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Tutorial 19.1 - Git and version control

27 Jul 2018

This tutorial will take a modular approach. The first section will provide an overview of the basic concepts of git. The second section will provide a quick overview of basic usage and the third and final section will cover intermediate level usage. In an attempt to ease understanding, the tutorial will blend together git commands and output, schematic diagrams and commentary in an attempt to ease understanding.

The following table surves as both a key and overview of the most common actions and git 'verbs'.

Initialize git
git init
Establish a git repository (within the current path if no path provided)
git add <file>
where <file> is one or more files to stage
Staging is indicating which files and their states are to be included in the next commit.
git commit -m "<Commit message>"
where <Commit message> is a message to accompany the commit
Commiting generates a 'snapshot' of the file system.
git checkout "<commit>"
where <commit> is a reference to a commit to be reviewed
Explore the state associated with a specific commit
git reset --hard "<commit>"
where <commit> is a reference to a commit
Return to a previous state, effectively erasing subsequent commits..
git revert "<commit>"
where <commit> is a reference to a commit that should be nullified (inverted)
Generate a new commit that reverses the changes introduced by a commit thereby effectively rolling back to a previous state (the one prior to the nominated commit) whilst still maintaining full commit history.
git branch <name>
git checkout <name>
where <name> is a reference to a branch name (e.g. 'Feature')
Take edits in the project in a new direction to allow for modifications that will not affect the main (master) branch.
git checkout master
git branch <name>
where <name> is a reference to a branch name (e.g. 'Feature') that is to be merged back into master.
Incorporate changes in a branch into another branch (typically master).
git pull -u <remote> <branch>
where <remote> is the name of the remote (typically origin) and <branch> is the branch to sync with remote (typically master).
Pull changes from a branch of a remote repository.
git push -u <remote> <branch>
where <remote> is the name of the remote (typically origin) and <branch> is the branch to sync with remote (typically master).
Push changes up to a branch of a remote repository.


Git is a distributed versioning system. This means that the complete contents and history of a repository (in simplistic terms a repository is a collection of files and associated metadata) can be completely duplicated across multiple locations.

No doubt you have previously been working on a file (could be a document, spreadsheet, script or any other type of file) and got to a point where you have thought that you are starting to make edits that substantially change the file and therefore have considered saving the new file with a new name that indicates that it is a new version.

In the above diagram, new content is indicated in red and modifications in blue.

Whist this approach is ok, it is fairly limited and unsophisticated approach to versioning (keeping multiple versions of a file). Firstly, if you edit this file over many sessions and each time save with a different name, it becomes very difficult to either keep tract of what changes are associated with each version of the file, or the order in which the changes were made. This is massively compounded if a project comprises multiple files or has multiple authors.

Instead, imagine a system in which you could take a snapshot of state of your files and also provide a description outlining what changes you have made. Now imagine that the system was able to store and keep track of a succession of such versions in such a way that allows you to roll back to any previous versions of the files and exchange the entire history of changes with others collaborators - that is the purpose of git.

In the above diagram (which I must point out is not actually how git works), you can see that we are keeping track of multiple documents and potentially multiple changes within each document. What constitutes a version (as in how many changes and to what files) is completely arbitrary. Each individual edit can define a separate version.

One of the issues with the above system is that there is a lot of redundancy. With each new version an addition copy of the project's entire filesystem (all its files) must be stored. In the above case, Version 2 and 3 both contain identical copies of fileA.doc. Is there a way of reducing the required size of the snapshots by only keeping copies of those that have actually changed? this is what git achieves. Git versions (or snapshots known as commits) store files that have changed since the previous and files that have not changed are only represented by links to instances of these files within previous snapshots.

Now consider the following:

  • You might have noticed that a new version can comprise multiple changes across multiple files. However, what if we have made numerous changes to numerous files over the course of an editing session (perhaps simultaneously addressing multiple different editing suggestions at a time), yet we did not want to lump all of these changes together into a single save point (snapshot). For example, the multiple changes might constitute addressing three independent issues, so although all edits were made simultaneously, we wish to record and describe the changes in three separate snapshots.
  • What if this project had multiple contributors some of whom are working on new components of the project and some whom are working simultaneously on the same set of files? How can the system ensure that all contributors are in sync with each other and that new components are only introduced to the project proper once they are stable and agreed upon?
  • What if there are files present within our project that we do not wish to keep track of. These files could be log files, compilation intermediates etc.
  • Given that projects can comprise many files (some of which can be large), is it possible to store compressed files so as to reduce the storage and bandwidth burden?

Overview of git

The above discussion provides context for understanding how git works. Within git, files can exist in one of four states:

  • untracked - these are files within the directory tree that are not to be included in the repository (not part of any snapshot)
  • modified - these are files that have changed since the last snapshot
  • staged - these are files that are nominated to be part of the next snapshot
  • committed - these are files that are represented in a stored snapshot (called a commit). One a snapshot is committed, it is a permanent part of the repositories history
Since untracked files are not part of a repository, we will ignore these for now.

Conceptually, there are three main sections of a repository:

  • Working directory - (or Workspace) is the obvious tree (set of files and folders) that is present on disc and comprises the actual files that you directly create, edit etc.
  • Staging area - (or index) is a hidden file that contains metadata about the files to be included in the next snapshot (commit)
  • Repository - the snapshots (commits). The commits are themselves just additional metadata pointing to a particular snapshot.

A superficial representation of some aspects of the git version control system follows. Here, the physical file tree in the workspace can be added to the staging area before this snapshot can be committed to the local repository.

After we add the two files (file 1 and file 2), both files will be considered in an untracked state. Adding the files to the staging area changes their state to staged. Finally when we commit, the files are in a committed state.

Now if we add another file (file 3) to our workspace, add this file to the staging area and then commit the change, the resulting committed snapshot in the local repository will resemble the workspace. Note, although the staging area contains all three files, only file 3 points to any new internal content - since file 1 and file 2 have unmodified, their instances in the staging area point to the same instances as previous. Similarly, the second commit in the Local repository will point to one new representation (associated with file 3) and two previous representations (associated with file 1 and file 2).

At this point, if we make a change to file 1, this file will be in a modified state until it is added to the staging area. After committing, the current committed snapshot (snapshot 3) is in sync with the workspace.

Initially, it might seem that there is an awful lot of duplication going on. For example, if we make a minor alteration to a file, why not just commit the change (delta) instead of an entirely new copy? Well, periodically, git will perform garbage collection on the repository. This process repacks the objects together into a single object that comprises only the original blobs and their subsequent deltas - thereby gaining efficiency. The process of garbage collection can also be forced at any time via:

git gc

During the evolution of most projects, situations arise in which we wish to start work on new components or features that might represent a substantial deviation from the main line of evolution. Often, we would very much like to be able to quarantine the main thread of the project from these new developments. For example, we may wish to be able to continue tweaking the main project files (in order to address minor issues and bugs), while at the same time, performing major edits that take the project in a different direction.

This is called branching. The main evolutionary thread of the project is referred to as the master branch. Deviations from the master branch are generally called branches and can be given any name (other than 'master' or 'HEAD'). For example, we could start a new branch called 'Feature' where we can evolve the project in one direction whilst still being able to actively develop the master branch at the same time. 'Feature' and 'master' branches are depicted in the left hand sequence of circles of the schematic below.

The circles represent commits (stored snapshots). We can see that the first commit is the common ancestor of the 'Feature' and 'master' branch. HEAD is a special reference that points to the tip of the currently active commit. It indicates where the next commit will be built onto. In diagram above, HEAD is pointing to the last commit in master. Hence the next commit will build on this commit. To develop the Feature branch further, we first have to move HEAD to the tip of the Feature branch.

We can later merge the Feature branch into the master branch in order to make the new changes mainstream.

To support collaboration, there can also be a remote repository (referred to as origin and depicted by the squares in the figure above). Unlike a local repository, a remote repository does not contain a workspace as files are not directly edited in the remote repository. Instead, the remote repository acts as a permanently available conduit between multiple contributors.

In the diagram above, we can see that the remote repository (origin) has an additional branch (in this called dev). The collaborator whose local repository is depicted above has either not yet obtained (pulled) this branch or has elected not to (as perhaps it is not a direction that they are involved in).

We also see that the master branch on the remote repository has a newer (additional) commit than the local repository.

Prior to working on branch a collaborator should first get any updates to the remote repository. This is a two step process. Firstly, the collaborator fetches any changes and then secondly merges those changes into their version of the branch. Collectively, these two actions are called a pull.

To make local changes available to others, the collaborator can push commits up to the remote repository. The pushed changes are applied directly to the nominated branch so it is the users responsibility to ensure as much as possible, their local repository already included the most recent remote repository changes (by always pulling before pushing).

