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R Workshops

23 April 2011


Please note that the following schedule is a work in progress.

Session 1 - R basics

Topics covered

  1. Installation of R
  2. Basic syntax
  3. Data types
  4. Object manipulation
  5. R Editors

Session 2 - Importation and exploratory data analysis

Topics covered

  1. Data importation
  2. Graphical summaries
  3. Numerical summaries
  4. Basic hypothesis testing

Session 3 - Simple linear regression

Topics covered

  1. Simple linear regression
  2. Transformations in regression
  3. Model II regression

Session 4 - Multiple linear regression

Topics covered

  1. Multiple linear regression
  2. Non-linear regression
  3. Polynomial regression

Session 5 - Simple Analysis of Variance

Topics covered

  1. Simple Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  2. Post-hoc (Tukey's) tests
  3. Planned contrasts (comparisons)

Session 6 - Factorial Analysis of Variance

Topics covered

  1. Nested ANOVA
  2. Factorial ANOVA

Session 7 - Nested, repeated measures, split-plot

Topics covered

  1. Nested ANOVA
  2. Randomized Block
  3. Repeated Measures
  4. Split-plot

Session 8 - Frequency analysis

Topics covered

  1. chi-squared test
  2. Contingency analysis
  3. Log-linear models
  4. Logistic regression

Session 9 - Generalized linear models

Topics covered

  1. Generalized linear models
  2. Overdispersion
  3. Zero-inflation

Session 10 - Contrasts

Topics covered

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Session 11 - R Graphics

Topics covered

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Session 12 - Data manipulation

Topics covered

  1. Reshaping datasets
  2. Merging datasets
  3. Aggregating datasets
  4. Transformations and derivatives
  5. Alterations
  6. More complex manipulations


  1. From the list of precompiled binaries, select 'Linux'
  2. R is available in range of pre-compiled binaries for Debian (Ubuntu), Red Hat and SuSE based distributions
  3. Quite frankly, if you are a linux user, you do not require instructions!