6a

Repeated Measures

Repeated Measures

In an honours thesis from (1992), Mullens was investigating the ways that cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) respond to conditions of hypoxia. Toads show two different kinds of breathing patterns, lung or buccal, requiring them to be treated separately in the experiment. Her aim was to expose toads to a range of O2 concentrations, and record their breathing patterns, including parameters such as the expired volume for individual breaths. It was desirable to have around 8 replicates to compare the responses of the two breathing types, and the complication is that animals are expensive, and different individuals are likely to have different O2 profiles (leading to possibly reduced power). There are two main design options for this experiment;

  • One animal per O2 treatment, 8 concentrations, 2 breathing types. With 8 replicates the experiment would require 128 animals, but that this could be analysed as a completely randomized design
  • One O2 profile per animal, so that each animal would be used 8 times and only 16 animals are required (8 lung and 8 buccal breathers)
Mullens decided to use the second option so as to reduce the number of animals required (on financial and ethical grounds). By selecting this option, she did not have a set of independent measurements for each oxygen concentration, by repeated measurements on each animal across the 8 oxygen concentrations.

Download Mullens data set
Format of mullens.csv data file

BREATHCategorical listing of the breathing type treatment (buccal = buccal breathing toads, lung = lung breathing toads). This is the between subjects (plots) effect and applies to the whole toads (since a single toad can only be one breathing type - either lung or buccal). Equivalent to Factor A (between plots effect) in a split-plot design
TOADThese are the subjects (equivalent to the plots in a split-plot design: Factor B). The letters in this variable represent the labels given to each individual toad.
O2LEVEL0 through to 50 represent the the different oxygen concentrations (0% to 50%). The different oxygen concentrations are equivalent to the within plot effects in a split-plot (Factor C).
FREQBUCThe frequency of buccal breathing - the response variable
SFREQBUCSquare root transformed frequency of buccal breathing - the response variable

Open the mullens data file. HINT.
Show code
mullens <- read.table('../downloads/data/mullens.csv', header=T, sep=',', strip.white=T)
1   lung    a       0    10.6    3.256
2   lung    a       5    18.8    4.336
3   lung    a      10    17.4    4.171
4   lung    a      15    16.6    4.074
5   lung    a      20     9.4    3.066
6   lung    a      30    11.4    3.376

Notice that the BREATH variable contains a categorical listing of the breathing type and that the first entries begin with "l" with comes after "b" in the alphabet (and therefore when BREATH is converted into a numeric, the first entry will be a 2. So we need to be careful that our codes reflect the order of the data.

Exploratory data analysis indicated that a square-root transformation of the FREQBUC (response variable) could normalize this variable and thereby address heterogeneity issues. Consequently, we too will apply a square-root transformation.

  1. Fit the JAGS model for the Randomized Complete Block
    • Effects parameterization - random intercepts JAGS model
      number of lesionsi = βSite j(i) + εi where ε ∼ N(0,σ2)
      View full code
      [1] 0.131
      ## write the model to a text file (I suggest you alter the path to somewhere more relevant
      ## to your system!)
      #sort the data set so that the breath treatments are in a more logical order
      mullens.sort <- mullens[order(mullens$BREATH),]
      mullens.sort$BREATH <- factor(mullens.sort$BREATH, levels = c("buccal", "lung"))
      mullens.sort$TOAD <- factor(mullens.sort$TOAD, levels=unique(mullens.sort$TOAD))
      br <- with(mullens.sort,BREATH[match(unique(TOAD),TOAD)])
      br <- factor(br, levels=c("buccal", "lung"))
      mullens.list <- with(mullens.sort,
      params <- c(
      adaptSteps = 1000
      burnInSteps = 2000
      nChains = 3
      numSavedSteps = 5000
      thinSteps = 10
      nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
      mullens.r2jags.a <- jags(data=mullens.list,
                                       inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
      Compiling data graph
         Resolving undeclared variables
         Allocating nodes
         Reading data back into data table
      Compiling model graph
         Resolving undeclared variables
         Allocating nodes
         Graph Size: 1252
      Initializing model
      Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ4.1a.txt", fit using jags,
       3 chains, each with 16667 iterations (first 2000 discarded), n.thin = 10
       n.sims = 4401 iterations saved
                               mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
      Breath.means[1]            4.940   0.359   4.242   4.702   4.938   5.172   5.663 1.001  4400
      Breath.means[2]            1.559   0.454   0.676   1.256   1.559   1.857   2.478 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,1]   4.940   0.359   4.242   4.702   4.938   5.172   5.663 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,1]   1.559   0.454   0.676   1.256   1.559   1.857   2.478 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,2]   4.515   0.363   3.802   4.274   4.521   4.761   5.232 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,2]   2.572   0.470   1.643   2.262   2.563   2.885   3.507 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,3]   4.304   0.355   3.605   4.060   4.306   4.538   5.003 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,3]   3.383   0.448   2.494   3.086   3.380   3.688   4.260 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,4]   4.004   0.344   3.308   3.772   3.997   4.237   4.683 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,4]   3.105   0.447   2.218   2.810   3.111   3.397   4.001 1.001  2600
      BreathO2level.means[1,5]   3.456   0.352   2.788   3.211   3.454   3.695   4.152 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,5]   3.247   0.452   2.347   2.944   3.246   3.557   4.132 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,6]   3.503   0.358   2.798   3.267   3.508   3.740   4.209 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,6]   3.037   0.453   2.127   2.744   3.031   3.330   3.943 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,7]   2.835   0.362   2.098   2.597   2.840   3.065   3.547 1.002  1800
      BreathO2level.means[2,7]   2.827   0.450   1.970   2.530   2.826   3.127   3.707 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[1,8]   2.612   0.362   1.909   2.370   2.608   2.854   3.328 1.001  4400
      BreathO2level.means[2,8]   2.495   0.449   1.612   2.195   2.496   2.794   3.370 1.001  4400
      O2level.means[1]           3.651   0.193   3.274   3.518   3.650   3.777   4.036 1.001  4400
      O2level.means[2]           3.227   0.293   2.642   3.035   3.234   3.425   3.789 1.002  4400
      O2level.means[3]           3.015   0.279   2.469   2.826   3.015   3.199   3.569 1.001  4400
      O2level.means[4]           2.715   0.272   2.176   2.535   2.714   2.900   3.263 1.001  4400
      O2level.means[5]           2.167   0.270   1.641   1.987   2.172   2.346   2.698 1.001  4400
      O2level.means[6]           2.214   0.274   1.685   2.027   2.215   2.403   2.744 1.001  3600
      O2level.means[7]           1.546   0.278   0.989   1.366   1.546   1.733   2.088 1.002  2100
      O2level.means[8]           1.323   0.280   0.771   1.132   1.322   1.511   1.881 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[1,2]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,2]    1.437   0.577   0.328   1.050   1.425   1.809   2.606 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,3]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,3]    2.460   0.533   1.385   2.111   2.462   2.824   3.481 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,4]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,4]    2.481   0.533   1.422   2.121   2.489   2.842   3.546 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,5]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,5]    3.171   0.530   2.127   2.813   3.166   3.527   4.209 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,6]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,6]    2.915   0.530   1.886   2.565   2.910   3.268   3.958 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,7]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,7]    3.373   0.535   2.331   3.014   3.374   3.748   4.404 1.001  4400
      beta.BreathO2level[1,8]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.BreathO2level[2,8]    3.263   0.536   2.192   2.905   3.264   3.617   4.318 1.001  4400
      beta.o2level[1]            0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      beta.o2level[2]           -0.424   0.349  -1.118  -0.659  -0.417  -0.190   0.232 1.001  3600
      beta.o2level[3]           -0.636   0.340  -1.300  -0.862  -0.635  -0.414   0.043 1.001  4400
      beta.o2level[4]           -0.935   0.335  -1.604  -1.156  -0.932  -0.712  -0.283 1.001  4400
      beta.o2level[5]           -1.484   0.335  -2.144  -1.703  -1.478  -1.258  -0.832 1.001  4400
      beta.o2level[6]           -1.437   0.334  -2.104  -1.655  -1.437  -1.217  -0.786 1.001  4400
      beta.o2level[7]           -2.105   0.338  -2.763  -2.328  -2.105  -1.878  -1.444 1.001  4300
      beta.o2level[8]           -2.327   0.341  -2.989  -2.556  -2.336  -2.095  -1.655 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[1]               4.303   0.373   3.563   4.058   4.297   4.548   5.050 1.002  1600
      beta.toad[2]               6.301   0.384   5.544   6.046   6.299   6.564   7.022 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[3]               4.694   0.379   3.950   4.444   4.689   4.948   5.449 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[4]               4.391   0.369   3.669   4.144   4.395   4.635   5.132 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[5]               6.369   0.378   5.626   6.112   6.370   6.626   7.108 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[6]               4.145   0.372   3.417   3.897   4.135   4.396   4.891 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[7]               3.700   0.377   2.955   3.448   3.696   3.955   4.429 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[8]               4.461   0.373   3.742   4.206   4.454   4.712   5.191 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[9]               5.962   0.372   5.234   5.711   5.962   6.218   6.688 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[10]              4.852   0.375   4.112   4.611   4.852   5.096   5.590 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[11]              4.968   0.375   4.230   4.715   4.966   5.214   5.704 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[12]              5.626   0.373   4.895   5.372   5.626   5.884   6.343 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[13]              4.477   0.374   3.757   4.219   4.478   4.738   5.196 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[14]              1.984   0.419   1.171   1.707   1.989   2.268   2.791 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[15]              2.830   0.416   2.023   2.548   2.833   3.110   3.629 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[16]              1.288   0.418   0.472   1.014   1.274   1.566   2.140 1.001  2500
      beta.toad[17]              0.970   0.409   0.199   0.688   0.963   1.249   1.761 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[18]              0.293   0.420  -0.529   0.007   0.293   0.568   1.124 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[19]              2.190   0.415   1.344   1.911   2.194   2.471   2.989 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[20]              1.596   0.413   0.779   1.322   1.601   1.875   2.405 1.001  4400
      beta.toad[21]              1.267   0.408   0.473   0.991   1.279   1.540   2.063 1.001  4400
      g0                         4.940   0.359   4.242   4.702   4.938   5.172   5.663 1.001  4400
      gamma.breath[1]            0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
      gamma.breath[2]           -3.380   0.574  -4.506  -3.765  -3.373  -3.002  -2.261 1.001  4400
      sd.Breath                  2.390   0.406   1.599   2.123   2.385   2.662   3.186 1.001  4400
      sd.BreathO2level           1.482   0.204   1.083   1.345   1.480   1.620   1.884 1.001  4400
      sd.O2level                 0.843   0.097   0.650   0.780   0.845   0.908   1.032 1.001  3500
      sd.Resid                   1.483   0.000   1.483   1.483   1.483   1.483   1.483 1.000     1
      sd.Toad                    0.881   0.083   0.724   0.826   0.878   0.933   1.052 1.002  1800
      sigma.breath              49.597  28.633   2.552  24.704  49.516  74.593  97.233 1.001  4400
      sigma.breatho2level        0.978   0.491   0.362   0.673   0.879   1.166   2.237 1.009  1800
      sigma.o2level              0.981   0.445   0.460   0.696   0.884   1.135   2.082 1.004   650
      sigma.res                  0.880   0.055   0.781   0.841   0.877   0.917   0.996 1.001  4400
      sigma.toad                 0.944   0.184   0.651   0.813   0.922   1.045   1.356 1.002  2300
      deviance                 432.496  10.389 415.037 425.270 431.533 438.582 455.940 1.001  4400
      For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
      DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
      pD = 54.0 and DIC = 486.5
      DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      number of lesionsi = βSite j(i) + εi where ε ∼ N(0,σ2)
      treating Distance as a factor
      View full code
      model {
         for (i in 1:n) {
            mu[i] <- inprod(beta[],X[i,]) + inprod(gamma[],Z[i,])
            y.err[i] <- y[i] - mu[1]
         #Priors and derivatives
         for (i in 1:nZ) {
            gamma[i] ~ dnorm(0,tau.toad)
         for (i in 1:nX) {
            beta[i] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-06)
         tau.res <- pow(sigma.res,-2)
         sigma.res <- z/sqrt(chSq)
         z ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
         chSq ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
         tau.toad <- pow(sigma.toad,-2)
         sigma.toad <- z.toad/sqrt(chSq.toad)