Getting started

For the purpose of this tutorial, I will create a temporary folder the tmp folder of my home directory into which to create and manipulate repositories. To follow along with this tutorial, you are encouraged to do similarly.

mkdir ~/tmp/Repo1

Before using git, it is a good idea to define some global (applied to all your gits) settings. These include your name and email address and whilst not essential, they are applied to all actions you perform so the it is easier for others to track the route of changes etc.

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your_email@whatever.com"

Setting up (initializing) a new repository

Initialize local repository

To create (or initialize) a new local repository, issue the git init command in the root of the working directory you wish to contain the git repository. This can be either an empty directory or contain an existing directory/file structure. The git init command will add a folder called .git to the directory. This is a one time operation.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git init 
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/murray/tmp/Repo1/.git/

The .git folder contains all the necessary metadata to manage the repository.

ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  3 murray murray 4096 Jul 27 15:22 .
drwxr-xr-x 44 murray murray 4096 Jul 27 15:22 ..
drwxr-xr-x  7 murray murray 4096 Jul 27 15:22 .git
tree -a --charset unicode
`-- .git
    |-- branches
    |-- config
    |-- description
    |-- HEAD
    |-- hooks
    |   |-- applypatch-msg.sample
    |   |-- commit-msg.sample
    |   |-- post-update.sample
    |   |-- pre-applypatch.sample
    |   |-- pre-commit.sample
    |   |-- prepare-commit-msg.sample
    |   |-- pre-push.sample
    |   |-- pre-rebase.sample
    |   |-- pre-receive.sample
    |   `-- update.sample
    |-- info
    |   `-- exclude
    |-- objects
    |   |-- info
    |   `-- pack
    `-- refs
        |-- heads
        `-- tags

10 directories, 14 files
config: this file stores settings such as the location of a remote repository that this repository is linked to
description:lists the name (and version) of a repository
HEAD:lists a reference to the current checked out commit.
hooks:a directory containing scripts that are executed at various stages (e.g. pre-push.sample is an example of a script executed prior to pushing)
info:contains a file exclude that lists exclusions (files not to be tracked). This is like .gitignore, except is not versioned.
objects:this directory contains SHA indexed files being tracked
refs:a master copy of all the repository refs
logs:contains a history of each branch

Note, at this stage, no files are being tracked, that is, they are not part of the repository.

To assist in gaining a greater understanding of the workings of git, we will use a series of schematics diagrams representing the contents of four important sections of the repository. In the figure below, the left hand panel represents the contents of the root directory (excluding the .git folder) - this is the workspace and is currently empty.

The three white panels represent three important parts of the inner structure of the .git folder. A newly initialized repository is relatively devoid of any specific metadata since there are no staged or committed files. In the root of the .git folder, there is a file called HEAD.

The figure is currently very sparse. However, as the repository grows, so the figure will become more complex.

Initializing a shared (remote) repository

The master repository for sharing should not contain the working directory as such - only the .git tree and the .gitignore file. Typically the point of a remote repository is to act as a perminantly available repository from which multiple uses can exchange files. Consequently, those accessing this repository should only be able to interact with the .git metadata - they do not directly modify any files.

Since a remote repository is devode of the working files and directories, it is referred to as bare To create a bare remote repository, issue the git init --bare command after loggin in to the remote location.

git init --bare

Cloning an existing repository

To get your own local copy of an existing repository, issue the git clone <repo url> command in the root of the working directory you wish to contain the git repository. The repo url points to the location of the existing repository to be cloned. This is also a one time operation and should be issued in an otherwise empty directory.

The repo url can be located on any accessible filesytem (local or remote). The cloning process also stores a link back to the original location of the repository (called origin). This provides a convenient way for the system to keep track of where the local repository should exchange files.

Many git repositories are hosted on sites such as github, gitlab or bitbucket. Within an online git repository, these sites provide url links for cloning.

git clone "url.git"

By default a new directory will be generated with the name of the repository. You can provide an alternative name:

git clone "url.git" prefered_name

Tracking files

The basic workflow for tracking files is a two step process in which one or more files are first added to the staging area before they are committed to the local repository. The staging area acts as a little like a snapshot of what the repository will look like once the changes have been committed. The staging area also acts like a buffer between the files in the workspace (actual local copy of files) and the local repository (committed changes).

The reason that this is a two step process is that it allows the user to make edits to numerous files, yet block the commits in smaller chunks to help isolate changes in case there is a need to roll back to previous versions.

Staging files

When a file is first added to the staging area, a full copy of that file is added to the staging area (not just the file diffs as in other versioning systems).

To demonstrate lets create a file (a simple text file containing the string saying 'File 1') and add it to the staging area.

echo 'File 1' > file1

Now lets add this file to the staging area

git add file1

To see the status of the repository (that is, what files are being tracked), we issue the git status command

git status
On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   file1
This indicates that there is a single file (file1) in the staging area

Our simple overview schematic represents the staging of file 1.

A schematic of the internal working of git shows in .git/objects a blob has been created. This is a compressed version of file1. Its filename is a 40 digit SHA-1 checksum has representing the contents of the file1. To re-iterate, the blob name is a SHA-1 hash of the file contents (actually, the first two digits form a folder and the remaining 38 form the filename).

We can look at the contents of this blob using the git cat-file command. This command outputs the contents of a compressed object (blob, tree, commit) from either the objects name (or unique fraction thereof) or its tag (we will discuss tags later).

git cat-file blob 50fcd
File 1

The add process also created a index file. This file simply points to the blob that is part of the snapshot. The git internals schematic illustrates the internal changes in response to staging a file.

Commit to local repository

To commit a set of changes from the staging area to the local repository, we issue the git commit command. We usually add the -m switch to explicitly supply a message to be associated with the commit. This message should ideally describe what the changes the commit introduces to the repository.

git commit -m 'Initial repo and added file1'
[master (root-commit) ec937de] Initial repo and added file1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 file1

We now see that the status has changed. It indicates that the tree in the workspace is in sync with the repository.

git status
On branch master
+\n othing to commit, working tree clean

Our simple overview schematic represents the staging of file 1.

The following modifications have occurred (in reverse order to how they actually occur):

  • The master branch reference was created. There is currently only a single branch (more on branches later). The branch reference point to (indicates) which commit is the current commit within a branch.
    cat .git/refs/heads/master
  • A commit was created. This points to a tree (which itself points to the blob representing file1) as well as other important metadata (such as who made the commit and when). Since the time stamp will be unique each time a snapshot is commited, so too the name of the commit (as a SHA-1 checksum hash) will differ. To reiterate, the names of blobs and trees are determined by contents alone, commit names are also incorporate commit timestamp and details of the committer - and are thus virtually unique.
    git cat-file commit ec937
    tree 07a941b332d756f9a8acc9fdaf58aab5c7a43f64
    author Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668938 +1000
    committer Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668938 +1000
    Initial repo and added file1
  • A tree object was created. This represents the directory tree of the snapshot and thus points to the blobs.
    git ls-tree 07a94
    100644 blob 50fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1	file1

Committing staged changes creates an object under the .git tree.

tree -a --charset unicode
|-- file1
`-- .git
    |-- branches
    |-- config
    |-- description
    |-- HEAD
    |-- hooks
    |   |-- applypatch-msg.sample
    |   |-- commit-msg.sample
    |   |-- post-update.sample
    |   |-- pre-applypatch.sample
    |   |-- pre-commit.sample
    |   |-- prepare-commit-msg.sample
    |   |-- pre-push.sample
    |   |-- pre-rebase.sample
    |   |-- pre-receive.sample
    |   `-- update.sample
    |-- index
    |-- info
    |   `-- exclude
    |-- logs
    |   |-- HEAD
    |   `-- refs
    |       `-- heads
    |           `-- master
    |-- objects
    |   |-- 07
    |   |   `-- a941b332d756f9a8acc9fdaf58aab5c7a43f64
    |   |-- 50
    |   |   `-- fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1
    |   |-- ec
    |   |   `-- 937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
    |   |-- info
    |   `-- pack
    `-- refs
        |-- heads
        |   `-- master
        `-- tags

16 directories, 23 files
git cat-file -p HEAD
tree 07a941b332d756f9a8acc9fdaf58aab5c7a43f64
author Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668938 +1000
committer Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668938 +1000

Initial repo and added file1
git cat-file -p HEAD^{tree}
100644 blob 50fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1	file1
git log --oneline
ec937de Initial repo and added file1

More changes

Whenever a file is added or modified, if the changes are to be tracked, the file needs to be added to the staging area. Lets demonstrate by modifying file1 and adding an additional file (this time to a subfolder).

echo '---------------' >> file1
mkdir dir1
echo '* Notes' > dir1/file2
git add file1 dir1/file2
git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   dir1/file2
	modified:   file1

Staging file1 and file2 has:

  • updated the index file.
    git ls-files --stage
    100644 4fcc8f85f738deb6cbb17db1ed3da241ad6cdf39 0	dir1/file2
    100644 28ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d 0	file1
  • Two new blobs have been generated. One representing the modified file1 and the other representing file2 in the dir1 folder. The blob that represented the original file1 contents is still present and indeed is still the one currently committed. Blobs are not erased or modified.

