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Tutorial 2.2 - Importing (reading) and exporting (writing) data

07 Mar 2017

Statistical systems are typically not very well suited to tasks of data entry and management. This is the roll of spreadsheets and databases, of which there are many available. Although the functionality of R continues to expand, it is unlikely that R itself will ever duplicate the extensive spreadsheet and database capabilities of other software. However, there are numerous projects in early stages of development that are being designed to offer an interface to R from within major spreadsheet packages.

R development has roots in the Unix/Linux programming philosophy that dictates that tools should be dedicated to performing specific tasks that they perform very well and rely on other tools to perform other tasks. Consequently, the emphasis of R is, and will continue to be, purely an environment for statistical and graphical procedures. It is expected that other software will be used to generate and maintain data sets.

Unfortunately, data importation into R can be a painful exercise that overshadows the benefits of using R for new users. In part, this is because there are a large number of competing methods that can be used to import data and from a wide variety of sources. Moreover, many of the popular spreadsheets use their own proprietary file formats that are particularly complex to accommodate fully.

This section does not intend to cover all the methods. Rather, it will highlight the simplest and most robust methods of importing data from the most popular sources. Unless file path names are specified, all data reading functions will search for files in the current working directory.

Importing from text file

The easiest form of importation is from a pure text file. Since most software that accepts file input can read plain text files, text files can be created in all spreadsheet, database and statistical software packages and are also the default outputs of most data collection devices.

In a text file, data are separated (or delimited) by a specific character, which in turn defines what sort of text file it is. The text file should broadly represent the format of the data frame.

  • variables should be in columns and sampling units in rows.
  • the first row should contain the variable names and if there are row names, these should be in the first column

The following examples illustrate the format of the abbreviated Mac Nally (1996) data set created as both comma delimited (left) and tab delimited (right) files as well as the corresponding read.table() commands used to import the files.

Obtain the necessary files (macnally.csv, macnally.txt) by either:

  • clicking on this link and this link OR
  • from inside R, run execute the following (will download the files to your home directory):
    download.file('http://www.flutterbys.com.au/stats/downloads/data/macnally.csv', '~/macnally.csv')

Note, the following examples assume that the current working directory contains the data sets (macnally.csv and macnally.txt). If the current working directory (can be checked with the getwd() function) does not contain these files, then either:

  • include the full path name (or path relative to the current working directory) as the filename argument
  • change the current working directory of your session prior to continuing (use the setwd() function
  • copy and paste the files into the current working directory

Comma delimited text file *.csvTab delimited text file *.txt
Reedy Lake,Mixed,3.4,0.0
Reedy LakeMixed3.40.0
MACNALLY <- read.table('macnally.csv', header=T,
  row.names=1, sep=',', strip.white=TRUE)
MACNALLY <- read.table('macnally.txt', header=T,
  row.names=1, sep='\t', strip.white=TRUE)

The read.table() function accommodates the importation of a broad range of text file that basically represent a table or data. There are also more specific versions (read.csv() and read.delim()) that use different defaults as appropriate for reading in comma and tab delimited files respectively. Fixed with delimited text files can be read in with the read.fwf() function.

The strip.white=TRUE argument indicates that leading and trailing spaces should be removed from all the data. This is important as often spreadsheets (I'm looking at you Excel), add spaces before or after words (in particular). These are invisible, yet can cause huge headaches when running analyses or graphing..

Full path

In the above code snippets, the files were assumed to be in the current working directory. Lets instead read in the macnally.csv file from a different location by including the full path.

MACNALLY <- read.table('/home/murray/Work/stats/downloads/data/macnally.csv', header=T, row.names=1,
  sep=',', strip.white=TRUE)

Relative path

# go into a sub-directory of the current directory
MACNALLY <- read.table('data/macnally.csv', header=T, row.names=1, sep=',', strip.white=TRUE)
# go out of the current directory and into a sibling directory
MACNALLY <- read.table('../data/macnally.csv', header=T, row.names=1, sep=',', strip.white=TRUE)


MACNALLY <- read.table(
  header=T, row.names=1, sep=',', strip.white=TRUE)

For csv (comma separated files), there is also a more specific function - read.csv().

