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Tutorial 9.4a - Split-plot and complex repeated measures ANOVA

27 Jul 2018


Split-plot designs (plots refer to agricultural field plots for which these designs were originally devised) extend unreplicated factorial (randomized complete block and simple repeated measures) designs by incorporating an additional factor whose levels are applied to entire blocks. Similarly, complex repeated measures designs are repeated measures designs in which there are different types of subjects. Split-plot and complex repeated measures designs are depicted diagrammatically in the following figure.

Consider the example of a randomized complete block presented at the start of Tutorial 9.3a. Blocks of four treatments (representing leaf packs subject to different aquatic taxa) were secured in numerous locations throughout a potentially heterogeneous stream. If some of those blocks had been placed in riffles, some in runs and some in pool habitats of the stream, the design becomes a split-plot design incorporating a between block factor (stream region: runs, riffles or pools) and a within block factor (leaf pack exposure type: microbial, macro invertebrate or vertebrate).

Furthermore, the design would enable us to investigate whether the roles that different organism scales play on the breakdown of leaf material in stream are consistent across each of the major regions of a stream (interaction between region and exposure type). Alternatively (or in addition), shading could be artificially applied to half of the blocks, thereby introducing a between block effect (whether the block is shaded or not).

Extending the repeated measures examples from Tutorial 9.3a, there might have been different populations (such as different species or histories) of rats or sharks. Any single subject (such as an individual shark or rat) can only be of one of the populations types and thus this additional factor represents a between subject effect.

Null hypotheses

There are separate null hypotheses associated with each of the main factors (and interactions), although typically, null hypotheses associated with the random blocking factors are of little interest.

Factor A - the main between block treatment effect

Fixed (typical case)

H$_0(A)$: $\mu_1=\mu_2=...=\mu_i=\mu$ (the population group means of A are all equal)

The mean of population 1 is equal to that of population 2 and so on, and thus all population means are equal to an overall mean. No effect of A. If the effect of the $i^{th}$ group is the difference between the $i^{th}$ group mean and the overall mean ($\alpha_i = \mu_i - \mu$) then the H$_0$ can alternatively be written as:
H$_0(A)$: $\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = ... = \alpha_i = 0$ \hspace*{2em}(the effect of each group equals zero)
If one or more of the $\alpha_i$ are different from zero (the response mean for this treatment differs from the overall response mean), the null hypothesis is not true indicating that the treatment does affect the response variable.


H$_0(A)$: $\sigma_\alpha^2=0$ (population variance equals zero)
There is no added variance due to all possible levels of A.

Factor B - the blocking factor

Random (typical case)

H$_0(B)$: $\sigma_\beta^2=0$ (population variance equals zero)
There is no added variance due to all possible levels of B.


H$_0(B)$: $\mu_{1}=\mu_{2}=...=\mu_{i}=\mu$ (the population group means of B are all equal)
H$_0(B)$: $\beta_{1} = \beta_{2}= ... = \beta_{i} = 0$ (the effect of each chosen B group equals zero)

Factor C - the main within block treatment effect

Fixed (typical case)

H$_0(C)$: $\mu_1=\mu_2=...=\mu_k=\mu$ (the population group means of C (pooling B) are all equal)
The mean of population 1 (pooling blocks) is equal to that of population 2 and so on, and thus all population means are equal to an overall mean. No effect of C within each block (Model 2) or over and above the effect of blocks. If the effect of the $k^{th}$ group is the difference between the $k^{th}$ group mean and the overall mean ($\gamma_k = \mu_k - \mu$) then the H$_0$ can alternatively be written as:
H$_0(C)$: $\gamma_1 = \gamma_2 = ... = \gamma_k = 0$ (the effect of each group equals zero)
If one or more of the $\gamma_k$ are different from zero (the response mean for this treatment differs from the overall response mean), the null hypothesis is not true indicating that the treatment does affect the response variable.


H$_0(C)$: $\sigma_\gamma^2=0$ (population variance equals zero)
There is no added variance due to all possible levels of C (pooling B).

Factor AC interaction - the main within block interaction effect

Fixed (typical case)

H$_0(A\times C)$: $\mu_{ijk}-\mu_i-\mu_k+\mu=0$ (the population group means of AC combinations (pooling B) are all equal)
There are no effects in addition to the main effects and the overall mean. If the effect of the $ik^{th}$ group is the difference between the $ik^{th}$ group mean and the overall mean ($\gamma_{ik} = \mu_i - \mu$) then the H$_0$ can alternatively be written as:
H$_0(AC)$: $\alpha\gamma_{11} = \alpha\gamma_{12} = ... = \alpha\gamma_{ik} = 0$ (the interaction is equal to zero)


H$_0(AC)$: $\sigma_{\alpha\gamma}^2=0$ (population variance equals zero)
There is no added variance due to any interaction effects (pooling B).

Factor BC interaction - the main within block by within Block effects

Random (typical case)

H$_0(BC)$: $\sigma_{\beta\gamma}^2=0$ (population variance equals zero)
There is no added variance due to any block by within block interaction effects. That is, the patterns amongst the levels of C are consistent across all the blocks. Unless each of the levels of Factor C are replicated (occur more than once) within each block, this null hypotheses about this effect cannot be tested.

Linear models

The linear models for three and four factor partly nested designs are:

One between ($\alpha$), one within ($\gamma$) block effect

$y_{ijkl}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_{j}+\gamma_k+\alpha\gamma_{ij}+\beta\gamma_{jk} + \varepsilon_{ijkl}\hspace{20em}\\$

Two between ($\alpha$, $\gamma$), one within ($\delta$) block effect

\begin{align*} y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\gamma_j+\alpha\gamma_{ij}+\beta_{k}+\delta_l+\alpha\delta_{il}+\gamma\delta_{jl} + \alpha\gamma\delta_{ijl}+\varepsilon_{ijklm}\hspace{5em} &\mathsf{(Model 2 - Additive)}\\ y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\gamma_j+\alpha\gamma_{ij}+\beta_{k}+\delta_l+\alpha\delta_{il}+\gamma\delta_{jl} +\alpha\gamma\delta_{ijl} + \\ &\beta\delta_{kl}+\beta\alpha\delta_{kil}+\beta\gamma\delta_{kjl}+\beta\alpha\gamma\delta_{kijl}+\varepsilon_{ijklm}\hspace{5em} &\mathsf{(Model 1 - Non-additive)} \end{align*}

One between ($\alpha$), two within ($\gamma$, $\delta$) block effects

\begin{align*} y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_{j}+\gamma_{k}+\delta_l+\gamma\delta_{kl}+\alpha\gamma_{ik}+\alpha\delta_{il}+\alpha\gamma\delta_{ikl}+\varepsilon_{ijk} \hspace{5em}&\mathsf{(Model 2- Additive)}\\ y_{ijklm}=&\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_{j}+\gamma_{k}+\beta\gamma_{jk}+\delta_l+\beta\delta_{jl}+\gamma\delta_{kl}+\beta\gamma\delta_{jkl}+\alpha\gamma_{ik}+\\ &\alpha\delta_{il}+\alpha\gamma\delta_{ikl}+\varepsilon_{ijk} &\mathsf{(Model 1 - Non-additive)} \end{align*} where $\mu$ is the overall mean, $\beta$ is the effect of the Blocking Factor B and $\varepsilon$ is the random unexplained or residual component.

Analysis of Variance

The construction of appropriate F-ratios generally follow the rules and conventions established in Tutorial 8.7a-Tutorial 9.3a , albeit with additional complexity. The following tables document the (classically considered) appropriate numerator and denominator mean squares and degrees of freedom for each null hypothesis for a range of two and three factor partly nested designs. As stated in previous tutorials, there is considerable debate as to what the appropriate denominator degrees of freedom should be and indeed whether it is even possible to estimate the denominator degrees of freedom in hierarchical designs.

A&C fixed, B randomA fixed, B&C randomC fixed, A&B random 
 Factord.fRestrictedUnrestrictedRestrictedUnrestrictedRestrictedUnrestrictedA,B&C random
5Resid (=CxB$^\prime$(A))$(c-1)(b-1)a$
R syntax (A&C fixed, B random)
         summary(aov(y~A*C+Error(B), data))
Balanced or unbalanced
         summary(lme(y~A*C, random=~1|B, data))
         summary(lme(y~A*C, random=~1|B, data), correlation=...)
         anova(lme(y~A*C, random=~1|B, data))
         summary(lmer(y~(1|B)+A*C, data))
Variance components
         summary(lme(y~1, random=~1|B/(A*C), data))
         summary(lmer(y~(1|B)+(1|A*C), data))


As partly nested designs share elements in common with each of nested, factorial and unreplicated factorial designs, they also share similar assumptions and implications to these other designs. Readers should also consult the sections on assumptions in Tutorial 7.6a, Tutorial 9.2a and Tutorial 9.3a Specifically, hypothesis tests assume that:

  • the appropriate residuals are normally distributed. Boxplots using the appropriate scale of replication (reflecting the appropriate residuals/F-ratio denominator (see Tables above) be used to explore normality. Scale transformations are often useful.
  • the appropriate residuals are equally varied. Boxplots and plots of means against variance (using the appropriate scale of replication) should be used to explore the spread of values. Residual plots should reveal no patterns. Scale transformations are often useful.
  • the appropriate residuals are independent of one another. Critically, experimental units within blocks/subjects should be adequately spaced temporally and spatially to restrict contamination or carryover effects. Non-independence resulting from the hierarchical design should be accounted for.
  • that the variance/covariance matrix displays sphericity (strickly, the variance-covariance matrix must display a very specific pattern of sphericity in which both variances and covariances are equal (compound symmetry), however an F-ratio will still reliably follow an F distribution provided basic sphericity holds). This assumption is likely to be met only if the treatment levels within each block can be randomly ordered. This assumption can be managed by either adjusting the sensitivity of the affected F-ratios or employing linear mixed effects modelling to the design.
  • there are no block by within block interactions. Such interactions render non-significant within block effects difficult to interpret unless we assume that there are no block by within block interactions, non-significant within block effects could be due to either an absence of a treatment effect, or as a result of opposing effects within different blocks. As these block by within block interactions are unreplicated, they can neither be formally tested nor is it possible to perform main effects tests to diagnose non-significant within block effects.

$R^2$ approximations

Whilst $R^2$ is a popular goodness of fit metric in simple linear models, its use is rarely extended to (generalized) linear mixed effects models. The reasons for this include:

  • there are numerous ways that $R^2$ could be defined for mixed effects models, some of which can result in values that are either difficult to interpret or illogical (for example negative $R^2$).
  • perhaps as a consequence, software implementation is also largely lacking.

Nakagawa and Schielzeth (2013) discuss the issues associated with $R^2$ calculations and suggest a series of simple calculations to yield sensible $R^2$ values from mixed effects models.

An $R^2$ value quantifies the proportion of variance explained by a model (or by terms in a model) - the higher the value, the better the model (or term) fit. Nakagawa and Schielzeth (2013) offered up two $R^2$ for mixed effects models:

  • Marginal $R^2$ - the proportion of total variance explained by the fixed effects. $$ \text{Marginal}~R^2 = \frac{\sigma^2_f}{\sigma^2_f + \sum^z_l{\sigma^2_l} + \sigma^2_d + \sigma^2_e} $$ where $\sigma^2_f$ is the variance of the fitted values (i.e. $\sigma^2_f = var(\mathbf{X\beta})$) on the link scale, $\sum^z_l{\sigma^2_l}$ is the sum of the $z$ random effects (including the residuals) and $\sigma^2_d$ and $\sigma^2_e$ are additional variance components appropriate when using non-Gaussian distributions.
  • Conditional $R^2$ - the proportion of the total variance collectively explained by the fixed and random factors $$ \text{Conditional}~R^2 = \frac{\sigma^2_f + \sum^z_l{\sigma^2_l}}{\sigma^2_f + \sum^z_l{\sigma^2_l} + \sigma^2_d + \sigma^2_e} $$
Since this tutorial is concerned with linear mixed effects models (and thus Gaussian distributions), we can ignore the $\sigma^2_d$ and $\sigma^2_e$ terms for now and return to them in Tutorial 11.2a.

Split-plot and complex repeated analysis in R

Split-plot design

Scenario and Data

Imagine we has designed an experiment in which we intend to measure a response ($y$) to one of treatments (three levels; 'a1', 'a2' and 'a3'). Unfortunately, the system that we intend to sample is spatially heterogeneous and thus will add a great deal of noise to the data that will make it difficult to detect a signal (impact of treatment).

Thus in an attempt to constrain this variability you decide to apply a design (RCB) in which each of the treatments within each of 35 blocks dispersed randomly throughout the landscape. As this section is mainly about the generation of artificial data (and not specifically about what to do with the data), understanding the actual details are optional and can be safely skipped. Consequently, I have folded (toggled) this section away.

Random data incorporating the following properties
  • the number of between block treatments (A) = 3
  • the number of blocks = 35
  • the number of within block treatments (C) = 3
  • the mean of the treatments = 40, 70 and 80 respectively
  • the variability (standard deviation) between blocks of the same treatment = 12
  • the variability (standard deviation) between treatments withing blocks = 5
nA <- 3
nC <- 3
nBlock <- 36
sigma <- 5
sigma.block <- 12
n <- nBlock * nC
Block <- gl(nBlock, k = 1)
C <- gl(nC, k = 1)

## Specify the cell means
AC.means <- (rbind(c(40, 70, 80), c(35, 50, 70), c(35, 40, 45)))
## Convert these to effects
X <- model.matrix(~A * C, data = expand.grid(A = gl(3, k = 1), C = gl(3, k = 1)))
AC <- as.vector(AC.means)
AC.effects <- solve(X, AC)

A <- gl(nA, nBlock, n)
dt <- expand.grid(C = C, Block = Block)
dt <- data.frame(dt, A)

Xmat <- cbind(model.matrix(~-1 + Block, data = dt), model.matrix(~A * C, data = dt))
block.effects <- rnorm(n = nBlock, mean = 0, sd = sigma.block)
all.effects <- c(block.effects, AC.effects)
lin.pred <- Xmat %*% all.effects

## the quadrat observations (within sites) are drawn from normal distributions with means according to
## the site means and standard deviations of 5
y <- rnorm(n, lin.pred, sigma)
data.splt <- data.frame(y = y, A = A, dt)
head(data.splt)  #print out the first six rows of the data set
         y A C Block A.1
1 30.51110 1 1     1   1
2 62.18599 1 2     1   1
3 77.98268 1 3     1   1
4 46.01960 1 1     2   1
5 71.38110 1 2     2   1
6 80.93691 1 3     2   1
tapply(data.splt$y, data.splt$A, mean)
       1        2        3 
67.73243 52.25684 37.79359 
tapply(data.splt$y, data.splt$C, mean)
       1        2        3 
37.57486 55.33468 64.87331 
replications(y ~ A * C + Error(Block), data.splt)
  A   C A:C 
 36  36  12 
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y = y, x = C, linetype = A, group = A)) + geom_line(stat = "summary", fun.y = mean)
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.1
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y = y, x = C, color = A)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Block)
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.1

Exploratory data analysis

Normality and Homogeneity of variance
# check between plot effects
boxplot(y ~ A, ddply(data.splt, ~A + Block, summarise, y = mean(y)))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.2
# OR
ggplot(ddply(data.splt, ~A + Block, summarise, y = mean(y)), aes(y = y, x = A)) + geom_boxplot()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.2
# check within plot effects
boxplot(y ~ A * C, data.splt)
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.2
# OR
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y = y, x = C, fill = A)) + geom_boxplot()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.2


  • there is no evidence that the response variable is consistently non-normal across all populations - each boxplot is approximately symmetrical
  • there is no evidence that variance (as estimated by the height of the boxplots) differs between the five populations. . More importantly, there is no evidence of a relationship between mean and variance - the height of boxplots does not increase with increasing position along the y-axis. Hence it there is no evidence of non-homogeneity
Obvious violations could be addressed either by:
  • transform the scale of the response variables (to address normality etc). Note transformations should be applied to the entire response variable (not just those populations that are skewed).

Block by within-Block interaction
with(data.splt, interaction.plot(C, Block, y))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.3
# OR with ggplot
ggplot(data.splt, aes(y = y, x = C, group = Block, color = Block)) + geom_line() + guides(color = guide_legend(ncol = 3))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.3
residualPlots(lm(y ~ Block + A * C, data.splt))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.4
           Test stat Pr(>|t|)
Block             NA       NA
A                 NA       NA
C                 NA       NA
Tukey test     1.539    0.124
# the Tukey's non-additivity test by itself can be obtained via an internal function within the car
# package
car:::tukeyNonaddTest(lm(y ~ Block + A * C, data.splt))
     Test    Pvalue 
1.5394292 0.1236996 


  • there is no visual or inferential evidence of any major interactions between Block and the within-Block effect (C). Any trends appear to be reasonably consistent between Blocks.


Prior to the use of maximum likelihood and mixed effects models (that permit specifying alternative variance-covariance structures), randomized block and repeated measures ANOVAs assumed that the variance-covariance matrix followed a specific pattern called 'Sphericity'. For repeated measures designs in which the within subject effects could not be randomized, the variance-covariance matrix was unlikely to meet sphericity. The only way of compensating for this was to estimate the degree to which sphericity was violated (via an epsilon value) and then use this epsilon to reduce the degrees of freedom of the model (thereby making p-values more conservative).

Since the levels of C in the current example were randomly assigned within each Block, we have no reason to expect that the variance-covariance will deviate substantially from sphericity. Nevertheless, we can calculate the epsilon sphericity values to confirm this. Recall that the closer the epsilon value is to 1, the greater the degree of sphericity compliance.

Note that sphericity only applies to within block effects..

Error in library(biology): there is no package called 'biology'
epsi.GG.HF(aov(y ~ Error(Block) + C, data = data.splt))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): could not find function "epsi.GG.HF"


  • Both the Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt epsilons are reasonably close to one (they are both greater than 0.8), hence there is no evidence of correlation dependency structures.

Alternatively (and preferentially), we can explore whether there is an auto-correlation patterns in the residuals.

data.splt.lme <- lme(y ~ A * C, random = ~1 | Block, data = data.splt)
plot of chunk tut9.4aS1.6


  • The autocorrelation factor (ACF) at a range of lags up to 20, indicate that there is not a strong pattern of a contagious structure running through the residuals. Note the ACF of lag 0 will always be 1 - the correlation of residuals with themselves must be 100%.

Model fitting or statistical analysis

There are numerous ways of fitting split-plot models in R.

Linear mixed effects modelling via the lme() function. This method is one of the original implementations in which separate variance-covariance matrices are incorporated into a interactive sequence of (generalized least squares) and maximum likelihood (actually REML) estimates of 'fixed' and 'random effects'.

Rather than fit just a single, simple random intercepts model, it is common to fit other related alternative models and explore which model fits the data best. For example, we could also fit a random intercepts and slope model. We could also explore other variance-covariance structures (autocorrelation or heterogeneity).

# random intercept
data.splt.lme <- lme(y ~ A * C, random = ~1 | Block, data.splt, method = "REML")
# random intercept/slope
data.splt.lme1 <- lme(y ~ A * C, random = ~A | Block, data.splt, method = "REML")
anova(data.splt.lme, data.splt.lme1)
               Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test   L.Ratio p-value
data.splt.lme      1 11 714.3519 742.8982 -346.1759                         
data.splt.lme1     2 16 723.5937 765.1156 -345.7968 1 vs 2 0.7582165  0.9796

More modern linear mixed effects modelling via the lmer() function. In contrast to the lme() function, the lmer() function supports are more complex combination of random effects (such as crossed random effects). However, unfortunately, it does not yet (and probably never will) have a mechanism to support specifying alternative covariance structures needed to accommodate spatial and temporal autocorrelation

data.splt.lmer <- lmer(y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data.splt, REML = TRUE)  #random intercept
data.splt.lmer1 <- lmer(y ~ A * C + (A | Block), data.splt, REML = TRUE,
    control = lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.nRE = "ignore"))  #random intercept/slope
anova(data.splt.lmer, data.splt.lmer1)
Data: data.splt
data.splt.lmer: y ~ A * C + (1 | Block)
data.splt.lmer1: y ~ A * C + (A | Block)
                Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
data.splt.lmer  11 743.50 773.00 -360.75   721.50                         
data.splt.lmer1 16 752.67 795.59 -360.34   720.67 0.8271      5     0.9753

Mixed effects models can also be fit using the Template Model Builder automatic differentiation engine via the glmmTMB() function from a package with the same name. glmmTMB is able to fit similar models to lmer, yet can also incorporate more complex features such as zero inflation and temporal autocorrelation. Random effects are assumed to be Gaussian on the scale of the linear predictor and are integrated out via Laplace approximation. On the downsides, REML is not available for this technique yet and nor is Gauss-Hermite quadrature (which can be useful when dealing with small sample sizes and non-gaussian errors.

data.splt.glmmTMB <- glmmTMB(y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data.splt)  #random intercept
data.splt.glmmTMB1 <- glmmTMB(y ~ A * C + (A | Block), data.splt)  #random intercept/slope
anova(data.splt.glmmTMB, data.splt.glmmTMB1)
Data: data.splt
data.splt.glmmTMB: y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), zi=~0, disp=~1
data.splt.glmmTMB1: y ~ A * C + (A | Block), zi=~0, disp=~1
                   Df   AIC BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
data.splt.glmmTMB  11 743.5 773 -360.75    721.5                        
data.splt.glmmTMB1 16                                       5           

Traditional OLS with multiple error strata using the aov() function. The aov() function is actually a wrapper for a specialized lm() call that defines multiple residual terms and thus adds some properties and class attributes to the fitted model that modify the output. This option is illustrated purely as a link to the past, it is no longer considered as robust or flexible as more modern techniques.

data.splt.aov <- aov(y ~ A * C + Error(Block), data.splt)

Conclusions: the more complex random intercepts and slopes model does not fit the data significantly better than the simpler random intercepts model and thus the simpler model will be used.

Model evaluation

Temporal autocorrelation

Before proceeding any further we should really explore whether we are likely to have an issue with temporal autocorrelation. The models assume that there are no temporal dependency issues. A good way to explore this is to examine the autocorrelation function. Essentially, this involves looking at the degree of correlation between residuals associated with times of incrementally greater temporal lags.

We have already observed that a model with random intercepts and random slopes fits better than a model with just random intercepts. It is possible that this is due to temporal autocorrelation. The random intercept/slope model might have fit the temporally autocorrelated data better, but if this is due to autocorrelation, then the random intercepts/slope model does not actually adress the underlying issue. Consequently, it is important to explore autocorrelation for both models and if there is any evidence of temporal autocorrelation, refit both models.

We can visualize the issue via linear mixed model formulation: $$ \begin{align} y_i &\sim{} N(\mu_i, \sigma^2)\\ \mu_i &= \mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta} + \mathbf{Z}\mathbf{b}\\ \mathbf{b} &\sim{} MVN(0, \Sigma)\\ \end{align} $$ With a bit or rearranging, $\mathbf{b}$ and $\Sigma$ can represent a combination of random intercepts ($\mathbf{b}_0$) and autocorrelated residuals ($\Sigma_{AR}$): $$ \begin{align} b_{ij} &= \mathbf{b}_{0,ij} + \varepsilon_{ij}\\ \varepsilon_i &\sim{} \Sigma_{AR}\\ \end{align} $$ where $i$ are the blocks and $j$ are the observations.

The current simulated data has only three observations within each Block (one for each of the C treatments). Consequently, there temporal autocorrelation is not that meaningful. Nevertheless, for other data sets it could be an issue and should be investigated. Tutorial 9.3a provides a demonstration on how to explore temporal autocorrelation.


As always, exploring the residuals can reveal issues of heteroscadacity, non-linearity and potential issues with autocorrelation. Note for lme() and lmer() residual plots use standardized (normalized) residuals rather than raw residuals as the former reflect changes to the variance-covariance matrix whereas the later do not.

The following function will be used for the production of some of the qqnormal plots.

qq.line = function(x) {
    # following four lines from base R's qqline()
    y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
    x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
    slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
    int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
    return(c(int = int, slope = slope))

plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.2
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.2
## plot residuals against each of the fixed effects
plot(resid(data.splt.lme) ~ data.splt.lme$data$A)
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.2
plot(resid(data.splt.lme) ~ data.splt.lme$data$C)
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.2
plot_grid(plot_model(data.splt.lme, type = "diag"))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.2b
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
plot(fitted(data.splt.lmer), residuals(data.splt.lmer, type = "pearson",
    scaled = TRUE))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
ggplot(fortify(data.splt.lmer), aes(y = .scresid, x = .fitted)) +
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
QQline = qq.line(fortify(data.splt.lmer)$.scresid)
ggplot(fortify(data.splt.lmer), aes(sample = .scresid)) + stat_qq() +
    geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
## plot residuals against each of the fixed effects
ggplot(fortify(data.splt.lmer), aes(y = .scresid, x = A)) + geom_point()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
ggplot(fortify(data.splt.lmer), aes(y = .scresid, x = C)) + geom_point()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3
plot_grid(plot_model(data.splt.lmer, type = "diag"))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.3b
ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(data.splt.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"),
    x = fitted(data.splt.glmmTMB))) + geom_point()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.4
QQline = qq.line(resid(data.splt.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))
ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(data.splt.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))) +
    stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.4
ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(data.splt.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"),
    x = data.splt.glmmTMB$frame$A)) + geom_point()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.4
ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(data.splt.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"),
    x = data.splt.glmmTMB$frame$C)) + geom_point()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.4
plot_grid(plot_model(data.splt.glmmTMB, type = "diag"))  #not working yet - bug
Error in UseMethod("rstudent"): no applicable method for 'rstudent' applied to an object of class "glmmTMB"
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS4.1
Conclusions: there are no issues obvious from the residuals.

Exploring model parameters

If there was any evidence that the assumptions had been violated, then we would need to reconsider the model and start the process again. In this case, there is no evidence that the test will be unreliable so we can proceed to explore the test statistics. As I had elected to illustrate multiple techniques for analysing this nested design, I will also deal with the summaries etc separately.

Partial effects plots

It is often useful to visualize partial effects plots while exploring the parameter estimates. Having a graphical representation of the partial effects typically makes it a lot easier to interpret the parameter estimates and inferences.

plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.1a
plot(allEffects(data.splt.lme), lines = list(multiline = TRUE),
    confint = list(style = "bars"))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.1a
plot_model(data.splt.lme, type = "eff", terms = c("A", "C"))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.1a
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.2a
plot(allEffects(data.splt.lmer), lines = list(multiline = TRUE),
    confint = list(style = "bars"))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.2a
plot_model(data.splt.lmer, type = "eff", terms = c("A", "C"))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.2a
These are not yet correct!
# observation level effects averaged across margins
p = ggaverage(data.splt.glmmTMB, terms = c("A", "C"), x.as.factor = TRUE)
p = p %>% dplyr::rename(A = x, C = group)
ggplot(p, aes(y = predicted, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = conf.low,
    ymax = conf.high))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.3a
# marginal effects
p = ggpredict(data.splt.glmmTMB, terms = c("A", "C"), x.as.factor = TRUE)
p = p %>% dplyr::rename(A = x, C = group)
ggplot(p, aes(y = predicted, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = conf.low,
    ymax = conf.high))
plot of chunk tut9.4aS5.3a
Extractor functions
There are a number of extractor functions (functions that extract or derive specific information from a model) available including:
residuals()Extracts the residuals from the model
fitted()Extracts the predicted (expected) response values (on the link scale) at the observed levels of the linear predictor
predict()Extracts the predicted (expected) response values (on either the link, response or terms (linear predictor) scale)
coef()Extracts the model coefficients
confint()Calculate confidence intervals for the model coefficients
summary()Summarizes the important output and characteristics of the model
anova()Computes an analysis of variance (variance partitioning) from the model
VarCorr()Computes variance components (of random effects) from the model
AIC()Computes Akaike Information Criterion from the model
plot()Generates a series of diagnostic plots from the model
effect()effects package - estimates the marginal (partial) effects of a factor (useful for plotting)
avPlot()car package - generates partial regression plots

Parameter estimates

Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
 Data: data.splt 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  714.3519 742.8982 -346.1759

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | Block
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:    11.00689 4.309761

Fixed effects: y ~ A * C 
                Value Std.Error DF    t-value p-value
(Intercept)  44.39871  3.412303 66  13.011362  0.0000
A2           -8.86091  4.825726 33  -1.836182  0.0754
A3          -11.61064  4.825726 33  -2.405988  0.0219
C2           31.17007  1.759453 66  17.715775  0.0000
C3           38.83108  1.759453 66  22.069979  0.0000
A2:C2       -15.33891  2.488242 66  -6.164556  0.0000
A3:C2       -24.89184  2.488242 66 -10.003787  0.0000
A2:C3        -4.50515  2.488242 66  -1.810574  0.0748
A3:C3       -30.09278  2.488242 66 -12.093993  0.0000
      (Intr) A2     A3     C2     C3     A2:C2  A3:C2  A2:C3 
A2    -0.707                                                 
A3    -0.707  0.500                                          
C2    -0.258  0.182  0.182                                   
C3    -0.258  0.182  0.182  0.500                            
A2:C2  0.182 -0.258 -0.129 -0.707 -0.354                     
A3:C2  0.182 -0.129 -0.258 -0.707 -0.354  0.500              
A2:C3  0.182 -0.258 -0.129 -0.354 -0.707  0.500  0.250       
A3:C3  0.182 -0.129 -0.258 -0.354 -0.707  0.250  0.500  0.500

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
         Min           Q1          Med           Q3          Max 
-1.908000844 -0.541899250  0.003782048  0.542865052  1.810720228 

Number of Observations: 108
Number of Groups: 36 
Approximate 95% confidence intervals

 Fixed effects:
                 lower       est.       upper
(Intercept)  37.585829  44.398712  51.2115953
A2          -18.678921  -8.860908   0.9571044
A3          -21.428649 -11.610637  -1.7926243
C2           27.657207  31.170068  34.6829285
C3           35.318224  38.831084  42.3439451
A2:C2       -20.306842 -15.338907 -10.3709713
A3:C2       -29.859778 -24.891843 -19.9239073
A2:C3        -9.473081  -4.505146   0.4627894
A3:C3       -35.060715 -30.092780 -25.1248447
[1] "Fixed effects:"

 Random Effects:
  Level: Block 
                   lower     est.    upper
sd((Intercept)) 8.540243 11.00689 14.18598

 Within-group standard error:
   lower     est.    upper 
3.633843 4.309761 5.111405 
            numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)     1    66 781.9956  <.0001
A               2    33  21.1243  <.0001
C               2    66 372.0035  <.0001
A:C             4    66  52.5514  <.0001
tidy(data.splt.lme, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE)
# A tibble: 9 x 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)    44.4       3.41     13.0  6.94e-20
2 A2             -8.86      4.83     -1.84 7.54e- 2
3 A3            -11.6       4.83     -2.41 2.19e- 2
4 C2             31.2       1.76     17.7  8.88e-27
5 C3             38.8       1.76     22.1  3.55e-32
6 A2:C2         -15.3       2.49     -6.16 4.80e- 8
7 A3:C2         -24.9       2.49    -10.0  7.43e-15
8 A2:C3          -4.51      2.49     -1.81 7.48e- 2
9 A3:C3         -30.1       2.49    -12.1  2.12e-18
# A tibble: 1 x 5
  sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance
  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>   
1  4.31  -346.  714.  743. NA      

The output comprises:

  • various information criterion (for model comparison)
  • the random effects variance components
    • the estimated standard deviation between Blocks is 11.006894
    • the estimated standard deviation within treatments is 4.309761
    • Blocks represent 71.8622571% of the variability (based on SD).
  • the fixed effects
    • The effects parameter estimates along with their hypothesis tests
    • There is evidence of an interaction between $A$ and $C$ - the nature of the trends between $A1$, $A2$ and $A3$ are not consistent between all levels of $C$ (and vice verse).

Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ A * C + (1 | Block)
   Data: data.splt

REML criterion at convergence: 692.4

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.90800 -0.54190  0.00378  0.54287  1.81072 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Block    (Intercept) 121.15   11.01   
 Residual              18.57    4.31   
Number of obs: 108, groups:  Block, 36

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)   44.399      3.412  13.011
A2            -8.861      4.826  -1.836
A3           -11.611      4.826  -2.406
C2            31.170      1.759  17.716
C3            38.831      1.759  22.070
A2:C2        -15.339      2.488  -6.165
A3:C2        -24.892      2.488 -10.004
A2:C3         -4.505      2.488  -1.811
A3:C3        -30.093      2.488 -12.094

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
      (Intr) A2     A3     C2     C3     A2:C2  A3:C2  A2:C3 
A2    -0.707                                                 
A3    -0.707  0.500                                          
C2    -0.258  0.182  0.182                                   
C3    -0.258  0.182  0.182  0.500                            
A2:C2  0.182 -0.258 -0.129 -0.707 -0.354                     
A3:C2  0.182 -0.129 -0.258 -0.707 -0.354  0.500              
A2:C3  0.182 -0.258 -0.129 -0.354 -0.707  0.500  0.250       
A3:C3  0.182 -0.129 -0.258 -0.354 -0.707  0.250  0.500  0.500
                 2.5 %      97.5 %
.sig01        8.383249  13.6705563
.sigma        3.534158   4.9042634
(Intercept)  37.848710  50.9487139
A2          -18.124010   0.4021934
A3          -20.873738  -2.3475353
C2           27.823884  34.5162514
C3           35.484901  42.1772680
A2:C2       -20.071125 -10.6066884
A3:C2       -29.624061 -20.1596244
A2:C3        -9.237364   0.2270724
A3:C3       -34.824998 -25.3605618
Analysis of Variance Table
    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
A    2   784.7   392.4  21.124
C    2 13819.2  6909.6 372.003
A:C  4  3904.4   976.1  52.551
tidy(data.splt.lmer, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE)
# A tibble: 9 x 6
  term        estimate std.error statistic conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)    44.4       3.41     13.0     37.7     51.1  
2 A2             -8.86      4.83     -1.84   -18.3      0.597
3 A3            -11.6       4.83     -2.41   -21.1     -2.15 
4 C2             31.2       1.76     17.7     27.7     34.6  
5 C3             38.8       1.76     22.1     35.4     42.3  
6 A2:C2         -15.3       2.49     -6.16   -20.2    -10.5  
7 A3:C2         -24.9       2.49    -10.0    -29.8    -20.0  
8 A2:C3          -4.51      2.49     -1.81    -9.38     0.372
9 A3:C3         -30.1       2.49    -12.1    -35.0    -25.2  
# A tibble: 1 x 6
  sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual
  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
1  4.31  -346.  714.  744.     721.          97

As a result of disagreement and discontent concerning the appropriate residual degrees of freedom, lmer() does not provide p-values in summary or anova tables. For hypothesis testing, the following options exist:

  • Confidence intervals on the estimated parameters.
                     2.5 %      97.5 %
    .sig01        8.383249  13.6705563
    .sigma        3.534158   4.9042634
    (Intercept)  37.848710  50.9487139
    A2          -18.124010   0.4021934
    A3          -20.873738  -2.3475353
    C2           27.823884  34.5162514
    C3           35.484901  42.1772680
    A2:C2       -20.071125 -10.6066884
    A3:C2       -29.624061 -20.1596244
    A2:C3        -9.237364   0.2270724
    A3:C3       -34.824998 -25.3605618
  • Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT). Note, as this is contrasting a fixed component, the models need to be fitted with ML rather than REML.
    mod1 = update(data.splt.lmer, REML = FALSE)
    mod2 = update(data.splt.lmer, ~. - A, REML = FALSE)
    anova(mod1, mod2)
    Data: data.splt
    mod1: y ~ A * C + (1 | Block)
    mod2: y ~ C + (1 | Block) + A:C
         Df   AIC BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
    mod1 11 743.5 773 -360.75    721.5                        
    mod2 11 743.5 773 -360.75    721.5     0      0          1
  • Adopt the Satterthwaite or Kenward-Roger methods to denominator degrees of freedom (as used in SAS). This approach requires the lmerTest and pbkrtest packages and requires that they be loaded before fitting the model (update() will suffice). Note just because these are the approaches adopted by SAS, this does not mean that they are 'correct'.
    data.splt.lmer <- update(data.splt.lmer)
    Linear mixed model fit by REML t-tests use Satterthwaite approximations to degrees of freedom [
    Formula: y ~ A * C + (1 | Block)
       Data: data.splt
    REML criterion at convergence: 692.4
    Scaled residuals: 
         Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
    -1.90800 -0.54190  0.00378  0.54287  1.81072 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     Block    (Intercept) 121.15   11.01   
     Residual              18.57    4.31   
    Number of obs: 108, groups:  Block, 36
    Fixed effects:
                Estimate Std. Error      df t value Pr(>|t|)    
    (Intercept)   44.399      3.412  39.543  13.011 6.66e-16 ***
    A2            -8.861      4.826  39.543  -1.836   0.0739 .  
    A3           -11.611      4.826  39.543  -2.406   0.0209 *  
    C2            31.170      1.759  66.000  17.716  < 2e-16 ***
    C3            38.831      1.759  66.000  22.070  < 2e-16 ***
    A2:C2        -15.339      2.488  66.000  -6.165 4.80e-08 ***
    A3:C2        -24.892      2.488  66.000 -10.004 7.55e-15 ***
    A2:C3         -4.505      2.488  66.000  -1.811   0.0748 .  
    A3:C3        -30.093      2.488  66.000 -12.094  < 2e-16 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
          (Intr) A2     A3     C2     C3     A2:C2  A3:C2  A2:C3 
    A2    -0.707                                                 
    A3    -0.707  0.500                                          
    C2    -0.258  0.182  0.182                                   
    C3    -0.258  0.182  0.182  0.500                            
    A2:C2  0.182 -0.258 -0.129 -0.707 -0.354                     
    A3:C2  0.182 -0.129 -0.258 -0.707 -0.354  0.500              
    A2:C3  0.182 -0.258 -0.129 -0.354 -0.707  0.500  0.250       
    A3:C3  0.182 -0.129 -0.258 -0.354 -0.707  0.250  0.500  0.500
    anova(data.splt.lmer)  # Satterthwaite denominator df method
    Analysis of Variance Table of type III  with  Satterthwaite 
    approximation for degrees of freedom
         Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value    Pr(>F)    
    A     784.7   392.4     2    33   21.12  1.24e-06 ***
    C   13819.2  6909.6     2    66  372.00 < 2.2e-16 ***
    A:C  3904.4   976.1     4    66   52.55 < 2.2e-16 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    anova(data.splt.lmer, ddf = "Kenward-Roger")
    Analysis of Variance Table of type III  with  Kenward-Roger 
    approximation for degrees of freedom
         Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value    Pr(>F)    
    A     784.7   392.4     2    33   21.12  1.24e-06 ***
    C   13819.2  6909.6     2    66  372.00 < 2.2e-16 ***
    A:C  3904.4   976.1     4    66   52.55 < 2.2e-16 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The output comprises:

  • various information criterion (for model comparison)
  • the random effects variance components
    • the estimated standard deviation between Blocks is 11.0068942
    • the estimated standard deviation within treatments is 4.3097613
    • Blocks represent 71.8622559% of the variability (based on SD).
  • the fixed effects
    • The effects parameter estimates along with their hypothesis tests
    • There is evidence of an interaction between $A$ and $C$ - the nature of the trends between $A1$, $A2$ and $A3$ are not consistent between all levels of $C$ (and vice verse).

 Family: gaussian  ( identity )
Formula:          y ~ A * C + (1 | Block)
Data: data.splt

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   743.5    773.0   -360.7    721.5       97 

Random effects:

Conditional model:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Block    (Intercept) 111.06   10.538  
 Residual              17.03    4.126  
Number of obs: 108, groups:  Block, 36

Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2):   17 

Conditional model:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   44.399      3.267  13.590  < 2e-16 ***
A2            -8.861      4.620  -1.918   0.0551 .  
A3           -11.611      4.620  -2.513   0.0120 *  
C2            31.170      1.685  18.504  < 2e-16 ***
C3            38.831      1.685  23.051  < 2e-16 ***
A2:C2        -15.339      2.382  -6.439 1.21e-10 ***
A3:C2        -24.892      2.382 -10.449  < 2e-16 ***
A2:C3         -4.505      2.382  -1.891   0.0586 .  
A3:C3        -30.093      2.382 -12.632  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                    2.5 %      97.5 %   Estimate
cond.(Intercept)                37.995459  50.8019809  44.398720
cond.A2                        -17.916505   0.1946518  -8.860926
cond.A3                        -20.666227  -2.5550708 -11.610649
cond.C2                         27.868417  34.4717213  31.170069
cond.C3                         35.529441  42.1327460  38.831094
cond.A2:C2                     -20.008147 -10.6696636 -15.338905
cond.A3:C2                     -29.561085 -20.2226021 -24.891844
cond.A2:C3                      -9.174404   0.1640792  -4.505162
cond.A3:C3                     -34.762032 -25.4235487 -30.092790
cond.Std.Dev.Block.(Intercept)   8.265449  13.4361251  10.538292
sigma                            3.504495   4.8583895   4.126282

The output comprises:

  • various information criterion (for model comparison)
  • the random effects variance components
    • the estimated standard deviation between Blocks is
    • the estimated standard deviation within treatments is TRUE
    • Blocks represent % of the variability (based on SD).
  • the fixed effects
    • The effects parameter estimates along with their hypothesis tests
    • There is evidence of an interaction between $A$ and $C$ - the nature of the trends between $A1$, $A2$ and $A3$ are not consistent between all levels of $C$ (and vice verse).

Error: Block
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
A          2  16140    8070   21.12 1.24e-06 ***
Residuals 33  12607     382                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Error: Within
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
C          2  13819    6910  372.00 <2e-16 ***
A:C        4   3904     976   52.55 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 66   1226      19                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Planned comparisons and pairwise post-hoc tests

Similar to Tutorial 7.6a.html, we could apply manual adjustments to separate simple main effects tests or refit the model with modified interaction terms in order to explore the main effect of one factor at different levels of the other factor. Alternatively, we could just apply different contrasts to the existing fitted model.

As with non-heirarchical models, we can incorporate alternative contrasts for the fixed effects (other than the default treatment contrasts). The random factors must be sum-to-zero contrasts in order to ensure that the model is identifiable (possible to estimate true values of the parameters).

Likewise, post-hoc tests such as Tukey's tests can be performed.

For this demonstration, we have the extra complication - an interaction between A and C. For this reason, we will explore comparisons in A separately for each level of C (although we could do this the other way around and explore contrasts in C for each level of A).

Post-hoc tests (Tukey's)

In the absence of interactions, we could use glht() (which in this case, will perform the Tukey's test for A at the first level of C - as it is assumed in the absence of an interaction that this will be the same for all levels of C).

summary(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey")))
	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
2 - 1 == 0   -8.861      4.826  -1.836   0.1578  
3 - 1 == 0  -11.611      4.826  -2.406   0.0427 *
3 - 2 == 0   -2.750      4.826  -0.570   0.8362  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey")))
	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.3441
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr      upr     
2 - 1 == 0  -8.8609 -20.1729   2.4511
3 - 1 == 0 -11.6106 -22.9227  -0.2986
3 - 2 == 0  -2.7497 -14.0617   8.5623

In this case, you will notice a message that warns us that we specified a model with an interaction term and that the above might not be appropriate. One alternative might be to perform the Tukey's test for A marginalizing (averaging) over all the levels of C.

As an alternative to the glht() function, we can also use the emmeans() function from a package with the same name. This package computes 'estimated marginal means' and is an adaptation of the least-squares (predicted marginal) means routine popularized by SAS. This routine uses the Kenward-Roger (or optionally, the Satterthwaite) method of calculating degrees of freedom and so will yield slightly different confidence intervals and p-values from glht(). Note, the emmeans() package has replaced the lsmeans() package.

summary(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
2 - 1 == 0  -15.476      4.607  -3.359  0.00220 ** 
3 - 1 == 0  -29.939      4.607  -6.499  < 0.001 ***
3 - 2 == 0  -14.463      4.607  -3.139  0.00497 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.3431
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr      upr     
2 - 1 == 0 -15.4756 -26.2702  -4.6810
3 - 1 == 0 -29.9388 -40.7334 -19.1443
3 - 2 == 0 -14.4633 -25.2578  -3.6687
## OR
emmeans(data.splt.lme, pairwise ~ A)
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 67.73243 3.257595 35 61.11916 74.34570
 2 52.25684 3.257595 33 45.62921 58.88446
 3 37.79359 3.257595 33 31.16596 44.42121

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    15.47559 4.606934 33   3.359  0.0055
 1 - 3    29.93884 4.606934 33   6.499  <.0001
 2 - 3    14.46325 4.606934 33   3.139  0.0097

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.lme, pairwise ~ A))
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 67.73243 3.257595 35 61.11916 74.34570
 2 52.25684 3.257595 33 45.62921 58.88446
 3 37.79359 3.257595 33 31.16596 44.42121

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    15.47559 4.606934 33  4.171122 26.78006
 1 - 3    29.93884 4.606934 33 18.634374 41.24331
 2 - 3    14.46325 4.606934 33  3.158782 25.76772

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 

Arguably, it would be better to perform the Tukey's test for A separately for each level of C.

emmeans(data.splt.lme, pairwise ~ A | C)
C = 1:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39871 3.412303 35 37.47137 51.32606
 2 35.53780 3.412303 33 28.59542 42.48019
 3 32.78808 3.412303 33 25.84569 39.73046

C = 2:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56878 3.412303 35 68.64144 82.49612
 2 51.36897 3.412303 33 44.42658 58.31135
 3 39.06630 3.412303 33 32.12392 46.00868

C = 3:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22980 3.412303 35 76.30245 90.15714
 2 69.86374 3.412303 33 62.92136 76.80613
 3 41.52638 3.412303 33 34.58400 48.46876

Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2     8.860908 4.825726 33   1.836  0.1737
 1 - 3    11.610637 4.825726 33   2.406  0.0555
 2 - 3     2.749729 4.825726 33   0.570  0.8370

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    24.199815 4.825726 33   5.015  0.0001
 1 - 3    36.502479 4.825726 33   7.564  <.0001
 2 - 3    12.302665 4.825726 33   2.549  0.0404

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    13.366054 4.825726 33   2.770  0.0242
 1 - 3    41.703417 4.825726 33   8.642  <.0001
 2 - 3    28.337363 4.825726 33   5.872  <.0001

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.lme, pairwise ~ A | C))
C = 1:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39871 3.412303 35 37.47137 51.32606
 2 35.53780 3.412303 33 28.59542 42.48019
 3 32.78808 3.412303 33 25.84569 39.73046

C = 2:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56878 3.412303 35 68.64144 82.49612
 2 51.36897 3.412303 33 44.42658 58.31135
 3 39.06630 3.412303 33 32.12392 46.00868

C = 3:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22980 3.412303 35 76.30245 90.15714
 2 69.86374 3.412303 33 62.92136 76.80613
 3 41.52638 3.412303 33 34.58400 48.46876

Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2     8.860908 4.825726 33 -2.9804308 20.70225
 1 - 3    11.610637 4.825726 33 -0.2307022 23.45198
 2 - 3     2.749729 4.825726 33 -9.0916102 14.59107

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    24.199815 4.825726 33 12.3584757 36.04115
 1 - 3    36.502479 4.825726 33 24.6611403 48.34382
 2 - 3    12.302665 4.825726 33  0.4613257 24.14400

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    13.366054 4.825726 33  1.5247149 25.20739
 1 - 3    41.703417 4.825726 33 29.8620777 53.54476
 2 - 3    28.337363 4.825726 33 16.4960239 40.17870

Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
## For those who like their ANOVA
test(emmeans(data.splt.lme, specs = ~A | C), joint = TRUE)
 C df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
 1   3  35 123.363  <.0001
 2   3  NA 282.713  <.0001
 3   3  NA 387.404  <.0001
## OR
summary(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = lsm(tukey ~ A | C)))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
1 - 2 == 0    8.861      4.826   1.836   0.1737  
1 - 3 == 0   11.611      4.826   2.406   0.0556 .
2 - 3 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.8370  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   24.200      4.826   5.015   <0.001 ***
1 - 3 == 0   36.502      4.826   7.564   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0403 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   13.366      4.826   2.770   0.0242 *  
1 - 3 == 0   41.703      4.826   8.642   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872   <0.001 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
## OR
summary(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ A | C)))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
1 - 2 == 0    8.861      4.826   1.836   0.1737  
1 - 3 == 0   11.611      4.826   2.406   0.0556 .
2 - 3 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.8370  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   24.200      4.826   5.015   <0.001 ***
1 - 3 == 0   36.502      4.826   7.564   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0404 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   13.366      4.826   2.770   0.0241 *  
1 - 3 == 0   41.703      4.826   8.642   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872   <0.001 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = lsm(tukey ~ A | C)))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.4539
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr     upr    
1 - 2 == 0  8.8609  -2.9809 20.7028
1 - 3 == 0 11.6106  -0.2312 23.4525
2 - 3 == 0  2.7497  -9.0921 14.5916

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.4539
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr     upr    
1 - 2 == 0 24.1998  12.3580 36.0416
1 - 3 == 0 36.5025  24.6607 48.3442
2 - 3 == 0 12.3027   0.4609 24.1444

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.4532
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr     upr    
1 - 2 == 0 13.3661   1.5278 25.2043
1 - 3 == 0 41.7034  29.8651 53.5417
2 - 3 == 0 28.3374  16.4991 40.1757
Planned contrasts:
Comp1: Group 2 vs Group 3
Comp2: Group 1 vs (Group 2,3)
## Planned contrasts 1.(A2 vs A3) 2.(A1 vs A2,A3)
contr.A = cbind(c(0, 1, -1), c(1, -0.5, -0.5))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    2  0.0
[2,]    0  1.5
emmeans(data.splt.lme, spec = "A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))
C = 1:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39871 3.412303 35 37.47137 51.32606
 2 35.53780 3.412303 33 28.59542 42.48019
 3 32.78808 3.412303 33 25.84569 39.73046

C = 2:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56878 3.412303 35 68.64144 82.49612
 2 51.36897 3.412303 33 44.42658 58.31135
 3 39.06630 3.412303 33 32.12392 46.00868

C = 3:
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22980 3.412303 35 76.30245 90.15714
 2 69.86374 3.412303 33 62.92136 76.80613
 3 41.52638 3.412303 33 34.58400 48.46876

Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1       2.749729 4.825726 33   0.570  0.5727
 A.2      10.235772 4.179201 33   2.449  0.0198

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      12.302665 4.825726 33   2.549  0.0156
 A.2      30.351147 4.179201 33   7.262  <.0001

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      28.337363 4.825726 33   5.872  <.0001
 A.2      27.534735 4.179201 33   6.589  <.0001
contrast(emmeans(data.splt.lme, ~A | C), method = list(A = contr.A))
C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1       2.749729 4.825726 33   0.570  0.5727
 A.2      10.235772 4.179201 33   2.449  0.0198

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      12.302665 4.825726 33   2.549  0.0156
 A.2      30.351147 4.179201 33   7.262  <.0001

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      28.337363 4.825726 33   5.872  <.0001
 A.2      27.534735 4.179201 33   6.589  <.0001
confint(contrast(emmeans(data.splt.lme, ~A | C), method = list(A = contr.A)))
C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1       2.749729 4.825726 33 -7.068284 12.56774
 A.2      10.235772 4.179201 33  1.733124 18.73842

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1      12.302665 4.825726 33  2.484652 22.12068
 A.2      30.351147 4.179201 33 21.848499 38.85380

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1      28.337363 4.825726 33 18.519350 38.15538
 A.2      27.534735 4.179201 33 19.032087 36.03738

Confidence level used: 0.95 
## Using glht
summary(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = lsm("A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))),
    test = adjusted("none"))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
A.1 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.5727  
A.2 == 0   10.236      4.179   2.449   0.0198 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
A.1 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0156 *  
A.2 == 0   30.351      4.179   7.262 2.48e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
A.1 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872 1.41e-06 ***
A.2 == 0   27.535      4.179   6.589 1.73e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = lsm("A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))),
    calpha = univariate_calpha())
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.0345
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate lwr     upr    
A.1 == 0  2.7497  -7.0683 12.5677
A.2 == 0 10.2358   1.7331 18.7384

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.0345
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate lwr     upr    
A.1 == 0 12.3027   2.4847 22.1207
A.2 == 0 30.3511  21.8485 38.8538

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 2.0345
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate lwr     upr    
A.1 == 0 28.3374  18.5194 38.1554
A.2 == 0 27.5347  19.0321 36.0374
## OR manually
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
Xmat = model.matrix(~A * C, newdata)
coefs = fixef(data.splt.lme)
Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$C)
## When estimating the confidence intervals, we will base Q on model
## degrees of freedom lsmean uses Q=1.96
lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
    Xmat = t(t(x) %*% contr.A)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = qt(0.975, data.splt.lme$fixDF$terms["A"])
    # Q=1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
        fit     lower    upper
1  2.749729 -7.068284 12.56774
2 10.235772  1.733124 18.73842

       fit     lower    upper
1 12.30266  2.484652 22.12068
2 30.35115 21.848499 38.85380

       fit    lower    upper
1 28.33736 18.51935 38.15538
2 27.53474 19.03209 36.03738
## We could alternatively use the split contrast matrices directly in
## glht unfortunately, we then need to know what each row refers to...
contr.split = lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
    t(t(x) %*% contr.A)
contr.split = do.call("rbind", contr.split)
summary(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = contr.split), test = adjusted("none"))
	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
1 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.5688    
2 == 0   10.236      4.179   2.449   0.0143 *  
3 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0108 *  
4 == 0   30.351      4.179   7.262 3.80e-13 ***
5 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872 4.30e-09 ***
6 == 0   27.535      4.179   6.589 4.44e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lme, linfct = contr.split), calpha = univariate_calpha())
	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme.formula(fixed = y ~ A * C, data = data.splt, random = ~1 | 
    Block, method = "REML")

Quantile = 1.96
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate lwr     upr    
1 == 0  2.7497  -6.7085 12.2080
2 == 0 10.2358   2.0447 18.4269
3 == 0 12.3027   2.8444 21.7609
4 == 0 30.3511  22.1601 38.5422
5 == 0 28.3374  18.8791 37.7956
6 == 0 27.5347  19.3437 35.7258
Post-hoc tests (Tukey's)

In the absence of interactions, we could use glht() (which in this case, will perform the Tukey's test for A at the first level of C - as it is assumed in the absence of an interaction that this will be the same for all levels of C).

summary(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey")))
	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
2 - 1 == 0   -8.861      4.826  -1.836   0.1579  
3 - 1 == 0  -11.611      4.826  -2.406   0.0427 *
3 - 2 == 0   -2.750      4.826  -0.570   0.8362  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey")))
	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.3442
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr      upr     
2 - 1 == 0  -8.8609 -20.1734   2.4516
3 - 1 == 0 -11.6106 -22.9231  -0.2982
3 - 2 == 0  -2.7497 -14.0622   8.5627

In this case, you will notice a message that warns us that we specified a model with an interaction term and that the above might not be appropriate. One alternative might be to perform the Tukey's test for A marginalizing (averaging) over all the levels of C.

As an alternative to the glht() function, we can also use the emmeans() function from a package with the same name. This package computes 'estimated marginal means' and is an adaptation of the least-squares (predicted marginal) means routine popularized by SAS. This routine uses the Kenward-Roger (or optionally, the Satterthwaite) method of calculating degrees of freedom and so will yield slightly different confidence intervals and p-values from glht(). Note, the emmeans() package has replaced the lsmeans() package.

summary(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
2 - 1 == 0  -15.476      4.607  -3.359  0.00238 ** 
3 - 1 == 0  -29.939      4.607  -6.499  < 0.001 ***
3 - 2 == 0  -14.463      4.607  -3.139  0.00468 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = mcp(A = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.3434
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr      upr     
2 - 1 == 0 -15.4756 -26.2713  -4.6798
3 - 1 == 0 -29.9388 -40.7346 -19.1431
3 - 2 == 0 -14.4633 -25.2590  -3.6675
## OR
emmeans(data.splt.lmer, pairwise ~ A)
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 67.73243 3.257595 33 61.10480 74.36006
 2 52.25684 3.257595 33 45.62921 58.88446
 3 37.79359 3.257595 33 31.16596 44.42121

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    15.47559 4.606934 33   3.359  0.0055
 1 - 3    29.93884 4.606934 33   6.499  <.0001
 2 - 3    14.46325 4.606934 33   3.139  0.0097

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.lmer, pairwise ~ A))
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 67.73243 3.257595 33 61.10480 74.36006
 2 52.25684 3.257595 33 45.62921 58.88446
 3 37.79359 3.257595 33 31.16596 44.42121

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    15.47559 4.606934 33  4.171122 26.78006
 1 - 3    29.93884 4.606934 33 18.634374 41.24331
 2 - 3    14.46325 4.606934 33  3.158782 25.76772

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 

Arguably, it would be better to perform the Tukey's test for A separately for each level of C.

emmeans(data.splt.lmer, pairwise ~ A | C)
C = 1:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39871 3.412303 39.54 37.49971 51.29772
 2 35.53780 3.412303 39.54 28.63880 42.43681
 3 32.78808 3.412303 39.54 25.88907 39.68708

C = 2:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56878 3.412303 39.54 68.66977 82.46779
 2 51.36897 3.412303 39.54 44.46996 58.26797
 3 39.06630 3.412303 39.54 32.16729 45.96531

C = 3:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22980 3.412303 39.54 76.33079 90.12880
 2 69.86374 3.412303 39.54 62.96474 76.76275
 3 41.52638 3.412303 39.54 34.62737 48.42539

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2     8.860908 4.825726 39.54   1.836  0.1711
 1 - 3    11.610637 4.825726 39.54   2.406  0.0534
 2 - 3     2.749729 4.825726 39.54   0.570  0.8369

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    24.199815 4.825726 39.54   5.015  <.0001
 1 - 3    36.502479 4.825726 39.54   7.564  <.0001
 2 - 3    12.302665 4.825726 39.54   2.549  0.0384

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    13.366054 4.825726 39.54   2.770  0.0226
 1 - 3    41.703417 4.825726 39.54   8.642  <.0001
 2 - 3    28.337363 4.825726 39.54   5.872  <.0001

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.lmer, pairwise ~ A | C))
C = 1:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39871 3.412303 39.54 37.49971 51.29772
 2 35.53780 3.412303 39.54 28.63880 42.43681
 3 32.78808 3.412303 39.54 25.88907 39.68708

C = 2:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56878 3.412303 39.54 68.66977 82.46779
 2 51.36897 3.412303 39.54 44.46996 58.26797
 3 39.06630 3.412303 39.54 32.16729 45.96531

C = 3:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22980 3.412303 39.54 76.33079 90.12880
 2 69.86374 3.412303 39.54 62.96474 76.76275
 3 41.52638 3.412303 39.54 34.62737 48.42539

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2     8.860908 4.825726 39.54 -2.8897130 20.61153
 1 - 3    11.610637 4.825726 39.54 -0.1399843 23.36126
 2 - 3     2.749729 4.825726 39.54 -9.0008924 14.50035

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    24.199815 4.825726 39.54 12.4491936 35.95044
 1 - 3    36.502479 4.825726 39.54 24.7518582 48.25310
 2 - 3    12.302665 4.825726 39.54  0.5520436 24.05329

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    13.366054 4.825726 39.54  1.6154328 25.11667
 1 - 3    41.703417 4.825726 39.54 29.9527956 53.45404
 2 - 3    28.337363 4.825726 39.54 16.5867418 40.08798

Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
## For those who like their ANOVA
test(emmeans(data.splt.lmer, specs = ~A | C), joint = TRUE)
 C df1   df2 F.ratio p.value
 1   3 39.54 123.363  <.0001
 2   3 39.54 282.713  <.0001
 3   3 39.54 387.404  <.0001
## OR
summary(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = lsm(tukey ~ A | C)))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
1 - 2 == 0    8.861      4.826   1.836   0.1713  
1 - 3 == 0   11.611      4.826   2.406   0.0536 .
2 - 3 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.8369  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   24.200      4.826   5.015   <0.001 ***
1 - 3 == 0   36.502      4.826   7.564   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0385 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   13.366      4.826   2.770   0.0227 *  
1 - 3 == 0   41.703      4.826   8.642   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872   <0.001 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
## OR
summary(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ A | C)))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
1 - 2 == 0    8.861      4.826   1.836   0.1713  
1 - 3 == 0   11.611      4.826   2.406   0.0534 .
2 - 3 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.8369  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   24.200      4.826   5.015   <1e-04 ***
1 - 3 == 0   36.502      4.826   7.564   <1e-04 ***
2 - 3 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0386 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
1 - 2 == 0   13.366      4.826   2.770   0.0228 *  
1 - 3 == 0   41.703      4.826   8.642   <0.001 ***
2 - 3 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872   <0.001 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = lsm(tukey ~ A | C)))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.4368
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr     upr    
1 - 2 == 0  8.8609  -2.8986 20.6205
1 - 3 == 0 11.6106  -0.1489 23.3702
2 - 3 == 0  2.7497  -9.0098 14.5093

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.4368
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr     upr    
1 - 2 == 0 24.1998  12.4404 35.9592
1 - 3 == 0 36.5025  24.7431 48.2619
2 - 3 == 0 12.3027   0.5433 24.0621

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.4368
95% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate lwr     upr    
1 - 2 == 0 13.3661   1.6066 25.1255
1 - 3 == 0 41.7034  29.9440 53.4628
2 - 3 == 0 28.3374  16.5780 40.0968
Planned contrasts:
Comp1: Group 2 vs Group 3
Comp2: Group 1 vs (Group 2,3)
## Planned contrasts 1.(A2 vs A3) 2.(A1 vs A2,A3)
contr.A = cbind(c(0, 1, -1), c(1, -0.5, -0.5))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    2  0.0
[2,]    0  1.5
emmeans(data.splt.lmer, spec = "A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))
C = 1:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39871 3.412303 39.54 37.49971 51.29772
 2 35.53780 3.412303 39.54 28.63880 42.43681
 3 32.78808 3.412303 39.54 25.88907 39.68708

C = 2:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56878 3.412303 39.54 68.66977 82.46779
 2 51.36897 3.412303 39.54 44.46996 58.26797
 3 39.06630 3.412303 39.54 32.16729 45.96531

C = 3:
 A   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22980 3.412303 39.54 76.33079 90.12880
 2 69.86374 3.412303 39.54 62.96474 76.76275
 3 41.52638 3.412303 39.54 34.62737 48.42539

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 A.1       2.749729 4.825726 39.54   0.570  0.5720
 A.2      10.235772 4.179201 39.54   2.449  0.0188

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      12.302665 4.825726 39.54   2.549  0.0148
 A.2      30.351147 4.179201 39.54   7.262  <.0001

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      28.337363 4.825726 39.54   5.872  <.0001
 A.2      27.534735 4.179201 39.54   6.589  <.0001
contrast(emmeans(data.splt.lmer, ~A | C), method = list(A = contr.A))
C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 A.1       2.749729 4.825726 39.54   0.570  0.5720
 A.2      10.235772 4.179201 39.54   2.449  0.0188

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      12.302665 4.825726 39.54   2.549  0.0148
 A.2      30.351147 4.179201 39.54   7.262  <.0001

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      28.337363 4.825726 39.54   5.872  <.0001
 A.2      27.534735 4.179201 39.54   6.589  <.0001
confint(contrast(emmeans(data.splt.lmer, ~A | C), method = list(A = contr.A)))
C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1       2.749729 4.825726 39.54 -7.006940 12.50640
 A.2      10.235772 4.179201 39.54  1.786249 18.68530

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1      12.302665 4.825726 39.54  2.545996 22.05933
 A.2      30.351147 4.179201 39.54 21.901624 38.80067

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE    df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1      28.337363 4.825726 39.54 18.580694 38.09403
 A.2      27.534735 4.179201 39.54 19.085212 35.98426

Confidence level used: 0.95 
## Using glht
summary(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = lsm("A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))),
    test = adjusted("none"))
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
A.1 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.5721  
A.2 == 0   10.236      4.179   2.449   0.0189 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
A.1 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0148 *  
A.2 == 0   30.351      4.179   7.262 9.37e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
A.1 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872 7.80e-07 ***
A.2 == 0   27.535      4.179   6.589 7.91e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = lsm("A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))),
    calpha = univariate_calpha())
$`C = 1`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.0227
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate lwr     upr    
A.1 == 0  2.7497  -7.0112 12.5107
A.2 == 0 10.2358   1.7825 18.6890

$`C = 2`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.0227
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate lwr     upr    
A.1 == 0 12.3027   2.5417 22.0636
A.2 == 0 30.3511  21.8979 38.8044

$`C = 3`

	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 2.0227
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
         Estimate lwr     upr    
A.1 == 0 28.3374  18.5764 38.0983
A.2 == 0 27.5347  19.0815 35.9880
## OR manually
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
Xmat = model.matrix(~A * C, newdata)
coefs = fixef(data.splt.lmer)
Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$C)
## When estimating the confidence intervals, we will base Q on model
## degrees of freedom lsmean uses Q=1.96
lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
    Xmat = t(t(x) %*% contr.A)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = qt(0.975, lmerTest::calcSatterth(data.splt.lmer, Xmat)$denom)
    # Q=1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
        fit    lower   upper
1  2.749729 -7.00694 12.5064
2 10.235772  1.78625 18.6853

       fit     lower    upper
1 12.30266  2.545996 22.05933
2 30.35115 21.901624 38.80067

       fit    lower    upper
1 28.33736 18.58069 38.09403
2 27.53474 19.08521 35.98426
## We could alternatively use the split contrast matrices directly in
## glht unfortunately, we then need to know what each row refers to...
contr.split = lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
    t(t(x) %*% contr.A)
contr.split = do.call("rbind", contr.split)
summary(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = contr.split), test = adjusted("none"))
	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
1 == 0    2.750      4.826   0.570   0.5688    
2 == 0   10.236      4.179   2.449   0.0143 *  
3 == 0   12.303      4.826   2.549   0.0108 *  
4 == 0   30.351      4.179   7.262 3.80e-13 ***
5 == 0   28.337      4.826   5.872 4.30e-09 ***
6 == 0   27.535      4.179   6.589 4.44e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
confint(glht(data.splt.lmer, linfct = contr.split), calpha = univariate_calpha())
	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = y ~ A * C + (1 | Block), data = data.splt, 
    REML = TRUE)

Quantile = 1.96
95% confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
       Estimate lwr     upr    
1 == 0  2.7497  -6.7085 12.2080
2 == 0 10.2358   2.0447 18.4269
3 == 0 12.3027   2.8444 21.7609
4 == 0 30.3511  22.1601 38.5422
5 == 0 28.3374  18.8791 37.7956
6 == 0 27.5347  19.3437 35.7258
Post-hoc tests (Tukey's)

In the absence of interactions, we could use glht() (which in this case, will perform the Tukey's test for A at the first level of C - as it is assumed in the absence of an interaction that this will be the same for all levels of C).

We use the emmeans() function from a package with the same name. This package computes 'estimated marginal means' and is an adaptation of the least-squares (predicted marginal) means routine popularized by SAS. This routine uses the Kenward-Roger (or optionally, the Satterthwaite) method of calculating degrees of freedom and so will yield slightly different confidence intervals and p-values from glht(). Note, the emmeans() package has replaced the lsmeans() package.

Note, for the following to work, you must have the latest version of glmmTMB. It is best that this be installed from git (devtools::install_github("glmmTMB/glmmTMB/glmmTMB").

emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, at = list(C = "1"), pairwise ~ A)
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39872 3.26703 97 37.91457 50.88287
 2 35.53779 3.26703 97 29.05364 42.02194
 3 32.78807 3.26703 97 26.30392 39.27222

Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2     8.860926 4.620278 97   1.918  0.1391
 1 - 3    11.610649 4.620278 97   2.513  0.0360
 2 - 3     2.749723 4.620278 97   0.595  0.8231

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, at = list(C = "1"), pairwise ~ A))
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39872 3.26703 97 37.91457 50.88287
 2 35.53779 3.26703 97 29.05364 42.02194
 3 32.78807 3.26703 97 26.30392 39.27222

Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2     8.860926 4.620278 97 -2.1363567 19.85821
 1 - 3    11.610649 4.620278 97  0.6133659 22.60793
 2 - 3     2.749723 4.620278 97 -8.2475606 13.74701

Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 

In this case, you will notice a message that warns us that we specified a model with an interaction term and that the above might not be appropriate. One alternative might be to perform the Tukey's test for A marginalizing (averaging) over all the levels of C.

emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ A)
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 67.73244 3.118907 97 61.54227 73.92261
 2 52.25683 3.118907 97 46.06666 58.44699
 3 37.79358 3.118907 97 31.60341 43.98375

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    15.47562 4.410801 97   3.509  0.0020
 1 - 3    29.93886 4.410801 97   6.788  <.0001
 2 - 3    14.46324 4.410801 97   3.279  0.0041

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ A))
 A   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 67.73244 3.118907 97 61.54227 73.92261
 2 52.25683 3.118907 97 46.06666 58.44699
 3 37.79358 3.118907 97 31.60341 43.98375

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    15.47562 4.410801 97  4.976933 25.97430
 1 - 3    29.93886 4.410801 97 19.440178 40.43754
 2 - 3    14.46324 4.410801 97  3.964562 24.96193

Results are averaged over the levels of: C 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 

Arguably, it would be better to perform the Tukey's test for A separately for each level of C.

emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ A | C)
C = 1:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39872 3.26703 97 37.91457 50.88287
 2 35.53779 3.26703 97 29.05364 42.02194
 3 32.78807 3.26703 97 26.30392 39.27222

C = 2:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56879 3.26703 97 69.08464 82.05294
 2 51.36896 3.26703 97 44.88481 57.85311
 3 39.06630 3.26703 97 32.58215 45.55045

C = 3:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22981 3.26703 97 76.74566 89.71396
 2 69.86372 3.26703 97 63.37958 76.34787
 3 41.52637 3.26703 97 35.04222 48.01052

Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2     8.860926 4.620278 97   1.918  0.1391
 1 - 3    11.610649 4.620278 97   2.513  0.0360
 2 - 3     2.749723 4.620278 97   0.595  0.8231

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    24.199832 4.620278 97   5.238  <.0001
 1 - 3    36.502493 4.620278 97   7.900  <.0001
 2 - 3    12.302661 4.620278 97   2.663  0.0244

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 1 - 2    13.366089 4.620278 97   2.893  0.0130
 1 - 3    41.703439 4.620278 97   9.026  <.0001
 2 - 3    28.337351 4.620278 97   6.133  <.0001

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
confint(emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ A | C))
C = 1:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39872 3.26703 97 37.91457 50.88287
 2 35.53779 3.26703 97 29.05364 42.02194
 3 32.78807 3.26703 97 26.30392 39.27222

C = 2:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56879 3.26703 97 69.08464 82.05294
 2 51.36896 3.26703 97 44.88481 57.85311
 3 39.06630 3.26703 97 32.58215 45.55045

C = 3:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22981 3.26703 97 76.74566 89.71396
 2 69.86372 3.26703 97 63.37958 76.34787
 3 41.52637 3.26703 97 35.04222 48.01052

Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2     8.860926 4.620278 97 -2.1363567 19.85821
 1 - 3    11.610649 4.620278 97  0.6133659 22.60793
 2 - 3     2.749723 4.620278 97 -8.2475606 13.74701

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    24.199832 4.620278 97 13.2025484 35.19711
 1 - 3    36.502493 4.620278 97 25.5052095 47.49978
 2 - 3    12.302661 4.620278 97  1.3053780 23.29994

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
 1 - 2    13.366089 4.620278 97  2.3688056 24.36337
 1 - 3    41.703439 4.620278 97 30.7061561 52.70072
 2 - 3    28.337351 4.620278 97 17.3400674 39.33463

Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
## For those who like their ANOVA
test(lsmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, specs = ~A | C), joint = TRUE)
 C df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
 1   3  97 134.578  <.0001
 2   3  97 308.415  <.0001
 3   3  97 422.623  <.0001
Planned contrasts:
Comp1: Group 2 vs Group 3
Comp2: Group 1 vs (Group 2,3)
## Planned contrasts 1.(A2 vs A3) 2.(A1 vs A2,A3)
contr.A = cbind(c(0, 1, -1), c(1, -0.5, -0.5))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    2  0.0
[2,]    0  1.5
emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, spec = "A", by = "C", contr = list(A = contr.A))
C = 1:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 44.39872 3.26703 97 37.91457 50.88287
 2 35.53779 3.26703 97 29.05364 42.02194
 3 32.78807 3.26703 97 26.30392 39.27222

C = 2:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 75.56879 3.26703 97 69.08464 82.05294
 2 51.36896 3.26703 97 44.88481 57.85311
 3 39.06630 3.26703 97 32.58215 45.55045

C = 3:
 A   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 83.22981 3.26703 97 76.74566 89.71396
 2 69.86372 3.26703 97 63.37958 76.34787
 3 41.52637 3.26703 97 35.04222 48.01052

Confidence level used: 0.95 

C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1       2.749723 4.620278 97   0.595  0.5531
 A.2      10.235788 4.001278 97   2.558  0.0121

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      12.302661 4.620278 97   2.663  0.0091
 A.2      30.351162 4.001278 97   7.585  <.0001

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      28.337351 4.620278 97   6.133  <.0001
 A.2      27.534764 4.001278 97   6.881  <.0001
contrast(emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, ~A | C), method = list(A = contr.A))
C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1       2.749723 4.620278 97   0.595  0.5531
 A.2      10.235788 4.001278 97   2.558  0.0121

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      12.302661 4.620278 97   2.663  0.0091
 A.2      30.351162 4.001278 97   7.585  <.0001

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
 A.1      28.337351 4.620278 97   6.133  <.0001
 A.2      27.534764 4.001278 97   6.881  <.0001
confint(contrast(emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, ~A | C), method = list(A = contr.A)))
C = 1:
 contrast  estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1       2.749723 4.620278 97 -6.420250 11.91970
 A.2      10.235788 4.001278 97  2.294358 18.17722

C = 2:
 contrast  estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1      12.302661 4.620278 97  3.132688 21.47263
 A.2      30.351162 4.001278 97 22.409733 38.29259

C = 3:
 contrast  estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
 A.1      28.337351 4.620278 97 19.167378 37.50732
 A.2      27.534764 4.001278 97 19.593335 35.47619

Confidence level used: 0.95 
## OR manually
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
Xmat = model.matrix(~A * C, newdata)
coefs = fixef(data.splt.glmmTMB)[[1]]
Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$C)
## When estimating the confidence intervals, we will base Q on model
## degrees of freedom lsmean uses Q=1.96
lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
    Xmat = t(t(x) %*% contr.A)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.glmmTMB)[[1]] %*% t(Xmat)))
    # Q=qt(0.975,df.residual(data.splt.glmmTMB))
    Q = 1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
        fit     lower    upper
1  2.749723 -6.306022 11.80547
2 10.235788  2.393283 18.07829

       fit     lower    upper
1 12.30266  3.246916 21.35841
2 30.35116 22.508657 38.19367

       fit    lower    upper
1 28.33735 19.28161 37.39310
2 27.53476 19.69226 35.37727


As with other linear models, it is possible to generate predicted values from the fitted model. Since the linear mixed effects model (with random intercepts) captures information on the levels of the random effects, we can indicate multiple hierarchy from which predictions could be generated. For example, do we wish to predict a new value of $Y$ from a specific level of $A$ regardless of the level of the random effect(s) - this is like predicting a new value at a random level of $A$ and is the typical case. Alternatively we could be interested in predicting the value of $Y$ at a specific level of $A$ and for a specific level of the random factor (in this case $Block$).

Note, the predict() function does not provide confidence or prediction intervals for mixed effects models. It they are wanted then they need to be calculated manually.

Marginalizing over random effects (level = 0)
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
predict(data.splt.lme, newdata = newdata, level = 0)
[1] 44.39871 35.53780 32.78808 75.56878 51.36897 39.06630 83.22980 69.86374 41.52638
[1] "Predicted values"
ggpredict(data.splt.lme, terms = c("A", "C"), x.as.factor = TRUE)
# A tibble: 9 x 5
  x     predicted conf.low conf.high group
  <fct>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>
1 1          44.4     37.7      51.1 1    
2 1          75.6     68.9      82.3 2    
3 1          83.2     76.5      89.9 3    
4 2          35.5     28.8      42.2 1    
5 2          51.4     44.7      58.1 2    
6 2          69.9     63.2      76.6 3    
7 3          32.8     26.1      39.5 1    
8 3          39.1     32.4      45.8 2    
9 3          41.5     34.8      48.2 3    
as.data.frame(Effect(focal = c("A", "C"), mod = data.splt.lme))
  A C      fit       se    lower    upper
1 1 1 44.39871 3.412303 37.62796 51.16946
2 2 1 35.53780 3.412303 28.76705 42.30855
3 3 1 32.78808 3.412303 26.01733 39.55883
4 1 2 75.56878 3.412303 68.79803 82.33953
5 2 2 51.36897 3.412303 44.59822 58.13972
6 3 2 39.06630 3.412303 32.29555 45.83705
7 1 3 83.22980 3.412303 76.45905 90.00055
8 2 3 69.86374 3.412303 63.09299 76.63449
9 3 3 41.52638 3.412303 34.75563 48.29713
emmeans(data.splt.lme, eff ~ A * C)$emmeans
 A C   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 1 44.39871 3.412303 35 37.47137 51.32606
 2 1 35.53780 3.412303 33 28.59542 42.48019
 3 1 32.78808 3.412303 33 25.84569 39.73046
 1 2 75.56878 3.412303 35 68.64144 82.49612
 2 2 51.36897 3.412303 33 44.42658 58.31135
 3 2 39.06630 3.412303 33 32.12392 46.00868
 1 3 83.22980 3.412303 35 76.30245 90.15714
 2 3 69.86374 3.412303 33 62.92136 76.80613
 3 3 41.52638 3.412303 33 34.58400 48.46876

Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Specific levels of Block
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
predict(data.splt.lme, newdata = newdata, level = 1)
       3        3        3        5        5        5 
31.56917 62.73923 70.40025 45.82557 76.99564 84.65665 
[1] "Predicted values"
# OR
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
augment(data.splt.lme, newdata = newdata)
# A tibble: 6 x 4
  A     C     Block .fitted
  <fct> <fct> <fct>   <dbl>
1 1     1     3        31.6
2 1     2     3        62.7
3 1     3     3        70.4
4 1     1     5        45.8
5 1     2     5        77.0
6 1     3     5        84.7
# Manual confidence intervals
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
levels(newdata$A) = levels(data.splt$A)
levels(newdata$C) = levels(data.splt$C)
coefs <- as.matrix(coef(data.splt.lme))[unique(data.splt$Block) %in% c(3,
    5), ]
Xmat <- model.matrix(~A * C, newdata[newdata$Block %in% c(3, 5), ])
## Split the Xmat and Coefs up by Blocks
Xmat.list = split(as.data.frame(Xmat), newdata$Block)
coefs.list = split(coefs, rownames(coefs))
## Perform matrix multiplication listwise
fit = unlist(Map("%*%", coefs.list, lapply(Xmat.list, function(x) t(as.matrix(x)))))
se <- sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
# q=qt(0.975, df=nrow(data.splt.lme$data)-length(coefs)-1)
q = qt(0.975, data.splt.lme$fixDF$terms["A:C"])
(newdata1 = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
    q * se))
   A C Block      fit    lower    upper
31 1 1     3 31.56917 24.75628 38.38205
32 1 2     3 62.73923 55.92635 69.55212
33 1 3     3 70.40025 63.58737 77.21313
51 1 1     5 45.82557 39.01269 52.63845
52 1 2     5 76.99564 70.18275 83.80852
53 1 3     5 84.65665 77.84377 91.46954
## Manual prediction invervals
sigma = sigma(data.splt.lme)
(newdata1 = cbind(newdata1, lowerP = fit - q * (se * sigma), upperP = fit +
    q * (se * sigma)))
   A C Block      fit    lower    upper    lowerP    upperP
31 1 1     3 31.56917 24.75628 38.38205  2.207265  60.93107
32 1 2     3 62.73923 55.92635 69.55212 33.377333  92.10114
33 1 3     3 70.40025 63.58737 77.21313 41.038350  99.76215
51 1 1     5 45.82557 39.01269 52.63845 16.463669  75.18747
52 1 2     5 76.99564 70.18275 83.80852 47.633737 106.35754
53 1 3     5 84.65665 77.84377 91.46954 55.294753 114.01856
Marginalizing over random effects (level = 0)
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
predict(data.splt.lmer, newdata = newdata, re.form = NA)
       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 
44.39871 35.53780 32.78808 75.56878 51.36897 39.06630 83.22980 69.86374 41.52638 
ggpredict(data.splt.lmer, terms = c("A", "C"), x.as.factor = TRUE)
# A tibble: 9 x 5
  x     predicted conf.low conf.high group
  <fct>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>
1 1          44.4     37.7      51.1 1    
2 1          75.6     68.9      82.3 2    
3 1          83.2     76.5      89.9 3    
4 2          35.5     28.8      42.2 1    
5 2          51.4     44.7      58.1 2    
6 2          69.9     63.2      76.6 3    
7 3          32.8     26.1      39.5 1    
8 3          39.1     32.4      45.8 2    
9 3          41.5     34.8      48.2 3    
as.data.frame(Effect(focal = c("A", "C"), mod = data.splt.lmer))
  A C      fit       se    lower    upper
1 1 1 44.39871 3.412303 37.62796 51.16946
2 2 1 35.53780 3.412303 28.76705 42.30855
3 3 1 32.78808 3.412303 26.01733 39.55883
4 1 2 75.56878 3.412303 68.79803 82.33953
5 2 2 51.36897 3.412303 44.59822 58.13972
6 3 2 39.06630 3.412303 32.29555 45.83705
7 1 3 83.22980 3.412303 76.45905 90.00055
8 2 3 69.86374 3.412303 63.09299 76.63449
9 3 3 41.52638 3.412303 34.75563 48.29713
emmeans(data.splt.lmer, eff ~ A * C)$emmeans
 A C   emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 1 44.39871 3.412303 39.54 37.49971 51.29772
 2 1 35.53780 3.412303 39.54 28.63880 42.43681
 3 1 32.78808 3.412303 39.54 25.88907 39.68708
 1 2 75.56878 3.412303 39.54 68.66977 82.46779
 2 2 51.36897 3.412303 39.54 44.46996 58.26797
 3 2 39.06630 3.412303 39.54 32.16729 45.96531
 1 3 83.22980 3.412303 39.54 76.33079 90.12880
 2 3 69.86374 3.412303 39.54 62.96474 76.76275
 3 3 41.52638 3.412303 39.54 34.62737 48.42539

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Specific levels of Block
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
predict(data.splt.lmer, newdata = newdata, re.form = ~1 | Block)
       1        2        3        4        5        6 
31.56917 62.73923 70.40025 45.82557 76.99564 84.65665 
# OR
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
augment(data.splt.lmer, newdata = newdata)
  A C Block  .fitted      .mu .offset .sqrtXwt .sqrtrwt .weights     .wtres
1 1 1     3 31.56917 34.08653       0        1        1        1 -3.5754301
2 1 2     3 62.73923 65.25660       0        1        1        1 -3.0706151
3 1 3     3 70.40025 72.91762       0        1        1        1  5.0650621
4 1 1     5 45.82557 42.85758       0        1        1        1  3.1620205
5 1 2     5 76.99564 74.02765       0        1        1        1 -2.6465441
6 1 3     5 84.65665 81.68866       0        1        1        1 -0.7517511
# Manual confidence intervals
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
levels(newdata$A) = levels(data.splt$A)
levels(newdata$C) = levels(data.splt$C)
coefs <- as.matrix(coef(data.splt.lmer)$Block)[unique(data.splt$Block) %in%
    c(3, 5), ]
Xmat <- model.matrix(~A * C, newdata[newdata$Block %in% c(3, 5), ])
## Split the Xmat and Coefs up by Blocks
Xmat.list = split(as.data.frame(Xmat), newdata$Block)
coefs.list = split(coefs, rownames(coefs))
## Perform matrix multiplication listwise
fit = unlist(Map("%*%", coefs.list, lapply(Xmat.list, function(x) t(as.matrix(x)))))
se <- sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
q = qt(0.975, df = df.residual(data.splt.lmer))
(newdata1 = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
    q * se))
   A C Block      fit    lower    upper
31 1 1     3 31.56917 24.79669 38.34164
32 1 2     3 62.73923 55.96676 69.51171
33 1 3     3 70.40025 63.62777 77.17273
51 1 1     5 45.82557 39.05309 52.59805
52 1 2     5 76.99564 70.22316 83.76812
53 1 3     5 84.65665 77.88418 91.42913
## Manual prediction invervals
sigma = sigma(data.splt.lmer)
(newdata1 = cbind(newdata1, lowerP = fit - q * (se * sigma), upperP = fit +
    q * (se * sigma)))
   A C Block      fit    lower    upper    lowerP    upperP
31 1 1     3 31.56917 24.79669 38.34164  2.381405  60.75693
32 1 2     3 62.73923 55.96676 69.51171 33.551473  91.92700
33 1 3     3 70.40025 63.62777 77.17273 41.212489  99.58801
51 1 1     5 45.82557 39.05309 52.59805 16.637809  75.01333
52 1 2     5 76.99564 70.22316 83.76812 47.807876 106.18340
53 1 3     5 84.65665 77.88418 91.42913 55.468893 113.84442
Marginalizing over random effects (level = 0)
# newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A=levels(A), C=levels(C))) predict(data.splt.glmmTMB,
# newdata=newdata, re.form=NA)
ggpredict(data.splt.glmmTMB, terms = c("A", "C"), x.as.factor = TRUE)
# A tibble: 9 x 5
  x     predicted conf.low conf.high group
  <fct>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>
1 1          34.1     29.1      39.0 1    
2 1          65.3     60.3      70.2 2    
3 1          72.9     68.0      77.9 3    
4 2          25.2     15.4      35.0 1    
5 2          41.1     31.3      50.8 2    
6 2          59.6     49.8      69.3 3    
7 3          22.5     12.7      32.3 1    
8 3          28.8     19.0      38.5 2    
9 3          31.2     21.4      41.0 3    
# library(effects) as.data.frame(Effect(focal=c('A','C'), mod=data.splt.glmmTMB))
emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, eff ~ A * C)$emmeans
 A C   emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 1 1 44.39872 3.26703 97 37.91457 50.88287
 2 1 35.53779 3.26703 97 29.05364 42.02194
 3 1 32.78807 3.26703 97 26.30392 39.27222
 1 2 75.56879 3.26703 97 69.08464 82.05294
 2 2 51.36896 3.26703 97 44.88481 57.85311
 3 2 39.06630 3.26703 97 32.58215 45.55045
 1 3 83.22981 3.26703 97 76.74566 89.71396
 2 3 69.86372 3.26703 97 63.37958 76.34787
 3 3 41.52637 3.26703 97 35.04222 48.01052

Confidence level used: 0.95 
Specific levels of Block
# newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3,5)) %>%
# droplevels, expand.grid(A=levels(A),
# C=levels(C),Block=levels(Block))) predict(data.splt.glmmTMB,
# newdata=newdata, re.form=~1|Block) OR newdata = with(data.splt %>%
# dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3,5)) %>% droplevels,
# expand.grid(A=levels(A), C=levels(C),Block=levels(Block)))
# augment(data.splt.glmmTMB, newdata=newdata) Manual confidence
# intervals
newdata = with(data.splt %>% dplyr::filter(Block %in% c(3, 5)) %>% droplevels,
    expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C), Block = levels(Block)))
levels(newdata$A) = levels(data.splt$A)
levels(newdata$C) = levels(data.splt$C)
coefs.ranef = ranef(data.splt.glmmTMB)$cond$Block
coefs.fixef = fixef(data.splt.glmmTMB)$cond
coefs.ranef[, 1] = coefs.ranef[, 1] + fixef(data.splt.glmmTMB)$cond[1]
coefs.glmmTMB = cbind(coefs.ranef, t(coefs.fixef[-1]))
coefs <- coefs.glmmTMB[unique(data.splt$Block) %in% c(3, 5), ]
Xmat <- model.matrix(~A * C, newdata[newdata$Block %in% c(3, 5), ])
## Split the Xmat and Coefs up by Blocks
Xmat.list = split(as.data.frame(Xmat), newdata$Block)
coefs.list = split(coefs, rownames(coefs))
## Perform matrix multiplication listwise
fit = unlist(Map("%*%", lapply(coefs.list, function(x) (as.matrix(x))),
    lapply(Xmat.list, function(x) t(as.matrix(x)))))
se <- sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
q = qt(0.975, df = df.residual(data.splt.glmmTMB))
(newdata1 = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
    q * se))
   A C Block      fit    lower    upper
31 1 1     3 31.56916 25.08501 38.05331
32 1 2     3 62.73923 56.25508 69.22338
33 1 3     3 70.40026 63.91611 76.88441
51 1 1     5 45.82557 39.34142 52.30972
52 1 2     5 76.99564 70.51149 83.47979
53 1 3     5 84.65666 78.17251 91.14081
## Manual prediction invervals
sigma = sigma(data.splt.glmmTMB)
(newdata1 = cbind(newdata1, lowerP = fit - q * (se * sigma), upperP = fit +
    q * (se * sigma)))
   A C Block      fit    lower    upper    lowerP    upperP
31 1 1     3 31.56916 25.08501 38.05331  4.813735  58.32459
32 1 2     3 62.73923 56.25508 69.22338 35.983804  89.49466
33 1 3     3 70.40026 63.91611 76.88441 43.644828  97.15569
51 1 1     5 45.82557 39.34142 52.30972 19.070138  72.58100
52 1 2     5 76.99564 70.51149 83.47979 50.240207 103.75107
53 1 3     5 84.65666 78.17251 91.14081 57.901231 111.41209

$R^2$ approximations

      R2m       R2c 
0.6937245 0.9592861 
    R-squared: 0.974
Omega-squared: 0.974
      R2m       R2c 
0.6937245 0.9592861 
   Marginal R2: 0.694
Conditional R2: 0.959
## Note to be able to use the following, you will need to have installed glmmTMB via
## devtools::install_github('glmmTMB/glmmTMB/glmmTMB')
source(system.file("misc/rsqglmm.R", package = "glmmTMB"))
[1] "gaussian"

[1] "identity"

[1] 0.7118945

[1] 0.9617015
   Marginal R2: 0.712
Conditional R2: 0.962

Graphical summary

It is relatively trivial to produce a summary figure based on the raw data. Arguably a more satisfying figure would be one based on the modelled data.