Now if we commit this snapshot,

git commit -m 'Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)'
[master 88ce744] Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dir1/file2
the following modifications occur:
  • The master branch now points to the new commit.
    cat .git/refs/heads/master
    git reflog
    88ce744 HEAD@{0}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
    ec937de HEAD@{1}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
  • A new commit was created. This points to a new root tree object and also points to the previous commit (its parent).
    git cat-file commit 88ce7
    tree 2b61e2b3db9d1708269cf9d1aeaae2b0a2af1a23
    parent ec937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
    author Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668941 +1000
    committer Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668941 +1000
    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
  • A new root tree was created. This points to a blob representing the modified file1 as well as a newly created sub-directory tree representing the dir1 folder.
    git ls-tree 2b61e
    040000 tree f2fa54609fe5e918f365e0d5ffaf9a3aea88d541	dir1
    100644 blob 28ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d	file1
    git cat-file -p HEAD^{tree}
    040000 tree f2fa54609fe5e918f365e0d5ffaf9a3aea88d541	dir1
    100644 blob 28ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d	file1
  • A new sub-directory root tree was created. This points to a blob representing the modified file1 as well as a newly created subtree tree representing the file2 file within the dir1 folder.
    git ls-tree f2fa5
    100644 blob 4fcc8f85f738deb6cbb17db1ed3da241ad6cdf39	file2

Committing staged changes creates an object under the .git tree.

tree -a --charset unicode
|-- dir1
|   `-- file2
|-- file1
`-- .git
    |-- branches
    |-- config
    |-- description
    |-- HEAD
    |-- hooks
    |   |-- applypatch-msg.sample
    |   |-- commit-msg.sample
    |   |-- post-update.sample
    |   |-- pre-applypatch.sample
    |   |-- pre-commit.sample
    |   |-- prepare-commit-msg.sample
    |   |-- pre-push.sample
    |   |-- pre-rebase.sample
    |   |-- pre-receive.sample
    |   `-- update.sample
    |-- index
    |-- info
    |   `-- exclude
    |-- logs
    |   |-- HEAD
    |   `-- refs
    |       `-- heads
    |           `-- master
    |-- objects
    |   |-- 07
    |   |   `-- a941b332d756f9a8acc9fdaf58aab5c7a43f64
    |   |-- 28
    |   |   `-- ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d
    |   |-- 2b
    |   |   `-- 61e2b3db9d1708269cf9d1aeaae2b0a2af1a23
    |   |-- 4f
    |   |   `-- cc8f85f738deb6cbb17db1ed3da241ad6cdf39
    |   |-- 50
    |   |   `-- fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1
    |   |-- 88
    |   |   `-- ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
    |   |-- ec
    |   |   `-- 937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
    |   |-- f2
    |   |   `-- fa54609fe5e918f365e0d5ffaf9a3aea88d541
    |   |-- info
    |   `-- pack
    `-- refs
        |-- heads
        |   `-- master
        `-- tags

22 directories, 29 files
git cat-file -p HEAD
tree 2b61e2b3db9d1708269cf9d1aeaae2b0a2af1a23
parent ec937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
author Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668941 +1000
committer Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668941 +1000

Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
git cat-file -p HEAD^{tree}
040000 tree f2fa54609fe5e918f365e0d5ffaf9a3aea88d541	dir1
100644 blob 28ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d	file1

Now you might be wondering... What if I have modified many files and I want to stage them all. Do I really have to add each file individually? Is there not some way to add multiple files at a time? The answer of course is yes. To stage all files (including those in subdirectories) we issue the git add . command (notice the dot).

git add .


Whilst it is convenient to not have to list every file that you want to be staged (added), what about files that we don't want to get staged and committed. It is also possible to define a file (called .gitignore) that is a list of files (or file patterns) that are to be excluded when we request all files be added. This functionality is provided via the .gitignore file that must be in the root of the repository working directory.

For example, we may have temporary files or automatic backup files or files generated as intermediates in a compile process etc that get generated. These files are commonly generated in the process of working with files in a project, yet we do not necessarily wish for them to be tracked. Often these files have very predictable filename pattern (such as ending with a # or ~ symbol or having a specific file extension such as .aux. Hence, we can create a.gitignore to exclude these. Lets start by modifying the file2 and creating a new file f.tmp (that we want to ignore).

echo '---' >> dir1/file2
echo 'temp' > dir1/f.tmp
To ignore the f.tmp file, we could either explicitly add this file as a row in a .gitignore file, or else we could supply a wildcard version that will ignore all files ending in .tmp.
echo '*.tmp' > .gitignore
cat .gitignore
file1DO NOT stage (add) file1
*.tmpDO NOT stage (add) any file ending in .tmp
/dir1/*DO NOT stage (add) the folder called dir1 (or any of its contents) unless this is specifically negated (see next line)
!/dir1/file2DO stage (add) the file called file2 that is within the dir1 folder

Now when we go to add all files to the staging area, those that fall under the exclude rules will be ignored

git add .
git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   .gitignore
	modified:   dir1/file2
You will notice that .gitignore was added as a new file and dir1/file2 was marked as modified yet dir1/f.tmp was totally ignored.

git commit -m 'Modified file2, added .gitignore'
[master 76572a7] Modified file2, added .gitignore
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
git status
On branch master
+\n othing to commit, working tree clean

Committing staged changes creates an object under the .git tree.

tree -a --charset unicode
|-- dir1
|   |-- file2
|   `-- f.tmp
|-- file1
|-- .git
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- hooks
|   |   |-- applypatch-msg.sample
|   |   |-- commit-msg.sample
|   |   |-- post-update.sample
|   |   |-- pre-applypatch.sample
|   |   |-- pre-commit.sample
|   |   |-- prepare-commit-msg.sample
|   |   |-- pre-push.sample
|   |   |-- pre-rebase.sample
|   |   |-- pre-receive.sample
|   |   `-- update.sample
|   |-- index
|   |-- info
|   |   `-- exclude
|   |-- logs
|   |   |-- HEAD
|   |   `-- refs
|   |       `-- heads
|   |           `-- master
|   |-- objects
|   |   |-- 07
|   |   |   `-- a941b332d756f9a8acc9fdaf58aab5c7a43f64
|   |   |-- 14
|   |   |   `-- 3a8bb5a2cc05a91f83a87af18c8eb5885a375c
|   |   |-- 19
|   |   |   `-- 44fd61e7c53bcc19e6f3eb94cc800508944a25
|   |   |-- 28
|   |   |   `-- ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d
|   |   |-- 2b
|   |   |   `-- 61e2b3db9d1708269cf9d1aeaae2b0a2af1a23
|   |   |-- 3c
|   |   |   `-- 7af0d3ccea71c9af82fa0ce68532272edcf1b8
|   |   |-- 4f
|   |   |   `-- cc8f85f738deb6cbb17db1ed3da241ad6cdf39
|   |   |-- 50
|   |   |   `-- fcd26d6ce3000f9d5f12904e80eccdc5685dd1
|   |   |-- 76
|   |   |   `-- 572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
|   |   |-- 88
|   |   |   `-- ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
|   |   |-- c4
|   |   |   `-- 26a67af50d13828ec73b3c560b2648e2f3dc08
|   |   |-- ec
|   |   |   `-- 937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
|   |   |-- f2
|   |   |   `-- fa54609fe5e918f365e0d5ffaf9a3aea88d541
|   |   |-- info
|   |   `-- pack
|   `-- refs
|       |-- heads
|       |   `-- master
|       `-- tags
`-- .gitignore

27 directories, 36 files
git cat-file -p HEAD
tree 3c7af0d3ccea71c9af82fa0ce68532272edcf1b8
parent 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
author Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668943 +1000
committer Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com> 1532668943 +1000

Modified file2, added .gitignore
git cat-file -p HEAD^{tree}
100644 blob 1944fd61e7c53bcc19e6f3eb94cc800508944a25	.gitignore
040000 tree c426a67af50d13828ec73b3c560b2648e2f3dc08	dir1
100644 blob 28ed2456cbfa8a18a280c8af5b422e91e88ff64d	file1

Inspecting a repository

For this section, will will be working on the repository built up in the previous section.