MACNALLY <- read.csv('macnally.csv',row.names=1, strip.white=TRUE)

Importing from the clipboard

The read.table() function can also be used to import data (into a data frame) that has been placed on the clipboardb by other software, thereby providing a very quick and convenient way of obtaining data from spreadsheets. Simply replace the filename argument with the word 'clipboard' and indicate a tab field separator (\t). For example, to import data placed on the clipboard from Microsoft Excel, select the relevant cells, click copy and then in R, use the following syntax;

MACNALLY2 <- read.table('clipboard', header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep="\t")

Importing from other software

As previously stated, virtually all software packages are able to export data in text file format and usually with a choice of delimiters. However, the foreign package offers more direct import of native file formats from a range of other popular statistical packages. To illustrate the use of the various relevant functions within the foreign package, importation of a subset of the Mac Nally (1996) data set from the various formats will be illustrated.


MACNALLY2 <- read.systat('macnally.syd', to.data.frame=TRUE)

Although note that this cannot be used to import files produced with the MacOSX version of SYSTAT due to inpompatibile file formats.


MACNALLY2 <- read.spss('macnally.sav', to.data.frame=TRUE)


MACNALLY2 <- as.data.frame(read.mtp('macnally.mtp'))


MACNALLY2 <- read.xport('macnally')

Note, the file nust be in the SAS XPORT format. If there is only a single dataset in the XPORT format library, then the read.xport() function will return a data frame, otherwise it will return a list of data frames.


Excel is more than just a spreadsheet – it contains macros, formulae, multiple worksheets and formatting. There are numerous ways to import xlsx files into R, yet depending on the complexity of the original files, the translations can be incomplete and inconsistent.

The easiest and safest ways to import data from Excel is either to save the worksheet as a text file (comma or tab delimited) and import the data as a text file (see above), or to copy the data to the clipboard in Excel and import the clipboard data into R.

Exporting to a text file

Although plain text files are not the most compact storage formats, they do offer two very important characteristics. Firstly, they can be read by a wide variety of other applications, ensuring that the ability to retrieve the data will continue indefinitely. Secondly, as they are neither compressed nor encoded, a corruption to one section of the file does not necessarily reduce the ability to correctly read other parts of the file. Hence, this is also an important consideration for the storage of datasets.

The write.table() function is used to save data frames. Although there are a large number of optional arguments available for controlling the exact format of the output file, typically only a few are required. The following example illustrates the exportation of the Mac Nally (1996) data set as a comma delimited text file.

write.table(MACNALLY, 'macnally.csv', quote=F, row.names=T, sep=',')

The first and second arguments specify respectively the name of the data frame and filename (and path if necessary) to be exported. The quote=F argument indicates that words and factor entries should not be exported with surrounding double quotation marks. Note, if you have a column (field) in your data that is a string with commas (such as site descriptions etc), then you should use quote=TRUE.

The row.names=T argument indicates that the row names in the data frame are also to be exported (they will be the first column in the file). If there are no defined row names in the data frame, alter the argument to row.names=F. Finally, specify the field separator for the file (comma specified in above example).

As with reading text files, for csv files, there is a more specific version - write.csv()

write.csv(MACNALLY, 'macnally.csv', quote=F, row.names=T)

Saving and loading R objects

Any object in R (including data frames) can also be saved into a native R workspace image file (*.RData) either individually, or as a collection of objects using the save() function.

Whilst this native R storage format is not recommended for long-term data storage and archival (as it is a binary format and thus less likely to be universally and indefinitely readable), saving and loading of R objects does provide very useful temporary storage of large R objects between sessions.

In particular, if one or more objects require processing or manipulations that take some time to regenerate, saving and loading of R objects can permit the analyst to skip straight to a specific section of a script and continue development or analysis. Moreover, this is very useful for tweaking and regenerating summary figures - rather than have to go through an entire sequence of data reading, processing and analysis, strategic use of saving/loading of R objects can allow the researcher to commence directly at the point at which modification is required.