The new effects package seems to have a bug when calculating effects
data.splt.eff = as.data.frame(allEffects(data.splt.lme)[[1]])
# OR
data.splt.eff = as.data.frame(Effect(c("A", "C"), data.splt.lme))

ggplot(data.splt.eff, aes(y = fit, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.1
# OR using emmeans
fit = summary(ref_grid(data.splt.lme), infer = TRUE)
ggplot(fit, aes(y = prediction, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
    ymax = upper.CL)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.1
# OR
fit = summary(emmeans(data.splt.lme, eff ~ A * C)$emmeans)
ggplot(fit, aes(y = emmean, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
    ymax = upper.CL)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.1
Or manually
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
Xmat = model.matrix(~A * C, data = newdata)
coefs = fixef(data.splt.lme)
fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
q = qt(0.975, df = nrow(data.splt.lme$data) - length(coefs) -
newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
    q * se)
ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.1b
The new effects package seems to have a bug when calculating effects
data.splt.eff = as.data.frame(allEffects(data.splt.lmer)[[1]])
# OR
data.splt.eff = as.data.frame(Effect(c("A", "C"), data.splt.lmer))

ggplot(data.splt.eff, aes(y = fit, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.2
# OR using emmeans
fit = summary(ref_grid(data.splt.lmer), infer = TRUE)
ggplot(fit, aes(y = prediction, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
    ymax = upper.CL)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.2
# OR
fit = summary(emmeans(data.splt.lmer, eff ~ A * C)$emmean)
ggplot(fit, aes(y = emmean, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
    ymax = upper.CL)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.2
Or manually
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
Xmat = model.matrix(~A * C, data = newdata)
coefs = fixef(data.splt.lmer)
fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
q = qt(0.975, df = df.residual(data.splt.lmer))
newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
    q * se)
ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.2b
The new effects package seems to have a bug when calculating effects
data.splt.eff = as.data.frame(allEffects(data.splt.glmmTMB)[[1]])
# OR
data.splt.eff = as.data.frame(Effect(c("A", "C"), data.splt.glmmTMB))

ggplot(data.splt.eff, aes(y = fit, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.3
# OR using emmeans
fit = summary(ref_grid(data.splt.glmmTMB), infer = TRUE)
ggplot(fit, aes(y = prediction, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
    ymax = upper.CL)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.3
# OR
fit = summary(emmeans(data.splt.glmmTMB, eff ~ A * C)$emmean)
ggplot(fit, aes(y = emmean, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
    ymax = upper.CL)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.3
Or manually
newdata = with(data.splt, expand.grid(A = levels(A), C = levels(C)))
Xmat = model.matrix(~A * C, data = newdata)
coefs = fixef(data.splt.glmmTMB)$cond
fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(data.splt.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
q = qt(0.975, df = df.residual(data.splt.lmer))
newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
    q * se)
ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = A, color = C)) + geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lower,
    ymax = upper)) + scale_y_continuous("Y") + theme_classic()
plot of chunk tut9.4aS9.3b


Nakagawa, S. and H. Schielzeth (2013). “A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models”. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4.2, pp. 133–142. ISSN: 2041-210X. DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00261.x. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00261.x.

Worked Examples

Nested ANOVA references
  • Logan (2010) - Chpt 12-14
  • Quinn & Keough (2002) - Chpt 9-11

Two factor Randomized Block AN

A biologist studying starlings wanted to know whether the mean mass of starlings differed according to different roosting situations. She was also interested in whether the mean mass of starlings altered over winter (Northern hemisphere) and whether the patterns amnesty roosting situations were consistent throughout winter, therefore starlings were captured at the start (November) and end of winter (January). Ten starlings were captured from each roosting situation in each season, so in total, 80 birds were captured and weighed.

Download Starling data set
Format of starling_full.RSV data files
SITUATIONCategorical listing of roosting situations (tree, nest-box, inside or other)
MONTHCategorical listing of the month of sampling.
MASSMass (g) of starlings.
BIRDCategorical listing of individual bird repeatedly sampled.

Open the starling data file.

Show code
starling <- read.table("../downloads/data/starling_full.csv", header = T,
    sep = ",", strip.white = T)
1   Nov      tree          1 tree1   78
2   Nov      tree          2 tree2   88
3   Nov      tree          3 tree3   87
4   Nov      tree          4 tree4   88
5   Nov      tree          5 tree5   83
6   Nov      tree          6 tree6   82

In preparation we could reorder MONTH to ensure that November comes before January since in this case, November is considered the start of the breeding season and January is the end.

Show code
starling = starling %>% mutate(MONTH = factor(MONTH, levels = c("Nov",
  1. Perform exploratory data analysis
    Show code
    boxplot(MASS ~ MONTH * SITUATION, starling)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-2a
    ggplot(starling, aes(y = MASS, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_boxplot()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-2a
    ggplot(starling, aes(y = MASS, x = as.numeric(BIRD), color = MONTH)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-2a
    residualPlots(lm(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + BIRD, starling))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-2a
               Test stat Pr(>|t|)
    SITUATION         NA       NA
    MONTH             NA       NA
    BIRD              NA       NA
    Tukey test     1.099    0.272
  2. Fit a range of candidate models
    • random intercept model with TEMPERATURE_1M fixed component
    • random intercept/slope (TEMPERATURE_1M) model with TEMPERATURE_1M fixed component
    Show lme code
    ## Compare random intercept model to a random intercept/slope model. Use
    ## REML to do so.
    starling.lme = lme(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, random = ~1 | BIRD, data = starling,
        method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    starling.lme1 = lme(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, random = ~MONTH | BIRD, data = starling,
        method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    anova(starling.lme, starling.lme1)
                  Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test L.Ratio p-value
    starling.lme      1 10 449.6082 472.3749 -214.8041                       
    starling.lme1     2 12 452.4064 479.7264 -214.2032 1 vs 2 1.20179  0.5483
    # The newer nlmnb optimizer can be a bit flaky, try the BFGS optimizer
    # instead
    starling.lme2 = update(starling.lme1, random = ~MONTH | BIRD, method = "REML",
        control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"), na.action = na.omit)
    anova(starling.lme1, starling.lme2)
                  Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik
    starling.lme1     1 12 452.4064 479.7264 -214.2032
    starling.lme2     2 12 452.4064 479.7264 -214.2032
    Show lmer code
    ## Compare random intercept model to a random intercept/slope model. Use
    ## REML to do so.
    starling.lmer = lmer(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling,
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    starling.lmer1 = lmer(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (MONTH | BIRD), data = starling,
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Error: number of observations (=80) <= number of random effects (=80) for term (MONTH | BIRD); the random-effects parameters and the residual variance (or scale parameter) are probably unidentifiable
    anova(starling.lmer, starling.lmer1)
    Error in .local(object, ...): object 'starling.lmer1' not found
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## Compare random intercept model to a random intercept/slope model. Use
    ## REML to do so.
    starling.glmmTMB = glmmTMB(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling,
        na.action = na.omit)
    starling.glmmTMB1 = glmmTMB(MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (MONTH | BIRD),
        data = starling, na.action = na.omit)
    anova(starling.glmmTMB, starling.glmmTMB1)
    Data: starling
    starling.glmmTMB: MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), zi=~0, disp=~1
    starling.glmmTMB1: MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (MONTH | BIRD), zi=~0, disp=~1
                      Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
    starling.glmmTMB  10 468.45 492.27 -224.22   448.45                        
    starling.glmmTMB1 12                                           2           
  3. It would seem that the model incorporating the random intercept is 'best' so far.
  4. Check the model diagnostics - validate the model
    • Temporal and/or spatial autocorrelation. We do not have any information on the spatial or temporal collection of these data. Nevertheless, with only a small number of categories (and only two months), autocorrelation is not really an issue.
    • Residual plots
    Show lme code
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6a
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6a
    starling.mod.dat = starling.lme$data
    ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_point(aes(y = resid(starling.lme, type = "normalized"),
        x = starling.mod.dat$SITUATION))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6a
    ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_point(aes(y = resid(starling.lme, type = "normalized"),
        x = starling.mod.dat$MONTH))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6a
    plot_grid(plot_model(starling.lme, type = "diag"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6aa
    ## Explore temporal autocorrelation
    plot(ACF(starling.lme, resType = "normalized"), alpha = 0.05)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6ab
    Show lmer code
    qq.line = function(x) {
        # following four lines from base R's qqline()
        y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
        x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
        slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
        int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
        return(c(int = int, slope = slope))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6b
    QQline = qq.line(resid(starling.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(starling.lmer, type = "pearson",
        scale = TRUE))) + stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6b
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(starling.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = fitted(starling.lmer))) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(starling.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = starling.lmer@frame$SITUATION)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(starling.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = starling.lmer@frame$MONTH)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6b
    plot_grid(plot_model(starling.lmer, type = "diag"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6bb
    ## Explore temporal autocorrelation
    ACF.merMod <- function(object, maxLag, resType = c("pearson", "response",
        "deviance", "raw"), scaled = TRUE, re = names(object@flist[1]), ...) {
        resType <- match.arg(resType)
        res <- resid(object, type = resType, scaled = TRUE)
        res = split(res, object@flist[[re]])
        if (missing(maxLag)) {
            maxLag <- min(c(maxL <- max(lengths(res)) - 1, as.integer(10 *
                log10(maxL + 1))))
        val <- lapply(res, function(el, maxLag) {
            N <- maxLag + 1L
            tt <- double(N)
            nn <- integer(N)
            N <- min(c(N, n <- length(el)))
            nn[1:N] <- n + 1L - 1:N
            for (i in 1:N) {
                tt[i] <- sum(el[1:(n - i + 1)] * el[i:n])
            array(c(tt, nn), c(length(tt), 2))
        }, maxLag = maxLag)
        val0 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 2]))
        val1 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 1]))/val0
        val2 <- val1/val1[1L]
        z <- data.frame(lag = 0:maxLag, ACF = val2)
        attr(z, "n.used") <- val0
        class(z) <- c("ACF", "data.frame")
    plot(ACF(starling.lmer, resType = "pearson", scaled = TRUE), alpha = 0.05)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6bc
    Show glmmTMB code
    qq.line = function(x) {
        # following four lines from base R's qqline()
        y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
        x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
        slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
        int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
        return(c(int = int, slope = slope))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(starling.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"),
        x = fitted(starling.glmmTMB))) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6c
    QQline = qq.line(resid(starling.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(starling.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))) +
        stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6c
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(starling.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"),
        x = starling.glmmTMB$frame$SITUATION)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6c
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(starling.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"),
        x = starling.glmmTMB$frame$MONTH)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6c
    plot_grid(plot_model(starling.glmmTMB, type = "diag"))
    Error in UseMethod("rstudent"): no applicable method for 'rstudent' applied to an object of class "glmmTMB"
    ## Explore temporal autocorrelation
    ACF.glmmTMB <- function(object, maxLag, resType = c("pearson", "response",
        "deviance", "raw"), re = names(object$modelInfo$reTrms$cond$flist[1]),
        ...) {
        resType <- match.arg(resType)
        res <- resid(object, type = resType)
        res = split(res, object$modelInfo$reTrms$cond$flist[[re]])
        if (missing(maxLag)) {
            maxLag <- min(c(maxL <- max(lengths(res)) - 1, as.integer(10 *
                log10(maxL + 1))))
        val <- lapply(res, function(el, maxLag) {
            N <- maxLag + 1L
            tt <- double(N)
            nn <- integer(N)
            N <- min(c(N, n <- length(el)))
            nn[1:N] <- n + 1L - 1:N
            for (i in 1:N) {
                tt[i] <- sum(el[1:(n - i + 1)] * el[i:n])
            array(c(tt, nn), c(length(tt), 2))
        }, maxLag = maxLag)
        val0 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 2]))
        val1 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 1]))/val0
        val2 <- val1/val1[1L]
        z <- data.frame(lag = 0:maxLag, ACF = val2)
        attr(z, "n.used") <- val0
        class(z) <- c("ACF", "data.frame")
    plot(ACF(starling.glmmTMB, resType = "pearson"), alpha = 0.05)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-6cc
    The residual plots themselves appear reasonable.
  5. Generate partial effects plots to assist with parameter interpretation
    Show lme code
    plot(allEffects(starling.lme), multiline = TRUE, ci.style = "bars")
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-8a
    plot_model(starling.lme, type = "eff", terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-8a
    # don't add show.data=TRUE - this will add raw data not partial
    # residuals
    plot(ggeffect(starling.lme, terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-8a
    # Ignoring uncertainty in random effects
    plot(ggpredict(starling.lme, terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1-8a
    Show lmer code
    plot(allEffects(starling.lmer, residuals = FALSE))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-8b
    plot_model(starling.lmer, type = "eff", terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-8b
    # don't add show.data=TRUE - this will add raw data not partial
    # residuals
    plot(ggeffect(starling.lmer, terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-8b
    Show glmmTMB code
    # observation level effects averaged across margins
    p1 = ggaverage(starling.glmmTMB, terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH"))
    ggplot(p1, aes(y = predicted, x = x, color = group, fill = group)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-8c
    p1 = ggpredict(starling.glmmTMB, terms = c("SITUATION", "MONTH"))
    ggplot(p1, aes(y = predicted, x = x, color = group, fill = group)) + geom_line() +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), alpha = 0.3)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-8c
  6. Explore the parameter estimates for the 'best' model
    Show lme code
    Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
     Data: starling 
           AIC      BIC    logLik
      449.6082 472.3749 -214.8041
    Random effects:
     Formula: ~1 | BIRD
            (Intercept) Residual
    StdDev:   0.5868961 4.165333
    Fixed effects: MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH 
                               Value Std.Error DF  t-value p-value
    (Intercept)                 78.6  1.330205 36 59.08865  0.0000
    SITUATIONnest-box            0.8  1.881193 36  0.42526  0.6732
    SITUATIONother              -3.2  1.881193 36 -1.70105  0.0976
    SITUATIONtree                5.0  1.881193 36  2.65789  0.0117
    MONTHJan                     9.6  1.862793 36  5.15355  0.0000
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan   1.2  2.634388 36  0.45551  0.6515
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan     -0.8  2.634388 36 -0.30368  0.7631
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan      -2.4  2.634388 36 -0.91103  0.3683
                               (Intr) SITUATIONn- SITUATIONth SITUATIONtr MONTHJ SITUATION-:
    SITUATIONnest-box          -0.707                                                       
    SITUATIONother             -0.707  0.500                                                
    SITUATIONtree              -0.707  0.500       0.500                                    
    MONTHJan                   -0.700  0.495       0.495       0.495                        
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan  0.495 -0.700      -0.350      -0.350      -0.707            
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan     0.495 -0.350      -0.700      -0.350      -0.707  0.500     
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan      0.495 -0.350      -0.350      -0.700      -0.707  0.500     
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan      0.500            
    Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
            Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
    -1.75548143 -0.76870435 -0.08640394  0.70218233  2.16928300 
    Number of Observations: 80
    Number of Groups: 40 
    Approximate 95% confidence intervals
     Fixed effects:
                                   lower est.      upper
    (Intercept)                75.902220 78.6 81.2977801
    SITUATIONnest-box          -3.015237  0.8  4.6152372
    SITUATIONother             -7.015237 -3.2  0.6152372
    SITUATIONtree               1.184763  5.0  8.8152372
    MONTHJan                    5.822080  9.6 13.3779202
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan -4.142786  1.2  6.5427861
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan    -6.142786 -0.8  4.5427861
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan     -7.742786 -2.4  2.9427861
    [1] "Fixed effects:"
     Random Effects:
      Level: BIRD 
                           lower      est.    upper
    sd((Intercept)) 0.0002167647 0.5868961 1589.037
     Within-group standard error:
       lower     est.    upper 
    3.327499 4.165333 5.214125 
    tidy(starling.lme, effects = "fixed")
    # A tibble: 8 x 5
      term                       estimate std.error statistic  p.value
      <chr>                         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
    1 (Intercept)                  78.6        1.33    59.1   1.91e-37
    2 SITUATIONnest-box             0.800      1.88     0.425 6.73e- 1
    3 SITUATIONother               -3.20       1.88    -1.70  9.76e- 2
    4 SITUATIONtree                 5.00       1.88     2.66  1.17e- 2
    5 MONTHJan                      9.60       1.86     5.15  9.39e- 6
    6 SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan    1.20       2.63     0.456 6.51e- 1
    7 SITUATIONother:MONTHJan      -0.800      2.63    -0.304 7.63e- 1
    8 SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan       -2.40       2.63    -0.911 3.68e- 1
    # A tibble: 1 x 5
      sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance
      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>   
    1  4.17  -215.  450.  472. NA      
    anova(starling.lme, type = "marginal")
                    numDF denDF  F-value p-value
    (Intercept)         1    36 3491.469  <.0001
    SITUATION           3    36    6.441  0.0013
    MONTH               1    36   26.559  <.0001
    SITUATION:MONTH     3    36    0.657  0.5838
    Show lmer code
    Linear mixed model fit by REML t-tests use Satterthwaite approximations to degrees of freedom [
    Formula: MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD)
       Data: starling
    REML criterion at convergence: 429.6
    Scaled residuals: 
        Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
    -1.7555 -0.7687 -0.0864  0.7022  2.1693 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     BIRD     (Intercept)  0.3444  0.5869  
     Residual             17.3500  4.1653  
    Number of obs: 80, groups:  BIRD, 40
    Fixed effects:
                               Estimate Std. Error     df t value Pr(>|t|)    
    (Intercept)                  78.600      1.330 71.973  59.089  < 2e-16 ***
    SITUATIONnest-box             0.800      1.881 71.973   0.425  0.67191    
    SITUATIONother               -3.200      1.881 71.973  -1.701  0.09325 .  
    SITUATIONtree                 5.000      1.881 71.973   2.658  0.00968 ** 
    MONTHJan                      9.600      1.863 36.000   5.154 9.39e-06 ***
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan    1.200      2.634 36.000   0.456  0.65148    
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan      -0.800      2.634 36.000  -0.304  0.76312    
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan       -2.400      2.634 36.000  -0.911  0.36834    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
    SITUATIONn-        -0.707                                                                          
    SITUATIONth        -0.707  0.500                                                                   
    SITUATIONtr        -0.707  0.500       0.500                                                       
    MONTHJan           -0.700  0.495       0.495       0.495                                           
    SITUATION-:         0.495 -0.700      -0.350      -0.350      -0.707                               
    SITUATIONth:MONTHJ  0.495 -0.350      -0.700      -0.350      -0.707  0.500                        
    SITUATIONtr:MONTHJ  0.495 -0.350      -0.350      -0.700      -0.707  0.500       0.500            
                                   2.5 %     97.5 %
    .sig01                      0.000000  2.4290757
    .sigma                      3.221630  4.6973017
    (Intercept)                76.096636 81.1033641
    SITUATIONnest-box          -2.740292  4.3402915
    SITUATIONother             -6.740292  0.3402915
    SITUATIONtree               1.459708  8.5402915
    MONTHJan                    6.067219 13.1333043
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan -3.796138  6.1961552
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan    -5.796138  4.1961552
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan     -7.396138  2.5961552
    tidy(starling.lmer, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE)
    # A tibble: 8 x 6
      term                       estimate std.error statistic conf.low conf.high
      <chr>                         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
    1 (Intercept)                  78.6        1.33    59.1      76.0     81.2  
    2 SITUATIONnest-box             0.800      1.88     0.425    -2.89     4.49 
    3 SITUATIONother               -3.20       1.88    -1.70     -6.89     0.487
    4 SITUATIONtree                 5.00       1.88     2.66      1.31     8.69 
    5 MONTHJan                      9.60       1.86     5.15      5.95    13.3  
    6 SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan    1.20       2.63     0.456    -3.96     6.36 
    7 SITUATIONother:MONTHJan      -0.800      2.63    -0.304    -5.96     4.36 
    8 SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan       -2.40       2.63    -0.911    -7.56     2.76 
    # A tibble: 1 x 6
      sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual
      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
    1  4.17  -215.  450.  473.     448.          70
    anova(starling.lmer, type = "marginal")
    Analysis of Variance Table
                    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
    SITUATION        3  552.46  184.15 10.6141
    MONTH            1 1656.20 1656.20 95.4582
    SITUATION:MONTH  3   34.20   11.40  0.6571
    ## If you cant live without p-values...
    starling.lmer <- update(starling.lmer)
    Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
    Formula: MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD)
       Data: starling
    REML criterion at convergence: 429.6
    Scaled residuals: 
        Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
    -1.7555 -0.7687 -0.0864  0.7022  2.1693 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     BIRD     (Intercept)  0.3444  0.5869  
     Residual             17.3500  4.1653  
    Number of obs: 80, groups:  BIRD, 40
    Fixed effects:
                               Estimate Std. Error t value
    (Intercept)                  78.600      1.330  59.089
    SITUATIONnest-box             0.800      1.881   0.425
    SITUATIONother               -3.200      1.881  -1.701
    SITUATIONtree                 5.000      1.881   2.658
    MONTHJan                      9.600      1.863   5.154
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan    1.200      2.634   0.456
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan      -0.800      2.634  -0.304
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan       -2.400      2.634  -0.911
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
    SITUATIONn-        -0.707                                                                          
    SITUATIONth        -0.707  0.500                                                                   
    SITUATIONtr        -0.707  0.500       0.500                                                       
    MONTHJan           -0.700  0.495       0.495       0.495                                           
    SITUATION-:         0.495 -0.700      -0.350      -0.350      -0.707                               
    SITUATIONth:MONTHJ  0.495 -0.350      -0.700      -0.350      -0.707  0.500                        
    SITUATIONtr:MONTHJ  0.495 -0.350      -0.350      -0.700      -0.707  0.500       0.500            
    anova(starling.lmer)  # Satterthwaite denominator df method
    Analysis of Variance Table
                    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
    SITUATION        3  552.46  184.15 10.6141
    MONTH            1 1656.20 1656.20 95.4582
    SITUATION:MONTH  3   34.20   11.40  0.6571
    anova(starling.lmer, ddf = "Kenward-Roger")
    Analysis of Variance Table
                    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
    SITUATION        3  552.46  184.15 10.6141
    MONTH            1 1656.20 1656.20 95.4582
    SITUATION:MONTH  3   34.20   11.40  0.6571
    Show glmmTMB code
     Family: gaussian  ( identity )
    Formula:          MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD)
    Data: starling
         AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
       468.4    492.3   -224.2    448.4       70 
    Random effects:
    Conditional model:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     BIRD     (Intercept)  0.31    0.5568  
     Residual             15.61    3.9516  
    Number of obs: 80, groups:  BIRD, 40
    Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2): 15.6 
    Conditional model:
                               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)                  78.600      1.262   62.28  < 2e-16 ***
    SITUATIONnest-box             0.800      1.785    0.45  0.65397    
    SITUATIONother               -3.200      1.785   -1.79  0.07296 .  
    SITUATIONtree                 5.000      1.785    2.80  0.00508 ** 
    MONTHJan                      9.600      1.767    5.43 5.56e-08 ***
    SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan    1.200      2.499    0.48  0.63111    
    SITUATIONother:MONTHJan      -0.800      2.499   -0.32  0.74889    
    SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan       -2.400      2.499   -0.96  0.33691    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                            2.5 %       97.5 %   Estimate
    cond.(Intercept)                76.1266495875   81.0733757 78.6000126
    cond.SITUATIONnest-box          -2.6978884494    4.2978387  0.7999751
    cond.SITUATIONother             -6.6978589040    0.2978683 -3.1999953
    cond.SITUATIONtree               1.5021188292    8.4978460  4.9999824
    cond.MONTHJan                    6.1363357016   13.0636341  9.5999849
    cond.SITUATIONnest-box:MONTHJan -3.6983009590    6.0983784  1.2000387
    cond.SITUATIONother:MONTHJan    -5.6983517442    4.0983276 -0.8000121
    cond.SITUATIONtree:MONTHJan     -7.2983085809    2.4983708 -2.3999689
    cond.Std.Dev.BIRD.(Intercept)    0.0001942829 1595.7019666  0.5567922
    sigma                            3.1739886455    4.9196732  3.9515803
    • there is an effect of roosting situation and month on bird mass.
    • Birds that roost in trees have more mass than those that roost inside
    • Birds weigh more in January than November
    • There is no evidence of an interaction between roosting situation and month.
  7. We are primarily interested in further exploring differences between roosting situations. We could either explore these patterns in a pairwise manner (comparing each situation against each other - a total of six comparisons), or we could explore more specific comparisons. In the later case, it might be interesting to compare natural (tree) to more artificial (nest-box, inside and other) as well as nest-box vs inside.