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    `-- file2

8 directories, 9 files

mkdir ~/tmp/Repo1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git init 
echo 'File 1' > file1
git add file1
git commit -m 'Initial repo and added file1'
echo '---------------' >> file1
mkdir dir1
echo '* Notes' > dir1/file2
git add file1 dir1/file2
git commit -m 'Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)'
echo '---' > dir1/file2
echo 'temp' > dir1/f.tmp
echo '*.tmp' > .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m 'Modified file2, added .gitignore'

Status of workspace and staging area

Recall that within the .git environment, files can be in one of four states:

  • untracked
  • modified
  • staged
  • committed
To inspect the status of files in your workspace, you can issue the git status command (as we have done on numerous occasions above). This command displays the current state of the workspace and staging area.

git status
On branch master
+\n othing to commit, working tree clean
The output of git status partitions all the files into (staged: Changes to be committed, unstaged: Changes not staged for commit and Untracked) as well as hints on how to either promote or demote the status of these files.

log of commits

The git log command allows us to review the history of committed snapshots

git log
commit 76572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:23 2018 +1000

    Modified file2, added .gitignore

commit 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:21 2018 +1000

    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)

commit ec937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:18 2018 +1000

    Initial repo and added file1

We can see that in my case some fool called 'Murray Logan' has made a total of three commits. We can also see the date/time that the commits were made as well as the supplied commit comment.

Over time repositories accumulate a large number of commits, to only review the last 2 commits, we could issue the git log -n 2 command.

git log -n 2
commit 76572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:23 2018 +1000

    Modified file2, added .gitignore

commit 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:21 2018 +1000

    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
Condensed view
git log --oneline
76572a7 Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de Initial repo and added file1
Indicates number of changes
git log --stat
commit 76572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:23 2018 +1000

    Modified file2, added .gitignore

 .gitignore | 1 +
 dir1/file2 | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)

commit 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:21 2018 +1000

    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)

 dir1/file2 | 1 +
 file1      | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)

commit ec937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:18 2018 +1000

    Initial repo and added file1

 file1 | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Displays the full diff of each commit
git log -p
commit 76572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:23 2018 +1000

    Modified file2, added .gitignore

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
+\n ew file mode 100644
index 0000000..1944fd6
--- /dev/null
+\n ++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\n *.tmp
diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
index 4fcc8f8..143a8bb 100644
--- a/dir1/file2
+\n ++ b/dir1/file2
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 * Notes
+\n ---

commit 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:21 2018 +1000

    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)

diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
+\n ew file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fcc8f8
--- /dev/null
+\n ++ b/dir1/file2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\n * Notes
diff --git a/file1 b/file1
index 50fcd26..28ed245 100644
--- a/file1
+\n ++ b/file1
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 File 1
+\n ---------------

commit ec937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:18 2018 +1000

    Initial repo and added file1

diff --git a/file1 b/file1
+\n ew file mode 100644
index 0000000..50fcd26
--- /dev/null
+\n ++ b/file1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\n File 1
Filter by author
git log --author="Murray"
commit 76572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:23 2018 +1000

    Modified file2, added .gitignore

commit 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:21 2018 +1000

    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)

commit ec937de317d7f533a6d9d4c261b4788ead8a167e
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:18 2018 +1000

    Initial repo and added file1
Filter by regex pattern of commit message
git log --grep="Modified"
commit 76572a7b7b4f01f4f18d7c66d0ca3279aeeec197
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:23 2018 +1000

    Modified file2, added .gitignore

commit 88ce744613244cfeb24475f4a0375106527809d1
Author: Murray Logan <i.obesulus@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 27 15:22:21 2018 +1000

    Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
Filter by filename
git log notes.org
fatal: ambiguous argument 'notes.org': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
Filter by filename
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
* 76572a7 (HEAD -> master) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1


Another way to explore the commit history is to look at the reflog. This is a log of the branch references. This approach is more useful when we have multiple branches and so will be visited in the section on branching.

git reflog
76572a7 HEAD@{0}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{1}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{2}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1


Two of the three commits in our repository involved modifications to a file. The git diff allows us to explore differences between:

  • the workspace and the staging area (index)
    # lets modify dir1/file2
    echo 'Notes' >> dir1/file2
    git diff
    diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
    index 143a8bb..f12af0a 100644
    --- a/dir1/file2
    +\n ++ b/dir1/file2
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     * Notes
    +\n Notes
    The output indicates that we are comparing the blob representing dir1/file2 in the index (staging area) with the newly modified dir1/file2. The next couple of rows indicate that the indexed version will be represented by a '-' sign and the new version will be represented by a '+' sign. The next row (which is surrounded in a pair of @ signs, indicates that there are two lines that have changed. Finally the next two rows show that a charrage return has been added to the end of the first line and the new version has added the word 'Notes' to the next line.
  • the staging area and the last commit
    git add .
    git diff --cached
    diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
    index 143a8bb..f12af0a 100644
    --- a/dir1/file2
    +\n ++ b/dir1/file2
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     * Notes
    +\n Notes
    Once we stage the modifications, we see that the same differences are recorded.
  • the index and a tree (in this case, the current tree)
    git diff --cached HEAD^{tree}
    diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
    index 143a8bb..f12af0a 100644
    --- a/dir1/file2
    +\n ++ b/dir1/file2
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     * Notes
    +\n Notes
  • the workspace and the current commit
    git diff HEAD
    diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
    index 143a8bb..f12af0a 100644
    --- a/dir1/file2
    +\n ++ b/dir1/file2
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     * Notes
    +\n Notes
  • two commits (e.g. previous and current commits)
    git diff HEAD^ HEAD
    diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
    +\n ew file mode 100644
    index 0000000..1944fd6
    --- /dev/null
    +\n ++ b/.gitignore
    @@ -0,0 +1 @@
    +\n *.tmp
    diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
    index 4fcc8f8..143a8bb 100644
    --- a/dir1/file2
    +\n ++ b/dir1/file2
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     * Notes
    +\n ---
  • two trees (first example, the current and previous commit trees)
    git diff HEAD^{tree} HEAD^^{tree}
    diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
    deleted file mode 100644
    index 1944fd6..0000000
    --- a/.gitignore
    +\n ++ /dev/null
    @@ -1 +0,0 @@
    diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
    index 143a8bb..4fcc8f8 100644
    --- a/dir1/file2
    +\n ++ b/dir1/file2
    @@ -1,2 +1 @@
     * Notes
    git diff 61742 39183
    fatal: ambiguous argument '61742': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
    Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
    'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
  • two blobs (indeed any two objects)
    git diff 50fcd 28ed2
    diff --git a/50fcd b/28ed2
    index 50fcd26..28ed245 100644
    --- a/50fcd
    +\n ++ b/28ed2
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     File 1
    +\n ---------------


We can list the files that comprise the repo by:

git ls-files


Although it is possible to track the history of a repository via its commit sha1 names, most find it more convenient to apply tags to certain milestone commits. For example, a particular commit might represent a specific point in the history of a project - such as a release version. Git tags allow us to apply more human readable flags.

git tag V.1
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
* 76572a7 (HEAD -> master, tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1
git reflog
76572a7 HEAD@{0}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{1}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{2}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1


Again we will start with our repository For this section, will will be working on the repository built up in the previous section.

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    `-- file2

8 directories, 9 files

		      mkdir ~/tmp/Repo1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git init 
echo 'File 1' > file1
git add file1
git commit -m 'Initial repo and added file1'
echo '---------------' >> file1
mkdir dir1
echo '* Notes' > dir1/file2
git add file1 dir1/file2
git commit -m 'Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)'
echo '---' > dir1/file2
echo 'temp' > dir1/f.tmp
echo '*.tmp' > .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m 'Modified file2, added .gitignore'

Lets assume that the current commit represents a largely stable project. We are about to embark on a substantial modification in the form of a new feature that will involve editing file1 and adding a new file to dir1. At the same time, we wish to leave open the possibility of committing additional minor changes to the current commit in order to address any bugs or issues that might arise.