         z.toad ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
         chSq.toad ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
      ## write the model to a text file (I suggest you alter the path to somewhere more relevant
      ## to your system!)
      mullens$iO2LEVEL <- mullens$O2LEVEL
      mullens$O2LEVEL <- factor(mullens$O2LEVEL)
      Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*O2LEVEL, data=mullens)
      Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, data=mullens)
      mullens.list <- list(y=mullens$SFREQBUC,
                     X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                                 Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
      params <- c("beta","gamma",
      burnInSteps = 3000
      nChains = 3
      numSavedSteps = 3000
      thinSteps = 100
      nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
      mullens.r2jags.b <- jags(data=mullens.list,
                                       inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
      Compiling model graph
         Resolving undeclared variables
         Allocating nodes
         Graph Size: 7073
      Initializing model
      Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ4.1b.txt", fit using jags,
       3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
       n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
                 mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
      beta[1]      4.932   0.365   4.221   4.688   4.940   5.173   5.637 1.001  2900
      beta[2]     -3.391   0.600  -4.586  -3.795  -3.388  -2.994  -2.254 1.001  2900
      beta[3]     -0.212   0.346  -0.876  -0.449  -0.221   0.020   0.471 1.001  2900
      beta[4]     -0.536   0.348  -1.206  -0.772  -0.537  -0.306   0.146 1.002  1300
      beta[5]     -0.867   0.344  -1.536  -1.098  -0.864  -0.633  -0.210 1.001  2100
      beta[6]     -1.539   0.345  -2.220  -1.767  -1.542  -1.301  -0.862 1.001  2900
      beta[7]     -1.452   0.343  -2.128  -1.684  -1.455  -1.231  -0.762 1.001  2900
      beta[8]     -2.238   0.349  -2.934  -2.467  -2.242  -2.010  -1.528 1.002  1300
      beta[9]     -2.453   0.351  -3.148  -2.693  -2.446  -2.216  -1.768 1.001  2900
      beta[10]     1.032   0.561  -0.074   0.660   1.027   1.400   2.149 1.001  2900
      beta[11]     2.327   0.557   1.229   1.960   2.321   2.688   3.397 1.002  1700
      beta[12]     2.381   0.564   1.318   1.997   2.364   2.767   3.486 1.001  2900
      beta[13]     3.294   0.559   2.195   2.922   3.297   3.663   4.391 1.001  2900
      beta[14]     2.972   0.564   1.829   2.604   2.967   3.348   4.084 1.001  2900
      beta[15]     3.613   0.561   2.536   3.226   3.593   3.993   4.666 1.001  2200
      beta[16]     3.465   0.567   2.360   3.087   3.451   3.841   4.597 1.001  2900
      gamma[1]     0.444   0.444  -0.419   0.146   0.450   0.736   1.287 1.001  2900
      gamma[2]    -0.630   0.387  -1.396  -0.884  -0.622  -0.369   0.108 1.001  2900
      gamma[3]     1.284   0.445   0.433   0.988   1.280   1.573   2.186 1.000  2900
      gamma[4]     1.364   0.394   0.610   1.088   1.352   1.619   2.157 1.001  2900
      gamma[5]    -0.235   0.378  -0.995  -0.484  -0.227   0.014   0.482 1.001  2900
      gamma[6]    -0.550   0.390  -1.320  -0.805  -0.558  -0.285   0.232 1.001  2900
      gamma[7]     1.436   0.388   0.680   1.179   1.439   1.697   2.210 1.001  2900
      gamma[8]    -0.260   0.435  -1.150  -0.540  -0.265   0.021   0.595 1.002  1500
      gamma[9]    -0.801   0.386  -1.552  -1.059  -0.792  -0.555  -0.027 1.000  2900
      gamma[10]   -0.575   0.443  -1.430  -0.870  -0.573  -0.283   0.291 1.002  1900
      gamma[11]   -1.236   0.384  -1.982  -1.492  -1.231  -0.970  -0.510 1.001  2900
      gamma[12]   -0.487   0.391  -1.262  -0.748  -0.487  -0.227   0.265 1.001  2900
      gamma[13]    1.032   0.386   0.272   0.772   1.039   1.285   1.802 1.001  2900
      gamma[14]   -0.098   0.387  -0.863  -0.351  -0.101   0.158   0.659 1.001  2300
      gamma[15]    0.032   0.391  -0.730  -0.239   0.033   0.288   0.800 1.000  2900
      gamma[16]    0.685   0.381  -0.072   0.439   0.688   0.937   1.432 1.001  2300
      gamma[17]   -1.262   0.435  -2.150  -1.551  -1.253  -0.968  -0.447 1.004   660
      gamma[18]   -0.458   0.387  -1.230  -0.709  -0.456  -0.206   0.294 1.001  2900
      gamma[19]    0.645   0.445  -0.244   0.348   0.640   0.947   1.515 1.001  2100
      gamma[20]    0.049   0.445  -0.843  -0.244   0.043   0.353   0.908 1.001  2900
      gamma[21]   -0.289   0.444  -1.161  -0.584  -0.271   0.022   0.518 1.002  1400
      sigma.res    0.876   0.054   0.779   0.838   0.873   0.910   0.990 1.002  1400
      sigma.toad   0.948   0.190   0.652   0.816   0.925   1.052   1.389 1.002  1000
      deviance   430.612   9.755 413.759 423.553 429.870 436.713 451.360 1.001  2900
      For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
      DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
      pD = 47.6 and DIC = 478.2
      DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
      mullens.mcmc.b <- as.mcmc(mullens.r2jags.b$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)
      We can perform generate the finite-population standard deviation posteriors within R
      View full code
      nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.b)
      pred <- grep('beta|gamma',nms)
      coefs <- mullens.mcmc.b[,pred]
      newdata <- mullens
      Amat <- cbind(model.matrix(~BREATH*O2LEVEL, newdata),model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, newdata))
      pred <- coefs %*% t(Amat)
      y.err <- t(mullens$SFREQBUC - t(pred))
      a<-apply(y.err, 1,sd)
      resid.sd <- data.frame(Source='Resid',Median=median(a), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a), p=0.68))
      ## Fixed effects
      nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.b)
      mullens.mcmc.b.beta <- mullens.mcmc.b[,grep('beta',nms)]
      Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
      Start = 1 
      End = 7 
      Thinning interval = 1 
           beta[1] beta[2]  beta[3] beta[4] beta[5] beta[6] beta[7] beta[8] beta[9] beta[10] beta[11]
      [1,]   4.775  -3.258 -0.03102 -0.5679 -0.7141  -1.557  -1.432  -2.061  -2.195   0.1917    2.594
      [2,]   4.821  -2.632 -0.16093 -0.6332 -0.6930  -1.695  -1.253  -2.478  -2.154   0.3572    2.298
      [3,]   4.985  -4.106 -0.50122 -0.7020 -1.5565  -1.842  -1.648  -2.848  -3.230   2.2161    3.431
      [4,]   5.024  -3.775 -0.14787 -0.2851 -1.1373  -1.677  -1.777  -2.231  -2.507   1.6662    1.783
      [5,]   5.007  -2.975  0.34854 -0.3354 -1.1125  -1.202  -1.435  -2.122  -2.192   0.3558    1.937
      [6,]   5.030  -4.058  0.09867 -0.4056 -0.7883  -1.403  -1.891  -2.516  -2.839   0.5551    2.585
      [7,]   4.715  -2.406  0.16094 -0.4483 -0.7245  -1.763  -1.038  -2.144  -2.174   0.4372    1.862
           beta[12] beta[13] beta[14] beta[15] beta[16]
      [1,]    2.201    2.727    2.420    2.925    3.243
      [2,]    1.700    2.712    2.485    2.903    2.603
      [3,]    4.899    4.435    3.450    4.803    5.028
      [4,]    2.937    3.229    3.419    3.542    3.911
      [5,]    2.483    2.741    2.856    3.116    2.993
      [6,]    2.193    3.209    3.561    3.746    4.100
      [7,]    1.802    2.982    2.064    2.909    3.156
      assign <- attr(Xmat, 'assign')
       [1] 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
      nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~BREATH*O2LEVEL, mullens)),'term.labels')
      [1] "BREATH"         "O2LEVEL"        "BREATH:O2LEVEL"
      fixed.sd <- NULL
      for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
         w <- which(i==assign)
         if (length(w)==1) fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, abs(mullens.mcmc.b.beta[,w])*sd(Xmat[,w]))
         else fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, apply(mullens.mcmc.b.beta[,w],1,sd))
      fixed.sd <-adply(fixed.sd,2,function(x) {
         data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
      fixed.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, fixed.sd)
      # Variances
      nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.b)
      mullens.mcmc.b.gamma <- mullens.mcmc.b[,grep('gamma',nms)]
      assign <- attr(Zmat, 'assign')
      nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~-1+TOAD, mullens)),'term.labels')
      random.sd <- NULL
      for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
         w <- which(i==assign)
         random.sd<-cbind(random.sd, apply(mullens.mcmc.b.gamma[,w],1,sd))
      random.sd <-adply(random.sd,2,function(x) {
         data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
      random.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, random.sd)
      (mullens.sd <- rbind(subset(fixed.sd, select=-X1), subset(random.sd, select=-X1), resid.sd))
                   Source Median  lower  upper lower.1 upper.1
      1            BREATH 1.6501 1.0945 2.2271  1.3778  1.9561
      2           O2LEVEL 0.8684 0.6799 1.0644  0.7668  0.9626
      3    BREATH:O2LEVEL 0.9680 0.6546 1.2663  0.8183  1.1308
      4              TOAD 0.8806 0.7302 1.0618  0.8112  0.9653
      var1          Resid 0.8670 0.8268 0.9197  0.8415  0.8889
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (STAN)
      View full code
         int n;
         int nZ;
         int nX;
         vector [n] y;
         matrix [n,nX] X;
         matrix [n,nZ] Z;
         vector [nX] a0;
         matrix [nX,nX] A0;
        vector [nX] beta;
        real<lower=0> sigma;
        vector [nZ] gamma;
        real<lower=0> sigma_Z;
      transformed parameters {
         vector [n] mu;
         mu <- X*beta + Z*gamma; 
          // Priors
          beta ~ multi_normal(a0,A0);
          gamma ~ normal( 0 , sigma_Z );
          sigma_Z ~ cauchy(0,25);
          sigma ~ cauchy(0,25);
          y ~ normal( mu , sigma );
      generated quantities {
          vector [n] y_err;
          real<lower=0> sd_Resid;
          y_err <- y - mu;
          sd_Resid <- sd(y_err);
      #sort the data set so that the copper treatments are in a more logical order
      mullens$O2LEVEL <- factor(mullens$O2LEVEL)
      Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*O2LEVEL, data=mullens)
      Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, data=mullens)
      mullens.list <- list(y=mullens$SFREQBUC,
                     X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                                 Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
                                 a0=rep(0,ncol(Xmat)), A0=diag(100000,ncol(Xmat))
      params <- c("beta","gamma",
      burnInSteps = 3000
      nChains = 3
      numSavedSteps = 3000
      thinSteps = 10
      nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
      mullens.rstan.a <- stan(data=mullens.list,
      SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 1).
      Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 3001 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
      #  Elapsed Time: 5.2 seconds (Warm-up)
      #                13.22 seconds (Sampling)
      #                18.42 seconds (Total)
      SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 2).
      Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 3001 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
      #  Elapsed Time: 5.53 seconds (Warm-up)
      #                17.55 seconds (Sampling)
      #                23.08 seconds (Total)
      SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 3).
      Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
      Iteration: 3001 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
      Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
      #  Elapsed Time: 5.1 seconds (Warm-up)
      #                16.06 seconds (Sampling)
      #                21.16 seconds (Total)
      Inference for Stan model: rstanString.
      3 chains, each with iter=10000; warmup=3000; thin=10; 
      post-warmup draws per chain=700, total post-warmup draws=2100.
                  mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
      beta[1]     4.94    0.01 0.37   4.24   4.69   4.95   5.18   5.67  1795    1
      beta[2]    -3.40    0.01 0.57  -4.51  -3.80  -3.40  -3.00  -2.28  1546    1
      beta[3]    -0.21    0.01 0.35  -0.91  -0.45  -0.21   0.01   0.46  1841    1
      beta[4]    -0.55    0.01 0.35  -1.22  -0.77  -0.55  -0.31   0.13  1718    1
      beta[5]    -0.87    0.01 0.35  -1.57  -1.09  -0.86  -0.63  -0.19  1856    1
      beta[6]    -1.54    0.01 0.36  -2.26  -1.77  -1.53  -1.30  -0.84  1948    1
      beta[7]    -1.46    0.01 0.35  -2.14  -1.69  -1.47  -1.21  -0.78  1768    1
      beta[8]    -2.24    0.01 0.34  -2.92  -2.46  -2.24  -2.01  -1.58  1897    1
      beta[9]    -2.47    0.01 0.35  -3.19  -2.70  -2.45  -2.23  -1.79  1914    1
      beta[10]    1.04    0.01 0.58  -0.10   0.65   1.05   1.44   2.17  1880    1
      beta[11]    2.33    0.01 0.56   1.20   1.97   2.33   2.70   3.40  1785    1
      beta[12]    2.37    0.01 0.56   1.27   2.00   2.36   2.73   3.49  1683    1
      beta[13]    3.29    0.01 0.57   2.13   2.92   3.30   3.69   4.36  1900    1
      beta[14]    2.96    0.01 0.56   1.87   2.58   2.97   3.33   4.08  1731    1
      beta[15]    3.61    0.01 0.56   2.50   3.24   3.61   3.99   4.70  2023    1
      beta[16]    3.46    0.01 0.57   2.36   3.09   3.47   3.84   4.57  1584    1
      gamma[1]    0.44    0.01 0.44  -0.40   0.14   0.44   0.74   1.30  2100    1
      gamma[2]   -0.65    0.01 0.38  -1.40  -0.90  -0.64  -0.39   0.10  1961    1
      gamma[3]    1.29    0.01 0.44   0.46   0.98   1.28   1.59   2.18  2098    1
      gamma[4]    1.35    0.01 0.39   0.60   1.10   1.35   1.61   2.11  2012    1
      gamma[5]   -0.24    0.01 0.39  -1.01  -0.50  -0.24   0.02   0.51  1940    1
      gamma[6]   -0.55    0.01 0.40  -1.34  -0.82  -0.54  -0.29   0.21  1671    1
      gamma[7]    1.43    0.01 0.40   0.65   1.17   1.43   1.69   2.22  2089    1
      gamma[8]   -0.25    0.01 0.42  -1.08  -0.53  -0.24   0.03   0.57  1847    1
      gamma[9]   -0.80    0.01 0.39  -1.55  -1.06  -0.79  -0.55  -0.05  1977    1
      gamma[10]  -0.57    0.01 0.44  -1.43  -0.86  -0.57  -0.27   0.29  1671    1
      gamma[11]  -1.24    0.01 0.39  -2.00  -1.50  -1.25  -0.98  -0.44  1842    1
      gamma[12]  -0.50    0.01 0.39  -1.31  -0.75  -0.50  -0.25   0.28  1869    1
      gamma[13]   1.02    0.01 0.38   0.28   0.77   1.04   1.27   1.78  2086    1
      gamma[14]  -0.09    0.01 0.38  -0.82  -0.35  -0.10   0.16   0.65  2050    1
      gamma[15]   0.01    0.01 0.38  -0.69  -0.25   0.02   0.27   0.77  2097    1
      gamma[16]   0.68    0.01 0.39  -0.08   0.43   0.68   0.94   1.46  1929    1
      gamma[17]  -1.25    0.01 0.43  -2.12  -1.53  -1.25  -0.95  -0.41  1753    1
      gamma[18]  -0.46    0.01 0.39  -1.26  -0.71  -0.46  -0.21   0.30  1975    1
      gamma[19]   0.65    0.01 0.42  -0.17   0.37   0.64   0.95   1.49  2100    1
      gamma[20]   0.05    0.01 0.43  -0.83  -0.24   0.04   0.34   0.85  1966    1
      gamma[21]  -0.28    0.01 0.42  -1.09  -0.56  -0.28  -0.01   0.56  1931    1
      sigma       0.88    0.00 0.05   0.77   0.84   0.87   0.91   0.99  2100    1
      sigma_Z     0.94    0.00 0.18   0.65   0.82   0.92   1.04   1.33  1907    1
      lp__      -69.72    0.11 4.93 -80.26 -72.81 -69.44 -66.14 -60.95  2051    1
      Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Mar 10 11:07:08 2015.
      For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
      convergence, Rhat=1).
      mullens.mcmc.c <- rstan:::as.mcmc.list.stanfit(mullens.rstan.a)
      mullens.mcmc.df.c <- as.data.frame(extract(mullens.rstan.a))
  2. Before fully exploring the parameters, it is prudent to examine the convergence and mixing diagnostics. Chose either any of the parameterizations (they should yield much the same) - although it is sometimes useful to explore the different performances of effects vs matrix and JAGS vs STAN.
    • Effects parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      Full effects parameterization JAGS code
      plot of chunk Q4-3a
      plot of chunk Q4-3a
      plot of chunk Q4-3a
      plot of chunk Q4-3a
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      plot of chunk Q4-3a
      plot of chunk Q4-3a
      plot of chunk Q4-3a
              beta.BreathO2level[1,1] beta.BreathO2level[1,2] beta.BreathO2level[1,3]
      Lag 0                       NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 10                      NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 50                      NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 100                     NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 500                     NaN                     NaN                     NaN
              beta.BreathO2level[1,4] beta.BreathO2level[1,5] beta.BreathO2level[1,6]
      Lag 0                       NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 10                      NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 50                      NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 100                     NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 500                     NaN                     NaN                     NaN
              beta.BreathO2level[1,7] beta.BreathO2level[1,8] beta.BreathO2level[2,1]
      Lag 0                       NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 10                      NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 50                      NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 100                     NaN                     NaN                     NaN
      Lag 500                     NaN                     NaN                     NaN
              beta.BreathO2level[2,2] beta.BreathO2level[2,3] beta.BreathO2level[2,4]
      Lag 0                 1.0000000                1.000000                1.000000
      Lag 10                0.0719034                0.060403                0.039531
      Lag 50               -0.0120650               -0.014974               -0.009238
      Lag 100              -0.0001715               -0.001224               -0.008505
      Lag 500              -0.0348268               -0.018522               -0.009424
              beta.BreathO2level[2,5] beta.BreathO2level[2,6] beta.BreathO2level[2,7]
      Lag 0                   1.00000                1.000000                1.000000
      Lag 10                  0.04478                0.042395                0.020668
      Lag 50                  0.01786               -0.001473                0.003436
      Lag 100                 0.00678               -0.002531                0.010070
      Lag 500                 0.02170               -0.014361                0.003178
              beta.BreathO2level[2,8] beta.o2level[1] beta.o2level[2] beta.o2level[3] beta.o2level[4]
      Lag 0                  1.000000             NaN        1.000000        1.000000        1.000000
      Lag 10                 0.022355             NaN        0.030658        0.024965        0.007463
      Lag 50                 0.012047             NaN       -0.026420       -0.008451       -0.007503
      Lag 100               -0.005522             NaN       -0.007162        0.007979       -0.020412
      Lag 500               -0.010379             NaN       -0.017111        0.001381        0.005084
              beta.o2level[5] beta.o2level[6] beta.o2level[7] beta.o2level[8] beta.toad[1] beta.toad[10]
      Lag 0          1.000000        1.000000        1.000000        1.000000     1.000000     1.0000000
      Lag 10         0.022687        0.037986        0.020801        0.018692     0.021311    -0.0003278
      Lag 50         0.018679        0.001921        0.009959        0.003465    -0.008512     0.0063903
      Lag 100        0.002465       -0.019705        0.003526       -0.023291     0.009538    -0.0182000
      Lag 500       -0.001712        0.013671        0.007385        0.005108     0.015832     0.0138756
              beta.toad[11] beta.toad[12] beta.toad[13] beta.toad[14] beta.toad[15] beta.toad[16]
      Lag 0        1.000000      1.000000      1.000000      1.000000      1.000000     1.000e+00
      Lag 10      -0.009434      0.027527     -0.015751      0.010556      0.010653     7.178e-05
      Lag 50      -0.005992      0.010798     -0.009563     -0.017185     -0.013036     8.724e-03
      Lag 100     -0.007822     -0.002303     -0.001174     -0.007266      0.001830    -1.128e-02
      Lag 500      0.004507      0.020831      0.015774     -0.014509      0.008887    -2.149e-02
              beta.toad[17] beta.toad[18] beta.toad[19] beta.toad[2] beta.toad[20] beta.toad[21]
      Lag 0        1.000000      1.000000      1.000000     1.000000      1.000000      1.000000
      Lag 10       0.022714     -0.011714      0.036653     0.034352      0.007398      0.018271
      Lag 50       0.015043     -0.011424     -0.016135     0.004955     -0.017554      0.002270
      Lag 100      0.008275     -0.007415     -0.005227    -0.011752      0.013857      0.001396
      Lag 500     -0.002226     -0.006414     -0.002283     0.008063      0.006612      0.013957
              beta.toad[3] beta.toad[4] beta.toad[5] beta.toad[6] beta.toad[7] beta.toad[8] beta.toad[9]
      Lag 0       1.000000    1.0000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000
      Lag 10      0.020571   -0.0166368     0.014230    -0.024399     0.012492     0.013448     0.028432
      Lag 50     -0.004837    0.0060471    -0.004969     0.024048    -0.014252     0.031074    -0.011696
      Lag 100    -0.007009   -0.0137762    -0.011305    -0.003743    -0.016151    -0.022564    -0.004627
      Lag 500    -0.008023    0.0005016     0.019076    -0.012785    -0.001588    -0.003352     0.005203
              Breath.means[1] Breath.means[2] BreathO2level.means[1,1] BreathO2level.means[1,2]
      Lag 0          1.000000        1.000000                 1.000000                  1.00000
      Lag 10         0.021683       -0.011198                 0.021683                  0.01737
      Lag 50        -0.006680        0.016099                -0.006680                 -0.01005
      Lag 100       -0.007846        0.009917                -0.007846                  0.01341
      Lag 500       -0.009494        0.008972                -0.009494                 -0.02694
              BreathO2level.means[1,3] BreathO2level.means[1,4] BreathO2level.means[1,5]
      Lag 0                   1.000000                 1.000000                 1.000000
      Lag 10                  0.002564                 0.011603                 0.009343
      Lag 50                 -0.022425                -0.004177                 0.003294
      Lag 100                -0.015136                 0.011497                 0.024323
      Lag 500                -0.008325                -0.055456                -0.021659
              BreathO2level.means[1,6] BreathO2level.means[1,7] BreathO2level.means[1,8]
      Lag 0                  1.0000000                 1.000000                 1.000000