  8. Explore the pairwise comparisons using a Tukey's test. Do so, both marginalizing over month and separate per month.
    Show lme code
    ## 1. marginalized over month
    ## ============================================
    ## glht -------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lme, linfct = mcp(SITUATION = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    +\n est-box - inside == 0    1.400      1.343   1.042  0.72448    
    other - inside == 0      -3.600      1.343  -2.680  0.03647 *  
    ree - inside == 0        3.800      1.343   2.829  0.02426 *  
    other - nest-box == 0    -5.000      1.343  -3.723  0.00112 ** 
    ree - nest-box == 0      2.400      1.343   1.787  0.27956    
    ree - other == 0         7.400      1.343   5.510  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lme, linfct = mcp(SITUATION = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.5681
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate lwr     upr    
    +\n est-box - inside == 0  1.4000  -2.0492  4.8492
    other - inside == 0    -3.6000  -7.0492 -0.1508
    ree - inside == 0      3.8000   0.3508  7.2492
    other - nest-box == 0  -5.0000  -8.4492 -1.5508
    ree - nest-box == 0    2.4000  -1.0492  5.8492
    ree - other == 0       7.4000   3.9508 10.8492
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(starling.lme, pairwise ~ SITUATION)
     SITUATION emmean        SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      83.4 0.9497076 36  81.4739  85.3261
     nest-box    84.8 0.9497076 36  82.8739  86.7261
     other       79.8 0.9497076 36  77.8739  81.7261
     tree        87.2 0.9497076 36  85.2739  89.1261
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box     -1.4 1.343089 36  -1.042  0.7259
     inside - other         3.6 1.343089 36   2.680  0.0515
     inside - tree         -3.8 1.343089 36  -2.829  0.0364
     nest-box - other       5.0 1.343089 36   3.723  0.0036
     nest-box - tree       -2.4 1.343089 36  -1.787  0.2961
     other - tree          -7.4 1.343089 36  -5.510  <.0001
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(starling.lme, pairwise ~ SITUATION))
     SITUATION emmean        SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      83.4 0.9497076 36  81.4739  85.3261
     nest-box    84.8 0.9497076 36  82.8739  86.7261
     other       79.8 0.9497076 36  77.8739  81.7261
     tree        87.2 0.9497076 36  85.2739  89.1261
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast          estimate       SE df     lower.CL   upper.CL
     inside - nest-box     -1.4 1.343089 36  -5.01724488  2.2172449
     inside - other         3.6 1.343089 36  -0.01724488  7.2172449
     inside - tree         -3.8 1.343089 36  -7.41724488 -0.1827551
     nest-box - other       5.0 1.343089 36   1.38275512  8.6172449
     nest-box - tree       -2.4 1.343089 36  -6.01724488  1.2172449
     other - tree          -7.4 1.343089 36 -11.01724488 -3.7827551
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans -------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION)))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    inside - nest-box == 0   -1.400      1.343  -1.042  0.72596    
    inside - other == 0       3.600      1.343   2.680  0.05146 .  
    inside - tree == 0       -3.800      1.343  -2.829  0.03643 *  
    +\n est-box - other == 0     5.000      1.343   3.723  0.00369 ** 
    +\n est-box - tree == 0     -2.400      1.343  -1.787  0.29609    
    other - tree == 0        -7.400      1.343  -5.510  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION)))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6968
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate  lwr       upr      
    inside - nest-box == 0  -1.40000  -5.02201   2.22201
    inside - other == 0      3.60000  -0.02201   7.22201
    inside - tree == 0      -3.80000  -7.42201  -0.17799
    +\n est-box - other == 0    5.00000   1.37799   8.62201
    +\n est-box - tree == 0    -2.40000  -6.02201   1.22201
    other - tree == 0       -7.40000 -11.02201  -3.77799
    ## 2. Separate in each month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans --------------------------------------------
    emmeans(starling.lme, pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)
    MONTH = Nov:
     SITUATION emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      78.6 1.330205 39 75.90941 81.29059
     nest-box    79.4 1.330205 36 76.70222 82.09778
     other       75.4 1.330205 36 72.70222 78.09778
     tree        83.6 1.330205 36 80.90222 86.29778
    MONTH = Jan:
     SITUATION emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      88.2 1.330205 36 85.50222 90.89778
     nest-box    90.2 1.330205 36 87.50222 92.89778
     other       84.2 1.330205 36 81.50222 86.89778
     tree        90.8 1.330205 36 88.10222 93.49778
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box     -0.8 1.881193 36  -0.425  0.9738
     inside - other         3.2 1.881193 36   1.701  0.3380
     inside - tree         -5.0 1.881193 36  -2.658  0.0542
     nest-box - other       4.0 1.881193 36   2.126  0.1642
     nest-box - tree       -4.2 1.881193 36  -2.233  0.1338
     other - tree          -8.2 1.881193 36  -4.359  0.0006
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box     -2.0 1.881193 36  -1.063  0.7137
     inside - other         4.0 1.881193 36   2.126  0.1642
     inside - tree         -2.6 1.881193 36  -1.382  0.5184
     nest-box - other       6.0 1.881193 36   3.189  0.0149
     nest-box - tree       -0.6 1.881193 36  -0.319  0.9886
     other - tree          -6.6 1.881193 36  -3.508  0.0065
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(starling.lme, pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH))
    MONTH = Nov:
     SITUATION emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      78.6 1.330205 39 75.90941 81.29059
     nest-box    79.4 1.330205 36 76.70222 82.09778
     other       75.4 1.330205 36 72.70222 78.09778
     tree        83.6 1.330205 36 80.90222 86.29778
    MONTH = Jan:
     SITUATION emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      88.2 1.330205 36 85.50222 90.89778
     nest-box    90.2 1.330205 36 87.50222 92.89778
     other       84.2 1.330205 36 81.50222 86.89778
     tree        90.8 1.330205 36 88.10222 93.49778
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast          estimate       SE df    lower.CL    upper.CL
     inside - nest-box     -0.8 1.881193 36  -5.8664814  4.26648137
     inside - other         3.2 1.881193 36  -1.8664814  8.26648137
     inside - tree         -5.0 1.881193 36 -10.0664814  0.06648137
     nest-box - other       4.0 1.881193 36  -1.0664814  9.06648137
     nest-box - tree       -4.2 1.881193 36  -9.2664814  0.86648137
     other - tree          -8.2 1.881193 36 -13.2664814 -3.13351863
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast          estimate       SE df    lower.CL    upper.CL
     inside - nest-box     -2.0 1.881193 36  -7.0664814  3.06648137
     inside - other         4.0 1.881193 36  -1.0664814  9.06648137
     inside - tree         -2.6 1.881193 36  -7.6664814  2.46648137
     nest-box - other       6.0 1.881193 36   0.9335186 11.06648137
     nest-box - tree       -0.6 1.881193 36  -5.6664814  4.46648137
     other - tree          -6.6 1.881193 36 -11.6664814 -1.53351863
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)))
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    inside - nest-box == 0   -0.800      1.881  -0.425   0.9738    
    inside - other == 0       3.200      1.881   1.701   0.3380    
    inside - tree == 0       -5.000      1.881  -2.658   0.0545 .  
    +\n est-box - other == 0     4.000      1.881   2.126   0.1641    
    +\n est-box - tree == 0     -4.200      1.881  -2.233   0.1338    
    other - tree == 0        -8.200      1.881  -4.359   <0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
    inside - nest-box == 0   -2.000      1.881  -1.063  0.71377   
    inside - other == 0       4.000      1.881   2.126  0.16420   
    inside - tree == 0       -2.600      1.881  -1.382  0.51843   
    +\n est-box - other == 0     6.000      1.881   3.189  0.01502 * 
    +\n est-box - tree == 0     -0.600      1.881  -0.319  0.98858   
    other - tree == 0        -6.600      1.881  -3.508  0.00664 **
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)))
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6944
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate  lwr       upr      
    inside - nest-box == 0  -0.80000  -5.86877   4.26877
    inside - other == 0      3.20000  -1.86877   8.26877
    inside - tree == 0      -5.00000 -10.06877   0.06877
    +\n est-box - other == 0    4.00000  -1.06877   9.06877
    +\n est-box - tree == 0    -4.20000  -9.26877   0.86877
    other - tree == 0       -8.20000 -13.26877  -3.13123
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6929
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate lwr      upr     
    inside - nest-box == 0  -2.0000  -7.0659   3.0659
    inside - other == 0      4.0000  -1.0659   9.0659
    inside - tree == 0      -2.6000  -7.6659   2.4659
    +\n est-box - other == 0    6.0000   0.9341  11.0659
    +\n est-box - tree == 0    -0.6000  -5.6659   4.4659
    other - tree == 0       -6.6000 -11.6659  -1.5341
    Show lmer code
    ## 1. marginalized over month
    ## ============================================
    ## glht -------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = mcp(SITUATION = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    +\n est-box - inside == 0    1.400      1.343   1.042  0.72447    
    other - inside == 0      -3.600      1.343  -2.680  0.03739 *  
    ree - inside == 0        3.800      1.343   2.829  0.02410 *  
    other - nest-box == 0    -5.000      1.343  -3.723  0.00105 ** 
    ree - nest-box == 0      2.400      1.343   1.787  0.27955    
    ree - other == 0         7.400      1.343   5.510  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = mcp(SITUATION = "Tukey", interaction_average = TRUE)))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.5684
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate lwr     upr    
    +\n est-box - inside == 0  1.4000  -2.0496  4.8496
    other - inside == 0    -3.6000  -7.0496 -0.1504
    ree - inside == 0      3.8000   0.3504  7.2496
    other - nest-box == 0  -5.0000  -8.4496 -1.5504
    ree - nest-box == 0    2.4000  -1.0496  5.8496
    ree - other == 0       7.4000   3.9504 10.8496
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(starling.lmer, pairwise ~ SITUATION)
     SITUATION emmean        SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      83.4 0.9497076 36  81.4739  85.3261
     nest-box    84.8 0.9497076 36  82.8739  86.7261
     other       79.8 0.9497076 36  77.8739  81.7261
     tree        87.2 0.9497076 36  85.2739  89.1261
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box     -1.4 1.343089 36  -1.042  0.7259
     inside - other         3.6 1.343089 36   2.680  0.0515
     inside - tree         -3.8 1.343089 36  -2.829  0.0364
     nest-box - other       5.0 1.343089 36   3.723  0.0036
     nest-box - tree       -2.4 1.343089 36  -1.787  0.2961
     other - tree          -7.4 1.343089 36  -5.510  <.0001
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(starling.lmer, pairwise ~ SITUATION))
     SITUATION emmean        SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      83.4 0.9497076 36  81.4739  85.3261
     nest-box    84.8 0.9497076 36  82.8739  86.7261
     other       79.8 0.9497076 36  77.8739  81.7261
     tree        87.2 0.9497076 36  85.2739  89.1261
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast          estimate       SE df     lower.CL   upper.CL
     inside - nest-box     -1.4 1.343089 36  -5.01724461  2.2172446
     inside - other         3.6 1.343089 36  -0.01724461  7.2172446
     inside - tree         -3.8 1.343089 36  -7.41724461 -0.1827554
     nest-box - other       5.0 1.343089 36   1.38275539  8.6172446
     nest-box - tree       -2.4 1.343089 36  -6.01724461  1.2172446
     other - tree          -7.4 1.343089 36 -11.01724461 -3.7827554
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans -------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION)))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    inside - nest-box == 0   -1.400      1.343  -1.042  0.72595    
    inside - other == 0       3.600      1.343   2.680  0.05144 .  
    inside - tree == 0       -3.800      1.343  -2.829  0.03672 *  
    +\n est-box - other == 0     5.000      1.343   3.723  0.00366 ** 
    +\n est-box - tree == 0     -2.400      1.343  -1.787  0.29602    
    other - tree == 0        -7.400      1.343  -5.510  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION)))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6936
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate lwr      upr     
    inside - nest-box == 0  -1.4000  -5.0177   2.2177
    inside - other == 0      3.6000  -0.0177   7.2177
    inside - tree == 0      -3.8000  -7.4177  -0.1823
    +\n est-box - other == 0    5.0000   1.3823   8.6177
    +\n est-box - tree == 0    -2.4000  -6.0177   1.2177
    other - tree == 0       -7.4000 -11.0177  -3.7823
    ## 2. Separate in each month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans --------------------------------------------
    emmeans(starling.lmer, pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)
    MONTH = Nov:
     SITUATION emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      78.6 1.330205 71.97 75.94827 81.25173
     nest-box    79.4 1.330205 71.97 76.74827 82.05173
     other       75.4 1.330205 71.97 72.74827 78.05173
     tree        83.6 1.330205 71.97 80.94827 86.25173
    MONTH = Jan:
     SITUATION emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      88.2 1.330205 71.97 85.54827 90.85173
     nest-box    90.2 1.330205 71.97 87.54827 92.85173
     other       84.2 1.330205 71.97 81.54827 86.85173
     tree        90.8 1.330205 71.97 88.14827 93.45173
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast          estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box     -0.8 1.881193 71.97  -0.425  0.9740
     inside - other         3.2 1.881193 71.97   1.701  0.3307
     inside - tree         -5.0 1.881193 71.97  -2.658  0.0467
     nest-box - other       4.0 1.881193 71.97   2.126  0.1546
     nest-box - tree       -4.2 1.881193 71.97  -2.233  0.1242
     other - tree          -8.2 1.881193 71.97  -4.359  0.0002
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast          estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box     -2.0 1.881193 71.97  -1.063  0.7129
     inside - other         4.0 1.881193 71.97   2.126  0.1546
     inside - tree         -2.6 1.881193 71.97  -1.382  0.5146
     nest-box - other       6.0 1.881193 71.97   3.189  0.0111
     nest-box - tree       -0.6 1.881193 71.97  -0.319  0.9887
     other - tree          -6.6 1.881193 71.97  -3.508  0.0043
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(starling.lmer, pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH))
    MONTH = Nov:
     SITUATION emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      78.6 1.330205 71.97 75.94827 81.25173
     nest-box    79.4 1.330205 71.97 76.74827 82.05173
     other       75.4 1.330205 71.97 72.74827 78.05173
     tree        83.6 1.330205 71.97 80.94827 86.25173
    MONTH = Jan:
     SITUATION emmean       SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside      88.2 1.330205 71.97 85.54827 90.85173
     nest-box    90.2 1.330205 71.97 87.54827 92.85173
     other       84.2 1.330205 71.97 81.54827 86.85173
     tree        90.8 1.330205 71.97 88.14827 93.45173
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast          estimate       SE    df    lower.CL    upper.CL
     inside - nest-box     -0.8 1.881193 71.97  -5.7476986  4.14769855
     inside - other         3.2 1.881193 71.97  -1.7476986  8.14769855
     inside - tree         -5.0 1.881193 71.97  -9.9476986 -0.05230145
     nest-box - other       4.0 1.881193 71.97  -0.9476986  8.94769855
     nest-box - tree       -4.2 1.881193 71.97  -9.1476986  0.74769855
     other - tree          -8.2 1.881193 71.97 -13.1476986 -3.25230145
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast          estimate       SE    df    lower.CL    upper.CL
     inside - nest-box     -2.0 1.881193 71.97  -6.9476986  2.94769855
     inside - other         4.0 1.881193 71.97  -0.9476986  8.94769855
     inside - tree         -2.6 1.881193 71.97  -7.5476986  2.34769855
     nest-box - other       6.0 1.881193 71.97   1.0523014 10.94769855
     nest-box - tree       -0.6 1.881193 71.97  -5.5476986  4.34769855
     other - tree          -6.6 1.881193 71.97 -11.5476986 -1.65230145
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)))
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    inside - nest-box == 0   -0.800      1.881  -0.425   0.9740    
    inside - other == 0       3.200      1.881   1.701   0.3307    
    inside - tree == 0       -5.000      1.881  -2.658   0.0468 *  
    +\n est-box - other == 0     4.000      1.881   2.126   0.1548    
    +\n est-box - tree == 0     -4.200      1.881  -2.233   0.1242    
    other - tree == 0        -8.200      1.881  -4.359   <0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
    inside - nest-box == 0   -2.000      1.881  -1.063  0.71288   
    inside - other == 0       4.000      1.881   2.126  0.15453   
    inside - tree == 0       -2.600      1.881  -1.382  0.51457   
    +\n est-box - other == 0     6.000      1.881   3.189  0.01107 * 
    +\n est-box - tree == 0     -0.600      1.881  -0.319  0.98868   
    other - tree == 0        -6.600      1.881  -3.508  0.00413 **
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)))
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6319
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate  lwr       upr      
    inside - nest-box == 0  -0.80000  -5.75102   4.15102
    inside - other == 0      3.20000  -1.75102   8.15102
    inside - tree == 0      -5.00000  -9.95102  -0.04898
    +\n est-box - other == 0    4.00000  -0.95102   8.95102
    +\n est-box - tree == 0    -4.20000  -9.15102   0.75102
    other - tree == 0       -8.20000 -13.15102  -3.24898
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6295
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate lwr      upr     
    inside - nest-box == 0  -2.0000  -6.9466   2.9466
    inside - other == 0      4.0000  -0.9466   8.9466
    inside - tree == 0      -2.6000  -7.5466   2.3466
    +\n est-box - other == 0    6.0000   1.0534  10.9466
    +\n est-box - tree == 0    -0.6000  -5.5466   4.3466
    other - tree == 0       -6.6000 -11.5466  -1.6534
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## 1. marginalized over month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ SITUATION)
     SITUATION   emmean        SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside    83.40001 0.9009723 70 81.60307 85.19694
     nest-box  84.80000 0.9009723 70 83.00307 86.59693
     other     79.80000 0.9009723 70 78.00307 81.59694
     tree      87.20000 0.9009723 70 85.40307 88.99694
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast           estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box -1.399994 1.274167 70  -1.099  0.6915
     inside - other     3.600001 1.274167 70   2.825  0.0306
     inside - tree     -3.799998 1.274167 70  -2.982  0.0201
     nest-box - other   4.999996 1.274167 70   3.924  0.0011
     nest-box - tree   -2.400003 1.274167 70  -1.884  0.2444
     other - tree      -7.399999 1.274167 70  -5.808  <.0001
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ SITUATION))
     SITUATION   emmean        SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside    83.40001 0.9009723 70 81.60307 85.19694
     nest-box  84.80000 0.9009723 70 83.00307 86.59693
     other     79.80000 0.9009723 70 78.00307 81.59694
     tree      87.20000 0.9009723 70 85.40307 88.99694
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast           estimate       SE df   lower.CL   upper.CL
     inside - nest-box -1.399994 1.274167 70  -4.753394  1.9534049
     inside - other     3.600001 1.274167 70   0.246602  6.9534007
     inside - tree     -3.799998 1.274167 70  -7.153397 -0.4465986
     nest-box - other   4.999996 1.274167 70   1.646596  8.3533952
     nest-box - tree   -2.400003 1.274167 70  -5.753403  0.9533959
     other - tree      -7.399999 1.274167 70 -10.753399 -4.0465999
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    ## 2. Separate in each month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans --------------------------------------------
    emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH)
    MONTH = Nov:
     SITUATION   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside    78.60001 1.261943 70 76.08315 81.11688
     nest-box  79.39999 1.261943 70 76.88312 81.91685
     other     75.40002 1.261943 70 72.88315 77.91688
     tree      83.60000 1.261943 70 81.08313 86.11686
    MONTH = Jan:
     SITUATION   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside    88.20000 1.261943 70 85.68313 90.71686
     nest-box  90.20001 1.261943 70 87.68315 92.71688
     other     84.19999 1.261943 70 81.68312 86.71686
     tree      90.80001 1.261943 70 88.28314 93.31688
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast            estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box -0.7999751 1.784657 70  -0.448  0.9698
     inside - other     3.1999953 1.784657 70   1.793  0.2853
     inside - tree     -4.9999824 1.784657 70  -2.802  0.0325
     nest-box - other   3.9999705 1.784657 70   2.241  0.1223
     nest-box - tree   -4.2000073 1.784657 70  -2.353  0.0959
     other - tree      -8.1999777 1.784657 70  -4.595  0.0001
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast            estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     inside - nest-box -2.0000138 1.784657 70  -1.121  0.6781
     inside - other     4.0000074 1.784657 70   2.241  0.1223
     inside - tree     -2.6000135 1.784657 70  -1.457  0.4688
     nest-box - other   6.0000212 1.784657 70   3.362  0.0067
     nest-box - tree   -0.5999997 1.784657 70  -0.336  0.9868
     other - tree      -6.6000209 1.784657 70  -3.698  0.0024
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ SITUATION | MONTH))
    MONTH = Nov:
     SITUATION   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside    78.60001 1.261943 70 76.08315 81.11688
     nest-box  79.39999 1.261943 70 76.88312 81.91685
     other     75.40002 1.261943 70 72.88315 77.91688
     tree      83.60000 1.261943 70 81.08313 86.11686
    MONTH = Jan:
     SITUATION   emmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     inside    88.20000 1.261943 70 85.68313 90.71686
     nest-box  90.20001 1.261943 70 87.68315 92.71688
     other     84.19999 1.261943 70 81.68312 86.71686
     tree      90.80001 1.261943 70 88.28314 93.31688
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast            estimate       SE df    lower.CL   upper.CL
     inside - nest-box -0.7999751 1.784657 70  -5.4969000  3.8969498
     inside - other     3.1999953 1.784657 70  -1.4969296  7.8969202
     inside - tree     -4.9999824 1.784657 70  -9.6969073 -0.3030575
     nest-box - other   3.9999705 1.784657 70  -0.6969544  8.6968954
     nest-box - tree   -4.2000073 1.784657 70  -8.8969322  0.4969176
     other - tree      -8.1999777 1.784657 70 -12.8969026 -3.5030528
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast            estimate       SE df    lower.CL   upper.CL
     inside - nest-box -2.0000138 1.784657 70  -6.6969387  2.6969111
     inside - other     4.0000074 1.784657 70  -0.6969175  8.6969323
     inside - tree     -2.6000135 1.784657 70  -7.2969384  2.0969114
     nest-box - other   6.0000212 1.784657 70   1.3030963 10.6969461
     nest-box - tree   -0.5999997 1.784657 70  -5.2969246  4.0969252
     other - tree      -6.6000209 1.784657 70 -11.2969458 -1.9030960
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 
  9. As an alternative, explore the following contrasts and do so, both marginalizing over month and separate per month.
    • Tree vs (Nest-box, Inside and Other)
    • Nest-box vs Inside
    Show lme code
    [1] "inside"   "nest-box" "other"    "tree"    
    contr.SITUATION = cbind(`Natural vs Artificial` = c(-1/3, -1/3, -1/3, 1),
        `Nest-box vs Inside` = c(-1, 1, 0, 0))
                          Natural vs Artificial Nest-box vs Inside
    Natural vs Artificial              1.333333                  0
    Nest-box vs Inside                 0.000000                  2
    ## 1. marginalized over month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    contrast(emmeans(starling.lme, ~SITUATION), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))
     contrast                        estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 4.533333 1.096628 36   4.134  0.0002
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    1.400000 1.343089 36   1.042  0.3042
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    confint(contrast(emmeans(starling.lme, ~SITUATION), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)))
     contrast                        estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 4.533333 1.096628 36  2.309269 6.757398
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    1.400000 1.343089 36 -1.323912 4.123912
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    ## glht and emmeans -------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0    4.533      1.097   4.134 0.000407 ***
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0       1.400      1.343   1.042 0.512599    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.3306
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate lwr     upr    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0  4.5333   1.9775  7.0891
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0     1.4000  -1.7302  4.5302
    ## manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION), MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$SITUATION)
    Xmat = do.call("rbind", lapply(Xmat.split, colMeans))
    Xmat = t(contr.SITUATION) %*% (Xmat)
    coefs = fixef(starling.lme)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = qt(0.975, df = starling.lme$fixDF$terms["SITUATION"])
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                               fit     lower    upper
    Natural vs Artificial 4.533333  2.309269 6.757398
    Nest-box vs Inside    1.400000 -1.323912 4.123912
    ## 2. Separate in each month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans --------------------------------------------
    contrast(emmeans(starling.lme, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast                        estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 5.800000 1.535988 36   3.776  0.0006
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    0.800000 1.881193 36   0.425  0.6732
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast                        estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 3.266667 1.535988 36   2.127  0.0404
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    2.000000 1.881193 36   1.063  0.2948
    confint(contrast(emmeans(starling.lme, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)))
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast                        estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 5.800000 1.535988 36  2.6848719 8.915128
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    0.800000 1.881193 36 -3.0152372 4.615237
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast                        estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 3.266667 1.535988 36  0.1515385 6.381795
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    2.000000 1.881193 36 -1.8152372 5.815237
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", by = "MONTH", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))),
        test = adjusted("none"))
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0    5.800      1.536   3.776 0.000576 ***
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0       0.800      1.881   0.425 0.673177    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0    3.267      1.536   2.127   0.0404 *
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0       2.000      1.881   1.063   0.2948  
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
    confint(glht(starling.lme, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", by = "MONTH", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))),
        calpha = univariate_calpha())
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.0281
    95% confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate lwr     upr    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0  5.8000   2.6849  8.9151
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0     0.8000  -3.0152  4.6152
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH, data = starling, 
        random = ~1 | BIRD, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.0281
    95% confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate lwr     upr    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0  3.2667   0.1515  6.3818
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0     2.0000  -1.8152  5.8152
    ## manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION), MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$MONTH)
    lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
        Xmat = t(t(x) %*% contr.SITUATION)
        fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
        se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
        Q = qt(0.975, starling.lme$fixDF$terms["SITUATION"])
        # Q=1.96
        data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                          fit     lower    upper
    Natural vs Artificial 5.8  2.684872 8.915128
    Nest-box vs Inside    0.8 -3.015237 4.615237
                               fit      lower    upper
    Natural vs Artificial 3.266667  0.1515385 6.381795
    Nest-box vs Inside    2.000000 -1.8152372 5.815237
    Show lmer code
    [1] "inside"   "nest-box" "other"    "tree"    
    contr.SITUATION = cbind(`Natural vs Artificial` = c(-1/3, -1/3, -1/3, 1),
        `Nest-box vs Inside` = c(-1, 1, 0, 0))
                          Natural vs Artificial Nest-box vs Inside
    Natural vs Artificial              1.333333                  0
    Nest-box vs Inside                 0.000000                  2
    ## 1. marginalized over month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    contrast(emmeans(starling.lmer, ~SITUATION), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))
     contrast                        estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 4.533333 1.096628 36   4.134  0.0002
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    1.400000 1.343089 36   1.042  0.3042
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    confint(contrast(emmeans(starling.lmer, ~SITUATION), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)))
     contrast                        estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 4.533333 1.096628 36  2.309269 6.757398
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    1.400000 1.343089 36 -1.323911 4.123911
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    ## glht and emmeans -------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0    4.533      1.097   4.134 0.000407 ***
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0       1.400      1.343   1.042 0.512599    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.3306
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate lwr     upr    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0  4.5333   1.9775  7.0891
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0     1.4000  -1.7302  4.5302
    ## manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION), MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$SITUATION)
    Xmat = do.call("rbind", lapply(Xmat.split, colMeans))
    Xmat = t(contr.SITUATION) %*% (Xmat)
    coefs = fixef(starling.lmer)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = qt(0.975, df = lmerTest::calcSatterth(starling.lmer, Xmat)$denom)
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
           fit     lower    upper
    1 4.533333  2.309269 6.757398
    2 1.400000 -1.323911 4.123911
    ## 2. Separate in each month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans --------------------------------------------
    contrast(emmeans(starling.lmer, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast                        estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 5.800000 1.535988 71.97   3.776  0.0003
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    0.800000 1.881193 71.97   0.425  0.6719
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast                        estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 3.266667 1.535988 71.97   2.127  0.0369
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    2.000000 1.881193 71.97   1.063  0.2913
    confint(contrast(memeans(starling.lmer, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)))
    Error in contrast(memeans(starling.lmer, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)): could not find function "memeans"
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", by = "MONTH", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))),
        test = adjusted("none"))
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0    5.800      1.536   3.776 0.000325 ***
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0       0.800      1.881   0.425 0.671914    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0    3.267      1.536   2.127   0.0369 *
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0       2.000      1.881   1.063   0.2913  
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
    confint(glht(starling.lmer, linfct = lsm("SITUATION", by = "MONTH", contr = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))),
        calpha = univariate_calpha())
    $`MONTH = Nov`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 1.9935
    95% confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate lwr     upr    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0  5.8000   2.7381  8.8619
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0     0.8000  -2.9501  4.5501
    $`MONTH = Jan`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = MASS ~ SITUATION * MONTH + (1 | BIRD), data = starling, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 1.9935
    95% confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                                         Estimate lwr     upr    
    SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial == 0  3.2667   0.2047  6.3286
    SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside == 0     2.0000  -1.7501  5.7501
    ## manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION), MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$MONTH)
    lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
        Xmat = t(t(x) %*% contr.SITUATION)
        fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
        se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
        Q = qt(0.975, lmerTest::calcSatterth(starling.lmer, Xmat)$denom)
        # Q=1.96
        data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
      fit     lower    upper
    1 5.8  2.738044 8.861956
    2 0.8 -2.950115 4.550115
           fit      lower    upper
    1 3.266667  0.2047106 6.328623
    2 2.000000 -1.7501149 5.750115
    Show glmmTMB code
    [1] "inside"   "nest-box" "other"    "tree"    
    contr.SITUATION = cbind(`Natural vs Artificial` = c(-1/3, -1/3, -1/3, 1),
        `Nest-box vs Inside` = c(-1, 1, 0, 0))
                          Natural vs Artificial Nest-box vs Inside
    Natural vs Artificial              1.333333                  0
    Nest-box vs Inside                 0.000000                  2
    ## 1. marginalized over month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    contrast(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, ~SITUATION), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))
     contrast                        estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 4.533334 1.040353 70   4.357  <.0001
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    1.399994 1.274167 70   1.099  0.2756
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    confint(contrast(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, ~SITUATION), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)))
     contrast                        estimate       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 4.533334 1.040353 70  2.458415 6.608253
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    1.399994 1.274167 70 -1.141252 3.941241
    Results are averaged over the levels of: MONTH 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    ## manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION), MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$SITUATION)
    Xmat = do.call("rbind", lapply(Xmat.split, colMeans))
    Xmat = t(contr.SITUATION) %*% (Xmat)
    coefs = fixef(starling.glmmTMB)$cond
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
    # Q=qt(0.975, df=lmerTest::calcSatterth(starling.glmmTMB, Xmat)$denom)
    Q = 1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                               fit     lower    upper
    Natural vs Artificial 4.533334  2.494241 6.572426
    Nest-box vs Inside    1.399994 -1.097373 3.897362
    ## 2. Separate in each month
    ## ============================================
    ## emmeans --------------------------------------------
    contrast(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION))
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast                         estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 5.7999891 1.457166 70   3.980  0.0002
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    0.7999751 1.784657 70   0.448  0.6554
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast                         estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 3.2666780 1.457166 70   2.242  0.0281
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    2.0000138 1.784657 70   1.121  0.2663
    confint(contrast(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, ~SITUATION | MONTH), method = list(SITUATION = contr.SITUATION)))
    MONTH = Nov:
     contrast                         estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 5.7999891 1.457166 70  2.8937624 8.706216
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    0.7999751 1.784657 70 -2.7594112 4.359361
    MONTH = Jan:
     contrast                         estimate       SE df   lower.CL upper.CL
     SITUATION.Natural vs Artificial 3.2666780 1.457166 70  0.3604513 6.172905
     SITUATION.Nest-box vs Inside    2.0000138 1.784657 70 -1.5593725 5.559400
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    ## manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION), MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$MONTH)
    lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
        Xmat = t(t(x) %*% contr.SITUATION)
        fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
        se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
        # Q = qt(0.975, lmerTest::calcSatterth(starling.lmer, Xmat)$denom)
        Q = 1.96
        data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
            fit     lower    upper
    1 5.7999891  2.789453 8.810526
    2 0.7999751 -2.887164 4.487114
           fit      lower    upper
    1 3.266678  0.2561415 6.277215
    2 2.000014 -1.6871254 5.687153
  10. Calculate $R^2$
    Show lme code
          R2m       R2c 
    0.6183482 0.6257776 
        R-squared: 0.654
    Omega-squared: 0.654
    Show lmer code
          R2m       R2c 
    0.6183482 0.6257776 
       Marginal R2: 0.618
    Conditional R2: 0.626
    Show glmmTMB code
    source(system.file("misc/rsqglmm.R", package = "glmmTMB"))
    [1] "gaussian"
    [1] "identity"
    [1] 0.6428839
    [1] 0.649836
       Marginal R2: 0.643
    Conditional R2: 0.650
  11. Generate an appropriate summary figure
    Show lme code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("SITUATION", "MONTH"), starling.lme))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13a
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(starling.lme, ~SITUATION * MONTH))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13a
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION),
        MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(starling.lme)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = qt(0.975, df = starling.lme$fixDF$terms["SITUATION:MONTH"])
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
        q * se)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13a
    Show lmer code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("SITUATION", "MONTH"), starling.lmer))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13b
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(starling.lmer, ~SITUATION * MONTH))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13b
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION),
        MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(starling.lmer)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = qt(0.975, df = lmerTest::calcSatterth(starling.lmer, Xmat)$denom)
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
        q * se)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13b
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("SITUATION", "MONTH"), starling.glmmTMB))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13c
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(starling.glmmTMB, ~SITUATION * MONTH))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13c
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    newdata = with(starling, expand.grid(SITUATION = levels(SITUATION),
        MONTH = levels(MONTH)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~SITUATION * MONTH, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(starling.glmmTMB)$cond
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(starling.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = qt(0.975, df = df.residual(starling.glmmTMB))
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
        q * se)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = SITUATION, fill = MONTH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Mass (g)") +
        scale_x_discrete("Roosting situation") + scale_fill_manual("",
        breaks = c("Jan", "Nov"), values = c("black", "white")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ1a-13c


In an attempt to understand the effects on marine animals of short-term exposure to toxic substances, such as might occur following a spill, or a major increase in storm water flows, a it was decided to examine the toxicant in question, Copper, as part of a field experiment in Honk Kong. The experiment consisted of small sources of Cu (small, hemispherical plaster blocks, impregnated with copper), which released the metal into sea water over 4 or 5 days. The organism whose response to Cu was being measured was a small, polychaete worm, Hydroides, that attaches to hard surfaces in the sea, and is one of the first species to colonize any surface that is submerged. The biological questions focused on whether the timing of exposure to Cu affects the overall abundance of these worms. The time period of interest was the first or second week after a surface being available.