For example:

#save just the MACNALLY data frame
save(MACNALLY, file='macnally.RData')
#calculate the mean GST
meanGST <- mean(MACNALLY$GST)
#display the mean GST
#save the MACNALLY data frame as well as the mean GST object
save(MACNALLY, meanGST, file='macnallystats.RData')

The saved object(s) can be loaded during subsequent sessions by providing the name of the saved workspace image file as an argument to the load() function. For example;


Similarly, a straight un-encoded text version of an object (including a dataframe) can be saved or added to a text file using the dump() function.


If the file character string is left empty, the text representation of the object will be written to the console. This output can then be viewed or copied and pasted into a script file, thereby providing a convenient way to bundle together data sets along with graphical and analysis commands that act on the data sets.


Thereafter, the dataset is automatically included when the script is sourced and cannot accidentally become separated from the script.

Worked examples

Basic statistics references

  • Logan (2010) - Chpt 1, 2 & 6
  • Quinn & Keough (2002) - Chpt 1, 2, 3 & 4

Data sets - Data frames(R)

Rarely is only a single biological variable collected. Data are usually collected in sets of variables reflecting tests of relationships, differences between groups, multiple characterizations etc. Consequently, data sets are best organized into collections of variables (vectors). Such collections are called data frames in R.

Data frames are generated by combining multiple vectors together whereby each vector becomes a separate column in the data frame. In for a data frame to represent the data properly, the sequence in which observations appear in the vectors (variables) must be the same for each vector and each vector should have the same number of observations. For example, the first observations from each of the vectors to be included in the data frame must represent observations collected from the same sampling unit.

To demonstrate the use of dataframes in R, we will use fictitious data representing the areas of leaves of two species of Japanese Boxwood

Format of the fictitious data set

PLANTAn identifier for each individual plant that was measured (a single leaf was measured from each individual plant)
SPECIESCategorical listing of whether the individual plant was Buxus sempervirens (B.semp) or Buxus microphyllum (B.micro)
AREAThe surface area (mm2) of the leaf measured - Response variable

  1. Lets create the data set in a series of steps. Use the textbox provided in part g below to record the R syntax used in each step
    1. First create the categorical (factor) variable containing the listing of B.semp three times and B.micro three times
    2. Now create the dependent variable (numeric vector) containing the leaf areas
    3. Combine the two variables (vectors) into a single data set (data frame) called LEAVES
    4. Print (to the screen) the contents of this new data set called LEAVES
    5. You will have noticed that the names of the rows are listed as 1 to 6 (this is the default). In the table above, we can see that there is a variable called PLANT that listed unique plant identification labels. These labels are of no use for any statistics, however, they are useful for identifying particular observations. Consequently it would be good to incorporate these labels as row names in the data set. Create a variable called PLANT that contains a listing of the plant identifications
    6. Use this plant identification label variable to define the row names in the data frame called LEAVES
    7. In the textbox provided below, list each of the lines of R syntax required to generate the data set
      Show code
      SPECIES <- gl(2,3,6,lab=c('B.semp', 'B.micro'))
      AREA <- c(25,22,29,15,17,20)
      LEAVES <- data.frame(SPECIES,AREA)
      1  B.semp   25
      2  B.semp   22
      3  B.semp   29
      4 B.micro   15
      5 B.micro   17
      6 B.micro   20
      PLANT <- c('P1','P2','P3','P4','P5','P6')
      PLANT <- paste('P',1:6,sep="")
      row.names(LEAVES) <- PLANT
      [1] "P1" "P2" "P3" "P4" "P5" "P6"

    The above syntax forms a list of instructions that R can perform. Such lists are called scripts. Scripts offer the following;

    • Enable a sequence of tasks such as data entry, analysis and graphical preparation to be repeated quickly and precisely
    • Ensure that the sequence of tasks used to complete an analysis are permanently documented
    • Simplify performing many similar analyses
    • Simplify sharing of data, analyses and techniques