      Lag 10                 0.0244242                 0.031920                 0.011085
      Lag 50                 0.0002199                -0.008202                 0.002633
      Lag 100                0.0017104                -0.002449                -0.006649
      Lag 500               -0.0259209                -0.023255                -0.025699
              BreathO2level.means[2,1] BreathO2level.means[2,2] BreathO2level.means[2,3]
      Lag 0                   1.000000                 1.000000                 1.000000
      Lag 10                 -0.011198                 0.019111                -0.026569
      Lag 50                  0.016099                -0.005066                -0.002670
      Lag 100                 0.009917                 0.010958                 0.021167
      Lag 500                 0.008972                -0.011396                 0.008443
              BreathO2level.means[2,4] BreathO2level.means[2,5] BreathO2level.means[2,6]
      Lag 0                   1.000000                 1.000000                 1.000000
      Lag 10                 -0.018319                -0.007143                -0.012744
      Lag 50                  0.029701                 0.016150                 0.013473
      Lag 100                -0.012265                 0.004371                -0.001252
      Lag 500                 0.007177                 0.006810                 0.001130
              BreathO2level.means[2,7] BreathO2level.means[2,8]  deviance        g0 gamma.breath[1]
      Lag 0                   1.000000                  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000             NaN
      Lag 10                 -0.023639                 -0.02850  0.027403  0.021683             NaN
      Lag 50                  0.020685                  0.01701 -0.022502 -0.006680             NaN
      Lag 100                -0.009199                  0.01663 -0.004195 -0.007846             NaN
      Lag 500                -0.005217                  0.01318 -0.016037 -0.009494             NaN
              gamma.breath[2] O2level.means[1] O2level.means[2] O2level.means[3] O2level.means[4]
      Lag 0          1.000000         1.000000         1.000000        1.0000000         1.000000
      Lag 10         0.033432        -0.020423         0.045797        0.0305801         0.013063
      Lag 50         0.005383        -0.007627        -0.029023       -0.0055215         0.003842
      Lag 100        0.005039        -0.011088         0.005707       -0.0003222        -0.012373
      Lag 500       -0.019937         0.015303        -0.022092       -0.0032546        -0.013840
              O2level.means[5] O2level.means[6] O2level.means[7] O2level.means[8] sd.Breath
      Lag 0          1.0000000         1.000000         1.000000         1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 10         0.0370209         0.039395         0.034611         0.008591  0.033432
      Lag 50         0.0196472        -0.003871         0.002271        -0.004268  0.005383
      Lag 100        0.0007167         0.004517         0.012821        -0.026224  0.005039
      Lag 500        0.0042721        -0.006471         0.008783        -0.002989 -0.019937
              sd.BreathO2level sd.O2level sd.Resid   sd.Toad sigma.breath sigma.breatho2level
      Lag 0           1.000000   1.000000   1.0000  1.000000     1.000000            1.000000
      Lag 10          0.055770   0.026690   0.2391 -0.009187     0.054639            0.130470
      Lag 50         -0.003168   0.015145   0.2367  0.002201    -0.009922            0.028913
      Lag 100        -0.004745  -0.010136   0.2337 -0.007535    -0.004170           -0.016976
      Lag 500        -0.012009   0.000948   0.2318 -0.012326     0.007493           -0.008651
              sigma.o2level sigma.res sigma.toad
      Lag 0        1.000000  1.000000   1.000000
      Lag 10       0.094743  0.015195  -0.015779
      Lag 50      -0.002673 -0.019585  -0.023419
      Lag 100     -0.007219  0.004535   0.007118
      Lag 500     -0.005201 -0.009889   0.011963
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (JAGS)
      Matrix parameterization JAGS code
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
      plot of chunk Q4-3b
                 beta[1]  beta[10]  beta[11]  beta[12]  beta[13]  beta[14] beta[15]   beta[16]  beta[2]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.0000000  1.00000
      Lag 100  -0.004583 -0.036898  0.010095 -0.010002 -0.024150  0.006538 -0.01905 -0.0009182 -0.01666
      Lag 500  -0.001938 -0.002661 -0.026196 -0.002405 -0.006688 -0.016977 -0.01615 -0.0227756  0.02436
      Lag 1000 -0.012050 -0.003187 -0.002875  0.041975  0.014631  0.006303  0.00480 -0.0156253 -0.02280
      Lag 5000 -0.022807  0.020904  0.026696  0.010989  0.030046 -0.003983  0.01186  0.0593233 -0.02108
                 beta[3]   beta[4]   beta[5]   beta[6]   beta[7]    beta[8]  beta[9]  deviance  gamma[1]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 100  -0.019496  0.015464  0.001121 -0.008259  0.010953 -0.0100661  0.02994 -0.018056 -0.002627
      Lag 500  -0.013434 -0.022880 -0.012763 -0.015674 -0.023638 -0.0296877 -0.03980  0.031398  0.001991
      Lag 1000  0.010990  0.001506  0.003660 -0.025586 -0.004783 -0.0008578  0.01435 -0.047444 -0.001866
      Lag 5000  0.009318  0.015500  0.013572  0.021971  0.021666  0.0238553  0.03491 -0.003372  0.009481
               gamma[10] gamma[11] gamma[12] gamma[13]  gamma[14] gamma[15] gamma[16] gamma[17] gamma[18]
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000  1.000000   1.00000  1.0000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 100   0.016557  0.015827  0.010152  -0.01416  0.0357653 -0.008581  0.014396 -0.015290  0.008227
      Lag 500  -0.008813  0.012684  0.028453   0.03474  0.0247622  0.034897 -0.003934 -0.009624  0.017639
      Lag 1000 -0.010738 -0.003702  0.009465  -0.02009 -0.0006185  0.015595 -0.001196 -0.009649  0.008697
      Lag 5000 -0.013881 -0.030920  0.007399  -0.02278 -0.0225780 -0.021284 -0.012700  0.011338 -0.014920
               gamma[19]  gamma[2] gamma[20] gamma[21]  gamma[3] gamma[4]  gamma[5] gamma[6]  gamma[7]
      Lag 0      1.00000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000 1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 100   -0.02357 -0.006007  0.006810  0.011995 -0.003523 -0.01175 -0.022120 0.005778  0.007131
      Lag 500    0.02064  0.011510  0.005230 -0.003457  0.027167  0.03036  0.019061 0.026683  0.051318
      Lag 1000   0.01717  0.002119 -0.012985  0.038457  0.006420 -0.02224 -0.009195 0.024528  0.003757
      Lag 5000   0.03270  0.019212  0.007201 -0.019351 -0.001141 -0.01297 -0.021625 0.006127 -0.004025
                gamma[8]  gamma[9] sigma.res sigma.toad
      Lag 0     1.000000  1.000000  1.000000   1.000000
      Lag 100  -0.000646 -0.033133  0.021754   0.017913
      Lag 500   0.009052  0.031503  0.019708   0.004205
      Lag 1000  0.040684  0.015750  0.022289   0.006662
      Lag 5000  0.004201 -0.005719  0.001213  -0.004254
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
    • Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (STAN)
      Matrix parameterization STAN code
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
      plot of chunk Q4-3c
               beta[1]   beta[2]   beta[3]   beta[4]  beta[5]   beta[6]    beta[7]   beta[8]   beta[9]
      Lag 0    1.00000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000e+00  1.000000  1.000000
      Lag 10   0.08598  0.074808  0.043364  0.090851  0.04225  0.030069  5.719e-02  0.008134  0.049912
      Lag 50  -0.03177 -0.013507 -0.006855  0.018804 -0.03329 -0.005901 -7.398e-03 -0.007115 -0.066625
      Lag 100  0.03256  0.010865 -0.010625 -0.007877 -0.01102  0.035373 -3.830e-02 -0.011560  0.002081
      Lag 500 -0.01411  0.004968  0.006102  0.029948 -0.01987 -0.011083 -1.228e-05  0.011702 -0.018166
                beta[10]  beta[11]  beta[12] beta[13]  beta[14]  beta[15]  beta[16] gamma[1] gamma[2]
      Lag 0    1.0000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.00000
      Lag 10  -0.0002699  0.044372  0.018683  0.05123  0.042977  0.003389  0.053974 -0.01105  0.03599
      Lag 50  -0.0311812 -0.017225 -0.023868 -0.01246 -0.012162  0.006269 -0.042407 -0.03694 -0.01804
      Lag 100 -0.0553106 -0.010860  0.001097  0.01066 -0.020759 -0.035401  0.004479  0.01553  0.01446
      Lag 500  0.0380609  0.009635  0.013087  0.02655  0.005376  0.027009  0.020754  0.02396 -0.01694
                gamma[3]   gamma[4] gamma[5] gamma[6]  gamma[7]  gamma[8]   gamma[9] gamma[10] gamma[11]
      Lag 0    1.0000000  1.0000000  1.00000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000  1.000000   1.00000
      Lag 10   0.0002662  0.0217193  0.04153  0.04881  0.003762  0.009034  0.0307857  0.031305   0.04393
      Lag 50  -0.0018566 -0.0004463  0.01319 -0.03636 -0.009777 -0.003407 -0.0008696  0.005878   0.03291
      Lag 100  0.0302391 -0.0030277  0.04118 -0.01668  0.019779 -0.059124  0.0249452  0.023095   0.01178
      Lag 500 -0.0351060 -0.0513277 -0.03661  0.01327 -0.009471  0.010482 -0.0178638 -0.027454  -0.02962
              gamma[12] gamma[13] gamma[14]  gamma[15] gamma[16] gamma[17] gamma[18]  gamma[19] gamma[20]
      Lag 0     1.00000  1.000000  1.000000  1.0000000   1.00000  1.000000   1.00000  1.0000000  1.000000
      Lag 10    0.06061  0.003691  0.009684  0.0007766   0.04384  0.017492   0.03230 -0.0146565  0.005452
      Lag 50   -0.03104 -0.012278  0.002943 -0.0039811  -0.03727  0.004204  -0.02198  0.0002836  0.017035
      Lag 100   0.01298 -0.002033  0.030247  0.0382982   0.03034 -0.010914   0.02015 -0.0116181  0.033399
      Lag 500  -0.02903  0.016744 -0.015233 -0.0465388   0.04761 -0.040623  -0.01482  0.0153073 -0.018646
              gamma[21]     sigma  sigma_Z      lp__
      Lag 0   1.0000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000
      Lag 10  0.0143179 -0.044731  0.01694  0.001590
      Lag 50  0.0008525 -0.022170 -0.00304 -0.035426
      Lag 100 0.0112293 -0.022496  0.01170  0.005965
      Lag 500 0.0224329 -0.004647 -0.04308 -0.023113
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
      Quantile (q) = 0.025
      Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.005
      Probability (s) = 0.95 
      You need a sample size of at least 3746 with these values of q, r and s
  3. Explore the parameter estimates
    Full effects parameterization JAGS code
    Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ4.1a.txt", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 16667 iterations (first 2000 discarded), n.thin = 10
     n.sims = 4401 iterations saved
                             mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    Breath.means[1]            4.940   0.359   4.242   4.702   4.938   5.172   5.663 1.001  4400
    Breath.means[2]            1.559   0.454   0.676   1.256   1.559   1.857   2.478 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,1]   4.940   0.359   4.242   4.702   4.938   5.172   5.663 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,1]   1.559   0.454   0.676   1.256   1.559   1.857   2.478 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,2]   4.515   0.363   3.802   4.274   4.521   4.761   5.232 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,2]   2.572   0.470   1.643   2.262   2.563   2.885   3.507 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,3]   4.304   0.355   3.605   4.060   4.306   4.538   5.003 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,3]   3.383   0.448   2.494   3.086   3.380   3.688   4.260 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,4]   4.004   0.344   3.308   3.772   3.997   4.237   4.683 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,4]   3.105   0.447   2.218   2.810   3.111   3.397   4.001 1.001  2600