The experimental setup consisted of sheets of black perspex (settlement plates), which provided good surfaces for these worms. Each plate had a plaster block bolted to its centre, and the dissolving block would create a gradient of [Cu] across the plate. Over the two weeks of the experiment, a given plate would have plain plaster blocks (Control) or a block containing copper in the first week, followed by a plain block, or a plain block in the first week, followed by a dose of copper in the second week. After two weeks in the water, plates were removed and counted back in the laboratory. Without a clear idea of how sensitive these worms are to copper, an effect of the treatments might show up as an overall difference in the density of worms across a plate, or it could show up as a gradient in abundance across the plate, with a different gradient in different treatments. Therefore, on each plate, the density of worms (#/cm2) was recorded at each of four distances from the center of the plate.

Download Copper data set
Format of copper.csv data file

COPPERCategorical listing of the copper treatment (control = no copper applied, week 2 = copper treatment applied in second week and week 1= copper treatment applied in first week) applied to whole plates. Factor A (between plot factor).
PLATESubstrate provided for polychaete worm colonization on which copper treatment applied. These are the plots (Factor B). Numbers in this column represent numerical labels given to each plate.
DISTCategorical listing for the four concentric distances from the center of the plate (source of copper treatment) with 1 being the closest and 4 the furthest. Factor C (within plot factor)
WORMSDensity (#/cm2) of worms measured. Response variable.
AREAArea of the concentric region on the plate associated with the distance.
COUNTNumber of of worms measured. Response variable.

Open the Copper data set
Show code
copper <- read.table("../downloads/data/copper1.csv", header = T, sep = ",", strip.white = T)
1 control   200    4 11.50   16   184
2 control   200    3 13.00   12   156
3 control   200    2 13.50    8   108
4 control   200    1 12.00    4    48
5 control    39    4 17.75   16   284
6 control    39    3 13.75   12   165

The Plates are the "random" groups. Within each Plate, all levels of the Distance factor occur (this is a within group factor). Each Plate can only be of one of the three levels of the Copper treatment. This is therefore a within group (nested) factor. Traditionally, this mixture of nested and randomized block design would be called a partly nested or split-plot design.

Notice that both the PLATE variable and the DIST variable contain only numbers. Make sure that you define both of these as factors (HINT)
Show code
copper = copper %>% mutate(PLATE = factor(PLATE), DIST = factor(DIST))
  1. Perform exploratory data analysis
    Show code
    boxplot(WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, copper)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-2a
    ggplot(copper, aes(y = WORMS, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_boxplot()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-2a
    ggplot(copper, aes(y = WORMS, x = as.numeric(PLATE), color = COPPER)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-2a
    residualPlots(lm(WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + PLATE, copper))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-2a
               Test stat Pr(>|t|)
    COPPER            NA       NA
    DIST              NA       NA
    PLATE             NA       NA
    Tukey test      1.11    0.267
    Conclusions: there is some indication of a relationship between mean and variance (as suggested in boxplots). There is no evidence of a substantial interaction between the PLATES and DISTANCE within PLATES.
  2. Given that the actual response variable (COUNT) is the number of worms in a section of plate, it could be argued that the underlying process governing the observed number of worms would not be Gaussian, but rather a Poisson. Indeed in a later tutorial, we will model these data against a Poisson. However, for now, as the study was primarily interested in exploring worm density, lets proceed with a Gaussian.

  3. Fit a range of candidate models
    • random intercept model with COPPER and DIST (and their interaction) fixed component
    • random intercept/slope (DIST) model with COPPER and DIST (and their interaction) fixed component
    Show lme code
    ## Since we only have a single replicate of each DIST within each PLATE,
    ## it does not make sense to model random intercept/slopes
    copper.lme = lme(WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, random = ~1 | PLATE, data = copper,
        method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    copper.lme1 = lme(WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, random = ~DIST | PLATE, data = copper,
        method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    # The newer nlmnb optimizer can be a bit flaky, try the BFGS optimizer
    # instead
    copper.lme2 = update(copper.lme1, random = ~DIST | PLATE, method = "REML",
        control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"), na.action = na.omit)
    anova(copper.lme1, copper.lme2)
                Model df     AIC      BIC    logLik
    copper.lme1     1 23 217.373 260.4106 -85.68648
    copper.lme2     2 23 217.373 260.4106 -85.68648
    Show lmer code
    ## Since we only have a single replicate of each DIST within each PLATE,
    ## it does not make sense to model random intercept/slopes
    copper.lmer = lmer(WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper,
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## Since we only have a single replicate of each DIST within each PLATE,
    ## it does not make sense to model random intercept/slopes
    copper.glmmTMB = glmmTMB(WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper,
        na.action = na.omit)
  4. Check the model diagnostics - validate the model
    • Temporal and/or spatial autocorrelation. We do not have any information on the spatial or temporal collection of these data. Nevertheless, with only a small number of categories (and only two months), autocorrelation is not really an issue.
    • Residual plots
    Show lme code
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4a
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4a
    copper.mod.dat = copper.lme$data
    ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_point(aes(y = resid(copper.lme, type = "normalized"),
        x = copper.mod.dat$COPPER))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4a
    ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_point(aes(y = resid(copper.lme, type = "normalized"),
        x = copper.mod.dat$DIST))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4a
    plot_grid(plot_model(copper.lme, type = "diag"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4aa
    Show lmer code
    qq.line = function(x) {
        # following four lines from base R's qqline()
        y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
        x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
        slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
        int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
        return(c(int = int, slope = slope))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4b
    QQline = qq.line(resid(copper.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(copper.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE))) +
        stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4b
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(copper.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = fitted(copper.lmer))) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(copper.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = copper.lmer@frame$COPPER)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(copper.lmer, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = copper.lmer@frame$DIST)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4b
    plot_grid(plot_model(copper.lmer, type = "diag"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-4bb
    Show glmmTMB code
    qq.line = function(x) {
        # following four lines from base R's qqline()
        y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
        x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
        slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
        int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
        return(c(int = int, slope = slope))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(copper.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = fitted(copper.glmmTMB))) +
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-4c
    QQline = qq.line(resid(copper.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(copper.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))) +
        stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-4c
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(copper.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = copper.glmmTMB$frame$COPPER)) +
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-4c
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(copper.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = copper.glmmTMB$frame$DIST)) +
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-4c
    Whilst not ideal (there is some wedginess), the residual plots themselves appear acceptable.
  5. Generate partial effects plots to assist with parameter interpretation
    Show lme code
    plot(allEffects(copper.lme), multiline = TRUE, ci.style = "bars")
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5a
    ## The following uses Effect (from effects package) and therefore does
    ## not account for the offset
    plot_model(copper.lme, type = "eff", terms = c("DIST", "COPPER"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5a
    # don't add show.data=TRUE - this will add raw data not partial
    # residuals
    plot(ggeffect(copper.lmer, terms = c("DIST", "COPPER")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5a
    # Ignoring uncertainty in random effects
    plot(ggpredict(copper.lme, terms = c("DIST", "COPPER")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5a
    Show lmer code
    plot(allEffects(copper.lmer, residuals = FALSE))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5b
    plot_model(copper.lmer, type = "eff", terms = c("DIST", "COPPER"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5b
    # don't add show.data=TRUE - this will add raw data not partial
    # residuals
    plot(ggeffect(copper.lmer, terms = c("DIST", "COPPER")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5b
    Show glmmTMB code
    # observation level effects averaged across margins
    p1 = ggaverage(copper.glmmTMB, terms = c("DIST", "COPPER"))
    ggplot(p1, aes(y = predicted, x = x, color = group, fill = group)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5c
    p1 = ggpredict(copper.glmmTMB, terms = c("DIST", "COPPER"))
    ggplot(p1, aes(y = predicted, x = x, color = group, fill = group)) + geom_line() +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), alpha = 0.3)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2-5c
  6. Explore the parameter estimates for the 'best' model
    Show lme code
    Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
     Data: copper 
           AIC      BIC    logLik
      218.2515 244.4483 -95.12575
    Random effects:
     Formula: ~1 | PLATE
            (Intercept) Residual
    StdDev:   0.5599481 1.344162
    Fixed effects: WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST 
                        Value Std.Error DF    t-value p-value
    (Intercept)         10.85 0.6512008 36  16.661527  0.0000
    COPPERWeek 1        -3.60 0.9209370 12  -3.909062  0.0021
    COPPERWeek 2       -10.60 0.9209370 12 -11.510016  0.0000
    DIST2                1.15 0.8501225 36   1.352746  0.1846
    DIST3                1.55 0.8501225 36   1.823267  0.0766
    DIST4                2.70 0.8501225 36   3.176013  0.0031
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -0.05 1.2022548 36  -0.041589  0.9671
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2   0.05 1.2022548 36   0.041589  0.9671
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -0.30 1.2022548 36  -0.249531  0.8044
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   2.20 1.2022548 36   1.829895  0.0756
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4   0.05 1.2022548 36   0.041589  0.9671
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   4.90 1.2022548 36   4.075675  0.0002
                       (Intr) COPPERWk1 COPPERWk2 DIST2  DIST3  DIST4  COPPERW1:DIST2 COPPERW2:DIST2
    COPPERWeek 1       -0.707                                                                       
    COPPERWeek 2       -0.707  0.500                                                                
    DIST2              -0.653  0.462     0.462                                                      
    DIST3              -0.653  0.462     0.462     0.500                                            
    DIST4              -0.653  0.462     0.462     0.500  0.500                                     
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.707 -0.354 -0.354                              
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.707 -0.354 -0.354  0.500                       
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.354 -0.707 -0.354  0.500          0.250        
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.354 -0.707 -0.354  0.250          0.500        
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.354 -0.354 -0.707  0.500          0.250        
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.354 -0.354 -0.707  0.250          0.500        
                       COPPERW1:DIST3 COPPERW2:DIST3 COPPERW1:DIST4
    COPPERWeek 1                                                   
    COPPERWeek 2                                                   
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2                                             
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2                                             
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3                                             
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3  0.500                                      
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4  0.500          0.250                       
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4  0.250          0.500          0.500        
    Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
            Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
    -1.61656136 -0.62651757 -0.09454227  0.46107961  2.51878597 
    Number of Observations: 60
    Number of Groups: 15 
    Approximate 95% confidence intervals
     Fixed effects:
                             lower   est.     upper
    (Intercept)          9.5293035  10.85 12.170696
    COPPERWeek 1        -5.6065494  -3.60 -1.593451
    COPPERWeek 2       -12.6065494 -10.60 -8.593451
    DIST2               -0.5741284   1.15  2.874128
    DIST3               -0.1741284   1.55  3.274128
    DIST4                0.9758716   2.70  4.424128
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -2.4882857  -0.05  2.388286
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2  -2.3882857   0.05  2.488286
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -2.7382857  -0.30  2.138286
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3  -0.2382857   2.20  4.638286
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4  -2.3882857   0.05  2.488286
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   2.4617143   4.90  7.338286
    [1] "Fixed effects:"
     Random Effects:
      Level: PLATE 
                        lower      est.    upper
    sd((Intercept)) 0.1995815 0.5599481 1.570997
     Within-group standard error:
       lower     est.    upper 
    1.066945 1.344162 1.693405 
    tidy(copper.lme, effects = "fixed")
    # A tibble: 12 x 5
       term               estimate std.error statistic  p.value
       <chr>                 <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
     1 (Intercept)         10.8        0.651   16.7    1.68e-18
     2 COPPERWeek 1        -3.60       0.921   -3.91   2.08e- 3
     3 COPPERWeek 2       -10.6        0.921  -11.5    7.68e- 8
     4 DIST2                1.15       0.850    1.35   1.85e- 1
     5 DIST3                1.55       0.850    1.82   7.66e- 2
     6 DIST4                2.70       0.850    3.18   3.06e- 3
     7 COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -0.0500     1.20    -0.0416 9.67e- 1
     8 COPPERWeek 2:DIST2   0.0500     1.20     0.0416 9.67e- 1
     9 COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -0.300      1.20    -0.250  8.04e- 1
    10 COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   2.20       1.20     1.83   7.56e- 2
    11 COPPERWeek 1:DIST4   0.0500     1.20     0.0416 9.67e- 1
    12 COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   4.90       1.20     4.08   2.42e- 4
    # A tibble: 1 x 5
      sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance
      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>   
    1  1.34  -95.1  218.  244. NA      
    anova(copper.lme, type = "marginal")
                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
    (Intercept)     1    36 277.60648  <.0001
    COPPER          2    12  68.51191  <.0001
    DIST            3    36   3.43615  0.0269
    COPPER:DIST     6    36   4.92765  0.0009
    Show lmer code
    Linear mixed model fit by REML t-tests use Satterthwaite approximations to degrees of freedom [
    Formula: WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE)
       Data: copper
    REML criterion at convergence: 190.3
    Scaled residuals: 
         Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
    -1.61656 -0.62652 -0.09454  0.46108  2.51879 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     PLATE    (Intercept) 0.3135   0.5599  
     Residual             1.8068   1.3442  
    Number of obs: 60, groups:  PLATE, 15
    Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error       df t value Pr(>|t|)    
    (Intercept)         10.8500     0.6512  45.0450  16.662  < 2e-16 ***
    COPPERWeek 1        -3.6000     0.9209  45.0450  -3.909 0.000309 ***
    COPPERWeek 2       -10.6000     0.9209  45.0450 -11.510 5.33e-15 ***
    DIST2                1.1500     0.8501  36.0000   1.353 0.184572    
    DIST3                1.5500     0.8501  36.0000   1.823 0.076575 .  
    DIST4                2.7000     0.8501  36.0000   3.176 0.003058 ** 
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -0.0500     1.2023  36.0000  -0.042 0.967057    
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2   0.0500     1.2023  36.0000   0.042 0.967057    
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -0.3000     1.2023  36.0000  -0.250 0.804368    
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   2.2000     1.2023  36.0000   1.830 0.075556 .  
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4   0.0500     1.2023  36.0000   0.042 0.967057    
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   4.9000     1.2023  36.0000   4.076 0.000242 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
    COPPERWeek1    -0.707                                                                       
    COPPERWeek2    -0.707  0.500                                                                
    DIST2          -0.653  0.462     0.462                                                      
    DIST3          -0.653  0.462     0.462     0.500                                            
    DIST4          -0.653  0.462     0.462     0.500  0.500                                     
    COPPERW1:DIST2  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.707 -0.354 -0.354                              
    COPPERW2:DIST2  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.707 -0.354 -0.354  0.500                       
    COPPERW1:DIST3  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.354 -0.707 -0.354  0.500          0.250        
    COPPERW2:DIST3  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.354 -0.707 -0.354  0.250          0.500        
    COPPERW1:DIST4  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.354 -0.354 -0.707  0.500          0.250        
    COPPERW2:DIST4  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.354 -0.354 -0.707  0.250          0.500        
    COPPERW2:DIST3  0.500                                      
    COPPERW1:DIST4  0.500          0.250                       
    COPPERW2:DIST4  0.250          0.500          0.500        
                             2.5 %    97.5 %
    .sig01               0.0000000  1.012975
    .sigma               0.9909403  1.500906
    (Intercept)          9.6885181 12.011482
    COPPERWeek 1        -5.2425834 -1.957417
    COPPERWeek 2       -12.2425834 -8.957417
    DIST2               -0.3762398  2.672147
    DIST3                0.5900189  2.825714
    DIST4                1.7400189  3.975714
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -1.4076183  1.754131
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2  -1.3076183  1.854131
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -1.6576183  1.504131
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   0.8423817  4.004131
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4  -1.3076183  1.854131
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   2.8005588  6.704342
    tidy(copper.lmer, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE)
    # A tibble: 12 x 6
       term               estimate std.error statistic conf.low conf.high
       <chr>                 <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
     1 (Intercept)         10.9        0.651   16.7       9.57      12.1 
     2 COPPERWeek 1        -3.60       0.921   -3.91     -5.41      -1.79
     3 COPPERWeek 2       -10.6        0.921  -11.5     -12.4       -8.79
     4 DIST2                1.15       0.850    1.35     -0.516      2.82
     5 DIST3                1.55       0.850    1.82     -0.116      3.22
     6 DIST4                2.70       0.850    3.18      1.03       4.37
     7 COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -0.0500     1.20    -0.0416   -2.41       2.31
     8 COPPERWeek 2:DIST2   0.0500     1.20     0.0416   -2.31       2.41
     9 COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -0.300      1.20    -0.250    -2.66       2.06
    10 COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   2.20       1.20     1.83     -0.156      4.56
    11 COPPERWeek 1:DIST4   0.0500     1.20     0.0416   -2.31       2.41
    12 COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   4.90       1.20     4.08      2.54       7.26
    # A tibble: 1 x 6
      sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual
      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
    1  1.34  -95.1  218.  248.     200.          46
    anova(copper.lmer, type = "marginal")
    Analysis of Variance Table
                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value
    COPPER       2 462.61 231.305 128.0214
    DIST         3 153.80  51.268  28.3753
    COPPER:DIST  6  53.42   8.903   4.9276
    ## If you cant live without p-values...
    copper.lmer <- update(copper.lmer)
    Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
    Formula: WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE)
       Data: copper
    REML criterion at convergence: 190.3
    Scaled residuals: 
         Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
    -1.61656 -0.62652 -0.09454  0.46108  2.51879 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     PLATE    (Intercept) 0.3135   0.5599  
     Residual             1.8068   1.3442  
    Number of obs: 60, groups:  PLATE, 15
    Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error t value
    (Intercept)         10.8500     0.6512  16.662
    COPPERWeek 1        -3.6000     0.9209  -3.909
    COPPERWeek 2       -10.6000     0.9209 -11.510
    DIST2                1.1500     0.8501   1.353
    DIST3                1.5500     0.8501   1.823
    DIST4                2.7000     0.8501   3.176
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -0.0500     1.2023  -0.042
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2   0.0500     1.2023   0.042
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -0.3000     1.2023  -0.250
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   2.2000     1.2023   1.830
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4   0.0500     1.2023   0.042
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   4.9000     1.2023   4.076
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
    COPPERWeek1    -0.707                                                                       
    COPPERWeek2    -0.707  0.500                                                                
    DIST2          -0.653  0.462     0.462                                                      
    DIST3          -0.653  0.462     0.462     0.500                                            
    DIST4          -0.653  0.462     0.462     0.500  0.500                                     
    COPPERW1:DIST2  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.707 -0.354 -0.354                              
    COPPERW2:DIST2  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.707 -0.354 -0.354  0.500                       
    COPPERW1:DIST3  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.354 -0.707 -0.354  0.500          0.250        
    COPPERW2:DIST3  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.354 -0.707 -0.354  0.250          0.500        
    COPPERW1:DIST4  0.462 -0.653    -0.326    -0.354 -0.354 -0.707  0.500          0.250        
    COPPERW2:DIST4  0.462 -0.326    -0.653    -0.354 -0.354 -0.707  0.250          0.500        
    COPPERW2:DIST3  0.500                                      
    COPPERW1:DIST4  0.500          0.250                       
    COPPERW2:DIST4  0.250          0.500          0.500        
    anova(copper.lmer)  # Satterthwaite denominator df method
    Analysis of Variance Table
                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value
    COPPER       2 462.61 231.305 128.0214
    DIST         3 153.80  51.268  28.3753
    COPPER:DIST  6  53.42   8.903   4.9276
    anova(copper.lmer, ddf = "Kenward-Roger")
    Analysis of Variance Table
                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value
    COPPER       2 462.61 231.305 128.0214
    DIST         3 153.80  51.268  28.3753
    COPPER:DIST  6  53.42   8.903   4.9276
    Show glmmTMB code
     Family: gaussian  ( identity )
    Formula:          WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE)
    Data: copper
         AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
       228.3    257.6   -100.1    200.3       46 
    Random effects:
    Conditional model:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     PLATE    (Intercept) 0.2508   0.5008  
     Residual             1.4454   1.2023  
    Number of obs: 60, groups:  PLATE, 15
    Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2): 1.45 
    Conditional model:
                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)         10.8500     0.5825  18.628  < 2e-16 ***
    COPPERWeek 1        -3.6000     0.8237  -4.370 1.24e-05 ***
    COPPERWeek 2       -10.6000     0.8237 -12.869  < 2e-16 ***
    DIST2                1.1500     0.7604   1.512 0.130428    
    DIST3                1.5500     0.7604   2.038 0.041503 *  
    DIST4                2.7000     0.7604   3.551 0.000384 ***
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST2  -0.0500     1.0753  -0.046 0.962914    
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST2   0.0500     1.0753   0.046 0.962913    
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST3  -0.3000     1.0753  -0.279 0.780257    
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST3   2.2000     1.0753   2.046 0.040768 *  
    COPPERWeek 1:DIST4   0.0500     1.0753   0.046 0.962913    
    COPPERWeek 2:DIST4   4.9000     1.0753   4.557 5.20e-06 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                          2.5 %    97.5 %     Estimate
    cond.(Intercept)                 9.70841619 11.991585  10.85000043
    cond.COPPERWeek 1               -5.21444466 -1.985557  -3.60000075
    cond.COPPERWeek 2              -12.21444430 -8.985556 -10.60000038
    cond.DIST2                      -0.34030361  2.640302   1.14999938
    cond.DIST3                       0.05969647  3.040302   1.54999946
    cond.DIST4                       1.20969654  4.190303   2.69999954
    cond.COPPERWeek 1:DIST2         -2.15760602  2.057607  -0.04999931
    cond.COPPERWeek 2:DIST2         -2.05760591  2.157607   0.05000079
    cond.COPPERWeek 1:DIST3         -2.40760598  1.807607  -0.29999927
    cond.COPPERWeek 2:DIST3          0.09239378  4.307607   2.20000049
    cond.COPPERWeek 1:DIST4         -2.05760600  2.157607   0.05000070
    cond.COPPERWeek 2:DIST4          2.79239343  7.007607   4.90000013
    cond.Std.Dev.PLATE.(Intercept)   0.19905933  1.260093   0.50083249
    sigma                            0.97784941  1.478158   1.20225471
    • there is evidence of an interaction between copper treatment and distance from source (middle of the plate)
    • The distance patterns of worm density on Control copper treatment plates differs from that of the Week2 treatment, yet not the Week1 treatment.
  7. The magnitude of the effect of copper treatment (difference between Control, Week1 and Week2) depends on the distance from source. Lets then compare the copper treatment separately for each distance.