In essence what we want to do is start a new branch for the new feature. This is performed in two steps:

  1. Use the git branch <name> command to generate a new branch reference
    git branch Feature

    tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- .git
    |   |-- refs
    |   |-- objects
    |   |-- logs
    |   |-- info
    |   |-- index
    |   |-- hooks
    |   |-- HEAD
    |   |-- description
    |   |-- config
    |   |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG
    |   `-- branches
    |-- file1
    `-- dir1
        |-- f.tmp
        `-- file2
    8 directories, 9 files
    git reflog
    76572a7 HEAD@{0}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
    88ce744 HEAD@{1}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
    ec937de HEAD@{2}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

  2. Use the git checkout <name> command to move the HEAD to the tip of this new branch (Feature).
    git checkout Feature
    Switched to branch 'Feature'
    M	dir1/file2

    tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- .git
    |   |-- refs
    |   |-- objects
    |   |-- logs
    |   |-- info
    |   |-- index
    |   |-- hooks
    |   |-- HEAD
    |   |-- description
    |   |-- config
    |   |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG
    |   `-- branches
    |-- file1
    `-- dir1
        |-- f.tmp
        `-- file2
    8 directories, 9 files
    git reflog
    76572a7 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
    76572a7 HEAD@{1}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
    88ce744 HEAD@{2}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
    ec937de HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

Now if we make and commit a change (such as an edit to file1 and an addition of file3 within dir1), we will be operating on a separate branch

echo 'b' >> file1
echo 'File 3' > dir1/file3
git add .
git commit -m 'New feature'
[Feature 281f7e4] New feature
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dir1/file3

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    |-- file3
    `-- file2

8 directories, 10 files
git reflog
281f7e4 HEAD@{0}: commit: New feature
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{3}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{4}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

So we can now continue to develop the Feature branch. But what if we now decided that we wanted to make a change to the master branch (perhaps addressing a bug or issue).

  1. Switch over to the master branch
    git checkout master
    Switched to branch 'master'

    tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- .git
    |   |-- refs
    |   |-- objects
    |   |-- logs
    |   |-- info
    |   |-- index
    |   |-- hooks
    |   |-- HEAD
    |   |-- description
    |   |-- config
    |   |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG
    |   `-- branches
    |-- file1
    `-- dir1
        |-- f.tmp
        `-- file2
    8 directories, 9 files
    git reflog
    76572a7 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
    281f7e4 HEAD@{1}: commit: New feature
    76572a7 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
    76572a7 HEAD@{3}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
    88ce744 HEAD@{4}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
    ec937de HEAD@{5}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

  2. Make the necessary changes to the files and commit them on the master branch
    echo ' a bug fix' >> file1
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Bug fix in file1'
    [master b8a3859] Bug fix in file1
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

    tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- .git
    |   |-- refs
    |   |-- objects
    |   |-- logs
    |   |-- info
    |   |-- index
    |   |-- hooks
    |   |-- HEAD
    |   |-- description
    |   |-- config
    |   |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG
    |   `-- branches
    |-- file1
    `-- dir1
        |-- f.tmp
        `-- file2
    8 directories, 9 files
    git reflog
    b8a3859 HEAD@{0}: commit: Bug fix in file1
    76572a7 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
    281f7e4 HEAD@{2}: commit: New feature
    76572a7 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
    76572a7 HEAD@{4}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
    88ce744 HEAD@{5}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
    ec937de HEAD@{6}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

We could simultaneously make additional modifications to the Feature branch just by simply checking out the Feature branch and commiting those modifications.

git checkout Feature
echo ' a modification' >> dir1/file3
git add .
git commit -m 'Feature complete'
Switched to branch 'Feature'
[Feature fe72fa0] Feature complete
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    |-- file3
    `-- file2

8 directories, 10 files
git reflog
fe72fa0 HEAD@{0}: commit: Feature complete
281f7e4 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{2}: commit: Bug fix in file1
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
281f7e4 HEAD@{4}: commit: New feature
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{7}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{8}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

Finally, (if we are satisfied that Feature is stable and complete), we might like to introduce these changes into the master branch so that they become a part of the main project base. This operation is called a merge and is completed with the git merge <branch> command where <branch> is the name of the branch you want to merge the current branch (that pointed to by HEAD) with. Typically we want to merge the non-master branch with the master branch. Therefore we must be checkout the master branch before merging.

git checkout master
git merge Feature
Switched to branch 'master'
Auto-merging file1
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file1
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Hmmm. It appears that there is a conflict. If we explore the a git diff, we will see that on the master and Feature branchs have incompatible changes.

git status
On branch master
You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
  (use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)

Changes to be committed:

	modified:   dir1/file2
	new file:   dir1/file3

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

	both modified:   file1
git diff master Feature
diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
index 143a8bb..f12af0a 100644
--- a/dir1/file2
+\n ++ b/dir1/file2
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 * Notes
+\n Notes
diff --git a/dir1/file3 b/dir1/file3
+\n ew file mode 100644
index 0000000..decc8f3
--- /dev/null
+\n ++ b/dir1/file3
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\n File 3
+\n  a modification
diff --git a/file1 b/file1
index cb3102f..87df5b1 100644
--- a/file1
+\n ++ b/file1
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 File 1
- a bug fix
+\n b
It is not so much that they have both made changes to the same file, it is more that the changes are to the same part of the file. Lets look at the contents of file1 in the commit that is the common ancester of both branches:
git cat-file -p master^:file1
File 1
And compare that to the contents of file1 in the master commit:
git cat-file -p master:file1
File 1
 a bug fix
and the contents of file1 in the Feature commit:
git cat-file -p Feature:file1
File 1
we can see that the changes made are inconsistent. We need to decide which we want to use. Recall that the change made in master was to address a bug or issue. Perhaps this bug or issue does not arise with the new feature and thus is superfluous. Alternatively, it might be that this bug fix is required by both branches (if so, we probably should have introduced it to the Feature branch at the same time as the master anyway.... Lets address this by rolling back file1 from the master branch (of course we would normally use an editor to edit those actual changes in the file back to the ancestral condition. However as we only have the one change and this demo is fully scripted...).
git checkout master^ file1
git add .
git commit -m 'Merge in Feature'
[master 94f9df9] Merge in Feature

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    |-- file3
    `-- file2

8 directories, 11 files
git reflog
94f9df9 HEAD@{0}: commit (merge): Merge in Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
fe72fa0 HEAD@{2}: commit: Feature complete
281f7e4 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{4}: commit: Bug fix in file1
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
281f7e4 HEAD@{6}: commit: New feature
76572a7 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{8}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{9}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{10}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
*   94f9df9 (HEAD -> master) Merge in Feature
| * fe72fa0 (Feature) Feature complete
| * 281f7e4 New feature
* | b8a3859 Bug fix in file1
* 76572a7 (tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

If the bug fix is relatively small, it might be worth considering rebasing into the main master branch to prevent the history becoming overly complex and messy to follow.

git branch -d Feature
Deleted branch Feature (was fe72fa0).

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    |-- file3
    `-- file2

8 directories, 11 files
git reflog
94f9df9 HEAD@{0}: commit (merge): Merge in Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
fe72fa0 HEAD@{2}: commit: Feature complete
281f7e4 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{4}: commit: Bug fix in file1
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
281f7e4 HEAD@{6}: commit: New feature
76572a7 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{8}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{9}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{10}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
*   94f9df9 (HEAD -> master) Merge in Feature
| * fe72fa0 Feature complete
| * 281f7e4 New feature
* | b8a3859 Bug fix in file1
* 76572a7 (tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

Undoing (rolling back) changes

One of the real strengths of a versioning system is the ability to roll back to a previous state when changes have been found to introduce undesirable or unintended consequences. There are also multiple different stages from which to roll back. For example, do we want to revert from committed states or just unstage a file or files.

To illustrate the various ways to roll back within a repository, we will start by rolling back to the state of the repository prior to the demonstration on branching. This state is associated with commit 76572. This repository contains three commits and has the following workspace:

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- f.tmp
    |-- file3
    `-- file2

8 directories, 11 files

However, the current state contains a bunch of commits associated with the branching and merge demonstration. Furthermore, when we look at the reflog, we will notice that there are multiple records associated with commit 76572. One of these is the checkout to create the stalk for a new branch.

git reflog
94f9df9 HEAD@{0}: commit (merge): Merge in Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
fe72fa0 HEAD@{2}: commit: Feature complete
281f7e4 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
b8a3859 HEAD@{4}: commit: Bug fix in file1
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from Feature to master
281f7e4 HEAD@{6}: commit: New feature
76572a7 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{8}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{9}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{10}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

If we explore the git log we can see that there was a tag associated with the original 76572 commit. Therefore, to avoid confusion, we will attempt to rollback using the tag rather than commit sha1.

git log --graph --decorate --oneline
*   94f9df9 (HEAD -> master) Merge in Feature
| * fe72fa0 Feature complete
| * 281f7e4 New feature
* | b8a3859 Bug fix in file1
* 76572a7 (tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

If, like me, you have completed the previous sections, we can roll back to this state by:

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard V.1
git clean -qfdx
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now
These four git commands ensure a total rolling back to the previous state. In doing so, we removed all trace of activity that had occurred after commit 76572. Normally, we would not erase the repositories history quite so aggressively - you never know when you will want to reverse your decision. The above git commands well as others will be described in details in the following sections.

		      mkdir ~/tmp/Repo1
cd ~/tmp/RepoA
git init 
echo 'File 1' > file1
git add file1
git commit -m 'Initial repo and added file1'
echo '---------------' >> file1
mkdir dir1
echo '* Notes' > dir1/file2
git add file1 dir1/file2
git commit -m 'Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)'
echo '---' > dir1/file2
echo 'temp' > dir1/f.tmp
echo '*.tmp' > .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m 'Modified file2, added .gitignore'

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    `-- file2

8 directories, 10 files
git reflog
76572a7 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{2}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
* 76572a7 (HEAD -> master, tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

The above diagram shows that both HEAD and master point at the same stage (all three files). Again, remember that the SHA-1 has values will be different in your repo so in the following, you will need to use the SHA value that corresponds to the item in your list.