  2. To see how to use a script,
    1. close down R
    2. restart R
    3. Change the working directory (path)
      to the location where you saved the script file in Q4.2 above
    4. Source the script file
  3. There are now at least four objects in the R workspace.
    These should be LEAVES (the data frame - data set), PLANTS (the list of plant ID's), SPECIES (the character vector of plant species) and AREA (the numeric vector of leaf areas).
    1. Print (list on screen) the contents of the AREA vector. Note, that this is listing the contents of the AREA vector, this is not the same as asking it to list the contents of the AREA vector within the LEAVES data frame. For example, multiply all of the numbers in the AREA vector by 2. Now print the contents of the AREA vector then the LEAVES data frame. Notice that only the values in the AREA vector have changed - the values within the AREA vector of the LEAVES data frame were not effected.
    2. To avoid confusion and clutter, it is therefore always best to remove single vectors
      once a data frame has been created. Remove the PLANTS, SPECIES and AREA vectors.
    3. Notice what happens when you now try to access the AREA vector.
    4. To access a variable from within a data frame, we use the $ sign. Print the contents of the LEAVES AREA vector
  4. Since data are stored in vectors, it is possible to access single entries or specific groups of entries. A specific entry is accessed via its index.
    To investigate the range of options, complete the following table.
    print the LEAVES data sethint
    print first leaf area in the LEAVES data sethint
    print the first 3 leaf areas in the LEAVES data sethint
    print a list of leaf areas that are greater than 20hint
    print a list of leaf areas for the B.microphylum specieshint
    print the section of the data set that contains the B.microphylum specieshint
    alter the second leaf area from 22 to 23hint
    Show code
    P1  B.semp   25
    P2  B.semp   22
    P3  B.semp   29
    P4 B.micro   15
    P5 B.micro   17
    P6 B.micro   20
    [1] 25
    [1] 25 22 29
    [1] 25 22 29
    [1] 15 17 20
    P4 B.micro   15
    P5 B.micro   17
    P6 B.micro   20
    LEAVES$AREA[2] <- 23
  5. Although it is possible to some data editing this way, for more major editing procedures it is better to either return to Excel or use the 'fix()' function.
    Use the 'fix()' function to make a number of changes to the data frame (data set) including adding another column of data (that might represent another variable).
  6. Sometimes it is necessary to transform
    a variable from one scale to another. While it is possible to modify an existing variable (vector), it is safer to create a new variable that contains the altered values. Examine the use of R for common transformations.
    Transform the leaf areas to log (base 10).
    Show code
    LEAVES$logAREA <- log10(LEAVES$AREA)

Importing data and data files

Although it is possible to generate a data set from scratch using the procedures demonstrated in the above demonstration module, often data sets are better managed with spreadsheet software. R is not designed to be a spreadsheet, and thus, it is necessary to import data into R. We will use the following small data set (in which the feeding metabolic rate of stick insects fed two different diets was recorded)to demonstrate how a data set is imported into R.