    BreathO2level.means[1,5]   3.456   0.352   2.788   3.211   3.454   3.695   4.152 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,5]   3.247   0.452   2.347   2.944   3.246   3.557   4.132 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,6]   3.503   0.358   2.798   3.267   3.508   3.740   4.209 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,6]   3.037   0.453   2.127   2.744   3.031   3.330   3.943 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,7]   2.835   0.362   2.098   2.597   2.840   3.065   3.547 1.002  1800
    BreathO2level.means[2,7]   2.827   0.450   1.970   2.530   2.826   3.127   3.707 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[1,8]   2.612   0.362   1.909   2.370   2.608   2.854   3.328 1.001  4400
    BreathO2level.means[2,8]   2.495   0.449   1.612   2.195   2.496   2.794   3.370 1.001  4400
    O2level.means[1]           3.651   0.193   3.274   3.518   3.650   3.777   4.036 1.001  4400
    O2level.means[2]           3.227   0.293   2.642   3.035   3.234   3.425   3.789 1.002  4400
    O2level.means[3]           3.015   0.279   2.469   2.826   3.015   3.199   3.569 1.001  4400
    O2level.means[4]           2.715   0.272   2.176   2.535   2.714   2.900   3.263 1.001  4400
    O2level.means[5]           2.167   0.270   1.641   1.987   2.172   2.346   2.698 1.001  4400
    O2level.means[6]           2.214   0.274   1.685   2.027   2.215   2.403   2.744 1.001  3600
    O2level.means[7]           1.546   0.278   0.989   1.366   1.546   1.733   2.088 1.002  2100
    O2level.means[8]           1.323   0.280   0.771   1.132   1.322   1.511   1.881 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,1]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[1,2]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,2]    1.437   0.577   0.328   1.050   1.425   1.809   2.606 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,3]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,3]    2.460   0.533   1.385   2.111   2.462   2.824   3.481 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,4]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,4]    2.481   0.533   1.422   2.121   2.489   2.842   3.546 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,5]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,5]    3.171   0.530   2.127   2.813   3.166   3.527   4.209 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,6]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,6]    2.915   0.530   1.886   2.565   2.910   3.268   3.958 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,7]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,7]    3.373   0.535   2.331   3.014   3.374   3.748   4.404 1.001  4400
    beta.BreathO2level[1,8]    0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.BreathO2level[2,8]    3.263   0.536   2.192   2.905   3.264   3.617   4.318 1.001  4400
    beta.o2level[1]            0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    beta.o2level[2]           -0.424   0.349  -1.118  -0.659  -0.417  -0.190   0.232 1.001  3600
    beta.o2level[3]           -0.636   0.340  -1.300  -0.862  -0.635  -0.414   0.043 1.001  4400
    beta.o2level[4]           -0.935   0.335  -1.604  -1.156  -0.932  -0.712  -0.283 1.001  4400
    beta.o2level[5]           -1.484   0.335  -2.144  -1.703  -1.478  -1.258  -0.832 1.001  4400
    beta.o2level[6]           -1.437   0.334  -2.104  -1.655  -1.437  -1.217  -0.786 1.001  4400
    beta.o2level[7]           -2.105   0.338  -2.763  -2.328  -2.105  -1.878  -1.444 1.001  4300
    beta.o2level[8]           -2.327   0.341  -2.989  -2.556  -2.336  -2.095  -1.655 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[1]               4.303   0.373   3.563   4.058   4.297   4.548   5.050 1.002  1600
    beta.toad[2]               6.301   0.384   5.544   6.046   6.299   6.564   7.022 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[3]               4.694   0.379   3.950   4.444   4.689   4.948   5.449 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[4]               4.391   0.369   3.669   4.144   4.395   4.635   5.132 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[5]               6.369   0.378   5.626   6.112   6.370   6.626   7.108 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[6]               4.145   0.372   3.417   3.897   4.135   4.396   4.891 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[7]               3.700   0.377   2.955   3.448   3.696   3.955   4.429 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[8]               4.461   0.373   3.742   4.206   4.454   4.712   5.191 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[9]               5.962   0.372   5.234   5.711   5.962   6.218   6.688 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[10]              4.852   0.375   4.112   4.611   4.852   5.096   5.590 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[11]              4.968   0.375   4.230   4.715   4.966   5.214   5.704 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[12]              5.626   0.373   4.895   5.372   5.626   5.884   6.343 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[13]              4.477   0.374   3.757   4.219   4.478   4.738   5.196 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[14]              1.984   0.419   1.171   1.707   1.989   2.268   2.791 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[15]              2.830   0.416   2.023   2.548   2.833   3.110   3.629 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[16]              1.288   0.418   0.472   1.014   1.274   1.566   2.140 1.001  2500
    beta.toad[17]              0.970   0.409   0.199   0.688   0.963   1.249   1.761 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[18]              0.293   0.420  -0.529   0.007   0.293   0.568   1.124 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[19]              2.190   0.415   1.344   1.911   2.194   2.471   2.989 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[20]              1.596   0.413   0.779   1.322   1.601   1.875   2.405 1.001  4400
    beta.toad[21]              1.267   0.408   0.473   0.991   1.279   1.540   2.063 1.001  4400
    g0                         4.940   0.359   4.242   4.702   4.938   5.172   5.663 1.001  4400
    gamma.breath[1]            0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000 1.000     1
    gamma.breath[2]           -3.380   0.574  -4.506  -3.765  -3.373  -3.002  -2.261 1.001  4400
    sd.Breath                  2.390   0.406   1.599   2.123   2.385   2.662   3.186 1.001  4400
    sd.BreathO2level           1.482   0.204   1.083   1.345   1.480   1.620   1.884 1.001  4400
    sd.O2level                 0.843   0.097   0.650   0.780   0.845   0.908   1.032 1.001  3500
    sd.Resid                   1.483   0.000   1.483   1.483   1.483   1.483   1.483 1.000     1
    sd.Toad                    0.881   0.083   0.724   0.826   0.878   0.933   1.052 1.002  1800
    sigma.breath              49.597  28.633   2.552  24.704  49.516  74.593  97.233 1.001  4400
    sigma.breatho2level        0.978   0.491   0.362   0.673   0.879   1.166   2.237 1.009  1800
    sigma.o2level              0.981   0.445   0.460   0.696   0.884   1.135   2.082 1.004   650
    sigma.res                  0.880   0.055   0.781   0.841   0.877   0.917   0.996 1.001  4400
    sigma.toad                 0.944   0.184   0.651   0.813   0.922   1.045   1.356 1.002  2300
    deviance                 432.496  10.389 415.037 425.270 431.533 438.582 455.940 1.001  4400
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 54.0 and DIC = 486.5
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    Matrix parameterization JAGS code
    Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ4.1b.txt", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
     n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
               mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    beta[1]      4.932   0.365   4.221   4.688   4.940   5.173   5.637 1.001  2900
    beta[2]     -3.391   0.600  -4.586  -3.795  -3.388  -2.994  -2.254 1.001  2900
    beta[3]     -0.212   0.346  -0.876  -0.449  -0.221   0.020   0.471 1.001  2900
    beta[4]     -0.536   0.348  -1.206  -0.772  -0.537  -0.306   0.146 1.002  1300
    beta[5]     -0.867   0.344  -1.536  -1.098  -0.864  -0.633  -0.210 1.001  2100
    beta[6]     -1.539   0.345  -2.220  -1.767  -1.542  -1.301  -0.862 1.001  2900
    beta[7]     -1.452   0.343  -2.128  -1.684  -1.455  -1.231  -0.762 1.001  2900
    beta[8]     -2.238   0.349  -2.934  -2.467  -2.242  -2.010  -1.528 1.002  1300
    beta[9]     -2.453   0.351  -3.148  -2.693  -2.446  -2.216  -1.768 1.001  2900
    beta[10]     1.032   0.561  -0.074   0.660   1.027   1.400   2.149 1.001  2900
    beta[11]     2.327   0.557   1.229   1.960   2.321   2.688   3.397 1.002  1700
    beta[12]     2.381   0.564   1.318   1.997   2.364   2.767   3.486 1.001  2900
    beta[13]     3.294   0.559   2.195   2.922   3.297   3.663   4.391 1.001  2900
    beta[14]     2.972   0.564   1.829   2.604   2.967   3.348   4.084 1.001  2900
    beta[15]     3.613   0.561   2.536   3.226   3.593   3.993   4.666 1.001  2200
    beta[16]     3.465   0.567   2.360   3.087   3.451   3.841   4.597 1.001  2900
    gamma[1]     0.444   0.444  -0.419   0.146   0.450   0.736   1.287 1.001  2900
    gamma[2]    -0.630   0.387  -1.396  -0.884  -0.622  -0.369   0.108 1.001  2900
    gamma[3]     1.284   0.445   0.433   0.988   1.280   1.573   2.186 1.000  2900
    gamma[4]     1.364   0.394   0.610   1.088   1.352   1.619   2.157 1.001  2900
    gamma[5]    -0.235   0.378  -0.995  -0.484  -0.227   0.014   0.482 1.001  2900
    gamma[6]    -0.550   0.390  -1.320  -0.805  -0.558  -0.285   0.232 1.001  2900
    gamma[7]     1.436   0.388   0.680   1.179   1.439   1.697   2.210 1.001  2900
    gamma[8]    -0.260   0.435  -1.150  -0.540  -0.265   0.021   0.595 1.002  1500
    gamma[9]    -0.801   0.386  -1.552  -1.059  -0.792  -0.555  -0.027 1.000  2900
    gamma[10]   -0.575   0.443  -1.430  -0.870  -0.573  -0.283   0.291 1.002  1900
    gamma[11]   -1.236   0.384  -1.982  -1.492  -1.231  -0.970  -0.510 1.001  2900
    gamma[12]   -0.487   0.391  -1.262  -0.748  -0.487  -0.227   0.265 1.001  2900
    gamma[13]    1.032   0.386   0.272   0.772   1.039   1.285   1.802 1.001  2900
    gamma[14]   -0.098   0.387  -0.863  -0.351  -0.101   0.158   0.659 1.001  2300
    gamma[15]    0.032   0.391  -0.730  -0.239   0.033   0.288   0.800 1.000  2900
    gamma[16]    0.685   0.381  -0.072   0.439   0.688   0.937   1.432 1.001  2300
    gamma[17]   -1.262   0.435  -2.150  -1.551  -1.253  -0.968  -0.447 1.004   660
    gamma[18]   -0.458   0.387  -1.230  -0.709  -0.456  -0.206   0.294 1.001  2900
    gamma[19]    0.645   0.445  -0.244   0.348   0.640   0.947   1.515 1.001  2100
    gamma[20]    0.049   0.445  -0.843  -0.244   0.043   0.353   0.908 1.001  2900
    gamma[21]   -0.289   0.444  -1.161  -0.584  -0.271   0.022   0.518 1.002  1400
    sigma.res    0.876   0.054   0.779   0.838   0.873   0.910   0.990 1.002  1400
    sigma.toad   0.948   0.190   0.652   0.816   0.925   1.052   1.389 1.002  1000
    deviance   430.612   9.755 413.759 423.553 429.870 436.713 451.360 1.001  2900
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 47.6 and DIC = 478.2
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    Matrix parameterization STAN code
    Inference for Stan model: rstanString.