With additional commits and activity, the above schematic will rapidly become very busy and complex. As a result, we will now switch to a simpler schematic that focuses only on the commits and references thereof (HEAD, master and branches).

Recall that a git repository comprises multiple levels in which changes are recorded:

  • There is the Workspace (which is essentially the actual files and folders that you directly edit).
  • There is the Staging area (or index which is a record of which files are next to be committed).
  • There is the Local repository (the actual commits).
  • And finally, three is the remote repository (a remote store of commits).
As such, there are multiple levels from which changes could be undone. Furthermore, we might want to undo changes at the commit or individual file level. For example, we might decide that we have made a local commit that introduced an issue and we now wish to return back to the state prior to this commit. Alternatively, we might have just accidentally staged a file (yet not committed it) and now we want to unstage it.

Commit level
Undo to a particular local commit
git reset --soft <commit> HEAD is moved to the nominated <commit>. IT DOES NOT alter index or the workspace
Roll back to the the previous commit
git reset --hard <commit> Resets the Index and Workspace
Roll back over the last two commits
git reset --hard HEAD~2 Roll back over the last two commits
Inspect an old commit
git checkout <commit> moves the HEAD and modifies the workspace to reflect its state at <commit>
Roll back the changes introduced by commit so that a new commit resembles a previous state
git revert HEAD Creates a new commit that reverses the changes introduced by the last commit. Revert creates a new revision history that adds onto existing history and is therefore safe to use on a branch that has been pushed to a remote.

Now lets say we wanted to roll back to the state before we added .gitignore and modified dir1/file2. That is, we want to roll-back to commit 88ce7. We have three main choices:

  1. reset - this allows us to remove all commits back to a nominated commit. Resetting is a irreversible process as it totally removes commits from the history. A reset should only ever be used if you are sure you want to permanently remove the changes introduced via one or more commits. A reset should never be performed on a branch that exists in a remote repository
  2. revert - this allows us to skip the most recent commit. That is, a revert rolls back to a previous commit and then apply that state to a new commit. Unlike a reset, all commits remain safely in the git history and can target a single commit.
  3. branch - this allows us to safely take the project (or part of the project) in an experimental direction that might involve dramatic deviations in files without interrupting the main thread of the project. At some point, if the new direction proves useful, the changes can be merged back into the main branch. We will expore branching in the section on branching.

Normally we would not perform all three. Rather, we would select the most appropriate one depending on the context and goal. Nevertheless, this is a tutorial and therefore we will perform all three. In order to ensure that we start from the same point for each demonstration, prior to each demonstration, we will aggressively reset the repository back to the state it was at commit 88ce7.


Soft reset

When we perform a soft reset, we move the head to the nominated commit, but the workspace is unchanged.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --soft 88ce7

Hard reset

When we perform a hard reset, we not only move the head to the nominated commit, but the workspace is altered to reflect the workspace that existed when that commit was originally performed.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard V.1
git clean -qfdx
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard 88ce7
HEAD is now at 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)

If we now explore the reflog, we see that the head is now at 88ce7.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reflog
88ce744 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{4}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{5}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{6}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
Note, however, if we looked at the log, it would be as if the previous commit had not occurred. For this reason, care must be exercised when using reset on remote repositories since others may be relying on a specific point in the repo history that you may have just erased.
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
* 88ce744 (HEAD -> master) Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    `-- file2

8 directories, 9 files
Notice that .gitignore is now absent.

git ls-files

If we now make a change (such as a change to file1 and adding file3) and commit, it would be as if any commits after 88ce7 had never occurred.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
echo 'End' > file1
echo 'File3' >> dir1/file3
git add file1 dir1/file3
git commit -m 'Modified file1 and added file3'
[master 1dafad1] Modified file1 and added file3
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dir1/file3
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reflog
1dafad1 HEAD@{0}: commit: Modified file1 and added file3
88ce744 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{7}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
* 1dafad1 (HEAD -> master) Modified file1 and added file3
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    |-- file3
    `-- file2

8 directories, 10 files
Notice the addition of file3 in dir1.

git ls-files


cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard V.1
git clean -qfdx
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now

Revert generates a new commit that removes the changes that were introduced by one or more of the most recent commits. Note, it does not revert to a particular commit, but rather undoes a commit. So, to roll back to 88ce7 (the second last commit), we just have to revert the last commit (HEAD).

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git revert HEAD
[master c30c900] Revert "Modified file2, added .gitignore"
 2 files changed, 2 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .gitignore
However, if we explore the reflog, we can see the entire history
git reflog
c30c900 HEAD@{0}: revert: Revert "Modified file2, added .gitignore"
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{7}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
* c30c900 (HEAD -> master) Revert "Modified file2, added .gitignore"
* 76572a7 (tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    `-- file2

8 directories, 9 files
Notice the absence of .gitignore. Notice also that dir1/f.tmp is also present. Although this file was added at the same time as .gitignore, it was never committed and therefore is not altered with repo manipulations.

If we list the files that are part of the repo:

git ls-files
We will see that we are back to the state where only file1 and dir1/file2 are present.

If we had actually wanted to roll back to commit ec937, then we could do so by issuing the above followed by:

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard V.1
git clean -qfdx
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git revert --no-commit HEAD
git revert --no-commit HEAD~1
git commit -m 'Rolled back'
[master 9466da9] Rolled back
 3 files changed, 4 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .gitignore
 delete mode 100644 dir1/file2
The above indicates that our attempt to roll back to the first commit has introduced a conflict.
git reflog
9466da9 HEAD@{0}: commit: Rolled back
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{7}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
* 9466da9 (HEAD -> master) Rolled back
* 76572a7 (tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
`-- file1

7 directories, 8 files
Notice that file2 is now also absent

If we list the files that are part of the repo:

git ls-files
We will see that we are back to the state where only file1 is present.

git diff  9466 88ce7
diff --git a/dir1/file2 b/dir1/file2
+\n ew file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fcc8f8
--- /dev/null
+\n ++ b/dir1/file2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\n * Notes
diff --git a/file1 b/file1
index 50fcd26..28ed245 100644
--- a/file1
+\n ++ b/file1
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 File 1
+\n ---------------

checkout and Branching

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard V.1
git clean -qfdx
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now

If we wanted to review the state of files corresponding to commit 88ce7, we could checkout the code from that commit. This provides a way to travel back in time through your commits and explore the (tracked) files exactly as they were.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git checkout 88ce7
Note: checking out '88ce7'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 88ce744... Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    `-- file2

8 directories, 9 files
Notice that file2 is now also absent

If we list the files that are part of the repo:

git ls-files
We will see that we are back to the state where only file1 is present.

The output advises us that we are in a detached HEAD state. This occurs when a commit is checked out rather than a branch. Normally, when changes are committed, the new commit is added to the HEAD of the current branch. However, in a detached HEAD state, any commits that are made are not associated with any branch and will effectively be lost next time you checkout. So if for example, we then added another file (file3)..
echo 'END' > file3
git add file3
git commit -m 'END added to file3'
[detached HEAD 150c1fb] END added to file3
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 file3
git reflog
150c1fb HEAD@{0}: commit: END added to file3
88ce744 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{7}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{8}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
* 150c1fb (HEAD) END added to file3
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

And then checked out the master branch..

git checkout master
Warning: you are leaving 1 commit behind, not connected to
any of your branches:

  150c1fb END added to file3

If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time
o do so with:

 git branch <new-branch-name> 150c1fb

Switched to branch 'master'
git reflog
76572a7 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from 150c1fbf5ea921087aa3535fabcdb0bdbab54d43 to master
150c1fb HEAD@{1}: commit: END added to file3
88ce744 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{5}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{6}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{7}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{8}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{9}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git log --graph --oneline --decorate
* 76572a7 (HEAD -> master, tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1

tree -ra -L 2 --charset ascii
|-- .gitignore
|-- .git
|   |-- refs
|   |-- packed-refs
|   |-- ORIG_HEAD
|   |-- objects
|   |-- logs
|   |-- info
|   |-- index
|   |-- hooks
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- description
|   |-- config
|   `-- branches
|-- file1
`-- dir1
    `-- file2

8 directories, 10 files
Notice that file2 is now also absent

If we list the files that are part of the repo:

git ls-files
We will see that we are back to the state where only file1 is present.