  8. Explore the pairwise comparisons of the copper treatment using a Tukey's tests separate for each distance.
    Show lme code
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(copper.lme, pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)
    DIST = 1:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  10.85 0.6512008 14  9.45331315 12.246687
     Week 1    7.25 0.6512008 12  5.83115529  8.668845
     Week 2    0.25 0.6512008 12 -1.16884471  1.668845
    DIST = 2:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  12.00 0.6512008 14 10.60331315 13.396687
     Week 1    8.35 0.6512008 12  6.93115529  9.768845
     Week 2    1.45 0.6512008 12  0.03115529  2.868845
    DIST = 3:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  12.40 0.6512008 14 11.00331315 13.796687
     Week 1    8.50 0.6512008 12  7.08115529  9.918845
     Week 2    4.00 0.6512008 12  2.58115529  5.418845
    DIST = 4:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  13.55 0.6512008 14 12.15331315 14.946687
     Week 1   10.00 0.6512008 12  8.58115529 11.418845
     Week 2    7.85 0.6512008 12  6.43115529  9.268845
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    DIST = 1:
     contrast         estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.60 0.920937 12   3.909  0.0054
     control - Week 2    10.60 0.920937 12  11.510  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      7.00 0.920937 12   7.601  <.0001
    DIST = 2:
     contrast         estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.65 0.920937 12   3.963  0.0049
     control - Week 2    10.55 0.920937 12  11.456  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      6.90 0.920937 12   7.492  <.0001
    DIST = 3:
     contrast         estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.90 0.920937 12   4.235  0.0031
     control - Week 2     8.40 0.920937 12   9.121  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      4.50 0.920937 12   4.886  0.0010
    DIST = 4:
     contrast         estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.55 0.920937 12   3.855  0.0060
     control - Week 2     5.70 0.920937 12   6.189  0.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      2.15 0.920937 12   2.335  0.0890
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(copper.lme, pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST))
    DIST = 1:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  10.85 0.6512008 14  9.45331315 12.246687
     Week 1    7.25 0.6512008 12  5.83115529  8.668845
     Week 2    0.25 0.6512008 12 -1.16884471  1.668845
    DIST = 2:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  12.00 0.6512008 14 10.60331315 13.396687
     Week 1    8.35 0.6512008 12  6.93115529  9.768845
     Week 2    1.45 0.6512008 12  0.03115529  2.868845
    DIST = 3:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  12.40 0.6512008 14 11.00331315 13.796687
     Week 1    8.50 0.6512008 12  7.08115529  9.918845
     Week 2    4.00 0.6512008 12  2.58115529  5.418845
    DIST = 4:
     COPPER  emmean        SE df    lower.CL  upper.CL
     control  13.55 0.6512008 14 12.15331315 14.946687
     Week 1   10.00 0.6512008 12  8.58115529 11.418845
     Week 2    7.85 0.6512008 12  6.43115529  9.268845
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    DIST = 1:
     contrast         estimate       SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.60 0.920937 12  1.1430656  6.056934
     control - Week 2    10.60 0.920937 12  8.1430656 13.056934
     Week 1 - Week 2      7.00 0.920937 12  4.5430656  9.456934
    DIST = 2:
     contrast         estimate       SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.65 0.920937 12  1.1930656  6.106934
     control - Week 2    10.55 0.920937 12  8.0930656 13.006934
     Week 1 - Week 2      6.90 0.920937 12  4.4430656  9.356934
    DIST = 3:
     contrast         estimate       SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.90 0.920937 12  1.4430656  6.356934
     control - Week 2     8.40 0.920937 12  5.9430656 10.856934
     Week 1 - Week 2      4.50 0.920937 12  2.0430656  6.956934
    DIST = 4:
     contrast         estimate       SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.55 0.920937 12  1.0930656  6.006934
     control - Week 2     5.70 0.920937 12  3.2430656  8.156934
     Week 1 - Week 2      2.15 0.920937 12 -0.3069344  4.606934
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(copper.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)))
    $`DIST = 1`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.6000     0.9209   3.909  0.00533 ** 
    control - Week 2 == 0  10.6000     0.9209  11.510  < 0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    7.0000     0.9209   7.601  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`DIST = 2`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.6500     0.9209   3.963  0.00491 ** 
    control - Week 2 == 0  10.5500     0.9209  11.456  < 0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    6.9000     0.9209   7.492  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`DIST = 3`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.9000     0.9209   4.235  0.00293 ** 
    control - Week 2 == 0   8.4000     0.9209   9.121  < 0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    4.5000     0.9209   4.886  < 0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`DIST = 4`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.5500     0.9209   3.855  0.00589 ** 
    control - Week 2 == 0   5.7000     0.9209   6.189  < 0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    2.1500     0.9209   2.335  0.08895 .  
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(copper.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)))
    $`DIST = 1`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.667
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.6000   1.1439  6.0561
    control - Week 2 == 0 10.6000   8.1439 13.0561
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   7.0000   4.5439  9.4561
    $`DIST = 2`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.667
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.6500   1.1938  6.1062
    control - Week 2 == 0 10.5500   8.0938 13.0062
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   6.9000   4.4438  9.3562
    $`DIST = 3`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6667
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.9000   1.4441  6.3559
    control - Week 2 == 0  8.4000   5.9441 10.8559
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   4.5000   2.0441  6.9559
    $`DIST = 4`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6682
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.5500   1.0928  6.0072
    control - Week 2 == 0  5.7000   3.2428  8.1572
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   2.1500  -0.3072  4.6072
    ## or manually ------------------------------------------------- Note,
    ## this does not correct for family-wise error rate.
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(copper.lme)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$DIST)
    tuk.mat <- contrMat(n = table(levels(newdata$COPPER)), type = "Tukey")
    lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
        Xmat = tuk.mat %*% x
        fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
        se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
        Q = qt(0.975, copper.lme$fixDF$terms["COPPER"])
        # Q=1.96
        data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                       fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control  -3.6  -5.606549 -1.593451
    Week 2 - control -10.6 -12.606549 -8.593451
    Week 2 - Week 1   -7.0  -9.006549 -4.993451
                        fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control  -3.65  -5.656549 -1.643451
    Week 2 - control -10.55 -12.556549 -8.543451
    Week 2 - Week 1   -6.90  -8.906549 -4.893451
                      fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control -3.9  -5.906549 -1.893451
    Week 2 - control -8.4 -10.406549 -6.393451
    Week 2 - Week 1  -4.5  -6.506549 -2.493451
                       fit     lower      upper
    Week 1 - control -3.55 -5.556549 -1.5434506
    Week 2 - control -5.70 -7.706549 -3.6934506
    Week 2 - Week 1  -2.15 -4.156549 -0.1434506
    Show lmer code
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(copper.lmer, pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)
    DIST = 1:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  10.85 0.6512008 45.04  9.5384504 12.16155
     Week 1    7.25 0.6512008 45.04  5.9384504  8.56155
     Week 2    0.25 0.6512008 45.04 -1.0615496  1.56155
    DIST = 2:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  12.00 0.6512008 45.04 10.6884504 13.31155
     Week 1    8.35 0.6512008 45.04  7.0384504  9.66155
     Week 2    1.45 0.6512008 45.04  0.1384504  2.76155
    DIST = 3:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  12.40 0.6512008 45.04 11.0884504 13.71155
     Week 1    8.50 0.6512008 45.04  7.1884504  9.81155
     Week 2    4.00 0.6512008 45.04  2.6884504  5.31155
    DIST = 4:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  13.55 0.6512008 45.04 12.2384504 14.86155
     Week 1   10.00 0.6512008 45.04  8.6884504 11.31155
     Week 2    7.85 0.6512008 45.04  6.5384504  9.16155
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    DIST = 1:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.60 0.920937 45.04   3.909  0.0009
     control - Week 2    10.60 0.920937 45.04  11.510  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      7.00 0.920937 45.04   7.601  <.0001
    DIST = 2:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.65 0.920937 45.04   3.963  0.0008
     control - Week 2    10.55 0.920937 45.04  11.456  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      6.90 0.920937 45.04   7.492  <.0001
    DIST = 3:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.90 0.920937 45.04   4.235  0.0003
     control - Week 2     8.40 0.920937 45.04   9.121  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      4.50 0.920937 45.04   4.886  <.0001
    DIST = 4:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1     3.55 0.920937 45.04   3.855  0.0010
     control - Week 2     5.70 0.920937 45.04   6.189  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2      2.15 0.920937 45.04   2.335  0.0612
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(copper.lmer, pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST))
    DIST = 1:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  10.85 0.6512008 45.04  9.5384504 12.16155
     Week 1    7.25 0.6512008 45.04  5.9384504  8.56155
     Week 2    0.25 0.6512008 45.04 -1.0615496  1.56155
    DIST = 2:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  12.00 0.6512008 45.04 10.6884504 13.31155
     Week 1    8.35 0.6512008 45.04  7.0384504  9.66155
     Week 2    1.45 0.6512008 45.04  0.1384504  2.76155
    DIST = 3:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  12.40 0.6512008 45.04 11.0884504 13.71155
     Week 1    8.50 0.6512008 45.04  7.1884504  9.81155
     Week 2    4.00 0.6512008 45.04  2.6884504  5.31155
    DIST = 4:
     COPPER  emmean        SE    df   lower.CL upper.CL
     control  13.55 0.6512008 45.04 12.2384504 14.86155
     Week 1   10.00 0.6512008 45.04  8.6884504 11.31155
     Week 2    7.85 0.6512008 45.04  6.5384504  9.16155
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    DIST = 1:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df    lower.CL upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.60 0.920937 45.04  1.36808009  5.83192
     control - Week 2    10.60 0.920937 45.04  8.36808009 12.83192
     Week 1 - Week 2      7.00 0.920937 45.04  4.76808009  9.23192
    DIST = 2:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df    lower.CL upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.65 0.920937 45.04  1.41808009  5.88192
     control - Week 2    10.55 0.920937 45.04  8.31808009 12.78192
     Week 1 - Week 2      6.90 0.920937 45.04  4.66808009  9.13192
    DIST = 3:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df    lower.CL upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.90 0.920937 45.04  1.66808009  6.13192
     control - Week 2     8.40 0.920937 45.04  6.16808009 10.63192
     Week 1 - Week 2      4.50 0.920937 45.04  2.26808009  6.73192
    DIST = 4:
     contrast         estimate       SE    df    lower.CL upper.CL
     control - Week 1     3.55 0.920937 45.04  1.31808009  5.78192
     control - Week 2     5.70 0.920937 45.04  3.46808009  7.93192
     Week 1 - Week 2      2.15 0.920937 45.04 -0.08191991  4.38192
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(copper.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)))
    $`DIST = 1`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.6000     0.9209   3.909 0.000908 ***
    control - Week 2 == 0  10.6000     0.9209  11.510  < 1e-04 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    7.0000     0.9209   7.601  < 1e-04 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`DIST = 2`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.6500     0.9209   3.963   <0.001 ***
    control - Week 2 == 0  10.5500     0.9209  11.456   <0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    6.9000     0.9209   7.492   <0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`DIST = 3`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.9000     0.9209   4.235 0.000302 ***
    control - Week 2 == 0   8.4000     0.9209   9.121  < 1e-04 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    4.5000     0.9209   4.886  < 1e-04 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    $`DIST = 4`
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.5500     0.9209   3.855  0.00113 ** 
    control - Week 2 == 0   5.7000     0.9209   6.189  < 0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    2.1500     0.9209   2.335  0.06115 .  
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(copper.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)))
    $`DIST = 1`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.4233
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.6000   1.3683  5.8317
    control - Week 2 == 0 10.6000   8.3683 12.8317
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   7.0000   4.7683  9.2317
    $`DIST = 2`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.4239
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.6500   1.4177  5.8823
    control - Week 2 == 0 10.5500   8.3177 12.7823
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   6.9000   4.6677  9.1323
    $`DIST = 3`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.4233
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.9000   1.6683  6.1317
    control - Week 2 == 0  8.4000   6.1683 10.6317
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   4.5000   2.2683  6.7317
    $`DIST = 4`
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.4241
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr      upr     
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.55000  1.31755  5.78245
    control - Week 2 == 0  5.70000  3.46755  7.93245
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   2.15000 -0.08245  4.38245
    ## or manually ------------------------------------------------- Note,
    ## this does not correct for family-wise error rate.
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(copper.lmer)
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$DIST)
    tuk.mat <- contrMat(n = table(levels(newdata$COPPER)), type = "Tukey")
    lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
        Xmat = tuk.mat %*% x
        fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
        se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
        Q = qt(0.975, lmerTest::calcSatterth(copper.lmer, x)$denom)
        # Q=1.96
        data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
        fit      lower     upper
    1  -3.6  -5.454811 -1.745189
    2 -10.6 -12.454811 -8.745189
    3  -7.0  -8.854811 -5.145189
         fit      lower     upper
    1  -3.65  -5.504811 -1.795189
    2 -10.55 -12.404811 -8.695189
    3  -6.90  -8.754811 -5.045189
       fit      lower     upper
    1 -3.9  -5.754811 -2.045189
    2 -8.4 -10.254811 -6.545189
    3 -4.5  -6.354811 -2.645189
        fit     lower      upper
    1 -3.55 -5.404811 -1.6951888
    2 -5.70 -7.554811 -3.8451888
    3 -2.15 -4.004811 -0.2951888
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(copper.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)
    DIST = 1:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 10.8500004 0.5824516 46  9.6775861 12.022415
     Week 1   7.2499997 0.5824516 46  6.0775853  8.422414
     Week 2   0.2500001 0.5824516 46 -0.9224143  1.422414
    DIST = 2:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 11.9999998 0.5824516 46 10.8275855 13.172414
     Week 1   8.3499998 0.5824516 46  7.1775854  9.522414
     Week 2   1.4500002 0.5824516 46  0.2775859  2.622415
    DIST = 3:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.3999999 0.5824516 46 11.2275855 13.572414
     Week 1   8.4999999 0.5824516 46  7.3275855  9.672414
     Week 2   4.0000000 0.5824516 46  2.8275857  5.172414
    DIST = 4:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 13.5500000 0.5824516 46 12.3775856 14.722414
     Week 1   9.9999999 0.5824516 46  8.8275856 11.172414
     Week 2   7.8499997 0.5824516 46  6.6775854  9.022414
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    DIST = 1:
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1  3.600001 0.823711 46   4.370  0.0002
     control - Week 2 10.600000 0.823711 46  12.869  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2   7.000000 0.823711 46   8.498  <.0001
    DIST = 2:
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1  3.650000 0.823711 46   4.431  0.0002
     control - Week 2 10.550000 0.823711 46  12.808  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2   6.900000 0.823711 46   8.377  <.0001
    DIST = 3:
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1  3.900000 0.823711 46   4.735  0.0001
     control - Week 2  8.400000 0.823711 46  10.198  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2   4.500000 0.823711 46   5.463  <.0001
    DIST = 4:
     contrast          estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1  3.550000 0.823711 46   4.310  0.0002
     control - Week 2  5.700000 0.823711 46   6.920  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2   2.150000 0.823711 46   2.610  0.0320
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(copper.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST))
    DIST = 1:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 10.8500004 0.5824516 46  9.6775861 12.022415
     Week 1   7.2499997 0.5824516 46  6.0775853  8.422414
     Week 2   0.2500001 0.5824516 46 -0.9224143  1.422414
    DIST = 2:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 11.9999998 0.5824516 46 10.8275855 13.172414
     Week 1   8.3499998 0.5824516 46  7.1775854  9.522414
     Week 2   1.4500002 0.5824516 46  0.2775859  2.622415
    DIST = 3:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.3999999 0.5824516 46 11.2275855 13.572414
     Week 1   8.4999999 0.5824516 46  7.3275855  9.672414
     Week 2   4.0000000 0.5824516 46  2.8275857  5.172414
    DIST = 4:
     COPPER      emmean        SE df   lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 13.5500000 0.5824516 46 12.3775856 14.722414
     Week 1   9.9999999 0.5824516 46  8.8275856 11.172414
     Week 2   7.8499997 0.5824516 46  6.6775854  9.022414
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    DIST = 1:
     contrast          estimate       SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1  3.600001 0.823711 46 1.6051139  5.594888
     control - Week 2 10.600000 0.823711 46 8.6051135 12.594887
     Week 1 - Week 2   7.000000 0.823711 46 5.0051127  8.994887
    DIST = 2:
     contrast          estimate       SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1  3.650000 0.823711 46 1.6551132  5.644887
     control - Week 2 10.550000 0.823711 46 8.5551127 12.544886
     Week 1 - Week 2   6.900000 0.823711 46 4.9051126  8.894886
    DIST = 3:
     contrast          estimate       SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1  3.900000 0.823711 46 1.9051131  5.894887
     control - Week 2  8.400000 0.823711 46 6.4051130 10.394887
     Week 1 - Week 2   4.500000 0.823711 46 2.5051130  6.494887
    DIST = 4:
     contrast          estimate       SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1  3.550000 0.823711 46 1.5551131  5.544887
     control - Week 2  5.700000 0.823711 46 3.7051134  7.694887
     Week 1 - Week 2   2.150000 0.823711 46 0.1551133  4.144887
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(copper.glmmTMB, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)))
    Error in modelparm.default(model, ...): dimensions of coefficients and covariance matrix don't match
    confint(glht(copper.glmmTMB, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER | DIST)))
    Error in modelparm.default(model, ...): dimensions of coefficients and covariance matrix don't match
    ## or manually ------------------------------------------------- Note,
    ## this does not correct for family-wise error rate.
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(copper.glmmTMB)$cond
    Xmat.split = split.data.frame(Xmat, f = newdata$DIST)
    tuk.mat <- contrMat(n = table(levels(newdata$COPPER)), type = "Tukey")
    lapply(Xmat.split, function(x) {
        Xmat = tuk.mat %*% x
        fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
        se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
        Q = 1.96
        data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                            fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control  -3.600001  -5.214474 -1.985527
    Week 2 - control -10.600000 -12.214474 -8.985527
    Week 2 - Week 1   -7.000000  -8.614473 -5.385526
                        fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control  -3.65  -5.264474 -2.035526
    Week 2 - control -10.55 -12.164473 -8.935526
    Week 2 - Week 1   -6.90  -8.514473 -5.285526
                      fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control -3.9  -5.514474 -2.285526
    Week 2 - control -8.4 -10.014473 -6.785526
    Week 2 - Week 1  -4.5  -6.114473 -2.885526
                       fit     lower      upper
    Week 1 - control -3.55 -5.164474 -1.9355265
    Week 2 - control -5.70 -7.314474 -4.0855267
    Week 2 - Week 1  -2.15 -3.764474 -0.5355266
  9. Alternatively, we could ignore the interaction (and effect of distance) and explore the main effect of copper treatment across the entire plate.

  10. Now explore the pairwise comparisons using a Tukey's test marginalizing over distance
    Show lme code
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(copper.lme, pairwise ~ COPPER)
     COPPER   emmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.2000 0.3912121 14 11.360934 13.039066
     Week 1   8.5250 0.3912121 12  7.672622  9.377378
     Week 2   3.3875 0.3912121 12  2.535122  4.239878
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast         estimate        SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1   3.6750 0.5532574 12   6.642  0.0001
     control - Week 2   8.8125 0.5532574 12  15.928  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2    5.1375 0.5532574 12   9.286  <.0001
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(copper.lme, pairwise ~ COPPER))
     COPPER   emmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.2000 0.3912121 14 11.360934 13.039066
     Week 1   8.5250 0.3912121 12  7.672622  9.377378
     Week 2   3.3875 0.3912121 12  2.535122  4.239878
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast         estimate        SE df lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1   3.6750 0.5532574 12 2.198985  5.151015
     control - Week 2   8.8125 0.5532574 12 7.336485 10.288515
     Week 1 - Week 2    5.1375 0.5532574 12 3.661485  6.613515
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(copper.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER)))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.6750     0.5533   6.642 2.63e-05 ***
    control - Week 2 == 0   8.8125     0.5533  15.928  < 1e-05 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    5.1375     0.5533   9.286  < 1e-05 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(copper.lme, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER)))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme.formula(fixed = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST, data = copper, random = ~1 | 
        PLATE, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6681
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.6750   2.1988  5.1512
    control - Week 2 == 0  8.8125   7.3363 10.2887
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   5.1375   3.6613  6.6137
    ## or manually ------------------------------------------------- Note,
    ## this does not correct for family-wise error rate.
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    Xmat = Xmat %>% cbind(newdata) %>% group_by(COPPER) %>% summarize_if(is.numeric,
        mean) %>% dplyr::select(-COPPER) %>% as.matrix
    ## average over distance
    coefs = fixef(copper.lme)
    tuk.mat <- contrMat(n = table(levels(newdata$COPPER)), type = "Tukey")
    Xmat = tuk.mat %*% Xmat
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = qt(0.975, copper.lme$fixDF$terms["COPPER"])
    # Q=1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                         fit      lower     upper
    Week 1 - control -3.6750  -4.880444 -2.469556
    Week 2 - control -8.8125 -10.017944 -7.607056
    Week 2 - Week 1  -5.1375  -6.342944 -3.932056
    Show lmer code
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(copper.lmer, pairwise ~ COPPER)
     COPPER   emmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.2000 0.3912121 12 11.347622 13.052378
     Week 1   8.5250 0.3912121 12  7.672622  9.377378
     Week 2   3.3875 0.3912121 12  2.535122  4.239878
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast         estimate        SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1   3.6750 0.5532574 12   6.642  0.0001
     control - Week 2   8.8125 0.5532574 12  15.928  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2    5.1375 0.5532574 12   9.286  <.0001
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(copper.lmer, pairwise ~ COPPER))
     COPPER   emmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.2000 0.3912121 12 11.347622 13.052378
     Week 1   8.5250 0.3912121 12  7.672622  9.377378
     Week 2   3.3875 0.3912121 12  2.535122  4.239878
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast         estimate        SE df lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1   3.6750 0.5532574 12 2.198985  5.151015
     control - Week 2   8.8125 0.5532574 12 7.336485 10.288515
     Week 1 - Week 2    5.1375 0.5532574 12 3.661485  6.613515
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(copper.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER)))
    	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    control - Week 1 == 0   3.6750     0.5533   6.642   <0.001 ***
    control - Week 2 == 0   8.8125     0.5533  15.928   <0.001 ***
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0    5.1375     0.5533   9.286   <0.001 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    confint(glht(copper.lmer, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER)))
    	 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
    Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = WORMS ~ COPPER * DIST + (1 | PLATE), data = copper, 
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
    Quantile = 2.6709
    95% family-wise confidence level
    Linear Hypotheses:
                          Estimate lwr     upr    
    control - Week 1 == 0  3.6750   2.1973  5.1527
    control - Week 2 == 0  8.8125   7.3348 10.2902
    Week 1 - Week 2 == 0   5.1375   3.6598  6.6152
    ## or manually ------------------------------------------------- Note,
    ## this does not correct for family-wise error rate.
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    x = Xmat %>% cbind(newdata) %>% group_by(COPPER) %>% summarize_if(is.numeric,
        mean) %>% dplyr::select(-COPPER) %>% as.matrix
    ## average over distance
    coefs = fixef(copper.lmer)
    tuk.mat <- contrMat(n = table(levels(newdata$COPPER)), type = "Tukey")
    Xmat = tuk.mat %*% x
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = qt(0.975, lmerTest::calcSatterth(copper.lmer, x)$denom)
    # Q=1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
          fit      lower     upper
    1 -3.6750  -4.880444 -2.469556
    2 -8.8125 -10.017944 -7.607056
    3 -5.1375  -6.342944 -3.932056
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## emmeans -------------------------------------------
    emmeans(copper.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ COPPER)
     COPPER   emmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.2000 0.3499106 46 11.495666 12.904334
     Week 1   8.5250 0.3499106 46  7.820666  9.229333
     Week 2   3.3875 0.3499106 46  2.683166  4.091834
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast         estimate        SE df t.ratio p.value
     control - Week 1   3.6750 0.4948484 46   7.427  <.0001
     control - Week 2   8.8125 0.4948484 46  17.808  <.0001
     Week 1 - Week 2    5.1375 0.4948484 46  10.382  <.0001
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    confint(emmeans(copper.glmmTMB, pairwise ~ COPPER))
     COPPER   emmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
     control 12.2000 0.3499106 46 11.495666 12.904334
     Week 1   8.5250 0.3499106 46  7.820666  9.229333
     Week 2   3.3875 0.3499106 46  2.683166  4.091834
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast         estimate        SE df lower.CL  upper.CL
     control - Week 1   3.6750 0.4948484 46 2.476562  4.873438
     control - Week 2   8.8125 0.4948484 46 7.614062 10.010938
     Week 1 - Week 2    5.1375 0.4948484 46 3.939062  6.335938
    Results are averaged over the levels of: DIST 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
    ## glht and emmeans --------------------------------------------
    summary(glht(copper.glmmTMB, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER)))
    Error in modelparm.default(model, ...): dimensions of coefficients and covariance matrix don't match
    confint(glht(copper.glmmTMB, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ COPPER)))
    Error in modelparm.default(model, ...): dimensions of coefficients and covariance matrix don't match
    ## or manually ------------------------------------------------- Note,
    ## this does not correct for family-wise error rate.
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    x = Xmat %>% cbind(newdata) %>% group_by(COPPER) %>% summarize_if(is.numeric,
        mean) %>% dplyr::select(-COPPER) %>% as.matrix
    ## average over distance
    coefs = fixef(copper.glmmTMB)$cond
    tuk.mat <- contrMat(n = table(levels(newdata$COPPER)), type = "Tukey")
    Xmat = tuk.mat %*% x
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
    Q = 1.96
    data.frame(fit = fit, lower = fit - Q * se, upper = fit + Q * se)
                         fit     lower     upper
    Week 1 - control -3.6750 -4.644903 -2.705097
    Week 2 - control -8.8125 -9.782403 -7.842597
    Week 2 - Week 1  -5.1375 -6.107403 -4.167597
  11. Calculate $R^2$
    Show lme code
          R2m       R2c 
    0.8879098 0.9044852 
        R-squared: 0.929
    Omega-squared: 0.929
    Show lmer code
          R2m       R2c 
    0.8879098 0.9044852 
       Marginal R2: 0.888
    Conditional R2: 0.904
    Show glmmTMB code
    source(system.file("misc/rsqglmm.R", package = "glmmTMB"))
    [1] "gaussian"
    [1] "identity"
    [1] 0.9082715
    [1] 0.9218359
       Marginal R2: 0.908
    Conditional R2: 0.922
  12. Generate an appropriate summary figure
    Show lme code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("COPPER", "DIST"), copper.lme))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10a
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(copper.lme, ~COPPER * DIST))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10a
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(copper.lme)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.lme) %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = qt(0.975, df = copper.lme$fixDF$terms["COPPER:DIST"])
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
        q * se)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10a
    Show lmer code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("COPPER", "DIST"), copper.lmer))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10b
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(copper.lmer, ~COPPER * DIST))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10b
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(copper.lmer)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.lmer) %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = qt(0.975, df = lmerTest::calcSatterth(copper.lmer, Xmat)$denom)
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
        q * se)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10b
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("COPPER", "DIST"), copper.glmmTMB))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10c
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(copper.glmmTMB, ~COPPER * DIST))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10c
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    newdata = with(copper, expand.grid(COPPER = levels(COPPER), DIST = levels(DIST)))
    Xmat = model.matrix(~COPPER * DIST, data = newdata)
    coefs = fixef(copper.glmmTMB)$cond
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(copper.glmmTMB)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = qt(0.975, df = df.residual(copper.glmmTMB))
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit, lower = fit - q * se, upper = fit +
        q * se)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = DIST, fill = COPPER)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(DIST))) + geom_point(shape = 21,
        size = 2) + scale_y_continuous("Density of worms") + scale_x_discrete("Distance") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("control", "Week 1", "Week 2"),
            values = c("black", "white", "grey")) + theme_classic() +
        theme(legend.position = c(1, 0.1), legend.justification = c(1,
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ2a-10c
    If you are really paying attention, you might have seen that our predicted values for Week 2, Distance 1 are less than zero (well the confidence intervals anyway). Obviously this is not logical and is an artifact of using a Gaussian distribution. As previously indicated, we will re-explore this question using a distribution that will constrain predictions to a more sensible range in a later tutorial.

Repeated Measures

Repeated Measures

In an honours thesis from (1992), Mullens was investigating the ways that cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) respond to conditions of hypoxia. Toads show two different kinds of breathing patterns, lung or buccal, requiring them to be treated separately in the experiment. Her aim was to expose toads to a range of O2 concentrations, and record their breathing patterns, including parameters such as the expired volume for individual breaths. It was desirable to have around 8 replicates to compare the responses of the two breathing types, and the complication is that animals are expensive, and different individuals are likely to have different O2 profiles (leading to possibly reduced power). There are two main design options for this experiment;

  • One animal per O2 treatment, 8 concentrations, 2 breathing types. With 8 replicates the experiment would require 128 animals, but that this could be analysed as a completely randomized design
  • One O2 profile per animal, so that each animal would be used 8 times and only 16 animals are required (8 lung and 8 buccal breathers)
Mullens decided to use the second option so as to reduce the number of animals required (on financial and ethical grounds). By selecting this option, she did not have a set of independent measurements for each oxygen concentration, by repeated measurements on each animal across the 8 oxygen concentrations.

Download Mullens data set
Format of mullens.csv data file

BREATHCategorical listing of the breathing type treatment (buccal = buccal breathing toads, lung = lung breathing toads). This is the between subjects (plots) effect and applies to the whole toads (since a single toad can only be one breathing type - either lung or buccal). Equivalent to Factor A (between plots effect) in a split-plot design
TOADThese are the subjects (equivalent to the plots in a split-plot design: Factor B). The letters in this variable represent the labels given to each individual toad.
O2LEVEL0 through to 50 represent the the different oxygen concentrations (0% to 50%). The different oxygen concentrations are equivalent to the within plot effects in a split-plot (Factor C).
FREQBUCThe frequency of buccal breathing - the response variable
SFREQBUCSquare root transformed frequency of buccal breathing - the response variable

Open the mullens data file. HINT.
Show code
mullens <- read.table("../downloads/data/mullens.csv", header = T, sep = ",", strip.white = T)
1   lung    a       0    10.6 3.255764
2   lung    a       5    18.8 4.335897
3   lung    a      10    17.4 4.171331
4   lung    a      15    16.6 4.074310
5   lung    a      20     9.4 3.065942
6   lung    a      30    11.4 3.376389

Notice that both the O2LEVEL variable contains only numbers. Make sure that you define both of this as a factors (HINT). Actually, it might be worth having both a numeric and categorical version of this variable.

Show code
mullens = mullens %>% mutate(nO2LEVEL = mullens$O2LEVEL, O2LEVEL = factor(O2LEVEL))
  1. Perform exploratory data analysis
    Show code
    boxplot(FREQBUC ~ BREATH * O2LEVEL, mullens)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-2a
    ggplot(mullens, aes(y = FREQBUC, x = O2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_boxplot()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-2a
    ggplot(mullens, aes(y = FREQBUC, x = as.numeric(TOAD), color = BREATH)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-2a
    ggplot(mullens, aes(y = FREQBUC, x = nO2LEVEL, color = BREATH)) + geom_smooth()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-2a
    residualPlots(lm(FREQBUC ~ BREATH * O2LEVEL + TOAD, mullens))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-2a
               Test stat Pr(>|t|)
    BREATH            NA       NA
    O2LEVEL           NA       NA
    TOAD              NA       NA
    Tukey test     3.927        0

    Conclusions: there is evidence of a relationship between mean and variance (as suggested in boxplots). There is also evidence of an interaction between the TOADS and O2LEVEL within TOADS. There is definitely evidence of non-linearity (particularly in the lung breathing toads).

  2. In a later tutorial, we will pursue this analysis against both a binomial and beta distributions (since frequency of buccal breathing is a proportion). However for now, we will simply normalize the response using a square-root transformation.

  3. Perform the same exploratory data analysis on the square-root transformed response
    Show code
    boxplot(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * O2LEVEL, mullens)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-3a
    ggplot(mullens, aes(y = SFREQBUC, x = O2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_boxplot()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-3a
    ggplot(mullens, aes(y = SFREQBUC, x = as.numeric(TOAD), color = BREATH)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-3a
    ggplot(mullens, aes(y = SFREQBUC, x = nO2LEVEL, color = BREATH)) + geom_smooth()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-3a
    residualPlots(lm(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * O2LEVEL + TOAD, mullens))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-3a
               Test stat Pr(>|t|)
    BREATH            NA       NA
    O2LEVEL           NA       NA
    TOAD              NA       NA
    Tukey test     1.262    0.207

    Conclusions: there is no evidence of a relationship between mean and variance (as suggested in boxplots) based on the square-root transformed data. Neither is there any evidence of a substantial interaction between the TOADS and O2LEVEL within TOADS. There is definitely evidence of non-linearity (particularly in the lung breathing toads).

  4. Given that the relationship between the frequency of buccal breathing and O2LEVEL for the lung BREATHers is clearly not linear, modelling this as a linear relationship would be inadequate. We have a couple of options.

    1. Fit the model with polynomials.
    2. Fit a non-linear model in which we propose the nature of the non-linear relationship.
    3. Fit the model with splines (such as a Generalized additive model).

    Since the non-linearity appears to be relatively simple - for the buccal BREATHers it is approximately linear and for the lung BREATHers, the frequency of buccal BREATHing initially increases before declining again - simple polynomials would seem the most parsimonious approach.

    A second order polynomial (a quadratic) is a symmetric curve that either rises to a peak or descends to a valley. The non-linearity revealed in the above is not necessarily symmetrical - it possibly ascends faster than it descends. Consequently, we may wish to explore up to a third order (cubic) polynomial to allow some asymmetry.