Format of the fictitious data set

PHASMIDAn identifier for each individual stick insect (Phasmid) that was measured
DIETCategorical listing of whether the food consumed was considered to be tough or soft
MET.RATEThe feeding metabolic rate (mg 02/min/g) of phasmids - Response variable
  1. Importing data into R from Excel is a multistage stage process.
    1. Enter the above data set into Excel and save the sheet as a comma delimited text file (CSV)
      . Ensure that e column titles (variable names) are in the first row and that you take note where the file is saved. To see the format of this file, open it in Notepad (the windows accessory program). Notice that it is just a straight text file, there is no encryption or encoding.
    2. Ensure that the current working directory is set to the location of this file
    3. Read (import) the data set into a data table
      . Since data exploration and analysis cannot begin until the data is imported into R, the syntax of this step would usually be on the first line in a new script file that is stored with the comma delimited text file version of the data set.
    4. Show code
      Error in setwd("../downloads/data"): cannot change working directory
      phasmid <- read.table('phasmid.csv', header=T, sep=',', row.names=1)
      Error in file(file, "rt"): cannot open the connection
    5. To ensure that the data have been successfully imported, print the data frame
  2. As well as importing files, it is often necessary to save a data set (data frame) - particularly if it has been modified and you wish to retain the changes. To demonstrate how to export a data set, we need a data frame (data set) to export. If the LEAVES data frame (from above) is no longer present, regenerate the LEAVES data set from above using the script file
    that was generated in Q1-2. To export an R data frame to a text file, you need to write the data frame to a file
    1. Examine the contents of this comma delimited text file using Notepad
    2. Show code
      write.table(LEAVES, 'leaves.csv', quote=F, sep=',')
  3. Alternatively, it is also possible to copy and paste data from Excel into R (via the clipboard). Although this method is quicker, there is no record in a R script file as to which Excel file the data originally came from. Furthermore, changes to the Excel data sheet will not be accounted for. Read the data in from the clipboard.
    Show code
    phasmid <- read.table('clipboard', header=T, sep='\t', row.names=1)
  4. Since there is no link between the data and the script when data are imported via the clipboard, it is recommended that the data be stored as a structure within your R script above any commands that use these data. Place a copy of the data within the R script file that you generated earlier..
    Show code
    phasmid <-
    structure(list(DIET = structure(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("soft", 
    "tough"), class = "factor"), MET.RATE = c(1.25, 1.22, 1.29, 1.51, 
    1.55, 1.48)), .Names = c("DIET", "MET.RATE"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("P1", 
    "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6"))

Exponential family of distributions

The exponential distributions are a class of continuous distribution which can be characterized by two parameters. One of these parameters (the location parameter) is a function of the mean and the other (the dispersion parameter) is a function of the variance of the distribution. Note that recent developments have further extended generalized linear models to accommodate other non-exponential residual distributions.

End of instructions

  Quitting R

There are two ways to quit R elegantly
  1. Goto the RGui File menu and select Quit
  2. In the R Console, type
Either way you will be prompted to save the workspace, generally this is not necessary or even desirable.

End of instructions

  The R working directory

The R working directory is the location that R looks in to read/write files. When you load R, it initially sets the working directory to a location within the R subdirectory of your computer (Windows and MacOSX) or the location from which you executed R (Linux). However, we can alter the working directory so that it points to another location. This not only prevents having to search for files, it also negates the need to specify a path as well as a filename in various operations.
The working directory can be altered by specifying a path (full or relative) as an argument to the setwd() function. Note that R uses Unix path slashes ("/") irrespective of what operating system.
setwd("/Work/Analyses/Project1") #change the working directory

Alternatively, on Windows:
  1. Goto the RGui File menu
  2. Select the Change dir submenu
  3. Locate the directory that contains your data and/or scripts
  4. Click OK

End of instructions

  Read in (source) an R script

There are two ways to read in (source) a R script
  1. Goto the RGui File menu and select Source R code
  2. In the R Console, type

    > source('filename')

    where 'filename' is the name of the R script file.
All commands in the file will be executed sequentially starting at the first line. Note that R will ignore everything that is on a line following the '#' character. This provides a way of inserting comments into script files (a practice that is highly encouraged as it provides a way of reminding yourself what each line of syntax does).

Note that there is an alternative way of using scripts

  1. Goto the RGui File menu and select the Open script submenu
  2. This will display the R script file in the R Editor window
  3. Syntax can then be directly cut and paste into the R Console. Again,each line will be executed sequentially and comments are ignored.
When working with multi-step analyses, it is recommended that you have the R Editor open and that syntax is entered directly into the editor and then pasted into the R Console. Then provided the R script is saved regularly, your data and analyses are safe from computer disruptions.