If, having reviewed the state of a commit (by checking it out), we decided that we wanted to roll back to this state and develop further (make additional commits), we are effectively deciding to start a new branch that splits off at that commit. See the section on Branching for more details on how to do that.

Syncing with a remote repository

When a project has multiple contributors, it is typical for there to be a remote repository against which each contributor can exchange their contributions. The remote repository comprises only the .git folder (and its contents), it never has a workspace. Files are never edited directly on the remote repository. Instead, it acts as a constantly available 'master' conduit between all contributors.

A remote repository can be anywhere that you have permission to at least read from. Obviously, if you also want to contribute your local commits to the remote repository, you also need write access to that location. If you entend to collaborate, then obviously the remote repository needs to be in a location that all users can access at any time.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a remote repository that is on the same computer as the above repository that we have been working on. Whilst not the typical situation, it does mean that an external location and account is not necessary to follow along with the tutorial. As previously mentioned, the actual location of the remote repository is almost irrelevant to how you interact with it. Therefore, whether the remote repository is on the same computer or elsewhere in the world makes little difference (other than permissions and connections).

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git reset --hard V.1
git clean -qfdx
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now

Lets start by creating a folder (as a sibling to Repo1) to contain the remote repository before creating a bare remote repository to house our project.

mkdir ~/tmp/RemoteRepo1
cd ~/tmp/RemoteRepo1
git init --bare
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/murray/tmp/RemoteRepo1/

Now that we have a remote repository - albeit empty at this stage - we return to our local repository and declare (add) the location of the remote repository using the git remote add <name> <url> command. In this command, an optional name can be supplied to refer to the remote repository (<name>). The compulsory <url> argument is the address (location) of the remote repository.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git remote add origin ~/tmp/RemoteRepo1

To see what this has achieved, we can have a quick look at the .git/config

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
cat .git/config
	repositoryformatversion = 0
	filemode = true
	bare = false
	logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
	url = /home/murray/tmp/RemoteRepo1
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
You should notice that there is now a 'remote' section with the name of 'origin' and the 'url' points to the location we nominated.


Currently the remote repository is empty. We will now push our local commit history to the remote repository. This is achieved via the git push -u <name> <ref> command. Here, <name> is the name of the remote repository ('origin') and <ref> is a reference the head of the commit chain we want to sync.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git push -u origin master
git reflog
To /home/murray/tmp/RemoteRepo1
 * [new branch]      master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
76572a7 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to V.1
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{7}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{8}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1


Retrieving a commit chain (pulling) from a remote repository is superficially the opposite of pushing. Actually, it is two actions:

  1. a fetch that retrieves the remote information and uses it to create a branch off your local repository (the name of this branch is made from the name of the remote and the branch that was fetched - e.g. origin/master).
  2. a merge that merges this branch into the main repository.
These actions can be performed individually, however, they are more typically performed together via the git pull command. Currently the remote repository is empty. We will now push our local commit history to the remote repository. This is achieved via the git push -u <name> <ref> command. Here, <name> is the name of the remote repository ('origin') and <ref> is a reference the head of the commit chain we want to sync.
cd ~/tmp/Repo1
git pull
Already up-to-date.

To get a better appreciation of how fetching, merging and pulling work, lets clone our repository into yet another local location (thereby mimicking the addition of a collaborator. This collaborator will then make a modification and push their changes back.

cd ~/tmp	  
git clone ~/tmp/RemoteRepo1 MyRepo1
Cloning into 'MyRepo1'...

And now for the modification

cd ~/tmp/MyRepo1	 
echo 'Something else' > file4
git add file4
git commit -m 'Added file4'
git push -u origin master
[master bf73dc9] Added file4
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 file4
To /home/murray/tmp/RemoteRepo1
   76572a7..bf73dc9  master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

If we now return to our original 'Repo1' local repository (assuming the personal or collaborator 1), our local repository is not up to date with the remote repository (not that we would necessarily know that). Prior to commencing any edits, it is advisable that we fetch (or pull) down any potential updates on the remote repository so that our copy is as close to the remote version before we start. We will fetch using the git fetch command.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1	 
git fetch
From /home/murray/tmp/RemoteRepo1
   76572a7..bf73dc9  master     -> origin/master
cd ~/tmp/Repo1	 
git log --oneline --graph --decorate
git reflog
* 76572a7 (HEAD -> master, tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1
76572a7 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to V.1
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{6}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{7}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{8}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

Now we merge this into the master branch.

cd ~/tmp/Repo1	 
git merge
Updating 76572a7..bf73dc9
 file4 | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 file4
cd ~/tmp/Repo1	 
git log --oneline --graph --decorate
git reflog
* bf73dc9 (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Added file4
* 76572a7 (tag: V.1) Modified file2, added .gitignore
* 88ce744 Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
* ec937de Initial repo and added file1
bf73dc9 HEAD@{0}: merge refs/remotes/origin/master: Fast-forward
76572a7 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to V.1
76572a7 HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to V.1
88ce744 HEAD@{5}: reset: moving to 88ce7
76572a7 HEAD@{6}: checkout: moving from master to Feature
76572a7 HEAD@{7}: commit: Modified file2, added .gitignore
88ce744 HEAD@{8}: commit: Modified file1 and added file2 (in dir1)
ec937de HEAD@{9}: commit (initial): Initial repo and added file1

Resolving conflicts

Git within emacs and RStudio

For this part we will create a new repository (I will call it Rrepo) and it will also be in ~/tmp. I will repeat many of the steps above, yet with a more R centric focus. The point will be to demonstrate interacting with git via emacs (using magit) and RStudio.

Note for RStudio, to work with a repository, it is necessary to create project. When doing so, a number of RStudio specific files (not related to git at all) are created - most of which are also added to the .gitignore file (and therefore not included in the repository). The R project file (ending in an extension of .Rproj) stores some project specific settings, yet is also required by RStudio to recognise that the folder is associated with a git repository. These various files are of no consequence to git or emacs.

Initial setup

Prior to beginning you will need:

  • A github, gitlab or bitbucket account (if you wish to push, pull and clone external repositories)
  • git installed on your computer (goto https://git-scm.com/downloads).

There are two ways to associate a project with a git repository:

  1. Create a new empty project (in a new folder) and indicate that this should also create a git repository
  2. Create a project from an existing git repository
To create a new empty project
  • Select New Project from the Project dropdown
  • Select New Directory followed by Empty Project
  • You need to nominate a new folder name and a path into which this folder (project) is to be created. Lets call the Directory name Rrepo within the tmp subdirectory in your home directory. Also make sure the Create a git repository checkbox is ticked.
  • Click the Create Project button
  • Click the Create Project button
To create a new project from a git repository
  • Select New Project from the Project dropdown
  • Select Version Control followed by Git
  • You will need to supply the URL for the github (or gitlab, bitbucket etc), repository. We also need to supply a folder name and path for the new local project that will be associated with the remote repository. Lets call the Directory name Rrepo within the tmp subdirectory in your home directory.
  • Click the Create Project button

Navigate to the ~/tmp folder and create a new folder called Rrepo. Then within emacs, issue the following command.

M-x magit-init
Typically this is bound to C-x g.

Adding files

Now we need to add some files. Obviously we could create any files here we will start by adding a single R script with a very small amount of content.

Add a new R script and enter a couple of lines of code and save the R script as analysis.R

Navigate to the ~/tmp folder and create a new folder called Rrepo. Then within emacs, create a file called analysis.R and populate it with the following contents:

C-x C-f analysis.R
C-c C-s

Git status

To monitor the status of files within a git repository, goto the Git tab

We can see here that there are three untracked (unstaged) files.

The main starting point for magit is:

C-x g
This will bring up the main status. We can see here that there are three untracked (unstaged) files.

Staging (adding) files to the local git repository

Click the checkbox next to each of the files you wish to Stage

The status of each file will change to an 'A' (to indicated that the files have been added).

From the magit status (C-x g), move the cursor to either a single file (to stage just that file) or to Untracked files (to stage them all) and enter one of the following:

sstage file
Sstage all files.
uunstage file
Uunstage all files.

Committing files to the local git repository

Click the Commit button. This will bring up the Review Changes window. This window will list the files to be committed, the diff (what has changed in the selected file between the current staged version and the previous committed version (if one exists), and a box for entering a Commit message. You should always enter a Commit message. Then click the Commit button.