    3 chains, each with iter=10000; warmup=3000; thin=10; 
    post-warmup draws per chain=700, total post-warmup draws=2100.
                mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
    beta[1]     4.94    0.01 0.37   4.24   4.69   4.95   5.18   5.67  1795    1
    beta[2]    -3.40    0.01 0.57  -4.51  -3.80  -3.40  -3.00  -2.28  1546    1
    beta[3]    -0.21    0.01 0.35  -0.91  -0.45  -0.21   0.01   0.46  1841    1
    beta[4]    -0.55    0.01 0.35  -1.22  -0.77  -0.55  -0.31   0.13  1718    1
    beta[5]    -0.87    0.01 0.35  -1.57  -1.09  -0.86  -0.63  -0.19  1856    1
    beta[6]    -1.54    0.01 0.36  -2.26  -1.77  -1.53  -1.30  -0.84  1948    1
    beta[7]    -1.46    0.01 0.35  -2.14  -1.69  -1.47  -1.21  -0.78  1768    1
    beta[8]    -2.24    0.01 0.34  -2.92  -2.46  -2.24  -2.01  -1.58  1897    1
    beta[9]    -2.47    0.01 0.35  -3.19  -2.70  -2.45  -2.23  -1.79  1914    1
    beta[10]    1.04    0.01 0.58  -0.10   0.65   1.05   1.44   2.17  1880    1
    beta[11]    2.33    0.01 0.56   1.20   1.97   2.33   2.70   3.40  1785    1
    beta[12]    2.37    0.01 0.56   1.27   2.00   2.36   2.73   3.49  1683    1
    beta[13]    3.29    0.01 0.57   2.13   2.92   3.30   3.69   4.36  1900    1
    beta[14]    2.96    0.01 0.56   1.87   2.58   2.97   3.33   4.08  1731    1
    beta[15]    3.61    0.01 0.56   2.50   3.24   3.61   3.99   4.70  2023    1
    beta[16]    3.46    0.01 0.57   2.36   3.09   3.47   3.84   4.57  1584    1
    gamma[1]    0.44    0.01 0.44  -0.40   0.14   0.44   0.74   1.30  2100    1
    gamma[2]   -0.65    0.01 0.38  -1.40  -0.90  -0.64  -0.39   0.10  1961    1
    gamma[3]    1.29    0.01 0.44   0.46   0.98   1.28   1.59   2.18  2098    1
    gamma[4]    1.35    0.01 0.39   0.60   1.10   1.35   1.61   2.11  2012    1
    gamma[5]   -0.24    0.01 0.39  -1.01  -0.50  -0.24   0.02   0.51  1940    1
    gamma[6]   -0.55    0.01 0.40  -1.34  -0.82  -0.54  -0.29   0.21  1671    1
    gamma[7]    1.43    0.01 0.40   0.65   1.17   1.43   1.69   2.22  2089    1
    gamma[8]   -0.25    0.01 0.42  -1.08  -0.53  -0.24   0.03   0.57  1847    1
    gamma[9]   -0.80    0.01 0.39  -1.55  -1.06  -0.79  -0.55  -0.05  1977    1
    gamma[10]  -0.57    0.01 0.44  -1.43  -0.86  -0.57  -0.27   0.29  1671    1
    gamma[11]  -1.24    0.01 0.39  -2.00  -1.50  -1.25  -0.98  -0.44  1842    1
    gamma[12]  -0.50    0.01 0.39  -1.31  -0.75  -0.50  -0.25   0.28  1869    1
    gamma[13]   1.02    0.01 0.38   0.28   0.77   1.04   1.27   1.78  2086    1
    gamma[14]  -0.09    0.01 0.38  -0.82  -0.35  -0.10   0.16   0.65  2050    1
    gamma[15]   0.01    0.01 0.38  -0.69  -0.25   0.02   0.27   0.77  2097    1
    gamma[16]   0.68    0.01 0.39  -0.08   0.43   0.68   0.94   1.46  1929    1
    gamma[17]  -1.25    0.01 0.43  -2.12  -1.53  -1.25  -0.95  -0.41  1753    1
    gamma[18]  -0.46    0.01 0.39  -1.26  -0.71  -0.46  -0.21   0.30  1975    1
    gamma[19]   0.65    0.01 0.42  -0.17   0.37   0.64   0.95   1.49  2100    1
    gamma[20]   0.05    0.01 0.43  -0.83  -0.24   0.04   0.34   0.85  1966    1
    gamma[21]  -0.28    0.01 0.42  -1.09  -0.56  -0.28  -0.01   0.56  1931    1
    sigma       0.88    0.00 0.05   0.77   0.84   0.87   0.91   0.99  2100    1
    sigma_Z     0.94    0.00 0.18   0.65   0.82   0.92   1.04   1.33  1907    1
    lp__      -69.72    0.11 4.93 -80.26 -72.81 -69.44 -66.14 -60.95  2051    1
    Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Mar 10 11:07:08 2015.
    For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
    convergence, Rhat=1).
  4. Figure time
    Matrix parameterization JAGS code
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.b)
    pred <- grep('beta',nms)
    coefs <- mullens.mcmc.b[,pred]
    newdata <- expand.grid(BREATH=levels(mullens$BREATH), O2LEVEL=levels(mullens$O2LEVEL))
    Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*O2LEVEL, newdata)
    pred <- coefs %*% t(Xmat)
    newdata <- cbind(newdata, adply(pred, 2, function(x) {
       data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
       BREATH O2LEVEL X1 Median  lower upper lower.1 upper.1
    1  buccal       0  1  4.940 4.2008 5.612   4.560   5.280
    2    lung       0  2  1.537 0.6161 2.416   1.141   2.070
    3  buccal       5  3  4.722 4.0603 5.435   4.334   5.029
    4    lung       5  4  2.362 1.5037 3.305   1.872   2.802
    5  buccal      10  5  4.404 3.6834 5.099   4.114   4.816
    6    lung      10  6  3.333 2.4480 4.241   2.811   3.732
    7  buccal      15  7  4.069 3.3981 4.840   3.706   4.384
    8    lung      15  8  3.053 2.1652 3.965   2.566   3.445
    9  buccal      20  9  3.389 2.7149 4.101   3.046   3.745
    10   lung      20 10  3.301 2.4154 4.222   2.826   3.735
    11 buccal      30 11  3.471 2.7332 4.152   3.138   3.828
    12   lung      30 12  3.053 2.1732 4.007   2.627   3.543
    13 buccal      40 13  2.695 1.9934 3.415   2.338   3.045
    14   lung      40 14  2.906 1.9870 3.797   2.482   3.388
    15 buccal      50 15  2.484 1.7894 3.203   2.152   2.852
    16   lung      50 16  2.551 1.6421 3.438   2.016   2.955
    p1 <-ggplot(newdata, aes(y=Median, x=as.integer(O2LEVEL), fill=BREATH)) +
      geom_line(aes(linetype=BREATH)) +
      geom_linerange(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), show_guide=FALSE)+
      geom_linerange(aes(ymin=lower.1, ymax=upper.1), size=2,show_guide=FALSE)+
      geom_point(size=3, shape=21)+
      scale_x_continuous('Oxygen concentration')+
      scale_fill_manual('Breath type', breaks=c('buccal','lung'), values=c('black','white'),
      scale_linetype_manual('Breath type', breaks=c('buccal','lung'), values=c('solid','dashed'),
      theme_classic() +
      theme(legend.justification=c(1,0), legend.position=c(1,0),
            axis.title.y=element_text(vjust=2, size=rel(1.2)),
            axis.title.x=element_text(vjust=-1, size=rel(1.2)),
    mullens.sd$Source <- factor(mullens.sd$Source, levels=c("Resid","BREATH:O2LEVEL","O2LEVEL","TOAD","BREATH"),
        labels=c("Residuals", "Breath:O2", "O2","Toad","Breath"))
    mullens.sd$Perc <- 100*mullens.sd$Median/sum(mullens.sd$Median)
    p2<-ggplot(mullens.sd,aes(y=Source, x=Median))+
      scale_x_continuous("Finite population \nvariance components (sd)")+
      geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=lower.1, xmax=upper.1), height=0, size=1)+
      geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=lower, xmax=upper), height=0, size=1.5)+
    grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)
    plot of chunk Q4-5a
  5. As an alternative, we could model oxygen concentration as a numeric...
    Matrix parameterization JAGS code
    model {
       for (i in 1:n) {
          mu[i] <- inprod(beta[],X[i,]) + inprod(gamma[],Z[i,])
          y.err[i] <- y[i] - mu[1]
       #Priors and derivatives
       for (i in 1:nZ) {
          gamma[i] ~ dnorm(0,tau.toad)
       for (i in 1:nX) {
          beta[i] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-06)
       tau.res <- pow(sigma.res,-2)
       sigma.res <- z/sqrt(chSq)
       z ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
       chSq ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
       tau.toad <- pow(sigma.toad,-2)
       sigma.toad <- z.toad/sqrt(chSq.toad)
       z.toad ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
       chSq.toad ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
    ## write the model to a text file (I suggest you alter the path to somewhere more relevant
    ## to your system!)
    Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*iO2LEVEL, data=mullens)
    Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, data=mullens)
    mullens.list <- list(y=mullens$SFREQBUC,
                   X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                               Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
    params <- c("beta","gamma",
    burnInSteps = 3000
    nChains = 3
    numSavedSteps = 3000
    thinSteps = 100
    nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
    mullens.r2jags.d <- jags(data=mullens.list,
                                     inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
    Compiling model graph
       Resolving undeclared variables
       Allocating nodes
       Graph Size: 5045
    Initializing model
    Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ4.6a.txt", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
     n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
               mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    beta[1]      4.855   0.303   4.267   4.651   4.853   5.059   5.449 1.002  1200
    beta[2]     -2.310   0.489  -3.243  -2.623  -2.316  -1.981  -1.312 1.001  2000
    beta[3]     -0.051   0.006  -0.062  -0.055  -0.051  -0.047  -0.040 1.001  2900
    beta[4]      0.062   0.009   0.044   0.056   0.062   0.068   0.079 1.002  1500
    gamma[1]     0.426   0.454  -0.476   0.132   0.428   0.717   1.325 1.001  2900
    gamma[2]    -0.630   0.392  -1.424  -0.890  -0.621  -0.369   0.138 1.001  2900
    gamma[3]     1.255   0.455   0.373   0.954   1.254   1.561   2.171 1.001  2900
    gamma[4]     1.347   0.398   0.586   1.082   1.345   1.608   2.129 1.001  2900
    gamma[5]    -0.236   0.386  -1.023  -0.499  -0.227   0.017   0.525 1.006   440
    gamma[6]    -0.542   0.398  -1.341  -0.806  -0.534  -0.278   0.209 1.001  2600
    gamma[7]     1.420   0.400   0.664   1.154   1.412   1.679   2.226 1.002  1300
    gamma[8]    -0.249   0.452  -1.144  -0.543  -0.246   0.057   0.623 1.001  2900
    gamma[9]    -0.796   0.399  -1.591  -1.058  -0.789  -0.536  -0.026 1.002  1500
    gamma[10]   -0.569   0.460  -1.466  -0.878  -0.563  -0.253   0.327 1.001  2900
    gamma[11]   -1.229   0.394  -2.015  -1.487  -1.230  -0.959  -0.460 1.001  2500
    gamma[12]   -0.475   0.403  -1.283  -0.747  -0.473  -0.208   0.323 1.002  1800
    gamma[13]    1.005   0.396   0.222   0.738   1.007   1.264   1.826 1.002  1800
    gamma[14]   -0.096   0.382  -0.860  -0.357  -0.098   0.162   0.635 1.001  2900
    gamma[15]    0.031   0.398  -0.761  -0.232   0.027   0.301   0.819 1.002  1600
    gamma[16]    0.673   0.398  -0.103   0.406   0.678   0.933   1.465 1.001  2900
    gamma[17]   -1.250   0.451  -2.163  -1.548  -1.235  -0.949  -0.411 1.001  2900
    gamma[18]   -0.460   0.399  -1.248  -0.724  -0.456  -0.180   0.293 1.001  2900
    gamma[19]    0.632   0.454  -0.247   0.328   0.627   0.931   1.480 1.001  2900
    gamma[20]    0.040   0.446  -0.841  -0.257   0.044   0.336   0.929 1.001  2900
    gamma[21]   -0.293   0.446  -1.166  -0.590  -0.283   0.005   0.543 1.001  2900
    sigma.res    0.923   0.056   0.822   0.884   0.921   0.959   1.040 1.002  1800
    sigma.toad   0.938   0.180   0.650   0.812   0.916   1.037   1.342 1.001  2900
    deviance   448.914   7.498 436.230 443.534 448.380 453.507 465.224 1.001  2200
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 28.1 and DIC = 477.0
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    mullens.mcmc.d <- as.mcmc(mullens.r2jags.d$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)
    We can perform generate the finite-population standard deviation posteriors within R
    View full code
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.d)
    pred <- grep('beta|gamma',nms)
    coefs <- mullens.mcmc.d[,pred]
    newdata <- mullens
    Amat <- cbind(model.matrix(~BREATH*iO2LEVEL, newdata),model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, newdata))
    pred <- coefs %*% t(Amat)
    y.err <- t(mullens$SFREQBUC - t(pred))
    a<-apply(y.err, 1,sd)
    resid.sd <- data.frame(Source='Resid',Median=median(a), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a), p=0.68))
    ## Fixed effects
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.d)
    mullens.mcmc.d.beta <- mullens.mcmc.d[,grep('beta',nms)]
    Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
    Start = 1 
    End = 7 
    Thinning interval = 1 
         beta[1] beta[2]  beta[3] beta[4]
    [1,]   5.679  -2.589 -0.05719 0.06374
    [2,]   4.619  -2.129 -0.05344 0.06807
    [3,]   4.885  -2.484 -0.05492 0.07652
    [4,]   4.992  -2.396 -0.05034 0.06232
    [5,]   4.740  -2.323 -0.04656 0.05781
    [6,]   4.610  -2.204 -0.05678 0.07008
    [7,]   4.943  -2.565 -0.05321 0.06830
    assign <- attr(Xmat, 'assign')
    [1] 0 1 2 3
    nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~BREATH*iO2LEVEL, mullens)),'term.labels')
    [1] "BREATH"          "iO2LEVEL"        "BREATH:iO2LEVEL"
    fixed.sd <- NULL
    for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
       w <- which(i==assign)
       if (length(w)==1) fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, abs(mullens.mcmc.d.beta[,w])*sd(Xmat[,w]))
       else fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, apply(mullens.mcmc.d.beta[,w],1,sd))
    fixed.sd <-adply(fixed.sd,2,function(x) {
       data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
    fixed.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, fixed.sd)
    # Variances
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.d)
    mullens.mcmc.d.gamma <- mullens.mcmc.d[,grep('gamma',nms)]
    assign <- attr(Zmat, 'assign')
    nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~-1+TOAD, mullens)),'term.labels')
    random.sd <- NULL
    for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
       w <- which(i==assign)
       random.sd<-cbind(random.sd, apply(mullens.mcmc.d.gamma[,w],1,sd))
    random.sd <-adply(random.sd,2,function(x) {
       data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
    random.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, random.sd)
    (mullens.sd <- rbind(subset(fixed.sd, select=-X1), subset(random.sd, select=-X1), resid.sd))