End of instructions

  R workspace

The R workspace stores all the objects that are created during an R session. To view a list of objects occupying the current R workshpace

> ls()

The workspace is cabable of storing huge numbers of objects, and thus it can become cluttered (with objects that you have created, but forgotten about, or many similar objects that contain similar contents) very rapidly. Whilst this does not affect the performance of R, it can lead to chronic confusion. It is advisable that you remove all unwanted objects when you have finished with them. To remove and object;

> rm(object name)

where object name is the name of the object to be removed.

When you exit R, you will be prompted for whether you want to save the workspace. You can also save the current workspace at any time by; A saved workspace is not in easily readable text format. Saving a workspace enables you to retrieve an entire sessions work instantly, which can be useful if you are forced to perform you analyses over multiple sittings. Furthermore, by providing different names, it is possible to maintain different workspaces for different projects.

End of instructions

  Removing objects

To remove an object

> rm(object name)

where object name is the name of the object to be removed.

End of instructions

  R indexing

A vector is simply a array (list) of entries of the same type. For example, a numeric vector is just a list of numbers. A vector has only a single dimension - length - and thus the first entry in the vector has an index of 1 (is in position 1), the second has an index of 2 (position 2), etc. The index of an entry provides a convenient way to access entries. If a vector contained the numbers 10, 5, 8, 3.1, then the entry with index 1 is 10, at index 4 is the entry 3.1. Consider the following examples
var <- c(4,8,2,6,9,2)
[1] 4 8 2 6 9 2
[1] 9
[1] 2 6 9

A data frame on the other hand is not a single vector, but rather a collection of vectors. It is a matrix, consisting of columns and rows and therefore has both length and width. Consequently, each entry has a row index and a column index. Consider the following examples
dv <- c(4,8,2,6,9,2)
iv <- c('a','a','a','b','b','b')
data <- data.frame(iv,dv)
  iv dv
1  a  4
2  a  8
3  a  2
4  b  6
5  b  9
6  b  2
#The first column (preserve frame)
1  a
2  a
3  a
4  b
5  b
6  b
#The second column (preserve frame)
1  4
2  8
3  2
4  6
5  9
6  2
#The first column (as vector)
[1] a a a b b b
Levels: a b
#The first row (as vector)
  iv dv
1  a  4
#list the entry in row 3, column 2
[1] 2

End of instructions

  R 'fix()' function

The 'fix()' function provides a very rudimentary spreadsheet for data editing and entry.

> fix(data frame name)

The spreadsheet (Data Editor) will appear. A new variable can be created by clicking on a column heading and then providing a name fo r the variable as well as an indication of whether the contents are expected to be numeric (numbers) or character (contain some letters). Data are added by clicking on a cell and providing an entry. Closing the Data Editor will cause the changes to come into affect.

End of instructions

  R transformations

The following table illustrates the use of common data transmformation functions on a single numeric vector (old_var). In each case a new vector is created (new_var)


> new_var <- log(old_var)


> new_var <- log10(old_var)

square root

> new_var <- sqrt(old_var)


> new_var <- asin(sqrt(old_var))

scale (mean=0, unit variance)

> new_var <- scale(old_var)

where old_var is the name of the original variable that requires transformation and new_var is the name of the new variable (vector) that is to contain the transformed data. Note that the original vector (variable) is not altered.

End of instructions

  Data transformations

Essentially transforming data is the process of converting the scale in which the observations were measured into another scale.

I will demonstrate the principles of data transformation with two simple examples.
Firstly, to illustrate the legality and frequency of data transformations, imagine you had measured water temperature in a large number of streams. Naturally, you would have probably measured the temperature in ° C. Supposing you later wanted to publish your results in an American journal and the editor requested that the results be in ° F. You would not need to re-measure the stream temperature. Rather, each of the temperatures could be converted from one scale (° C) to the other (° F). Such transformations are very common.

To further illustrate the process of transformation, imagine a botanist wanted to examine the size of a particular species leaves for some reason. The botanist decides to measure the length of a random selection of leaves using a standard linear, metric ruler and the distribution of sample observations as represented by a histogram and boxplot are as follows.