You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

From the magit status (C-x g), move the cursor to either a single file (to commit just that file) or to Staged files (to commit them all) and enter c followed by another c.

ccommit changes
You will be presented with a COMMIT_EDITMSG and magit-diff window. The latter displays a diff of the files to be committed and in the former you should enter a commit message before typing C-c C-c.

Additional commits (following content changes)

To demonstrate how to perform some of the typical functions, we are going to need to make and commit multiple changes to the analysis.R file. Using a similar workflow to the above instructions for staging and committing, perform the following:

  • Modify and commit (with a commit message of 'Added summary for x') the analysis.R file to the following:
    x = seq(1, 10, len = 1)
    y = 40 + 2 * x + rnorm(10, 0, 5)
    plot(x, y)
  • Modify and commit (with a commit message of 'Added summary for y') the analysis.R file to the following:
    x = seq(1, 10, len = 1)
    y = 40 + 2 * x + rnorm(10, 0, 5)
    plot(x, y)

Viewing the log

Now that we have multiple commits, we might want to review the log of the repositories history.

From the Git panel, click the clock (History). This will bring up View Changes dialog box.

To top panel displays the git log (commits ordered from latest to oldest)
The bottom panel displays information about the files associated with the currently selected commit. For one of the files (in this case there is only a single file), it indicates the difference between the current commit and the previous commit (red background indicates a deletion and green background and addition).

You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

From the magit status (C-x g), enter the letter 'l' followed by 'l'.

lshow log

llog current
olog other
hlog HEAD
blog all branches
alog all references
rreflog current
Oreflog other
Hreflog HEAD

This will show the magit-log. Commits are ordered from latest to oldest.

Pressing RETURN on a commit will bring up the magit-revision in which the commit info and diff log is displayed for each file associated with the commit.

Alternatively, from magit-status, enter the letter 'l' followed by 'r'. This will bring up the magit-reflog.

Adding tags

Tagging a commit allows us to flag a certain point in the codes evolution as a milestone or version. This makes it easier to identify that commit from amongst the many other commits.

There are two types of tags:

  • lightweight tags: these are just a pointer to a specific commit
  • annotated tags: these tags are stored as full git repo objects - that is, they contain the date, name and email of the tagger and have an associated message.
  • As far as I know, there is no way to add tags directly from the RStudio GUI. It can be performed from the pure git commands in a shell however.

    From the Git panel, click the cog icon and select Shell from the dropdown menu.

    A terminal window will appear into which you can enter the following:

    git tag -a 'V.1' -m 'Version 1'
    The -a indicates that it is an annotated tag - one that is stored in full in the git database.
    The -m indicates the message associated with the commit

    If you then revisit the History or Diff, you will notice that the 'V.1' tag has been added to the HEAD commit.

    You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

    From the magit status (C-x g), put the cursor on a commit (HEAD) and enter the letter 't', ENTER over the --annotate option to activate it and then 't' again.

    • When prompted, provide a name for the tag. Lets call it 'V.1' (spaces are not permitted).
    • With RETURN again to place the tag on master (the default).
    • Finally, provide a message to associate with the tag ('Version 1' in this case). Finalize by C-c C-c

    Notice now that the magit window has a Tag listing.

    Rolling back to previous commits

    For the purpose of this demonstration, we will generate three new copies of the Rrepo. This will ensure that for each of the three rolling back options, we can start with the same history. So I will create RrepoA, RrepoB, RrepoC that are exact copies of Rrepo. This can be done by copying the Rrepo folder three times...

    cp -R ~/tmp/Rrepo ~/tmp/RrepoA
    cp -R ~/tmp/Rrepo ~/tmp/RrepoB
    cp -R ~/tmp/Rrepo ~/tmp/RrepoC


    Resetting moves the HEAD to the nominated commit.

    We will be working with RrepoA.

    As far as I know, there is no way to add tags directly from the RStudio GUI. It can be performed from the pure git commands in a shell however.

    From the Git panel, click the cog icon and select Shell from the dropdown menu.

    A terminal window will appear into which you can enter the following:

    cd ~/tmp/RrepoA	  
    git reset --hard 428a2
    HEAD is now at 428a27f Added summary for x
    The --hard indicates that HEAD should be taken back to the nominated commit.

    If you then revisit the History or Diff and click the refresh button (circular arrow), you will notice that the third commit is absent and HEAD is back on the second commit.

    You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

    From the magit status (C-x g), put the cursor on a commit (HEAD) and enter the letter 'X' followed by 'h' (for hard reset).

    When prompted, provide a name for the tag or commit. In this case we will use 428a2. With RETURN again to place the tag on master (the default).

    The reset can be confirmed by exploring the log or reflog


    Reverting reverses the past commit(s) so as to rollback to a previous state. It does so by adding a new commit that undoes the previous changes.

    We will be working with RrepoB.

    As far as I know, there is no way to add tags directly from the RStudio GUI. It can be performed from the pure git commands in a shell however.

    From the Git panel, click the cog icon and select Shell from the dropdown menu.

    A terminal window will appear into which you can enter the following:

    cd ~/tmp/RrepoB	  
    git revert HEAD
    [master e766804] Revert "Added summary for y"
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

    If you then revisit the History or Diff and click the refresh button (circular arrow), you will notice that the third commit is absent and HEAD is back on the second commit.

    You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

    From the magit status (C-x g), put the cursor on a commit (HEAD) and enter the letter 'X' followed by 'h' (for hard revert).

    When prompted, provide a name for the tag or commit. In this case we will use 428a2. With RETURN again to place the tag on master (the default).

    The revert can be confirmed by exploring the log or reflog

    And the reflog..


    Checking out allows you to review the state of the code at a particular commit.

    We will be working with RrepoC.

    As far as I know, there is no way to add tags directly from the RStudio GUI. It can be performed from the pure git commands in a shell however.

    From the Git panel, click the cog icon and select Shell from the dropdown menu.

    A terminal window will appear into which you can enter the following:

    cd ~/tmp/RrepoC	  
    git checkout 428a2
    Note: checking out '428a2'.
    You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
    If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
      git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
    HEAD is now at 428a27f... Added summary for x

    If you then revisit the History or Diff and click the refresh button (circular arrow), you will notice that the third commit is absent and HEAD is back on the second commit.

    You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

    From the magit status (C-x g), put the cursor on a commit (HEAD) and enter the letter 'b' followed by 'b'.

    When prompted, provide a name for the tag or commit. In this case we will use 428a2. With RETURN again the default.

    The checkout can be confirmed by exploring the log or reflog

    And the reflog..

    You might notice that there is no head..


    For this demonstration, we will work on a copy of Rrepo. Lets call the copy Rrepo1.

    cp -R ~/tmp/Rrepo ~/tmp/Rrepo1

    In this demonstration,

    • we will start a new branch (which we will call 'Experimental')
    • add and commit a change

    As far as I know, there is no way to add tags directly from the RStudio GUI. It can be performed from the pure git commands in a shell however.

    From the Git panel, click the cog icon and select Shell from the dropdown menu.

    A terminal window will appear into which you can enter the following:

    cd ~/tmp/Rrepo1
    git checkout -b Experimental
    Switched to a new branch 'Experimental'

    If you then revisit the History or Diff and click the refresh button (circular arrow) followed by the branch dropdown (initially this will say master with a small arrow head), you will notice that Experimental has been added to the list of branches.

    You can then close any lingering windows (not the main RStudio window obviously).

    Now if we make, add and commit a change (in this case add mean(x) to the end of the file)...

    Lets return to the master branch. This is done by clicking on the branch dropdown from the Git tab

    You will notice that the analysis.R file is altered to the state it had been in the master branch.

    We will now modify the analysis.R file and commit the changes (this time adding mean(y) to the end of the file.

    If we now explore the history and in particular, select (all branches) from the branch dropdown, we will see the relationship between the different branches.

    From the magit status (C-x g), put the cursor on a commit (HEAD) and enter the letter 'b' followed by 'c' (to create and checkout a new branch).

    • when prompted, provide a name where to start this branch (default master is fine).
    • then provide a name for the new branch (I decided Experimental in this case!)

    The branch can be confirmed by exploring the log

    And the reflog..

    Now if we make, add and commit a change such as the following (see last line of the file):
    and then review the log and reflog..

    Now lets return to the master branch by entering 'b' followed by 'b' and then selecting or entering master. Having switched to the master branch, make and commit another change (add mean(y) to the end of the file. Finally, examine the logs of all branches ('b' followed by 'a') to explore the relationship between branches.

    Synching with a remote repository