                  Source Median  lower  upper lower.1 upper.1
    1             BREATH 1.1283 0.6805 1.6138  0.8751  1.3355
    2           iO2LEVEL 0.8363 0.6549 1.0094  0.7553  0.9313
    3    BREATH:iO2LEVEL 0.8935 0.6498 1.1478  0.7588  1.0076
    4               TOAD 0.8740 0.7081 1.0379  0.7854  0.9494
    var1           Resid 0.9160 0.8847 0.9591  0.8942  0.9314
  6. Better still, what about a polynomial (2nd order: rather than simple linear).
    Matrix parameterization JAGS code
    model {
       for (i in 1:n) {
          mu[i] <- inprod(beta[],X[i,]) + inprod(gamma[],Z[i,])
          y.err[i] <- y[i] - mu[1]
       #Priors and derivatives
       for (i in 1:nZ) {
          gamma[i] ~ dnorm(0,tau.toad)
       for (i in 1:nX) {
          beta[i] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-06)
       tau.res <- pow(sigma.res,-2)
       sigma.res <- z/sqrt(chSq)
       z ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
       chSq ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
       tau.toad <- pow(sigma.toad,-2)
       sigma.toad <- z.toad/sqrt(chSq.toad)
       z.toad ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
       chSq.toad ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
    ## write the model to a text file (I suggest you alter the path to somewhere more relevant
    ## to your system!)
    Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*poly(iO2LEVEL,2), data=mullens)
    Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, data=mullens)
    mullens.list <- list(y=mullens$SFREQBUC,
                   X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                               Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
    params <- c("beta","gamma",
    burnInSteps = 3000
    nChains = 3
    numSavedSteps = 3000
    thinSteps = 100
    nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
    mullens.r2jags.f <- jags(data=mullens.list,
                                     inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
    Compiling model graph
       Resolving undeclared variables
       Allocating nodes
       Graph Size: 5383
    Initializing model
    Inference for Bugs model at "../downloads/BUGSscripts/ws9.4bQ4.7a.txt", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
     n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
               mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    beta[1]      3.768   0.280   3.210   3.589   3.765   3.942   4.329 1.002  1500
    beta[2]     -0.999   0.453  -1.893  -1.294  -1.005  -0.706  -0.078 1.001  2900
    beta[3]    -10.777   1.113 -12.945 -11.510 -10.769 -10.025  -8.624 1.001  2900
    beta[4]      1.340   1.098  -0.855   0.599   1.359   2.072   3.478 1.001  2900
    beta[5]     13.018   1.797   9.441  11.792  13.018  14.241  16.522 1.001  2900
    beta[6]     -7.263   1.826 -10.942  -8.441  -7.283  -6.047  -3.690 1.001  2900
    gamma[1]     0.440   0.442  -0.406   0.149   0.439   0.735   1.305 1.001  2900
    gamma[2]    -0.638   0.387  -1.427  -0.891  -0.635  -0.386   0.138 1.002  1700
    gamma[3]     1.276   0.437   0.421   0.993   1.264   1.565   2.167 1.001  2900
    gamma[4]     1.367   0.393   0.606   1.105   1.365   1.624   2.162 1.001  2900
    gamma[5]    -0.239   0.382  -0.980  -0.491  -0.235   0.006   0.530 1.002  1800
    gamma[6]    -0.549   0.390  -1.330  -0.803  -0.548  -0.291   0.204 1.003   880
    gamma[7]     1.431   0.396   0.647   1.160   1.433   1.693   2.200 1.003  1700
    gamma[8]    -0.257   0.429  -1.118  -0.540  -0.255   0.040   0.568 1.002  1100
    gamma[9]    -0.794   0.386  -1.577  -1.046  -0.786  -0.537  -0.067 1.001  2900
    gamma[10]   -0.580   0.443  -1.457  -0.864  -0.581  -0.287   0.269 1.001  2900
    gamma[11]   -1.228   0.391  -2.014  -1.480  -1.221  -0.970  -0.458 1.001  2900
    gamma[12]   -0.492   0.393  -1.257  -0.754  -0.492  -0.230   0.255 1.001  2900
    gamma[13]    1.018   0.382   0.279   0.764   1.011   1.263   1.798 1.001  2900
    gamma[14]   -0.103   0.381  -0.844  -0.349  -0.109   0.149   0.652 1.002  1900
    gamma[15]    0.020   0.394  -0.744  -0.237   0.010   0.277   0.827 1.001  2900
    gamma[16]    0.681   0.388  -0.074   0.422   0.687   0.930   1.445 1.001  2900
    gamma[17]   -1.269   0.433  -2.143  -1.559  -1.263  -0.974  -0.438 1.001  2900
    gamma[18]   -0.449   0.389  -1.213  -0.701  -0.449  -0.196   0.339 1.001  2300
    gamma[19]    0.643   0.439  -0.216   0.357   0.633   0.933   1.486 1.001  2300
    gamma[20]    0.040   0.439  -0.839  -0.245   0.038   0.319   0.895 1.001  2900
    gamma[21]   -0.289   0.443  -1.201  -0.576  -0.279   0.005   0.561 1.001  2900
    sigma.res    0.874   0.051   0.781   0.838   0.872   0.908   0.979 1.001  2900
    sigma.toad   0.942   0.186   0.651   0.810   0.914   1.040   1.382 1.001  2600
    deviance   430.152   7.923 417.110 424.465 429.517 435.250 447.696 1.002  1500
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 31.4 and DIC = 461.5
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    mullens.mcmc.f <- as.mcmc(mullens.r2jags.f$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)
    We can perform generate the finite-population standard deviation posteriors within R
    View full code
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.f)
    pred <- grep('beta|gamma',nms)
    coefs <- mullens.mcmc.f[,pred]
    newdata <- mullens
    Amat <- cbind(model.matrix(~BREATH*poly(iO2LEVEL,2), newdata),model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, newdata))
    pred <- coefs %*% t(Amat)
    y.err <- t(mullens$SFREQBUC - t(pred))
    a<-apply(y.err, 1,sd)
    resid.sd <- data.frame(Source='Resid',Median=median(a), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(a), p=0.68))
    ## Fixed effects
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.f)
    mullens.mcmc.f.beta <- mullens.mcmc.f[,grep('beta',nms)]
    Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
    Start = 1 
    End = 7 
    Thinning interval = 1 
         beta[1] beta[2] beta[3] beta[4] beta[5] beta[6]
    [1,]   3.417 -0.9687 -10.775  0.1515  12.508  -5.980
    [2,]   3.883 -1.9574  -9.433  1.3641  10.962  -9.956
    [3,]   3.716 -0.7012  -9.324  2.5275   9.107 -10.246
    [4,]   3.688 -0.8433 -12.602  1.7350  13.720  -6.550
    [5,]   3.586 -1.0654 -13.004  1.7092  13.093  -8.085
    [6,]   3.377 -0.8349  -9.440  1.4351  12.746  -9.832
    [7,]   3.544 -0.3058 -10.812  1.8529  11.129  -7.904
    assign <- attr(Xmat, 'assign')
    [1] 0 1 2 2 3 3
    nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~BREATH*poly(iO2LEVEL,2), mullens)),'term.labels')
    [1] "BREATH"                   "poly(iO2LEVEL, 2)"        "BREATH:poly(iO2LEVEL, 2)"
    fixed.sd <- NULL
    for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
       w <- which(i==assign)
       if (length(w)==1) fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, abs(mullens.mcmc.f.beta[,w])*sd(Xmat[,w]))
       else fixed.sd<-cbind(fixed.sd, apply(mullens.mcmc.f.beta[,w],1,sd))
    fixed.sd <-adply(fixed.sd,2,function(x) {
       data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
    fixed.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, fixed.sd)
    # Variances
    nms <- colnames(mullens.mcmc.f)
    mullens.mcmc.f.gamma <- mullens.mcmc.f[,grep('gamma',nms)]
    assign <- attr(Zmat, 'assign')
    nms <- attr(terms(model.frame(~-1+TOAD, mullens)),'term.labels')
    random.sd <- NULL
    for (i in 1:max(assign)) {
       w <- which(i==assign)
       random.sd<-cbind(random.sd, apply(mullens.mcmc.f.gamma[,w],1,sd))
    random.sd <-adply(random.sd,2,function(x) {
       data.frame(Median=median(x), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x)), HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), p=0.68))
    random.sd<- cbind(Source=nms, random.sd)
    (mullens.sd <- rbind(subset(fixed.sd, select=-X1), subset(random.sd, select=-X1), resid.sd))
                           Source  Median    lower   upper lower.1 upper.1
    1                      BREATH  0.4893  0.02972  0.8625  0.2518  0.6750
    2           poly(iO2LEVEL, 2)  8.6000  6.47203 10.7202  7.3534  9.5755
    3    BREATH:poly(iO2LEVEL, 2) 14.3145 10.79177 17.8893 12.5771 16.0508
    4                        TOAD  0.8785  0.73062  1.0453  0.8027  0.9569
    var1                    Resid  0.8662  0.83326  0.9074  0.8461  0.8843
  7. Matrix parameterization - random intercepts model (STAN)
    Matrix parameterization STAN code
       int n;
       int nZ;
       int nX;
       vector [n] y;
       matrix [n,nX] X;
       matrix [n,nZ] Z;
       vector [nX] a0;
       matrix [nX,nX] A0;
      vector [nX] beta;
      real<lower=0> sigma;
      vector [nZ] gamma;
      real<lower=0> sigma_Z;
    transformed parameters {
       vector [n] mu;
       mu <- X*beta + Z*gamma; 
        // Priors
        beta ~ multi_normal(a0,A0);
        gamma ~ normal( 0 , sigma_Z );
        sigma_Z ~ cauchy(0,25);
        sigma ~ cauchy(0,25);
        y ~ normal( mu , sigma );
    generated quantities {
        vector [n] y_err;
        real<lower=0> sd_Resid;
        y_err <- y - mu;
        sd_Resid <- sd(y_err);
    #sort the data set so that the copper treatments are in a more logical order
    Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*poly(iO2LEVEL,2), data=mullens)
    Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, data=mullens)
    mullens.list <- list(y=mullens$SFREQBUC,
                   X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                               Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
                               a0=rep(0,ncol(Xmat)), A0=diag(100000,ncol(Xmat))
    params <- c("beta","gamma",
    burnInSteps = 3000
    nChains = 3
    numSavedSteps = 3000
    thinSteps = 10
    nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
    mullens.rstan.g <- stan(data=mullens.list,
    SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 1).
    Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 3001 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
    #  Elapsed Time: 3.38 seconds (Warm-up)
    #                7.75 seconds (Sampling)
    #                11.13 seconds (Total)
    SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 2).
    Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 3001 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
    #  Elapsed Time: 3.63 seconds (Warm-up)
    #                10.7 seconds (Sampling)
    #                14.33 seconds (Total)
    SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'rstanString' NOW (CHAIN 3).
    Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
    Iteration: 3001 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
    Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
    #  Elapsed Time: 3.28 seconds (Warm-up)
    #                7.95 seconds (Sampling)
    #                11.23 seconds (Total)
    Inference for Stan model: rstanString.
    3 chains, each with iter=10000; warmup=3000; thin=10; 
    post-warmup draws per chain=700, total post-warmup draws=2100.
                mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
    beta[1]     3.78    0.01 0.27   3.23   3.61   3.78   3.96   4.32  1496    1
    beta[2]    -1.01    0.01 0.45  -1.86  -1.31  -1.02  -0.72  -0.15  1839    1
    beta[3]   -10.74    0.02 1.14 -13.06 -11.50 -10.73  -9.95  -8.53  2089    1
    beta[4]     1.27    0.02 1.10  -0.90   0.52   1.25   2.04   3.43  2100    1
    beta[5]    12.99    0.04 1.85   9.32  11.79  13.02  14.22  16.60  2100    1
    beta[6]    -7.21    0.04 1.82 -10.73  -8.47  -7.25  -6.00  -3.53  2100    1
    gamma[1]    0.44    0.01 0.43  -0.34   0.15   0.42   0.73   1.26  1991    1
    gamma[2]   -0.65    0.01 0.40  -1.40  -0.93  -0.66  -0.37   0.16  1826    1
    gamma[3]    1.27    0.01 0.43   0.43   0.99   1.27   1.56   2.11  1807    1
    gamma[4]    1.36    0.01 0.38   0.63   1.11   1.35   1.61   2.11  1944    1
    gamma[5]   -0.25    0.01 0.38  -0.99  -0.51  -0.24   0.00   0.51  1635    1
    gamma[6]   -0.56    0.01 0.39  -1.37  -0.82  -0.56  -0.29   0.20  1785    1
    gamma[7]    1.42    0.01 0.39   0.70   1.16   1.42   1.68   2.17  1872    1
    gamma[8]   -0.26    0.01 0.44  -1.13  -0.56  -0.25   0.03   0.63  2036    1
    gamma[9]   -0.81    0.01 0.39  -1.58  -1.07  -0.82  -0.55  -0.05  1663    1
    gamma[10]  -0.57    0.01 0.44  -1.45  -0.86  -0.57  -0.27   0.28  2100    1
    gamma[11]  -1.24    0.01 0.38  -2.01  -1.49  -1.23  -0.99  -0.46  1958    1
    gamma[12]  -0.49    0.01 0.38  -1.26  -0.75  -0.48  -0.23   0.24  1895    1
    gamma[13]   1.02    0.01 0.38   0.29   0.76   1.01   1.27   1.82  1729    1
    gamma[14]  -0.11    0.01 0.39  -0.89  -0.37  -0.12   0.15   0.66  1916    1
    gamma[15]   0.02    0.01 0.38  -0.72  -0.24   0.02   0.28   0.76  1702    1
    gamma[16]   0.68    0.01 0.40  -0.08   0.41   0.68   0.94   1.47  1963    1
    gamma[17]  -1.26    0.01 0.43  -2.11  -1.55  -1.26  -0.96  -0.43  1931    1
    gamma[18]  -0.47    0.01 0.38  -1.20  -0.72  -0.46  -0.22   0.30  2057    1
    gamma[19]   0.65    0.01 0.43  -0.20   0.37   0.65   0.93   1.53  2035    1
    gamma[20]   0.03    0.01 0.43  -0.81  -0.25   0.03   0.33   0.87  2100    1
    gamma[21]  -0.29    0.01 0.43  -1.14  -0.57  -0.29  -0.02   0.54  1956    1
    sigma       0.88    0.00 0.05   0.78   0.84   0.87   0.91   0.99  2100    1
    sigma_Z     0.94    0.00 0.18   0.65   0.81   0.91   1.04   1.38  2100    1
    lp__      -69.36    0.09 4.16 -78.59 -71.97 -68.89 -66.39 -62.38  2049    1
    Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Mar 10 11:14:17 2015.
    For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
    convergence, Rhat=1).
    mullens.mcmc.g <- rstan:::as.mcmc.list.stanfit(mullens.rstan.g)
    mullens.mcmc.df.g <- as.data.frame(extract(mullens.rstan.g))
  8. How about we specifically model in a first order autoregressive structure - yes, why not, it would make the decade worth while.
    View full code
    model {
       mu[1] <- inprod(beta[],X[1,]) + inprod(gamma[],Z[1,])
       y.err[1] <- y[1] - mu[1]
       for (i in 2:n) {
          mu[i] <- inprod(beta[],X[i,]) + inprod(gamma[],Z[i,]) + rho*(mu[i-1]-y[i-1])
          y.err[i] <- y[i] - mu[1]
       rho ~ dunif(-1,1)
       #Priors and derivatives
       for (i in 1:nZ) {
          gamma[i] ~ dnorm(0,tau.toad)
       for (i in 1:nX) {
          beta[i] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-06)
       tau.res <- pow(sigma.res,-2)
       sigma.res <- z/sqrt(chSq)
       z ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
       chSq ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
       tau.toad <- pow(sigma.toad,-2)
       sigma.toad <- z.toad/sqrt(chSq.toad)
       z.toad ~ dnorm(0, .0016)I(0,)
       chSq.toad ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5)
    mullens$iO2LEVEL <- mullens$O2LEVEL
    mullens$O2LEVEL <- factor(mullens$O2LEVEL)
    Xmat <- model.matrix(~BREATH*O2LEVEL, data=mullens)
    Zmat <- model.matrix(~-1+TOAD, data=mullens)
    mullens.list <- list(y=mullens$SFREQBUC,
                   X=Xmat, nX=ncol(Xmat),
                               Z=Zmat, nZ=ncol(Zmat),
    params <- c("beta","gamma","rho",
    burnInSteps = 3000
    nChains = 3
    numSavedSteps = 3000
    thinSteps = 100
    nIter = ceiling((numSavedSteps * thinSteps)/nChains)
    mullens.r2jags.ar1 <- jags(data=mullens.list,
                                     inits=NULL, # since there are three chains
    Compiling model graph
       Resolving undeclared variables
       Allocating nodes
       Graph Size: 7410
    Initializing model
    Inference for Bugs model at "5", fit using jags,
     3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 3000 discarded), n.thin = 100
     n.sims = 2910 iterations saved
               mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
    beta[1]      4.928   0.349   4.254   4.693   4.928   5.159   5.615 1.002  2000
    beta[2]     -3.318   0.558  -4.426  -3.693  -3.316  -2.952  -2.208 1.002  2900
    beta[3]     -0.198   0.284  -0.763  -0.388  -0.194  -0.004   0.361 1.002  1200
    beta[4]     -0.533   0.349  -1.222  -0.769  -0.535  -0.299   0.160 1.002  1200
    beta[5]     -0.862   0.352  -1.549  -1.110  -0.855  -0.616  -0.197 1.003   710
    beta[6]     -1.539   0.348  -2.217  -1.775  -1.540  -1.304  -0.874 1.004   630
    beta[7]     -1.449   0.345  -2.106  -1.686  -1.449  -1.220  -0.762 1.001  2900
    beta[8]     -2.232   0.353  -2.905  -2.474  -2.236  -1.998  -1.524 1.001  2900
    beta[9]     -2.454   0.311  -3.061  -2.664  -2.453  -2.244  -1.845 1.003   970
    beta[10]     0.961   0.449   0.099   0.663   0.964   1.257   1.860 1.001  2400
    beta[11]     2.266   0.546   1.188   1.894   2.266   2.629   3.347 1.004   830
    beta[12]     2.310   0.554   1.250   1.928   2.314   2.677   3.400 1.003  1900
    beta[13]     3.240   0.545   2.155   2.883   3.240   3.605   4.316 1.004   590
    beta[14]     2.907   0.548   1.815   2.555   2.903   3.274   3.978 1.001  2900
    beta[15]     3.557   0.569   2.485   3.181   3.554   3.954   4.673 1.001  2200
    beta[16]     3.452   0.549   2.417   3.063   3.439   3.821   4.581 1.002  1100
    gamma[1]     0.381   0.451  -0.500   0.079   0.377   0.673   1.281 1.001  2900
    gamma[2]    -0.425   0.415  -1.240  -0.702  -0.428  -0.151   0.420 1.001  2900
    gamma[3]     1.021   0.472   0.121   0.704   1.012   1.323   1.996 1.001  2900
    gamma[4]     1.272   0.429   0.445   0.974   1.269   1.561   2.125 1.001  2300
    gamma[5]    -0.240   0.424  -1.055  -0.527  -0.251   0.051   0.594 1.001  2900
    gamma[6]    -0.554   0.423  -1.389  -0.836  -0.551  -0.259   0.250 1.002  1100
    gamma[7]     1.308   0.434   0.467   1.010   1.306   1.598   2.168 1.001  2900
    gamma[8]    -0.211   0.464  -1.127  -0.526  -0.218   0.112   0.698 1.001  2900
    gamma[9]    -0.765   0.429  -1.630  -1.060  -0.764  -0.467   0.058 1.001  2900
    gamma[10]   -0.497   0.471  -1.436  -0.811  -0.489  -0.196   0.446 1.001  2900
    gamma[11]   -1.056   0.433  -1.948  -1.338  -1.039  -0.764  -0.228 1.003   760
    gamma[12]   -0.512   0.416  -1.343  -0.783  -0.504  -0.233   0.285 1.001  2500
    gamma[13]    0.887   0.420   0.062   0.606   0.889   1.156   1.707 1.001  2900
    gamma[14]   -0.144   0.418  -1.005  -0.423  -0.147   0.130   0.675 1.001  2900
    gamma[15]    0.150   0.421  -0.654  -0.132   0.150   0.423   0.977 1.001  2900
    gamma[16]    0.607   0.423  -0.222   0.327   0.603   0.896   1.414 1.001  2100
    gamma[17]   -1.118   0.480  -2.085  -1.441  -1.113  -0.785  -0.195 1.001  2900
    gamma[18]   -0.530   0.418  -1.387  -0.805  -0.525  -0.231   0.248 1.001  2400
    gamma[19]    0.604   0.463  -0.293   0.302   0.598   0.907   1.526 1.002  1400
    gamma[20]    0.023   0.460  -0.871  -0.277   0.026   0.333   0.930 1.002  1100
    gamma[21]   -0.232   0.462  -1.149  -0.549  -0.228   0.082   0.678 1.001  2900
    rho         -0.400   0.071  -0.540  -0.448  -0.400  -0.353  -0.262 1.001  2900
    sigma.res    0.834   0.053   0.739   0.798   0.832   0.866   0.944 1.001  2900
    sigma.toad   0.876   0.190   0.567   0.747   0.850   0.983   1.312 1.001  2900
    deviance   414.475   9.973 397.326 407.291 413.774 420.624 436.122 1.001  2900
    For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
    and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
    DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
    pD = 49.7 and DIC = 464.2
    DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
    mullens.mcmc.ar1 <- as.mcmc(mullens.r2jags.ar1$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)