The growth rate of leaves might be expected to be greatest in small leaves and decelerate with increasing leaf size. That is, the growth rate of leaves might be expected to be logarithmic rather than linear. As a result, the distribution of leaf sizes using a linear scale might also be expected to be non-normal (log-normal). If, instead of using a linear scale, the botanist had used a logarithmic ruler, the distribution of leaf sizes may have been more like the following.

If the distribution of observations is determined by the scale used to measure of the observations, and the choice of scale (in this case the ruler) is somewhat arbitrary (a linear scale is commonly used because we find it easier to understand), then it is justifiable to convert the data from one scale to another after the data has been collected and explored. It is not necessary to re-measure the data in a different scale. Therefore to normalize the data, the botanist can simply convert the data to logarithms.

The important points in the process of transformations are;
  1. The order of the data has not been altered (a large leaf measured on a linear scale is still a large leaf on a logarithmic scale), only the spacing of the data
  2. Since the spacing of the data is purely dependent on the scale of the measuring device, there is no reason why one scale is more correct than any other scale
  3. For the purpose of normalization, data can be converted from one scale to another following exploration

End of instructions

  R writing data

To export data into R, we read the empty the contents a data frame into a file. The general format of the command for writing data in from a data frame into a file is

> write.data(data frame name, 'filename.csv', quote=F, sep=',')

where data frame name is a name of the data frame to be saved and filename.csv is the name of the csv file that is to be created (or overwritten). The argument quote=F indicates that quotation marks should not be placed around entries in the file. The argument sep=',' indicates that entries in the file are separated by a comma (hence a comma delimited file).

As an example

> write.data(LEAVES, 'leaves.csv', quote=F, sep=',')

End of instructions

  Exporting from Excel

End of instructions

  Reading data into R

Ensure that the working directory is pointing to the path containing the file to be imported before proceeding.
To import data into R, we read the contents of a file into a data frame. The general format of the command for reading data into a data frame is

> name <- read.table('filename.csv', header=T, sep=',', row.names=column, strip.white=T)

where name is a name you wish the data frame to be referred to as, filename.csv is the name of the csv file that you created in excel and column is the number of the column that had row labels (if there were any). The argument header=T indicates that the variable (vector) names will be created from the names supplied in the first row of the file. The argument sep=',' indicates that entries in the file are separated by a comma (hence a comma delimited file). If the data file does not contain row labels, or you are not sure whether it does, it is best to omit the row.names=column argument. The strip.white=T arguement ensures that no leading or trailing spaces are left in character names (these can be particularly nasty in categorical variables!).

As an example
phasmid <- read.data('phasmid.csv', header=T, sep=',', row.names=1, strip.white=T)

End of instructions

  Cutting and pasting data into R

To import data into R via the clipboard, copy the data in Excel (including a row containing column headings - variable names) to the clipboard (CNTRL-C). Then in R use a modification of the read.table function:

> name <- read.table('clipboard', header=T, sep='\t', row.names=column, strip.white=T)

where name is a name you wish the data frame to be referred to as, clipboard is used to indicate that the data are on the clipboard, and column is the number of the column that had row labels (if there were any). The argument header=T indicates that the variable (vector) names will be created from the names supplied in the first row of the file. The argument sep='\t' indicates that entries in the clipboard are separated by a TAB. If the data file does not contain row labels, or you are not sure whether it does, it is best to omit the row.names=column argument. The strip.white=T arguement ensures that no leading or trailing spaces are left in character names (these can be particularly nasty in categorical variables!).

As an example
phasmid <- read.data('clipboard', header=T, sep='\t', row.names=1, strip.white=T)

End of instructions

  Writing a copy of the data to an R script file

> phasmid <- dump('data', "")

where 'data' is the name of the object that you wish to be stored.
Cut and paste the output of this command directly into the top of your R script. In future, when the script file is read, it will include a copy of your data set, preserved exactly.

End of instructions

  Frequency histogram

> hist(variable)

where variable is the name of the numeric vector (variable) for which the histogram is to be constructed.

End of instructions