  5. Fit a range of candidate models
    • random intercept model with BREATH and O2LEVEL (and their interaction) fixed component
    • random intercept/slope (O2LEVEL) model with BREATH and O2LEVEL (and their interaction) fixed component
    Show lme code
    ## Lets start by exploring the use of second order versus first order
    ## polynomials.  Since this involves the comparison of models that will
    ## vary in their fixed effects, we need to use ML not REML Second order
    mullens.lme = lme(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 2), random = ~1 |
        TOAD, data = mullens, method = "ML", na.action = na.omit)
    ## Third order
    mullens.lme1 = lme(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3), random = ~1 |
        TOAD, data = mullens, method = "ML", na.action = na.omit)
    anova(mullens.lme, mullens.lme1)
                 Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
    mullens.lme      1  8 485.1907 510.1824 -234.5954                        
    mullens.lme1     2 10 485.2350 516.4746 -232.6175 1 vs 2 3.955712  0.1384
    ## Although the second order model might be considered more
    ## parsimonious, the p-value is in that zone of uncertainty (between
    ## 0.05 and 0.25) and we may chose to include the third order
    ## polynomials on physiological grounds.
    ## So now we will explore the need for random intercept/slopes note to
    ## get the random intercepts/slope model to converge, it is necessary to
    ## use the optim optimization engine
    mullens.lme = lme(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3), random = ~1 |
        TOAD, data = mullens, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit, control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
    mullens.lme1 = lme(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3), random = ~poly(nO2LEVEL,
        3) | TOAD, data = mullens, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit, control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
    anova(mullens.lme, mullens.lme1)
                 Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test L.Ratio p-value
    mullens.lme      1 10 473.1516 503.9033 -226.5758                       
    mullens.lme1     2 19 452.5852 511.0135 -207.2926 1 vs 2 38.5664  <.0001
    ## It would appear that the random intercept/slope is required.
    ## The above models all fit orthogonal polynomials.  As an alternative,
    ## we could have fit raw polynomials.  I will demonstrate these, but we
    ## will not use them.
    mullens.lme2 = lme(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * (nO2LEVEL + I(nO2LEVEL^2) + I(nO2LEVEL^3)),
        random = ~(nO2LEVEL + I(nO2LEVEL^2) + I(nO2LEVEL^3)) | TOAD, data = mullens,
        method = "REML", na.action = na.omit, , control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
    ## OR more simply
    mullens.lme2 = lme(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3, raw = TRUE), random = ~poly(nO2LEVEL,
        3, raw = TRUE) | TOAD, data = mullens, method = "REML", na.action = na.omit,
        , control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
    Show lmer code
    ## Lets start by exploring the use of second order versus first order
    ## polynomials.  Since this involves the comparison of models that will
    ## vary in their fixed effects, we need to use ML not REML Second order
    mullens.lmer = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 2) + (1 | TOAD),
        data = mullens, REML = FALSE, na.action = na.omit)
    ## Third order
    mullens.lmer1 = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD),
        data = mullens, REML = FALSE, na.action = na.omit)
    anova(mullens.lmer, mullens.lmer1)
    Data: mullens
    object: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 2) + (1 | TOAD)
    ..1: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD)
           Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
    object  8 485.19 510.18 -234.59   469.19                         
    ..1    10 485.24 516.47 -232.62   465.24 3.9557      2     0.1384
    ## Although the second order model might be considered more
    ## parsimonious, the p-value is in that zone of uncertainty (between
    ## 0.05 and 0.25) and we may chose to include the third order
    ## polynomials on physiological grounds.
    ## So now we will explore the need for random intercept/slopes note to
    ## get the random intercepts/slope model to converge, it is necessary to
    ## use the optim optimization engine
    mullens.lmer = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD),
        data = mullens, REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "optimx",
            calc.derivs = FALSE, optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb")))
    mullens.lmer1 = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (poly(nO2LEVEL,
        3) | TOAD), data = mullens, REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "optimx",
        calc.derivs = FALSE, optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb")))
    anova(mullens.lmer, mullens.lmer1)
    Data: mullens
    object: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD)
    ..1: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) | 
    ..1:     TOAD)
           Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
    object 10 485.24 516.47 -232.62   465.24                             
    ..1    19 465.28 524.63 -213.64   427.28 37.957      9  1.774e-05 ***
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    ## It would appear that the random intercept/slope is required.
    ## The above models all fit orthogonal polynomials.  As an alternative,
    ## we could have fit raw polynomials.  I will demonstrate these, but we
    ## will not use them.
    mullens.lmer2 = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * (nO2LEVEL + I(nO2LEVEL^2) + I(nO2LEVEL^3)) +
        ((nO2LEVEL + I(nO2LEVEL^2) + I(nO2LEVEL^3)) | TOAD), data = mullens,
        REML = TRUE, na.action = na.omit, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "optimx",
            calc.derivs = FALSE, optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb")))
    ## OR more simply
    mullens.lmer2 = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3, raw = TRUE) +
        (poly(nO2LEVEL, 3, raw = TRUE) | TOAD), data = mullens, REML = TRUE,
        na.action = na.omit, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "optimx", calc.derivs = FALSE,
            optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb")))
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## Lets start by exploring the use of second order versus first order
    ## polynomials.  Since this involves the comparison of models that will
    ## vary in their fixed effects, we need to use ML not REML Second order
    mullens.glmmTMB = glmmTMB(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 2) + (1 |
        TOAD), data = mullens, na.action = na.omit)
    ## Third order
    mullens.glmmTMB1 = glmmTMB(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 |
        TOAD), data = mullens, na.action = na.omit)
    anova(mullens.glmmTMB, mullens.glmmTMB1)
    Data: mullens
    mullens.glmmTMB: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 2) + (1 | TOAD), zi=~0, disp=~1
    mullens.glmmTMB1: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD), zi=~0, disp=~1
                     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
    mullens.glmmTMB   8 485.19 510.18 -234.59   469.19                         
    mullens.glmmTMB1 10 485.24 516.47 -232.62   465.24 3.9557      2     0.1384
    ## Although the second order model might be considered more
    ## parsimonious, the p-value is in that zone of uncertainty (between
    ## 0.05 and 0.25) and we may chose to include the third order
    ## polynomials on physiological grounds.
    ## So now we will explore the need for random intercept/slopes note to
    ## get the random intercepts/slope model to converge, it is necessary to
    ## use the optim optimization engine
    mullens.glmmTMB = glmmTMB(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 |
        TOAD), data = mullens, na.action = na.omit)
    mullens.glmmTMB1 = glmmTMB(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (poly(nO2LEVEL,
        3) | TOAD), data = mullens, na.action = na.omit)
    anova(mullens.glmmTMB, mullens.glmmTMB1)
    Data: mullens
    mullens.glmmTMB: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD), zi=~0, disp=~1
    mullens.glmmTMB1: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) | , zi=~0, disp=~1
    mullens.glmmTMB1:     TOAD), zi=~0, disp=~1
                     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
    mullens.glmmTMB  10 485.24 516.47 -232.62   465.24                        
    mullens.glmmTMB1 19                                           9           
    ## Unfortunately the random intercept/slope model did not converge..
    ## The above models all fit orthogonal polynomials.  As an alternative,
    ## we could have fit raw polynomials.  I will demonstrate these, but we
    ## will not use them. Note, as above, these don't converge.
    mullens.glmmTMB2 = glmmTMB(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * (nO2LEVEL + I(nO2LEVEL^2) +
        I(nO2LEVEL^3)) + ((nO2LEVEL + I(nO2LEVEL^2) + I(nO2LEVEL^3)) | TOAD),
        data = mullens, na.action = na.omit)
    ## OR more simply
    mullens.glmmTMB2 = lmer(SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3, raw = TRUE) +
        (poly(nO2LEVEL, 3, raw = TRUE) | TOAD), data = mullens, na.action = na.omit)

    Conclusions: despite inferential evidence for a third-order polynomial, we retained it on physiological grounds. For the lme and lmer routines, the random intercept/slope model is considered 'better'. Unfortunately, this model did not converge with glmmTMB.

  6. Check the model diagnostics - validate the model
    • Residual plots
    • Temporal and/or spatial autocorrelation. Although we do not have any information on the temporal pattern of data collection, we could explore whether there is any evidence of temporal autocorrelation HAD the oxygen levels been administered in sequence.
    Show lme code
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6a
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6a
    mullens.mod.dat = mullens.lme$data
    ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_boxplot(aes(y = resid(mullens.lme1, type = "normalized"),
        x = mullens.mod.dat$BREATH))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6a
    ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_boxplot(aes(y = resid(mullens.lme1, type = "normalized"),
        x = mullens.mod.dat$O2LEVEL))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6a
    plot_grid(plot_model(mullens.lme1, type = "diag"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6aa
    ## Explore temporal autocorrelation
    plot(ACF(mullens.lme1, resType = "normalized"), alpha = 0.05)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6ab
    Show lmer code
    qq.line = function(x) {
        # following four lines from base R's qqline()
        y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
        x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
        slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
        int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
        return(c(int = int, slope = slope))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    QQline = qq.line(resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson",
        scale = TRUE))) + stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = fitted(mullens.lmer1))) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = mullens.lmer1@frame$BREATH)) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    wch = grep("O2LEVEL", colnames(mullens.lmer1@frame))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = mullens.lmer1@frame[, wch][, 1])) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = mullens.lmer1@frame[, wch][, 2])) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.lmer1, type = "pearson", scale = TRUE),
        x = mullens.lmer1@frame[, wch][, 3])) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6b
    plot_grid(plot_model(mullens.lmer1, type = "diag"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6ba
    ## Explore temporal autocorrelation
    ACF.merMod <- function(object, maxLag, resType = c("pearson", "response",
        "deviance", "raw"), scaled = TRUE, re = names(object@flist[1]), ...) {
        resType <- match.arg(resType)
        res <- resid(object, type = resType, scaled = TRUE)
        res = split(res, object@flist[[re]])
        if (missing(maxLag)) {
            maxLag <- min(c(maxL <- max(lengths(res)) - 1, as.integer(10 *
                log10(maxL + 1))))
        val <- lapply(res, function(el, maxLag) {
            N <- maxLag + 1L
            tt <- double(N)
            nn <- integer(N)
            N <- min(c(N, n <- length(el)))
            nn[1:N] <- n + 1L - 1:N
            for (i in 1:N) {
                tt[i] <- sum(el[1:(n - i + 1)] * el[i:n])
            array(c(tt, nn), c(length(tt), 2))
        }, maxLag = maxLag)
        val0 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 2]))
        val1 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 1]))/val0
        val2 <- val1/val1[1L]
        z <- data.frame(lag = 0:maxLag, ACF = val2)
        attr(z, "n.used") <- val0
        class(z) <- c("ACF", "data.frame")
    plot(ACF(mullens.lmer1, resType = "pearson", scaled = TRUE), alpha = 0.05)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6bb
    Show glmmTMB code
    qq.line = function(x) {
        # following four lines from base R's qqline()
        y <- quantile(x[!is.na(x)], c(0.25, 0.75))
        x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
        slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
        int <- y[1L] - slope * x[1L]
        return(c(int = int, slope = slope))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = fitted(mullens.glmmTMB))) +
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6c
    QQline = qq.line(resid(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(sample = resid(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"))) +
        stat_qq() + geom_abline(intercept = QQline[1], slope = QQline[2])
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6c
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = mullens.glmmTMB$frame$BREATH)) +
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6c
    wch = grep("O2LEVEL", colnames(mullens.glmmTMB$frame))
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = mullens.glmmTMB$frame[,
        wch][, 1])) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6c
    ggplot(data = NULL, aes(y = resid(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "pearson"), x = mullens.glmmTMB$frame[,
        wch][, 2])) + geom_point()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6c
    plot_grid(plot_model(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "diag"))
    Error in UseMethod("rstudent"): no applicable method for 'rstudent' applied to an object of class "glmmTMB"
    ## Explore temporal autocorrelation
    ACF.glmmTMB <- function(object, maxLag, resType = c("pearson", "response",
        "deviance", "raw"), re = names(object$modelInfo$reTrms$cond$flist[1]),
        ...) {
        resType <- match.arg(resType)
        res <- resid(object, type = resType)
        res = split(res, object$modelInfo$reTrms$cond$flist[[re]])
        if (missing(maxLag)) {
            maxLag <- min(c(maxL <- max(lengths(res)) - 1, as.integer(10 *
                log10(maxL + 1))))
        val <- lapply(res, function(el, maxLag) {
            N <- maxLag + 1L
            tt <- double(N)
            nn <- integer(N)
            N <- min(c(N, n <- length(el)))
            nn[1:N] <- n + 1L - 1:N
            for (i in 1:N) {
                tt[i] <- sum(el[1:(n - i + 1)] * el[i:n])
            array(c(tt, nn), c(length(tt), 2))
        }, maxLag = maxLag)
        val0 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 2]))
        val1 <- rowSums(sapply(val, function(x) x[, 1]))/val0
        val2 <- val1/val1[1L]
        z <- data.frame(lag = 0:maxLag, ACF = val2)
        attr(z, "n.used") <- val0
        class(z) <- c("ACF", "data.frame")
    plot(ACF(mullens.glmmTMB, resType = "pearson"), alpha = 0.05)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-6cc

    Conclusions: the residual plots all seem reasonable and (with the exception of the glmmTMB model) there is no evidence of autocorrelation. Therefore there is no need to fit more complex models that accommodate temporal autocorrelation.

  7. Generate partial effects plots to assist with parameter interpretation
    Show lme code
    plot(allEffects(mullens.lme1), multiline = TRUE, ci.style = "band")
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-7a
    plot_model(mullens.lme1, type = "eff", terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-7a
    # don't add show.data=TRUE - this will add raw data not partial
    # residuals
    plot(ggeffect(mullens.lme1, terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-7a
    # Ignoring uncertainty in random effects
    plot(ggpredict(mullens.lme1, terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3-7a
    Show lmer code
    plot(allEffects(mullens.lmer1, residuals = FALSE), multiline = TRUE, ci.style = "band")
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7b
    plot_model(mullens.lmer1, type = "eff", terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7b
    # don't add show.data=TRUE - this will add raw data not partial
    # residuals
    plot(ggeffect(mullens.lmer1, terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7b
    Show glmmTMB code
    plot(allEffects(mullens.glmmTMB, residuals = FALSE), multiline = TRUE,
        ci.style = "band")
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7c
    plot_model(mullens.glmmTMB, type = "eff", terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7c
    plot(ggeffect(mullens.glmmTMB, terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH")))
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7c
    # observation level effects averaged across margins
    p1 = ggaverage(mullens.glmmTMB, terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"))
    ggplot(p1, aes(y = predicted, x = x, color = group, fill = group)) + geom_line()
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7c
    p1 = ggpredict(mullens.glmmTMB, terms = c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"))
    ggplot(p1, aes(y = predicted, x = x, color = group, fill = group)) + geom_line() +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), alpha = 0.3)
    plot of chunk tut9.4aQ3a-7c
  8. Explore the parameter estimates for the 'best' model
    Show lme code
    Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
     Data: mullens 
           AIC      BIC    logLik
      452.5852 511.0135 -207.2926
    Random effects:
     Formula: ~poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) | TOAD
     Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
                       StdDev    Corr                              
    (Intercept)        0.9010000 (Intr) p(O2LEVEL,3)1 p(O2LEVEL,3)2
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1 5.9570517 -0.109                            
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2 3.2087007 -0.293 -0.912                     
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3 1.5478767  0.133 -0.509         0.345       
    Residual           0.6572184                                   
    Fixed effects: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) 
                                       Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
    (Intercept)                     3.772460 0.2580687 141 14.618044  0.0000
    BREATHlung                     -1.003808 0.4181191  19 -2.400772  0.0268
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -10.763550 1.8513430 141 -5.813914  0.0000
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2              1.310854 1.2205426 141  1.073993  0.2847
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -0.014295 0.9391722 141 -0.015221  0.9879
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  13.034144 2.9995185 141  4.345412  0.0000
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  -7.229460 1.9775051 141 -3.655849  0.0004
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3   2.750361 1.5216329 141  1.807507  0.0728
                                  (Intr) BREATH p(O2LEVEL,3)1 p(O2LEVEL,3)2 p(O2LEVEL,3)3
    BREATHlung                    -0.617                                                 
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -0.094  0.058                                          
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2            -0.207  0.128 -0.594                                   
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             0.059 -0.036 -0.207         0.115                     
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  0.058 -0.094 -0.617         0.366         0.128       
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  0.128 -0.207  0.366        -0.617        -0.071       
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3 -0.036  0.059  0.128        -0.071        -0.617       
                                  BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)1 BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)2
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1                                                   
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2                                                   
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3                                                   
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1                                        
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2 -0.594                                 
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3 -0.207               0.115             
    Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
             Min           Q1          Med           Q3          Max 
    -2.453906253 -0.526829953 -0.003289595  0.379089570  2.384514767 
    Number of Observations: 168
    Number of Groups: 21 
    Error in intervals.lme(mullens.lme1): cannot get confidence intervals on var-cov components: Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance
     Consider 'which = "fixed"'
    tidy(mullens.lme1, effects = "fixed")
    # A tibble: 8 x 5
      term                          estimate std.error statistic  p.value
      <chr>                            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
    1 (Intercept)                     3.77       0.258   14.6    4.90e-30
    2 BREATHlung                     -1.00       0.418   -2.40   2.68e- 2
    3 poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -10.8        1.85    -5.81   3.91e- 8
    4 poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2              1.31       1.22     1.07   2.85e- 1
    5 poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -0.0143     0.939   -0.0152 9.88e- 1
    6 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  13.0        3.00     4.35   2.64e- 5
    7 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  -7.23       1.98    -3.66   3.61e- 4
    8 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3   2.75       1.52     1.81   7.28e- 2
    # A tibble: 1 x 5
      sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance
      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>   
    1 0.657  -207.  453.  511. NA      
    anova(mullens.lme1, type = "marginal")
                             numDF denDF   F-value p-value
    (Intercept)                  1   141 213.68720  <.0001
    BREATH                       1    19   5.76370  0.0268
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)            3   141  14.71958  <.0001
    BREATH:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)     3   141   9.42227  <.0001
    Show lmer code
    Linear mixed model fit by REML t-tests use Satterthwaite approximations to degrees of freedom [
    Formula: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) |      TOAD)
       Data: mullens
    Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "optimx", calc.derivs = FALSE, optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb"))
    REML criterion at convergence: 414.6
    Scaled residuals: 
         Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
    -2.45629 -0.52681 -0.00323  0.37960  2.38582 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name               Variance Std.Dev. Corr             
     TOAD     (Intercept)         0.8123  0.9013                    
              poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1 35.4839  5.9568   -0.11            
              poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2 10.3265  3.2135   -0.29 -0.91      
              poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3  2.4042  1.5506    0.14 -0.51  0.35
     Residual                     0.4319  0.6572                    
    Number of obs: 168, groups:  TOAD, 21
    Fixed effects:
                                   Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
    (Intercept)                     3.77246    0.25815  19.00085  14.614 8.70e-12 ***
    BREATHlung                     -1.00381    0.41824  19.00085  -2.400  0.02680 *  
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -10.76355    1.85127  19.21768  -5.814 1.28e-05 ***
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2              1.31085    1.22148  22.57637   1.073  0.29453    
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -0.01429    0.93947  19.86335  -0.015  0.98801    
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  13.03414    2.99940  19.21768   4.346  0.00034 ***
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  -7.22946    1.97902  22.57637  -3.653  0.00136 ** 
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3   2.75036    1.52212  19.86335   1.807  0.08595 .  
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
                        (Intr) BREATH p(O2LEVEL,3)1 p(O2LEVEL,3)2 p(O2LEVEL,3)3 BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)1
    BREATHlung          -0.617                                                                     
    p(O2LEVEL,3)1       -0.094  0.058                                                              
    p(O2LEVEL,3)2       -0.207  0.128 -0.595                                                       
    p(O2LEVEL,3)3        0.060 -0.037 -0.207         0.117                                         
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)1  0.058 -0.094 -0.617         0.367         0.128                           
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)2  0.128 -0.207  0.367        -0.617        -0.072        -0.595             
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)3 -0.037  0.060  0.128        -0.072        -0.617        -0.207             
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)3  0.117             
    Error in optwrap(optimizer, par = thopt, fn = mkdevfun(rho, 0L), lower = fitted@lower): must specify 'method' explicitly for optimx
    tidy(mullens.lmer1, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE)
    # A tibble: 8 x 6
      term                          estimate std.error statistic conf.low conf.high
      <chr>                            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
    1 (Intercept)                     3.77       0.258   14.6       3.27      4.28 
    2 BREATHlung                     -1.00       0.418   -2.40     -1.82     -0.184
    3 poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -10.8        1.85    -5.81    -14.4      -7.14 
    4 poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2              1.31       1.22     1.07     -1.08      3.70 
    5 poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -0.0143     0.939   -0.0152   -1.86      1.83 
    6 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  13.0        3.00     4.35      7.16     18.9  
    7 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  -7.23       1.98    -3.65    -11.1      -3.35 
    8 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3   2.75       1.52     1.81     -0.233     5.73 
    # A tibble: 1 x 6
      sigma logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual
      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
    1 0.657  -207.  453.  512.     427.         149
    anova(mullens.lmer1, type = "marginal")
    Analysis of Variance Table
                             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
    BREATH                    1  3.1448  3.1448  7.2815
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)         3 16.9868  5.6623 13.1105
    BREATH:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)  3 12.1984  4.0661  9.4148
    ## If you cant live without p-values...
    mullens.lmer1 <- update(mullens.lmer1)
    Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
    Formula: SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) |      TOAD)
       Data: mullens
    Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "optimx", calc.derivs = FALSE, optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb"))
    REML criterion at convergence: 414.6
    Scaled residuals: 
         Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
    -2.45629 -0.52681 -0.00323  0.37960  2.38582 
    Random effects:
     Groups   Name               Variance Std.Dev. Corr             
     TOAD     (Intercept)         0.8123  0.9013                    
              poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1 35.4839  5.9568   -0.11            
              poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2 10.3265  3.2135   -0.29 -0.91      
              poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3  2.4042  1.5506    0.14 -0.51  0.35
     Residual                     0.4319  0.6572                    
    Number of obs: 168, groups:  TOAD, 21
    Fixed effects:
                                   Estimate Std. Error t value
    (Intercept)                     3.77246    0.25815  14.614
    BREATHlung                     -1.00381    0.41824  -2.400
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -10.76355    1.85127  -5.814
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2              1.31085    1.22148   1.073
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -0.01429    0.93947  -0.015
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  13.03414    2.99940   4.346
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  -7.22946    1.97902  -3.653
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3   2.75036    1.52212   1.807
    Correlation of Fixed Effects:
                        (Intr) BREATH p(O2LEVEL,3)1 p(O2LEVEL,3)2 p(O2LEVEL,3)3 BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)1
    BREATHlung          -0.617                                                                     
    p(O2LEVEL,3)1       -0.094  0.058                                                              
    p(O2LEVEL,3)2       -0.207  0.128 -0.595                                                       
    p(O2LEVEL,3)3        0.060 -0.037 -0.207         0.117                                         
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)1  0.058 -0.094 -0.617         0.367         0.128                           
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)2  0.128 -0.207  0.367        -0.617        -0.072        -0.595             
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)3 -0.037  0.060  0.128        -0.072        -0.617        -0.207             
    BREATH:(O2LEVEL,3)3  0.117             
    anova(mullens.lmer1)  # Satterthwaite denominator df method
    Analysis of Variance Table
                             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
    BREATH                    1  3.1448  3.1448  7.2815
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)         3 16.9868  5.6623 13.1105
    BREATH:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)  3 12.1984  4.0661  9.4148
    anova(mullens.lmer1, ddf = "Kenward-Roger")
    Analysis of Variance Table
                             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
    BREATH                    1  3.1448  3.1448  7.2815
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)         3 16.9868  5.6623 13.1105
    BREATH:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)  3 12.1984  4.0661  9.4148
    Show glmmTMB code
     Family: gaussian  ( identity )
    Formula:          SFREQBUC ~ BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3) + (1 | TOAD)
    Data: mullens
         AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
       485.2    516.5   -232.6    465.2      158 
    Random effects:
    Conditional model:
     Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
     TOAD     (Intercept) 0.6946   0.8334  
     Residual             0.7113   0.8434  
    Number of obs: 168, groups:  TOAD, 21
    Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2): 0.711 
    Conditional model:
                                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    (Intercept)                     3.7725     0.2455  15.366  < 2e-16 ***
    BREATHlung                     -1.0038     0.3978  -2.524   0.0116 *  
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -10.7636     1.0719 -10.041  < 2e-16 ***
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2              1.3109     1.0719   1.223   0.2214    
    poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -0.0143     1.0719  -0.013   0.9894    
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1  13.0342     1.7367   7.505 6.14e-14 ***
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2  -7.2295     1.7367  -4.163 3.15e-05 ***
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3   2.7504     1.7367   1.584   0.1133    
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                             2.5 %     97.5 %    Estimate
    cond.(Intercept)                     3.2912814  4.2536401   3.7724608
    cond.BREATHlung                     -1.7834082 -0.2242088  -1.0038085
    cond.poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1            -12.8645183 -8.6625953 -10.7635568
    cond.poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2             -0.7901038  3.4118191   1.3108577
    cond.poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3             -2.1152571  2.0866659  -0.0142956
    cond.BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1   9.6302133 16.4381066  13.0341599
    cond.BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2 -10.6334140 -3.8255207  -7.2294674
    cond.BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3  -0.6535832  6.1543101   2.7503635
    cond.Std.Dev.TOAD.(Intercept)        0.5923566  1.1726471   0.8334418
    sigma                                0.7522962  0.9455298   0.8433970
    • there is evidence of an interaction between breathing type and oxygen level
    • there is evidence of a linear trend in the frequency of buccal breathing (on a square-root scale) with increasing oxygen concentration for buccal breathing toads.
    • there is no evidence of a second order polynomial trend in the frequency of buccal breathing (on a square-root scale) with increasing oxygen concentration for buccal breathing toads.
    • there is evidence that the nature of the linear relationship between frequency of buccal breathing and oxygen concentration for the lung breathing toads differs from that of the buccal breathers. Since this relationship was a linear decline for the buccal breathers, the outcome indicates that the relationship is not a linear decline for the lung breathers.
    • there is evidence that the nature of the quadratic (second order polynomial) relationship between frequency of buccal breathing and oxygen concentration for the lung breathing toads differs from that of the buccal breathers. Since there was no quadratic relationship for the buccal breathers, the outcome indicates that there is a quadratic relationship for the lung breathers.
    • there is no evidence of a third order polynomial
  9. Calculate $R^2$
    Show lme code
          R2m       R2c 
    0.3386246 0.8133488 
        R-squared: 0.858
    Omega-squared: 0.855
    Show lmer code
          R2m       R2c 
    0.3385238 0.8134250 
       Marginal R2: 0.339
    Conditional R2: 0.813
    Show glmmTMB code
    source(system.file("misc/rsqglmm.R", package = "glmmTMB"))
    [1] "gaussian"
    [1] "identity"
    [1] 0.3578897
    [1] 0.6751329
       Marginal R2: 0.358
    Conditional R2: 0.675
  10. Generate an appropriate summary figure
    Show lme code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"), mullens.lme1,
        xlevels = list(nO2LEVEL = as.numeric(levels(mullens$O2LEVEL))),
        trans = list(link = "sqrt", inverse = function(x) x^2)))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10a
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(mullens.lme1, ~nO2LEVEL * BREATH,
        at = list(nO2LEVEL = as.numeric(levels(mullens$O2LEVEL)))))
    newdata = newdata %>% mutate_at(.vars = vars(emmean, lower.CL, upper.CL),
        .funs = function(x) x^2)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10a
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    ## Orthogonal polynomials require the full data to process
    ## correctly
    Xmat = model.matrix(~BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3), data = mullens)
    Xmat = cbind(Xmat, mullens %>% dplyr::select(BREATH, nO2LEVEL))
    newdata = Xmat %>% group_by(BREATH, nO2LEVEL) %>% summarize_all(mean) %>%
    Xmat = newdata %>% dplyr::select(-BREATH, -nO2LEVEL) %>% as.matrix
    coefs = fixef(mullens.lme1)
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(mullens.lme1) %*% t(Xmat)))
    wch = grep("BREATH:poly", names(mullens.lme1$fixDF$terms))
    q = qt(0.975, df = mullens.lme1$fixDF$terms[wch])
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit^2, lower = (fit - q * se)^2, upper = (fit +
        q * se)^2)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10a
    Show lmer code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"), mullens.lmer1,
        xlevels = list(nO2LEVEL = as.numeric(levels(mullens$O2LEVEL))),
        trans = list(link = "sqrt", inverse = function(x) x^2)))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10b
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(mullens.lmer1, ~nO2LEVEL * BREATH,
        at = list(nO2LEVEL = as.numeric(levels(mullens$O2LEVEL)))))
    newdata = newdata %>% mutate_at(.vars = vars(emmean, lower.CL, upper.CL),
        .funs = function(x) x^2)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10b
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    ## Orthogonal polynomials require the full data to process
    ## correctly
    Xmat = model.matrix(~BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3), data = mullens)
    Xmat = cbind(Xmat, mullens %>% dplyr::select(BREATH, nO2LEVEL))
    newdata = Xmat %>% group_by(BREATH, nO2LEVEL) %>% summarize_all(mean) %>%
    Xmat = newdata %>% dplyr::select(-BREATH, -nO2LEVEL) %>% as.matrix
    [1] 16  8
    coefs = fixef(mullens.lmer1)
                      (Intercept)                    BREATHlung            poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1 
                       3.77245975                   -1.00380845                  -10.76354979 
               poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2            poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)1 
                       1.31085389                   -0.01429468                   13.03414417 
    BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)2 BREATHlung:poly(nO2LEVEL, 3)3 
                      -7.22946007                    2.75036150 
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(mullens.lmer1) %*% t(Xmat)))
    # q=qt(0.975,df=lmerTest::calcSatterth(mullens.lmer1, Xmat)$denom)
    # Use Kenward-Roger approximation
    q = qt(0.975, df = pbkrtest::get_Lb_ddf(mullens.lmer1, Xmat))
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit^2, lower = (fit - q * se)^2, upper = (fit +
        q * se)^2)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10b
    Show glmmTMB code
    ## using the effects package
    newdata = as.data.frame(Effect(c("nO2LEVEL", "BREATH"), mullens.glmmTMB1,
        xlevels = list(nO2LEVEL = as.numeric(levels(mullens$O2LEVEL))),
        trans = list(link = "sqrt", inverse = function(x) x^2)))
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10c
    ## using emmeans
    newdata = as.data.frame(emmeans(mullens.glmmTMB1, ~nO2LEVEL * BREATH,
        at = list(nO2LEVEL = as.numeric(levels(mullens$O2LEVEL)))))
    newdata = newdata %>% mutate_at(.vars = vars(emmean, lower.CL, upper.CL),
        .funs = function(x) x^2)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = emmean, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower.CL,
        ymax = upper.CL)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10c
    ## Of course, it can be done manually
    ## Orthogonal polynomials require the full data to process
    ## correctly
    Xmat = model.matrix(~BREATH * poly(nO2LEVEL, 3), data = mullens)
    Xmat = cbind(Xmat, mullens %>% dplyr::select(BREATH, nO2LEVEL))
    newdata = Xmat %>% group_by(BREATH, nO2LEVEL) %>% summarize_all(mean) %>%
    Xmat = newdata %>% dplyr::select(-BREATH, -nO2LEVEL) %>% as.matrix
    coefs = fixef(mullens.glmmTMB1)$cond
    fit = as.vector(coefs %*% t(Xmat))
    se = sqrt(diag(Xmat %*% vcov(mullens.glmmTMB1)$cond %*% t(Xmat)))
    q = 1.96
    newdata = cbind(newdata, fit = fit^2, lower = (fit - q * se)^2, upper = (fit +
        q * se)^2)
    ggplot(newdata, aes(y = fit, x = nO2LEVEL, fill = BREATH)) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower,
        ymax = upper)) + geom_line() + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        scale_y_continuous("Frequency of buccal breathing (%)") + scale_x_continuous("Oxygen concentration") +
        scale_fill_manual("", breaks = c("buccal", "lung"), values = c("black",
            "white")) + theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(1,
        1), legend.justification = c(1, 1))
    plot of chunk tut9.4a3a-10c
  11. Note, in this example, we applied a square-root transform in order to normalize the response as is required for Gaussian regression. Whilst applying root transformations was a reasonably common practice for addressing non-normality in count data, it does have some very undesirable consequences. When back-transforming predictions (and effects) into the natural scale, it is important to remember that the inverse of a root transformation is not monotonic (that is, order is not preserved over the entire range of possible values). Consider back-transforming from the following ordered sequence: -4,0.5,0.8,2. The back-transforms would be: 16,0.25,0.64,4.